Unit 3 Test A Grupa 2

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Unit 3 Test A grupa 2 Class

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1 4 Helen i Tom spotykają się w szkolnym autobusie. Posłuchaj ich rozmowy, a następnie zaznacz poprawną
odpowiedź (a, b lub c), zgodną z treścią nagrania.

1 Tom has got … lessons on Mondays.

a four b seven c eight
2 Helen has not got maths on …
a Mondays. b Tuesdays. c Fridays.
3 Ms Brown isn’t …
a old. b young. c beautiful.

4 Helen’s favourite subject is …

a English. b PE. c maths.
5 Helen has got biology at … on Mondays.
a 8.00 b 9.00 c 9.55
6 Mr Peterson is …
a young. b not funny. c old.
Score: ___ / 5

2 Przeczytaj tekst na temat szkoły, do której uczęszcza Edwina i wpisz T (True) obok zdań prawdziwych
i F (False) obok zdań fałszywych.

My school
by Edwina Amboseli
Hi! I am Edwina and I am from Kenya in Africa but I have got family
in Kenya and Uganda. I am 11 years old.
I am at school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
My school isn’t big. There is only one classroom in my school and there
aren’t any desks and chairs in the classroom.
The school has only got one teacher, but there are sixty students.
The students have not got uniforms.
My school has not got a library, but my teacher has got six books.
The books are old but they are amazing.
I have got six lessons every day: English, Swahili*, maths, biology,
PE and art. My favourite subject is English. I am good at English and PE but
I am not good at art.

* Swahili – język używany w Kenii

1 Edwina is from Africa. T 4 There isn’t a library in Edwina’s school.

2 She is at school at the weekend. 5 The teacher’s books are great.

3 There are desks and chairs only in one classroom. 6 Edwina is good at sport and English.
Score: ___ / 5

Junior Explorer 4 Unit 3 Test A grupa 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2017 1
3 Przeczytaj poniższe zdania i podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź.
1 I have lunch in the school gym / canteen.
2 Students have got beds at the school. It isn’t a typical school. It is a home / boarding school.
3 Students in my school have got blue uniforms / subjects.
4 There are sixteen desks in our classroom / coursebook.
5 Have you got an idea / a timetable for our project?
6 Australian students from the outback only see their countries / classmates on the internet.
Score: ___ / 5
4 Przeczytaj zdania i zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź (a lub b ).
1 … up! The lunch break is nearly over.
a Hands b Hurry
2 … lessons have we got on Monday? We have got three lessons: music, maths and English.
a How many b Where
3 What’s the time? It is quarter … three.
a half b to
4 Can I … your homework? No!
a watch b copy
5 … is about countries and continents.
a Geography b Biology
6 We have got … education in the gym.
a physical b religious
Score: ___ / 5

5 Przeczytaj poniższe zdania, a następnie podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź.
1 Hurry up! We has / have only got 3 minute / minutes.
2 Has / Have you got lots of book / books in the school library?
3 My brother has / have got a cool lunch box / boxes.
4 Three family / families in my block of flats has / have not got any children.
5 My mum and dad has / have got interactive watch / watches.
6 Tim has / have got one sandwich / sandwiches for breakfast.
Score: ___ / 5

Junior Explorer 4 Unit 3 Test A grupa 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2017 2
6 Z rozsypanych wyrazów ułóż poprawne zdania twierdzące, pytania i przeczenia.
1 What lesson / got / they / have / at 10 o’clock?
What lesson have they got at 10 o’clock?

2 haven’t / lots of homework / We / got

3 you / a calculator / got / Have
4 hasn’t / a cookery book / My mum / got
5 maths on Monday / got / Paul and David / have
6 haven’t / a dictionary / I / got
Score: ___ / 5

7 Połącz pytania (1–6) z poprawnymi odpowiedziami (a–f) i uzupełnij tabelkę.
1 What time is our bus? a Yes. Well done!
2 Is your sister good at maths? b Six.
3 Has Mary got a library at school? c No, she isn’t.
4 How many lessons have you got on Wednesday? d At quarter to one.
5 Have you got an idea for our geography project? e Yes, she has.
6 Is my answer right? f What about the Arctic or Australia?
1 2 3 4 5 6
Score: ___ / 5

Junior Explorer 4 Unit 3 Test A grupa 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2017 3
8 Zapoznaj się z informacjami z tabelki, następnie uzupełnij krótki tekst na temat ulubionego dnia
Kate w szkole.

Kate’s favourite
school day
How many lessons? 4
Lesson Place Time
PE gym 7.30
English classroom number 7 9.00
art classroom number 15 9.50
maths classroom number 3 11.00
lunch canteen 11.50
time of school bus 12.45

1 Kate’s favourite school day is Friday .

2 Kate got four on Friday.
3 At half seven Kate has got in the gym.
4 Her lesson is in number 7.
5 Kate has lunch in the school at ten twelve.
6 The school is at quarter to .
Score: ___ / 5

Junior Explorer 4 Unit 3 Test A grupa 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2017 4

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