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A. Thyroid Production
B. Thyroid disorders
1. Hypothyroidism
2. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
A. Pituitary and Hypothalamus
3. Endemic Goiter
B. Feedback
4. Wolff-Chaikoff Effect
C. Anterior Pituitary Gland
5. Hyperthyroidism
6. Graves’ Disease
1. Growth Hormone
C. Parathyroid disorders
2. Prolactin
1. Hypoparathyroidism
3. Thyroid Stimulating
2. Hyperparathyroidism
Hormone (TSH)
4. Adrenocorticotropic
A. Adrenal cortex
Hormone (ACTH)
1. Zona glomerulosa
5. Gonadotropic Hormones
2. Zona fasciculata
(Luteinizing Hormone &
3. Zona reticularis
Follicle Stimulating
4. Triggers of Secretion
i. Glucocorticoids
D. Posterior Pituitary Gland
ii. Mineralocorticoids
iii. Androgen
1. Antidiuretic Hormone
B. Adrenal Medulla
C. Diseases Associated with Adrenal
2. Oxytocin
1. Primary Adrenocortical
A. Hypopituitarism
B. Multiple Pituitary Hormone
2. CAH
Deficiency (MPHD)
3. Cushing Syndrome vs
1. Congenital Disorders
Cushing Disease
i. Hall-Pallister Syndrome
4. Pheochromocytomas
ii. Septo-optic Dysplasia
iii. Severe, Early Onset
A. Causes of Diabetes Mellitus
B. Detection of Diabetes Mellitus
2. Acquired Disorders
C. Acanthosis Nigricans
C. Isolated Growth Hormone
D. Complication: Diabetic
D. Growth Hormone Insensitivity
E. Mechanisms of Diabetes
F. Classification of Diabetes
A. Chronic GH Deficiency
B. Treatment
A. Growth Hormone Excess
B. Treatment
A. Central Diabetes Insipidus A. PITUITARY AND HYPOTHALAMUS
B. Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus ● The pituitary gland is the major regulator of an
C. Diagnosis elaborate hormonal system. The pituitary gland
D. Treatment receives signals from the hypothalamus and responds
by sending pituitary hormones to target glands. The
VI. CENTRAL PRECOCIOUS PUBERTY target glands produce hormones that provide negative
A. Sexual Maturity Rating (SMR) feedback at the level of the hypothalamus and
B. Normal Sexual Development pituitary
C. Abnormality
D. Precocious Puberty ● Connection between the nervous system and the
endocrine system
PEDIA (013) Pediatric Endocrine Disorders SIRMATA 2024
● Releases hormone that stimulate or inhibit the PITUITARY
production of hormones in the ANTERIOR ● Master Gland ” ability to interpret and respond to
PITUITARY signals in the hormonal system
○ The pituitary's central role in this hormonal
system and its ability to interpret and
respond to a variety of signals have led to its
designation as the master gland .

● Regulate amount of hormone released into

bloodstream by target organs
● Located inside the sella turcica
○ The pituitary gland is located at the base of
the skull in a saddle-shaped cavity of the
sphenoid bone called the sella turcica. The
bony structure protects and surrounds the
pituitary bilaterally and inferiorly
● Divided into 2:
○ Anterior: ADENOHYPOPHYSIS (80%)
○ Posterior: NEUROHYPOPHYSIS (20%)

Figure 1. Anatomy and Physiology of the Hypothalamus
and Pituitary Gland

● What is the most significant hormone in the anterior

pituitary? - GROWTH HORMONE
● It increases the linear growth of a person. this means
that the soft tissue will grow and it enhances the
protein synthesis/ it also increase the cellular mass of
any person
● This causes glucose to increase also however it is a
negative feedback for your growth hormone
● Growth hormone and thyroid hormone comes together
and glucose is the enemy
● GH-releasing hormone stimulates the release of
growth hormone
● Ghrelin - hormone produced during hunger (“gutom”) -
high amount in the stomach and hypothalamus.
● Physiologic condition of sleep also increases growth
● Others: exercise, trauma, acute illness, fasting
● Somatostatin - inhibits growth hormone
● Somatomedin - another term for insulin growth factor Figure 3. Negative Feedback Mechanism of the HPA Axis
1 - increases cellular make up.
○ If you have problems with growth, you can
request this one and it will show a decrease ● Golden rule:
○ THYROID HORMONE COINCIDES WITH ○ any excess product will cause negative
● Connected to the pituitary by the pituitary stalk ○ any deficit product will cause positive



