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The Most Exclusive Guess Papers Sade vaes MIS sso) MELE Te ae ee ey CONTACT US @ 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy ir J Mallian Kalan Sheikhupura Guess Paper Computer inter -I Q@.NO. 1 M.C.Q@ Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan 1_[ Aset of related records that represents a unit of data is (a) file ®) Record 0 Field ©) Database 2__[ The manipulated and processed data is calle a a) Object (®)| Information [(C) Data rm Norte 3_| The process of arranging data in a logical sequence is called: : (a) sorting (8) | summarizing [i [bata capturing [ion Classifying 4_[ Storage and retrieval of data is related to: (A) | Data capturing (8) data manipulation | cy] Manzemeoutrut py) None 5_[ Acollection of raw facts and figures is called: (A) Data (8) Information (o) Processinig: (or None 6 _| The smallest meaningful unit of data in a database is calle (a) Byte (5) Record (| __ chatacters, J.i6) Field 7_[ Which of the following type of file require largest processing time? Indexed sequential | seauentiat ite _|(s) | _Randomfite [ie] tte (| _ direct access fle 8_[ Which of the following may be a temporary tile? J a) Master file (®)[_ Transaction file [(Crp, @ackup fle _[(D)| __None of these 9. [ Acollection of related fields is: (al File (5) Record “LQ |——Datebase | (0) None 10 type requires largest processing time. (a) Random fle (8) | Direct accese'tile [()| sequential file [(O)| Index sequential file 11_| Which of the following may be temporary fils? | 1A) Master file (8) Datatiie = | {e)] Transaction file | (0) Program file 12 | logical grouping of characters is a: © } a) Filed 6) Record 0 File Im All 3B can store text only. <3 (a) Binary @ Text le Gl Exe file > Object file 14 | intextfile, datais stored in: a) asciicode “[(8)f=..Sinarycoce [ia] octaicode 110) Text code 15 | Which one of the followingtype‘G file requires largest processing time? Indexed sequential (a) |__seauentiausiia J (8) f —_Randomtile | 1) file (oy|__ direct access tle 16 [ inrelational database, &singla'piece of information is called: (Al Field. F(8) Record (2) Entity (>) Attribute 17 | Data can be recavered ih case of loss by using: (a) Taster file (8)[ Transactonfie [i] sackup fle | (0) Data fle 18 | A database containing all students in a class would store basic data of students ir (A) Record (®) Filed (0 Cell rm File 19,,| Which file is used to store information that remains constant for a long time: (A) Bata file ()[ Mester file [(c)| Transaction file | (D) Backup file 20 | The extension of image file is: a) ox! (@) doc Gl bmp > ppt Which of the following represents a collection of concepts that are used to describe the structure of a 21 | database? (Al [__Datawarehouse [(@)] _Datamodel _[(Q)] _Datastructure | (0) Data type 22 | Which of the following data model is more flexible? Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 2 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan (a) | Network data mode! | (8) Hierarchical ae lo Relational date (0) | object data mode! 23 | Adatabase is an organized collection of........ related data ) Logically (Physically (0) Loosely (o Badly 24 | Which of the following database model is also referred an inverted tree? a) Hierarchal (6) Network (| _ Relational __[(0) Objet, 25 | which one refers to the correctness and consistency of data? (A) | Data independence [(8)|_Data integration [(C)] Dataintegrty [(D) ‘Qatamode 26 | Data inconsistency is a caused by: 5 1A) Organized data (B)] integrated data] (C)| Independent data _| (D)] ~~, Redundpnt data 27 | Multiple copies of the same data is referred to as: . @ Data integrity (8) | Data inconsistency [(@) | vata redundancy «[t0) | =, Date isolation 2a | Satie a(nl: ' Object oriented (4) |_ unstructured ianguage_| (8) | structured language | (C) language (o Software 29 | SQt stands for: p (8) | Sor-duenrtist OJ isnamge [tO] savegame 30_| Insert command is used to insert: al Anew table (®)| _Anewrecord [I] | <-Aview> [(O)] Dependencies, 31_| CREATE command is used to create a: S (al Table (5) View iP, “.Report (0) ‘Query 32 | An attribute is also known as a: ; 1A) Table (8) Relation HO Row 1) Field 33 | Acategory of data or information that describes an entity is,called a(n): a) Attribute (| datanem s 110 Record 0) Tuple 34 | The row of relation canbe of... orden © J a) Any (8) sane, = [I Sorted ©) Constant 35 | Arelation is analogous to a: : (al Table (6) Field (a Record (0) Row 36_| Which of the following Is degree.of a table? Total number of Total number of Total number of foreign (a) | Total number of rows_| (8) columns . cells (0) keys 37_| The row of table is alsoalled ~~ al Entity Teer [= arrribates 0 Call 0) Record 38 | Arelation is also knawn ait (al Teble: ‘fs. Tuple {| _ felationship | (0) Attribute 39 | The columns of a table correspond to: (a) Tabla, a (8) Record 0 Field (0) Cell 40 entity? Oy Person (8) Object Concent 2) ation 41_| Which of the following is used to associate enti ne another? ) Entity ()] Attribute Identifier | (D) Relationship 42:|] lit MS Access, table contains: Oy Fields (®) Record (O] Character (0) File 43 | Sal is ised for: (a) | data definition (8) | Data manipulation | (¢) Pewesteten and | (p) | searching records 44_| Views are also called: (aj | compiextables Te) [simple tabies_ [i] virwaltabies [ (0) ‘Actual tables Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 3 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan 45 | To find all names start with M from student table, the criteria is: 1A) Like “M?" (8) Like "M—” 12 Like “Mi” (0) Like “M*"” 46 | Avirtual table that is constructed form other tables is called: (a) Tuple (6) Table 2 View (0) Report 47 | The foreign key is found in: 1a) Parent table (8)] Dependent table _[(c) Pivot table (0D) Inde table 48 | Atable must have: i? al Primary key (6)[ Secondary key [(€)] Composite key | (0) Sort ke 49 | Akey that consists more than one attributes Is called: * a) Foreign key (®)[ Compose cey [(Q] _Primarykey [(D)]. =. Control key 50 | The selected candidate key is called: “* ) Foreign key (8)| Composite key _[()] _Primery key} (0) Sort key 51 | Which of the following is also known as control key? a) Sort key (8)| _Compostekey [(Q| candidate ney [ty] _Primary key 52 key does not hold uniqueness property . 