DMT p3

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DMT Project 3: Visualization of Transportation Data Toni Ivanković, Malou Skiera

Task 1:

a), b) Trajectories of the ship Mason, from the fishing and the AIS dataset

Fishing trajectories: green lines

AIS trajectories: purple lines

DMT Project 3: Visualization of Transportation Data Toni Ivanković, Malou Skiera

More detailed view:

DMT Project 3: Visualization of Transportation Data Toni Ivanković, Malou Skiera

The data shows similarity between the ship’s trips from AIS and the fishing dataset.
However, the AIS data seems to be noisy, showing big jumps between neighboring data
points. That is also an occurrence in some of the fishing data. It is not possible to know
whether the noise is a result of an error, or if the position of the ship was like that in reality.
However, this makes the comparison and the similarities harder to notice. Furthermore, the
ship’s seventh trip (Mason_2020-7) is not even present in the AIS dataset, since all of the
data points in the AIS dataset in the respective time frame were recorded in harbor.
More precise data would be necessary to do a detailed comparison between the trajectories.

c) Length of Mason’s trips in kilometers, calculated from the fishing dataset

The chart shows that trip 4 was the longest (more than double than the second longest), and
all the other trips are shorter than 900 km. The trips 5, 6 and 7 are very similar in the
traversed distance. Trip 2 was the shortest trip.
DMT Project 3: Visualization of Transportation Data Toni Ivanković, Malou Skiera

Task 2:


The above bar chart shows the total amount of fish each boat caught based on the fishing
dataset. The boat Rodney caught the most fish with almost 3 million kg. This result is only a
little more than Rey and Korbin caught. With about 2 million kg of fish caught Armani still has
caught more fish than Mason who caught about 1.4 million kg, about half as much das
Korbin, Rey and Rodney.


The Linechart shows the trend of fish caught each day of the different trips of the vessel
Mason. The chart uses the data from the fishing dataset. One can see that Mason had two
short trips of under 15 days, 4 trips around 20 days and Trip 4 as a very long trip of 36 days.
One can see that often after a successful day a less successful or even bad day followed.
Additionally, there often is not a slow incline in the fish caught but rather a very rapid incline,
same goes for the decline. Only the first and second trip show a more or less steady number
of fish caught, also other trips have a very high fluctuation of many and very little fish caught
over the trip.
DMT Project 3: Visualization of Transportation Data Toni Ivanković, Malou Skiera

Task 3:

The above scatterplot shows the relationship between the temperature and the fish caught
by the vessel Mason. The temperature data origins from the temperature dataset. One can
see that the variance is very high and with a slope close to 0 no correlation can be seen. The
same is seen in the below scatterplot whose temperature is based on the temperature of the
fishing dataset. Here we also have a slope close to 0 and no correlation. This means that the
temperature of the water has no relationship with the amount of fish caught.
DMT Project 3: Visualization of Transportation Data Toni Ivanković, Malou Skiera

b) Average chlorophyll concentrations as a raster

DMT Project 3: Visualization of Transportation Data Toni Ivanković, Malou Skiera

c) Average temperature as a raster

Comparing the rasters created, it is interesting to see the trends: lower temperature
generally seems to indicate a higher chlorophyll concentration. The only exception are the
harbors, where the chlorophyll concentrations are the highest, compared to all the other

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