Increase Decrease

Hormones GH releasing Somatostatin

hormone Glucocorticoid
Ghrelin Negative
gutom ” high feedback of IGF
amounts in 1
stomach Free fatty acids
and also (FFA)
Figure 2. Hypothalamus

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PEDIA (013) Pediatric Endocrine Disorders SIRMATA 2024
actively inhibited by dopamine, a peptide
Physiologic Sleep, exercise, Hyperglycemia, produced by neurons in the hypothalamus.
conditions physical stress, hypothyroidism Disruption of the hypothalamus or pituitary
trauma, stalk can result in elevated PRL levels
acute illness,
puberty and ● Dopamine
fasting(hypoglyce ○ Inhibits prolactin and is released by
mia) hypothalamus
○ Dopamine antagonists, states of primary
Table 1. Growth Hormone hypothyroidism, administration of thyrotropin
releasing hormone (TRH), and pituitary
● Human GH is a 191-amino-acid single-chain tumors result in increased serum levels of
polypeptide that is synthesized, stored, and secreted PRL
by somatotropes in the pituitary ○ Dopamine agonists and processes causing
● GH is secreted in a pulsatile fashion under the destruction of the pituitary cause reduced
regulation of hypothalamic hormones. The alternating levels of PRL.
secretion of GH-releasing hormone, which stimulates ○ This is a catecholamine
GH release, and somatostatin, which inhibits GH ○ This inhibits GH, thyroid hormone and
release, accounts for the rhythmic secretion of GH. prolactin
● Ghrelin, a peptide produced in the arcuate nucleus of ○ During pregnancy, there is no prolactin yet.
the hypothalamus and in much greater quantities by on birth, the baby suckle (nipple stimuli) and
the stomach, also stimulates GH secretion causes the production of prolactin
● GH increases linear growth , bone thickness, soft ○ Galactorrhea but no suckling yet -
tissue growth, protein synthesis, fatty acid release postpartum increase of prolactin
from adipose, insulin resistance and glucose ○ Tumors – increase prolactin levels. if the
● IGF 1 (Insulin like Growth Factor) involvement is partial, it just clings on the
○ Mediates MITOGENIC EFFECT of growth organ, this causes increased hormone
hormone to tissues production. if there is complete inv
○ Previously known as somatomedin ○ movement of the affected program, this
○ Circulating IGF-1 is synthesized primarily in decreases its function.
the liver and formed locally in mesodermal
and ectodermal cells, particularly in the
growth plates of children, where its effect is 3. THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE
exerted by paracrine or autocrine
mechanisms (TSH)