1A) Foreign (8) Candidate (o) Pritnairy os, (D) ‘Secondary 53_| Atable must have. a) Primary key (8)[ Secondary key [(] Composite xkey. | (0) Sort key, 5a_| Foreign key is found int : ; (al Parent table (8)[_Dependenttable [()] ~ Pvoptable | (0) Index table 5S_| How many primary keys can a relation have? - al ‘Atleast once (6) Oniyone fe) ] No limit (0) Three 56 | Which of the following keys does nat hold uniqueness property? a) Foreign key (®)[ Composite key | (CK |.» Primarykey | (O)] Secondary key 57 | All the hardware costs are considered during? analysis i 58 | An entity related to itself in an ERD model refers to; One ta:riany Many-tomeny (a) | Recursive relationship _| (8) |.“ relationzhip’ _| (c) relationship (0) | One-to-one relationship 59 | In ERD model, the relationship between'two entities is represented by a: (A) Diamond symbol (8). Rectangélar box | (C) Oval symbol (D) Line 60 _| InaneE-R diagram, a rectangle represents a(n): (al Entity Frey] ateribute {O] Relationship _[ (0) None 61 is used to define cligracteristics of an entity/object. (a) Object.” -J (B) Attributes {o) Records () Files 62 | Inan€E-R diagram, a diemond represents a(n): a) Attributes 8) [__ Relationship (0) Entity (0) Modality 63 | in ERD model, the relationships between two entities are represented by: 1A) Rectangle, (8) ‘Oval 19. ‘Square 1) Diamond 64 | Custoriers; cars and parts are examples of: a) enti (| attribute [(Q] cardinals [()| __elationships 65..| Whiehrone's not related to an entity? 1A) Pérson (8) Concept. 12 ‘Action (>) Object 66 | Color of caris an example of: (A) Entity, (8) Attributes {o) Relation (D) Relationship 67 | Which one of the following is used to associate entities with each other? (A) ‘Attributes (®)|__Relationship __[(C) Entities, (P)|_Cordinale/identifior 68 | An entity related to itself in an ERD model refers to relationship: a) Recursive (8)] onetomany [(Q)] Many tomeny | (0) One to one Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 4 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan 69 | relationship between countries and capitals is an example of relationship: A) One-to-one (8) | Oneto.Many [(C)] ManytoMany | (D) Many-to-One 70_| Which of the following defines the nature of the relationship? (a) Modality (8) | decisionree [iq] sothase | (0) None 71 | Which of the following keys does not hold uniqueness property? (al Candidate key (B)] Foreign key L(G] Primarykey | (D) Secondary key 72_| in hybrid distribution which kind of fragments are stored at only one site: Ze (A) | Critical Fragments (8) hone (| ret pane (0) | Oniytarge fragments 73_| Which of the followingis not a basic data distribution strategy? a) Centralized ()[ Partitioned [()]__Replicated__—| (0) [Duplicated 74 | Database development process involve mapping of conceptual data model into: Object oriented data Network data Implementation 5 a) model (5) model © model (0) | Hierarchical deta model 75 | in 3NF, which form of dependency is removed? @) Functional (8)[_Non-functional [(Q)] Associative. J-(D) Transitive 76_| in relational database, a table is also called a: _ (al Tuple (8) Relation 9 File (0) Schema 77_ | in 3NF, a non-key attribute must not depend on a(n}: A) Non-key attribute (8) Key attribute (C)] “Composite hey | (0) Sort key 78 | Different attributes in two different tables having same name areeferred to as: (al ‘Synonym (8)] _Homonym [4.3 Actonym (0) |_ Mutually exclusive 79 | Every relation must have a: f (Al Primary key (8) | cancidate key Tt. secondary key _[ (0) [__ Composite key 80 _| Transitive dependency is removed in: (A) Astnormalform —_[(B)] 2nd normalform [(C)] 3rdnormalform | (D)] 4th normal form 81. | The goal of normalization is to: ineregse ‘ Increasing enomalies (A) | Increase (8) | inconsistetiey, “.” | (€) | Get stable (O)) gotactructure redundandy. 82 | Two or more attributes having differént names but same a) Homonyms (8). Aliases {| __ Synonyms (0) [Alternate attributes 83 | in 2NF, which form of dependencyis témoved? 1A) Functional [tay Partial 1 ‘Associative (0) Transitive 84 | Referential integrity is appliod (al Foreign key... [(B)] Composite key [(@)] _Primarykey | (D) Sort key 85_| Aprimary key that consists of.two or more attributes of a relation is called: @ Sort Key. Yer] cancidate key [10 Sub key (| __ Composite key 26 | Microsoft accéss saves the database with the extension: (al mab (e) msdb 0) madb (0) None of them 87 _| Whigh sfiortcut KeVfis used to open an existing database in MS Access? (al Sere PN, (6) canes iC curi+0 (0) cun+z 88 | -itmakés very simple to create a database: (Ay | SSampledatabase | (8) {0 Common standard [(D)| Easier programming 89 | 15 Access saves the database (a) mbdg (6) ppt (0) mab 90 | in relational database, a table is called: al Tuple (8) Relation o File (0) Scheme 91 | Aset of related files created and managed by a DBMS is called: (a) Field (8) Record (© Database (0) Module Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Call # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 5 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan 92 | Adatabase consists of various components called the: A) Too! (8)[ Properties L() Entitios (0) Object 93 | Which of the following object of database is used to retrieve data from database? (al ‘Queries (5) Forms io Reports (0) Tables 24 | The output of a query is inthe form of a: al Table (8) Form 9 Report (0) Query; 95 | Which of the following object is used to retrieve data from database and present in a formatted away? 7,” (al Report (8) Form ©) Table (0) suey 96 | Arecord Is a complete set of ..... field. S a) Distinet (Related [GQ] Designed | (O)] =. Allafthem 97 | in access, the structure of a table is created in ...... view. = l Design view (8) | Datasheetview [(] BothAas | (0) None of them 98 | Which objectis the output of a database application? a) Form ®) ‘Query Gl Table wil Report 99 | Adatabase consists of various components called: ~ a) Tools (8)[ Properties (0) Entities. | (D) Objects 100 | Which objectis used to store data in database? (a) ‘Macro (6) Table o Fort (0) Report 101 | The output of the query isin the form of: s : ww Table (8) Form o) Report (0) Query 102 | A request for information form a database in database tert i Al Report (6) Letier Ley Table (0) ‘Query 103 | Which of the following is not a database object? : al Table (e) Query (co Report (0) MS Word 104 | The example of popular DBMS is: (al MS Word (8) MS Ateéss.) = [.1) MS Excel (2) MS PowerPoint 105 | The graphical query tool is known as: 5 w) Query grid (8)|__esignerid.* || _Query form _| (0) Design form 106 | in a relational database, a single piece af information is called: (A) Field (8) “Record (¢) Entity (0) ‘Attribute 107 | The degree of relation refersto the number of: (al Rows (8) ‘Tables iC) Field (0) Colurans 108 | Each set of related itenis ina tableis called: al Table ‘Ttey[ Record 0 Field (0) ‘Query 109 | The data in table is entered in (al Design view “._f.(8) Normalview | (c)|__batasheet view _| (D) Layout view 110 | How many table views are available in Microsoft access? taf a Te) 3 (0) 2 (0) 1 111 | As in design view, YoU can move from field to field in the table window in datasheet view using ...... button. (al Tab) (8) sc i Enter (0) spacebar 1112 | ......1 table views are available in Microsoft Access. (a) Su (8) 2 9 3 (p) 4 113 || Forfind.a four character name that starts with H, the criteria is specified as: (al Hea (8) Ha 9 Heer? (0) Ha 114 | what's the default field size of a Text data type in MS-Access? ww) 2 (8) 5 [ 20 (0) 50 115 | Which data type is default type in Access? (al Memo (8) Number (0) Text (0) ‘Auto number 116 | Create command is used to create: Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Call # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 6 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan w) Table (8) View o Report (o) ‘Query 117 | Every table must have a: oy Foreign key (8)] Composite key [(Q] Primarykey | (0) Sort key 118 | Which data type can be used to define afield that consists of only numbers to be used in calculations? a) Text (8) Memo o Number (o) Dateftime 119 | Which of the following buttons of find and replace dialog box is clicked to start the search propegé? Ww Find (] _findnext _[(C) Search (0) Not J) 120 | Which view is used to add, edit or delete record from table? (a) Record view (| datasheetwew [ia] besignview [io Eityiew 121 | The column of a table corresponds to: “ Table (@) 2 Record i) 122 | Which symbol indicates that you are « ? = a) Pencil ()] Slack errow 110) Key (0) Asterisk 123 | Which key is used to move field to field in table window in datasheet view? (al Tab) (8) Esc 1 Enter my] Spacebar 124 | How many types of relationship? i (A) 2 (8) 3 (c) 4 (o) 5 The rule that a record from a table cannot be deleted if it’s associated record exits in a related table is called 225 rule. (A) | Referential integrity [(B)| Entity-relationship [(@)] “Normialiation | (0) Allof them 126 | The relationship between countries and their capitals is an.example of......... relationships. a) One-to-one (®)| _One-to.many Fler] Manytormany [(D)] None of therm 127 | What commands required to actually execute a iter onvatable? @) Removefiter_](B)] __Appiyfilter_[()] 4 Cleargrd | (0) Find next 128 | which fiitering method allows you to use dataina field as citerion for filtering? (Al Filter by form (8) Applvfiters |] () Clear grid (0) Find next 129 | Which of the following is an example of #fltér by form expression? (a) ‘Abdullah (8) Liss = T10) HORS (o) None 130 [ What is Zto A order called? (a) ascending (6) [Descending [ty] condescenaing (0) ‘Alphabetical 131 | The Sort Ascending button will: (Orderalfrecords Order all records _saréverse Filter out selected al alphabetically (8)[~atphabericatly | () records (0) | delete selected records 132 | The wildcard... Sallellma. Oo Seleema | (8) Salima (O] Bothage | (0) None of them 135 | The graphically query tool's known as: (al ueygid ——J[48)] design gid [QT Queryiorm 10), View form 136 | How many query viewis are available in Ms Access? (al 2 (8) 3 (C 4 (0) 5 137 | To finda name that start with S, the criteria is written as: (A) “Sa? (8) se (¢) 2s (0) s* 138, {sued to retrieve data from one or more tables. (al Macro (e) Table 0 Query (0) Form 139 | Forms are designed for: al Input data (8) [Manipulate data_[(c)] Accepting change_| (D) Allof them 140 | How many are basic layouts of forms in Microsoft access? (al 2 (6) 3 0 4 (0) 5 141 | The forms are the........ end of our database in Microsoft access. (al Back (8) Front OL Bothaes [io None of these Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 7 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan 142] A. auto form displays one record ata time. 1A) Tabular (8) Columnar 1 Datasheet (2) lustified 143, ‘auto form displays one record at atime. (a) Columnar (| tober [1 oatasieet [10 Justified 144 | The forms are designed to: (a) Data capturing (8) | Data manipulation [ (C) ‘Analysis (0) | Managing output result 145 | How many form layouts are provided by MS Access? i? a) 2 (8) 3 © a ©) 5 146 | A form that contains a sub form Is called: * a) Form (| Maintorm [10 Report (Ys chitorm 147 | A form within another form is called: “s al Sub-form ®) Main form 0 Multiform 1B None 148 | Asub form can be created using: Drag and drop (al Theformwizard | (B) method, (0) | Sub form wizards. |-(0) All of these 149 | Which of the following is a one-to-many relation? Person-Date of (a) Student-Reg no. (8) | Mother-Daughter_| (¢) bireh (0) Country-Capital 150 | Areport may be based on: (A) Table (8)|__ Relationship (0 | form (0) ‘Attributes 1151 | How many reports layouts are? vs (a) 2 ®) 3 ol 4 >) 5 152 | Which of the following is used to retrieve data from database and’represent it to the user in a formatted way? fA) Form (8) Query to} Table (o) Report 153 | A form that contains the sub form is called: a Form (8) Main form.) (0) Report Dy) None of them 154 | You can drag the ....... bar to move the property.sheet window around on your screen. (a) Title bar (8) | __ statusbar. [10 Scroll bar (0) Allof them 155 | A report provides a column for each field of the records in rows under the column header is known as: a Tabular (BL Columiac” Ti [ Datasheet (0) Justified 156 can be previewed on thé screen before printing. (a) Report (8) Form Cl ‘Sud form (0) None of them Which of the following is used to retrieve data from one or more tables of database and to present it to the 157 | user in a formatted way? --.. A) Report ‘Ley Form 9 Query (0) Table 158 | How many are the fayout of report? al 2 [ee 3 0 a (0) 5 159 | Cisa: aa (A) | tligh level language] (B) | Low level language [| (C)] Assembly language |(D) | Machine language 160 | C was designed to write programs for: ‘Windows operating Solaris operating ‘Unik operating (A) “Systern, (B) system (o system (0) |_05/2 operating system 161 | C-language was developed (ar & 1962 (8) 1969 (0 1970 (0) 1972 362 | Turbb Cr+ can compile Turbo C programs Turbo C++ programs (| cur programs only [(8) | Cand c++ programs | (C) only 0) only 163 | exe file is produced by th (al Linker (8) Loader 0 Compiler (0) Interpreter 164 | which of the following key is used to save a file? Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 8 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan (a) Fa (8) Fa 0 FS (0) fs 165 | The extension of € source program i (al h (8) € © bj (0) exe, 166 | The process of converting source code into object code is knows as: (al Compiling @)] — becuting 110 Linking (0) Saving 167 | C statement end with a: oF 2 a) Period (8) ‘Comma 2 Colon (0) ‘Semiesion, 168 | C-Language programs are divided into units calle al Section (8) syntax 0 Function (0) Debug 169 | The statements written by programmer are calle @ Source code (®)] _ Sbjecteode (0) Syntax {oy]. eb uaging 170 | The target code produced by the compiler is a (al Object code (8)| sourcecode [(Q | tibrary cove |] (0) Linked code 171 | The output of the compiler is called: (al Library code (8)| _Sourcecode (| _linkedcode [iy] Object code is a loop statement. . if (8) ihelse 9 Swit (0) For 173 | Preprocessor directives are commands for: (A) | Microprocessor | (B) | Language processor [(Q)] > 180 | The extension of the header file (A) ‘ Ley be @ af ©) h 181 | A table is a two.dimensignal structure that consists off (a) |__xandy coorajnates™ [¢s)} matrixelements [(c)|_Rowsand columns | (D)| Intersection of data 182|| Stdiowh stands for; > Symbolic input (a) | standard input outsut_} (8) output (| simple input output | (b) | _ string input output 183 | Debigis the process of: Creating bugs in Identifying and al programm (8)|_removingerrors_] (C)|_Icentifying errors | (0) |_ Removing errors “124]| Aeprogram syntax error is detected by: (a) Linker (8) Compiler 9 Loader (0) Debugger 185 | Which Of the following language requires no translator to execute the program: (a) c (8) ce tc] Machine tanguage [10) [Assembly language 186 | The lowest level of programming language Is: a) ava (8) | Assembly language | (C) Pascal (0) on 187 | Which of the following is not a low level language? Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Call # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 9 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan w) BASIC (8) Machine to] Assembly [toy] None of these 1188 | Which of the following language requires no translator to execute the program? oy c (5) cr {€)] Machine fenguage [(O)] Assembly language 189 | Which of the following is also known as control key? a) Foreign key (8) compostexey Tia] rrimarykey To) Sort key 190 | Variables are created in: Z 3 a) RAM (8) ROM 2 Hard disk (0) cache 191 | Variable and constant names cannot contain a(n): (A) Number (8) Underscore {o Letter (oD) Period 192 | The total number of keywords in C i: “ 30, (8) 32 o 3a fy]. 36 193 | in G, the maximum length of text name = (a) 25 characters (8) 255 characters, {o) 155 character (o) 55 characters 1194 | A memory location with some data that can be changed is called: 1A) Constant (8) Variable 10 [_Named constant. (YT None 1195 | Which of the following is a valid character constant? (A) A (8) B (c) 6 (o) = 196 | Which is a valid character constant? @) A (8) “Helio” Ole To = 197 | The maximum length of text type field in MS Access is: 7 (al SO characters (8) | 250 characters [fey J. 155 éharacter _[ 10) 255 character 198 | Which of the following data type offers the highest precision? (A) Float (8) Long int {) tong double (b) Unsigned long int When the result of the computation of two very small numbérs is too small to be represented, this 199 | phenomenon is called: Arithnieticy | | (a) |__ Arithmetic overflows _| (B) underfiow: fo Truncation (0) Round off 200 | How many bytes the float data type takes in'memory? al 2 (8) “3 “bo 4 (0) 8 201 | Which term describes the kind af'values that.a variable can store? (a) Variable Name (8) Data type tO] Variable type | (D) Variable size 202 | The number of bytes used by int data type in C is? al 8 wy “6 1 4 (0) 2 203 | Number of bytes used by long doublé data type is: (A) 4 Te 3 (2 10 (0) 2 204 | The data type in € that'can handle fractional values is called: (A) Long (B) Char (Cc) Float (0) int 205 | Which is numeric data typé with decimal point? (A) Float = (8) Int (2 Char (0) Long 206 | Int isn. in Ce (Al _ Speclal.wore (5) key word (2) Cut word (2) First word 207 | the symbol = represents: Tr Assignment (aj. “Comparison operator_| (8) operator (c)|_Equat wooperator_| (0) | __None of these 208 | Which of the following operators has lowest precedence? (a) \ (8) + (a = (0 209 | Relational operator is used to: Construct Establish a relationship Compare two compound Perform arithmetic (a) | among variables | (8) values (| conditions __| (0) operations Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 10 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan 210 | The logical not operator denoted by !, (A) Ternary operator _|(B)| _Uniary operator _| (C)| Binary operator _| (D) Bitwise operator 2it | a += bis equivalent to: (a) b (8) as a azarb (o) b=bra 212 | The only binary operator in the following is: (A) 2 (B) ++ () - (D) bots 213 | Which operators are used to join two or more conditions? i? (a) Relational (8) Logical (o) Assignment (0) ‘Tamparison 214 | Relational operators allow you to ......... values. * ) Compare (8) ‘Add (O] __Muttisy [ov]. Divide 215 | When a relational expression is false, it has the value: ws, (A) Zero (8) One (co) Less than zero (by Two 216 | a+=bis equivalent to: @) besa (6) a= oO a=a4b, iy b=bia 217 | The symbols that perform operations on data are called: . (a) ‘Syntax (8) Operand (9 Operators. | (D) ‘Operation code 218 | The symbol “=” represents: (a) Comparison ()] Assignment 110 Equalto (o) Logical 219 | All ofthe following are logical operators except? : : a) NOT (8) AND 2 OR (o) = 220 | The value of the C expression 5/9*2 is: - a) 027 (5) ait il 9 (0) 2 221 | Which of the following is equivalent to (p>=q)? ~ (a) Pea (8) peal (cy pa (0 pea 222 | Which operator has lowest precedence? (A) ! (5) #2 The = (0) = 223 | This means to increase a value by one: é (a) Modulus (8) increment™.._* | (C) Decrement (0) None of these 224 | The value of logical operator OR withbe.l if. (A) ‘A=0 & Bat (B) ‘Aad & B=5 (o) ‘A=1 &B=1 (0) Allof these 225 | Logical operators are: cM NOT (8) AND o OR (D) All 226 | For A = 4 and B =4 which expression evaluates as true? «a AaB Te are 9 AB (0) xB 227 | The expression p>=qis eq a pea | (c p=0-q (0) epg An expression that uses a relational operator is known as: (@)]___sequentiat__ [10 Seal PD) Relational os ‘An expression constant of: a) Sperators (8) Operand oO] _sohaas | (0) None 230 | The escape sequence for backslash is: (a) A (8) \b o) \ (0) At 231.| The format Specifier %u is used for: (8) | meger (B)] Unsigned short [()] Unsigned float] (D)] Unsigned long int 232 | In C program, the number of columns that are printed are specified in: (A) | Format specifior | (8) | Field width specifier | (€) | Formatting integers | (D) BothARB 233 | Escape sequence \\is used to print: (a) New line ()] —_Backslash —_‘(C) Space (0) Tab 234 | ASCII code for a character is displayed using format specifier: Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 11 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan (A) %d, (8) Sh {0 Se {o) x. 235 | The escape sequence for carriage return is: (A) \a (8) \c (o) \r {o) \t 236 | The function that is used to display output on screen is called: (Al Print (8) Scant GC Pow (0) Display 237 | How many variables can be used in one printf function? oF SS (al ‘One (8) Two (0) Ten (0) Many 2 238 | Format specifier starts with symbol: (al % (6) 3 o # (0) 239 | Which escape sequence can be used to begin a new line in C? (a) \ (8) Ne (0) \m cy \n 240 | Which of the following is not a valid escape code? - (A) At (8) \ (2) it (o) L 241 | Which of the following format specifier is used for float data type? (a) %e (8) %d_ (G) %f, (by Ss. 242 | Print) is a: a al Keyword (8)[_Buittinfunction [(@)] tocdlfuiition | (D)] User defined function 243 | The format specifier % is used for: @ Integer (8) | Unsigned short [(Q)] Nested if 260 | inif statement, false is represented by: a) 0 (6) a 0 z (o) 3 261 | Which of the following is used for making two way decisions? 5 (al if (®) If else tO] _Nesteaif___[ (0) ‘Switch 262 | Which keyword isnot used in switch statement? : a) Default (6) if oO Case (0) Stitch 263 | Switch statement isan alternative of: “ if (8) false (| _Nested— [Wh]. “Nested ~if—ee 268 | The last statement of each case blockin switch () structure must be: - a) Default (5) If else 2 Break ©) Ese 265 | The case block in switch () structure ends with: (al End select (8) Break Gl End case my] Case alse 266 | Which of the following is called counter loop? a ()[ Nestedit—else (8) if-else 2 For iced (>) Wihile loop 267 | The conditional operator is used as alternative to: a) if (@®) If=else (O| ciaakeit=eise (0) Switch 268 | Another term for a conditional operator i : a) Ternary () Binary iG Byte rm IReration 269 | Conditional operator takes: a) ‘One operand (®)[ _twoonerancs [(@ | Three operators_[(0)| Four operands 270 | Which operator is called a ternary operator? A) if (8) mn IC} 2 Dy 0 271 | How many types of loop structures are présent? | a 1 (6) = To 3 © a 272 | One execution of a loop is known as a(n}: : (a) Test (®)[ iterations [10 Duration > Intager 273 | Aloop that never ends is called! " (a) Infinite loop (®)] Running oop [(Q] _Nestedloop _[(D)| Continuous loop 274 | One iteration of loop is known ag Al Iteration [ey P= Suration 0 cycle 0) Repetition 275 | In while loop, the loop control yatable is always initialized: mon Inside the loop Outside the body oF (4) | outside the prdigram | (8) body (a Attertoopends | (0) loop 276 | While loop is algo calledy ~~ (Al Conditional loop.” [(B)] __Wendlcop _[(c)] Counter loop | (D) None 277 | nna lOop structure aliways executes at least once? a) Nested (6) FOR a While 0) Do While 278 | in which leap the condition comes after the body of the loop? (al forty (6) While () ([ _do-whie) [10 Nested for] 273:| which Of the following loop is available in C language? (8) Fs while-wend ) Fornext (| Sequence | (0) Do-while 220 | semicolon is placed at the end of condition in: @) Switch (®) Forloop _[(@)| while loop _[()| __Dowhile loop 28:1 | The Do-while loop structure always ends with: a) ‘Comma ()| semicolon [10 Colon ©) Brace 282 iterates at least once if condition is false Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 13 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan w) While loop (®)| _Dowhileioon [1 Forloop (0) Allof these 283 | in for statement, the expression is executed only onc a) Validation (®)[ _initaization —_[(@) Test > Condition 24 | What is the final value of x after executing the following code for (Int x=0; x<,10; xt+)? a) 8 6) 9 iC) 10 Dy a 225 | ifyou want a user to enter exactly 20 values which loop would be the best to use? Af ® Al While ()] _dewnile 1) Tafinite (2) FOR 286 | Which one isthe loop structure? a) if (6) irelse (o Switch for 287 | What is the final value of Lafter executing the following code for(int i=; i fA) 7 (8) S (9) 6 ws, 9 288 | Aloop within a loop is called: - a) Complex (6) Nested Gl infinite > for 289 | Which is loop statement? 1A) if (8) fake Gl ‘Switch my] For 290 | Prinef()is a: : User defined (| euittinfunction _[(@)] function (| Localfiinetian. | (0) Keyword 291 | A built-in function: ‘Cannet return a (A) |_ Cannot be redefined _| (B)]_Canbe redefined _| (¢) “vélue (D) | _ Should be redefined 292 | Another name for built-in function is: User-defined | i (AL |__tibrary function | (8) function {gj |:Arithimetic function | (0) Allof these 293 | A type of function written by the programmer is known a. (al User-defined (8) [sub programs’, [(c]_ subroutines [ (0) _suilt-in function 294 | The first line of user-defined function is: : (al ‘Arguments (8) Header =. (0) Prototype (0) Calling 295 | Function prototypes for built-in functions are specified in al Source files (s) | reader tes Ti] ovject ties (0) Image files 296 | in aC program, two functions can have. ta) [same nae (0) sine patsetes [ter] Se porameter | ©] Geen: parameters 297 | Multiple arguments to 4 fufition are separated by: Al Period Teer colon 0 Commas 0) Semicalon 298 | in C Language, the first ling of function definition is known as: (al | Functionheader. “E(6).f Function body [tq] Arguments | (0) Parameters 299 | A function that does notreturn any thing has return type: (al Nothing 2 [(B) Float [C Void (0) Null '300 | Which statement is used by a function to return a value? (al Give (8) Send © Return (0) Call 301 | Function teclacation is also known as function (al ‘Definition (8) Header iC Prototype (0) Parameters 302,| Which of the following looks for the prototypes of functions used in a program? (A) Pe tinker (8) Loader 9 Compiler (0) Parser 303 | Which of the following is true about a function call? Stops the execution of Transfers control to Transfers control to Resumes the execution 19) | theprosram 191] thecal function |] themainuncton | | ofthe program 304 | Memory is allocated to a local variable at the time of its: (al Declaration (8)[ destruction [1 Definition (0) First reference Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 14 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan 305 | Local variable are also called: (A) | _Automaticvariable | (8) | _ Static variable | (€) | Register variable | (D) | _ Run time variable '306 | The scope of a variable refers to its: (al Length (6) Name CQ] _Accessiviity | (0) Data yoe 307 | Memory allocated to a local variable at the time of its: (a) Declaration (8)| Destruction _] (2) Definition (0) Firdt reference 308 | Global variables are created Z (a) RAM (6) ROM (@] _raeonk | 10) cathe 309 | A function can return ........value. ‘ w) 1 (8) 2 © 3 (ory. A 310 | The name of actual and formed parameters: ‘May or may not be : a) same (8) | Must be same _| (¢)]_Must be different ‘| (D) | “Mist Be in lowercase 311 | Formal arguments are also called: (AL [|__Actual arguments | (B) | Dummy arguments | (C)] Original arguments, [(D)|” Referenced arguments 312 | files stored in: w RAM [Harddisk [10 ROM, Cache 313 | The character conversion may oceurin: (A) Text stream (8) Binary stream (o) Input stcearty i} Output stream 314 | A sequence of characters from an input device to computer iscailled: a) Input stream (| Textstream L(Q. Binarystream (0) Output stream 315 | Which of the following mode open only an existing file for both reading and writing: rm oe Ole tel Te oa 316 | fopen() function takes parameters. a) fi (8) 2 ia) 3 ©) 4 317 | On successfully closing a file, the fclose() returns: | (al NULL (e) Otero 10) Ione) (0) FILE pointer 318 | On successful closing a file, the felose() returns, (A) Null (8) 9 (Zero) {c) 1(One) (o) File pointer 319 | Which mode opens only an existing file for both reading and writing? a) w" (By Awe 0 a (0) “ae” 320 | Which of the following functions is Used to read character from a file? (a) gete() (0) putet) @ fputsl) (0) fgets) 321 | Which of the following furiction is used to write string to a file? a) eet) 6) puted ia) puts 0) feets0) 322 | An array subscript should be: (Al Int) 16 Float (o) double (2) ‘An array 323 | Which of the following éheracteris used to mark the end of the string? a) 10 6) 10 o ‘a ©) in 324 | Which of the following functions is used to write a string toa file? (a) patel) (®) ute (2) Fputs() (0) Facts) QUESTION NO. 2 1._Define data, Define information. 2, Describe data capturing 3.__Describe data manipulation Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 15 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan 4. What is meant by reproduction? S._What is fle? 6. _List the file types from usage point of view. 7.__What is master fle? '&.__Lst the filetypes from function point of view. 9. Define program file with example. 10. What smeantby file organization? 1 Dierentate between ane fle snd aneacion 12, Define database. 13._List different objectives of the database. 14, Define data integration. 15. Define data integrity f 16. Enlist different types of database mode's. 17. Describe network model ear 18. Write any two objectives of database management | 19. Write any two advantage of database management system. system, . 20._List down any two features of DBMS. 21. Define data dictionary. 22. State the use of query language. 23. Why is report generator used nGatabase system? 24. What is the purpose of backup and recovery? 25. Define field : 26. Define the term table or relation 27. Enlist 4 different properties. of alation. 28, Define entity 29. Give example of entity. 30. Differentiate between parent table and child table. 31. Write downthie.basic pulpove of using views, 32,_Define indexes. 33._What is key? 34,_List different types of keys. 35,_ Define primary key. '36._Define secondary key. 37. Definealteniate key. 38. Define composite key. 39. Define foreign key. 40, Differentiate between secondary key and primary key. | 4** fae prtween Candidate Key and Primary 42,_Distinguish between primary key and foreign key. Define end user 44, Whois a data administrator? Whdiisia database administrator? 46._ Write the purpose of feasibility study. Fi efile the term analysis. 48__What is the importance of project planning? > Which activities are involved in data analysis 50. What is meant by data modeling? Define entity or object. 52, Define an attribute. Give an example. Define relationship. as eae lala between elation end.) "7 ]'s8. How relation is formed in database? 56_Name of any two types of relationship. S_| 57. Give one examples of one-to-one relationship. 58,_Define cardinality. 59. Define modality 60,_Differentiate between cardinality ahd modality. 61. Write the use of ER diagram. 62,_ What is meant by entity integrity 63._ How is entity integrity attained? 64,_What is meant by referential integrity? 65. Explain normalization 66._Define synonym Z 67._Define homonym: 68,_ How second normal form isachievad? 69. Describe partial dependency. 70._Wirite types of anomalies. 7. Define insertion anomaly. 72._Define 3rd normal form, 73._Describe transitive dependency. 74, What is meant by refergnital integrity? 75._What is Microsoft Access? 76._List down any two advanteges of Microsoft Access. | 77. State the use of MS. Access, 78._Define the termROBMS,7 79._List advantages of RDBMS. 0, List any four properti¢s.of relational database BL. What ls sample database? management system. 2, Whatisdatabase widard? 83._Define the term redundancy, '84,_Name any for,parts of MS Access application window. _| 85. Describe menu bar. 86, Define scroll bar. 87. Differentiate between menu bar and toolbar. 98 Wise HG bse of ttle bar in MS Accom? 89.__List different buttons available on Access database g window. 90__Define- database object. S1,_Define two database objects 82. What isthe role of query in database? 93. Howisa query written? 94, Define a form 95. Write two advantages of form 96. Write definition of reports, 97._List any two uses of reports 98. Differentiate between query and report. 99. Define the term degree of relation, Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 16 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan 100. Difference between degree of relation and cardinalty. | 491 O.tmespe of relation. 202. st some advantages of IDE 208, List two dsedvantages of integrted development 104. Name two table views available in Access. 1105. What is the use of datasheet view in MS Access? 106. What is OLE object in MS Access? 1107. List any four field properties. 108. What is the use of field size property? 1109. What is the use of input mask? 110. Define relationship. 111. Define join. ei 112. Define term sorting, 113. Write down the use of filters ih MS Access. 114 Discuss the use of design view in MS Access 245. = uery to display all the récards from a table 116. List some advantage of query. 117. List any two types of forms used in MS Access, 118. Write use of columnar form in MS Access. 219. What is auto form? 120, Discuss the use of design view in MS Access 121. Define list box. 5 122, Define combo box. 123. Differentiate between combio,box and list box 324, State the purpose of radio button. 125. List any two.ffiethods OF treating sub forms. 126. Distinguish between form and sub form 127. Define report 128, What is linking in MS Access? 129, Write thie.dse,of switehiboard, QUESTION NO. 3 2. Write the syntax of while loop, both for siingle’statement and for multiple Statement. 4:.Write the syntax of do-while loop, both for single statement and for multiple statement. 6. Rewrite the following code using do-while loop. int x=10; while (x>=1] { 1. What is control structure? 3. List types of control structure. Describe sequence structure. 7. Describer selection structure? printf (“%d”, x %2); . x 8. How are instructions executed in repetition structure? 2 10. Define compound statement. 11. Explain “if” statement. 12. Find 6ilt.errors: Hinclude’ void main () [ if (50>20) then printé.(“Islamic Country”); getch() ] 9. Convert while into do-while. {printf Cn" 0; isit1;} 13:.Fid error from the following. 14. Define “for” loop? printf (“yes”) Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 17 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan 15. Trace the output. void main () { int marks; printf (“\n enter your marks”); scant ("%d”, & marks); 16. Convert following loop code into for loop code. i=3; do { printf (“%d\n”, i); if (marks>=40) is=3; printf (“\n congratulation”); } while (i<=21); ? : ae be output of the following? 18, whats tne nravialler safer if boy) wm executing the following cdde? for(int yen x=0; x<10; xt+) a printf(“9%6d", a); 19. Trace the output of the following code. int a=4, b=2, c=5; if (a>b) | Bétch(s 20. Predict,thé output-from the following code ° intn; clrsce'(); for (n=5;.n3=1;n--) printf (“%d\n’,n); Tracé the output. inti, 710; for (i=; i<=5; i+) f } printf(“\nPakistan”); 21. What is the use of ifélse’statefnent? 22. Trace the errors of the following code. Void main () { int x, y=5; for (x=0; x<3; x++) if (y: Print f (“96d\t”, x); } 23. Write the-syntax or “if-else” statement, 24, Convert the following do-while loop in for loop. int c=2; do printf ("%C”, c); while (c++ <=5); Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 18 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan 25. Trace error. printf(“welcome”); Predict the output of the following code. if (4%2==0) printf (“Programming makes the life interesting \n"); else printf (“Programming is difficult to learn”); void main () { int ook"; 26. Define nested loop. else printf (“cancel”); getch(); } 27, Trace errors from the following code if (7=10 printf (“hello”); else-do 28. What is'sentinel-controlled loop? 29. Find the output of the following code. Hinclude void main () { char grade="c’; if (grade='a’ || grade= printf (“Fail”); else print? (“Pass”); } 30. What is sentinel controlled loop? 31. Trace the errors! price=2, 32. Define the term function. 33. Trace thé output. 2pm. print? (“hello”); else printf (“correct it”); Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 34, List some benefits of using functions. Page 19 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan int a,b, ¢; 0; if (a %b==1) 0; else c=; printf (“9%d”, c) 35. Predict the output for the following code. 36, List different types of functionts.in.C. void main (void) { int x=10; if (x!=10); XH else (x==10) x } 37. Trace error in the following code. 38, Define built-irifuriction. int m,n; m=0; n=m; if (m==n) printf (“BWP”); else printf(“LHR”); Show output. int p=10; if (p!=10) p=0; else p=5; 39. What is the output of the following code? 40. Describe user-defined function. 41. Find errors. void main() { int.a; b; 210, b=5 if (@=y); printf (“xis largest”); else printf (“y is largest”); getch(); Trace the output. int a=5, b=10; 46. What'is furiction definition? printf (“Low Triangle”); printf (“Huge Triangle”); 47. Write output. int p, a, 6 q iflp%a==3) 2 | 48. Define function body. r=0; else r=: printf (“%d", r) ‘ 49. Write down output of the following code. void main () . {int x=10; if (x!=10) printf (“Hello”); else * printf (“World”); } Stes 50. Write the use of function prototype. Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 21 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan 51. Trace the error from following code segments. void main (); {int x=10; int y=: if (x=y) printf (“x is equal”); else printf (“x is not equal”) } 53. Write use of “if-else-if” statement. 55. Define nested-if-statement. 57. Why a default label is used in switch 52. What is meant by a function,call?... 54, Define local variable, 56, What is meantby scope of variable? 58, Differentiate between local and global statements? variable. 59. Write two rules of using switch case in C 60. What.ié theifetimé of local variable? program 61. Why break statement is used ina switch | 62. How, long the global variable exists in the statement? memory? 63. What happens if break is missedin case _| 64. White down the scope of global block? variables. 65. Write three advantages of switch 435! tow toes a function return value? statement. - . What is conditional operator? Write its. syntax. 69. Write any two uses of loop. 68. Describe the purpose of file handling. 70. Define a stream. 72. Write the name of two types of stream used in files in C Language. 71. Define “while” loop. 73. Convert the following codé ifito-while loop. for (int =10; i++) 74, What do you mean by text steam? { printf (“\nPakistan’), } com . What is library stream? Convert the following taop céde into while 76. Compare binary and text stream. loop code. cn . Define EOF marker in file. for (i=10; i>0; --) . What is a text file? { printf (“i=96d",i); 79. Define a pointer. } QUESTION NO. 4 Define program. 2. What do you know about C statement? 3._Who is programmer? 4. What are keywords? 5. List out two advantages or characteristic | 6. Define variables. of C language. Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 22 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan programs? 7. What is the use of Turbo C++? 8. Why is it important to assign a data type toa variable? 9. Define object code. 10. Why is it important to assign a data type toa variable? 11. Define source code. 12. Differentiate between declaring’and defining a variable. ? 13. Why source code cannot be executed 14. What is variable initialization? directly? Me 15. Distinguish between source code and 16. Write down two rules for declaring object code. naming variables in.¢. ™ 17. What is the process of linking in C 18. Give some exaniples-of valid variable programs? names. 5 19. What is the role of linker in C-language? | 20. Differentiate between function definition.and declaration. 21. Differentiate between linking and loading. | 22. Define constant.” 23. Define structured programming. 24, Define'character constant. 25. How program logic is implemented in 26. Differentiate between string constant unstructured programming language? and charactér constant. 27. What is #define directives? 28. Definedata type. Give example. 29. What are preprocessor directives? 30. List any four types of integer data in C Janguage. 31. What is header file? 32. Write C statement to print the value of Unsigned long x. 33. Differentiate between preprocessor: 34. List any four types of operators in C. directives and header file 35. Explain constant macro with example. 36. What is a relational operator? 37. What is the use of main() function in’ | 38. What is the use of AND logical operator? 39. ). What do you mean by delimiters?. 40. What is assignment operator? 41. What is statement terminator? ‘42. What is use of assignment operator? 43. State the purpose of header-file. 44. What is increment operator? 45. 47. Define bug. Define the term debug.” 6. Differentiate between increment and decrement operators. Which operators have been used to evaluate compound condition? 48. 49. Whatare differant types of errors in C programming? 50. What is compound assignment operator? error to find? 51. Write'down any two causes of syntax 52. Define compound assignment errors: statement. 53. What aré run-time errors? 54, What is meant by operator’s precedence? 55. Differentiate between syntax error and __| 56. Differentiate between unary and binary logical error. operator. 57. Why the logical error is the most difficult | 58. Define expression with example. Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 23 Guess Paper Computer inter -I 59. What are programming languages? Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan 60. What is arithmetic expression? 61. Name two main categories of programming language. 62. Describe single comments in C. 63. Define low level language. 64, What is control string in printf function? 65. What is machine language? 66. List some important functions for_ output. - 67. Why does machine language program executes faster that high level language? 68. What is the use printf() function? 69. Define assembly language. 70, Write the syntax of pritf() statement. 71. What is the difference between machine language and assembly language? 72. Discuss the purpose. of %c, format specifier. - 73. What is an assembler? 74, What is the use of field'width specifier? 75. What isa compiler? 76. Define escape sequenices. 71. Define high level language. 78. Name four éscape character provided by c ey 79. List any four commonly used high level languages. 80. Write dowr-output of the following piece of code. printf(*\n **\n***”); } 81. 83. Distinguish between low level and high level language. Differentiate between compiler and interpreter. 82. Predict the-output of the following code. printf ("*\n **\n ***\n****\n"); ‘84; Find the output of the following code. “print(" Programming \t is \n very \t iitteresting”); 85. What is an identifier? 86. Define standard input. 87. List two types of identifiers in C. 88. Why the ampersand (&) used in scanf function? 89. Write the legal characters of anideitifier 90. List some input functions in C language. 91. Differentiate between standard identifier and use-defined identifier. : 92. What is the use of “scanf” function? 93. What do you mean by casa sénsitive in C language? ‘ 94. Describe getch() function. ___[_tone questions no. 5_] G QUESTIONS NO. 5 1. _Describe differerit steps involved in designing a database with the help of diagram. 2. _ Define database system. Explain three major components of database system. 3. Explain database management system. Discuss any three advantages of database management-system. 4. What is data distribution? Explain three data distribution strategies 5.__.What.is.data modeling? Explain ingredients of data modeling. 6. ‘What.is E-R diagram? Give an example of E-R diagram. Explain components of logical database model. What elements are combined to produce physical database design? Explain. A 8. 9. Briefly describe basic data distribution strategies. LONG QUESTIONS NO. 6 Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 24 Guess Paper Computer inter -I Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan 1._Explain different data types available in MS Access. 2. What is field property? Discuss different field properties in detail. 3. What is referential integrity? Give example. Explain cascade update and cascade delete options in referential integrity. 4. What is filter? Discuss different types of filter used in MS Access 5._What are queries? Explain types of queries. 6._Discuss different types of forms in MS Access. 7. What are reports? Explain any two types of reports. LONG QUESTIONS NO. 7_ | Write down step wise procedure for writing a C program. Write any four steps for writing and executing aC program. 1 2. 3._ Explain the basic structure of C language program with example: 4._ What is an Error? Explain different types of errors in C.language, 5 6. What is bug and debugging? Explain types of errors in.C’program. What is computer language? Discuss one type of computer language 7._Define high level language. Write down the characteristicsiof C language. LONG QUESTIONS NO. 8 | 1, Write a program in C-Language to accept-a year from the keyboard. Find out it is “Leap Year” OR “Not Leap Year”. ° 2. Write a program in C that inputs the'fiumber of the month of the year and display the number of days of the corresponditig month, using if-else-if statement. (e.g. if user enters 2, it will display 28 or 29) 3. Write a program in C that inputs @ number by the user and checks whether itis even or odd. 4. Write a program which inputs two numbers and tells whether these numbers are equal or not equal. 5. Write a program in-G-Language which inputs two numbers and check whether they are equal or different. 6. Write a program that inputs a character from user and checks whether it is a vowel or not. a 7. Write a program in\C-Lariguage that inputs a character from user and finds whether its, vowel or constant: LONG QUESTIONS NO. 9 What's do-while loop? Write its syntax. Explain its working with example and flowchart. Defirieforsloop. Write its syntax and flowchart. Explain its working with example. Explain the working of for loop with syntax and flowchart. Defirie’For-Next loop. Give its syntax and flowchart. Also explain its working using an example. Define nested loop. Write its syntax. Explain its working with the help of example. 6. Define GOTO statement. Explain its working with the help of an example. | PLY ipie v Prepared by: M.Qadir Rafique Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 25

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