2. PROLACTIN Increase Decrease

Hormones Thyrotropin Dopamine

Increase Decrease releasing Somatostatin
hormone (TRH) Glucocorticoid
Hormones Thyrotropin Dopamine Negative
releasing Agonist feedback of T3,
hormone (TRH) TSH
Antagonist Physiologic - -
Physiologic Disruption of Destruction of
conditions hypothalamus pituitary Table 3. TSH
and pituitary stalk Pregnancy
Pituitary tumors (due to high ● TSH is stored in secretory granules and released into
Primary estrogen and circulation primarily in response to TRH, which is
hypothyroidism progesterone) produced by the hypothalamus.
(causes high ● Stimulates release of Thyroxine (T4) and Tri
TRH) iodothyronine (T3) from thyroid gland through the
Postpartum formation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate and the
Sucking and G protein second messenger system
nipple stimuli ● Increases thyrotropin-releasing hormone in the
● Increases thyroid mass
Table 2. Prolactin ○ Low inactivity and atrophy of thyroid gland
○ High hypertrophy and hyperplasia of thyroid
● Prolactin constantly secreted: gland
○ Initiation and maintenance of lactation (milk ○ Deficiency of TSH results in inactivity and
production) atrophy of the thyroid gland, whereas excess
○ versus Oxytocin ––“milk letdown” release of TSH results in hypertrophy and hyperplasia
milk by contraction) of the thyroid gland.
○ There is production of milk and is different
with oxytocin since it only helps with milk
letdown process – it will help the muscles to
contract and release the milk HORMONE (ACTH)
○ The regulation of PRL is unique because ● CORTISOL - last product of ACTH; important in
PRL is consistently secreted unless it is glucose that is why in fasting or stress, it increases.

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PEDIA (013) Pediatric Endocrine Disorders SIRMATA 2024
● Secretion of LH is inhibited by androgens and
Increase Decrease estrogens
Hormones Corticotropin ANP (atrial PRIMARY - TARGET ORGAN
releasing Natriuretic SECONDARY - PITUITARY
Arginine Opiods
Vasopressin ● ACTIVIN - increases FSH
Oxytocin ● INHIBIN - inhibits FSH (because it is produced by the
Angiotensin II Y chromosome)
Cholecystokinin ● If estrogen increases, progesterone is decreased.
● estrogen - increased during puberty and not during
Physiologic Stress pregnancy
conditions Fasting
Table 4. ACTH
● Secreted in diurnal pattern ● Consists of neurons of the SUPRAOPTIC and
○ (HIGHEST IN MORNING, low at afternoon PARAVENTRICULAR nuclei of the hypothalamus
and LOWEST 1 2 hrs AFTER ● 2 hormones produced by neurosecretion in the
SLEEP/evening) hypothalamic nuclei and RELEASED from posterior
● From proteolytic cleavage of POMC pituitary
(Proopiomelanocortin) ○ Arginine Vasopressin antidiuretic hormone
● POMC - precursor peptide (ADH)
● remember! MELANIN - darkening of skin. if there is ○ Oxytocin
POMC, there is darkening
○ Hence has pigmentary effect in humans
(same substrate with melanocyte stimulating
hormone) Causes darkening of skin (ex.
Addison’s disease)

● Seen in both sexes

Increase Decrease

Hormones Gonadotropin LH inhibited

releasing Androgen and
hormone (GnRH) estrogen Figure 4. Anatomy and Physiology of the
Activin FSH inhibited Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland
Increase FSH Inhibin (Sertoli
Facilitates LH cells)
induced ● Functional unit
testosterone ○ Neurons of supraoptic and paraventricular
production nuclei
○ Neuronal axons (forms pituitary stalk)
Physiologic - - ○ Neuronal terminals (median eminence of the
conditions posterior lobe)
● 2 hormones ADH and oxytocin
Table 5. Gonadotropic Hormones


● Female Ovarian Granulosa cells follicular VASOPRESSIN)
development of the ovary estrogen ● Inhibits urination
● Male Testicular Sertoli cells gametogenesis in the
testis Increase Decrease
● Main function of female is to reproduce -
PROGESTERONE Physiologic Increased
● Secretion of FS is suppressed by gonadal production conditions plasma
of inhibin, a 31-kDa glycoprotein produced by the osmolality
Sertoli cells (dehydration or
● Female ovarian theca cells progesterone the hypothalamus
● Male Leydig cells produce testosterone
● hormone that best describes male - testosterone Decreased blood
● LH promotes luteinization of the ovary and Leydig cell volume
function of the testis Baroreceptors in
the carotid sinus

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Table 6. ADH
● ADH antidiuretic hormone
○ No diuresis (urination) decrease urine output
by concentrating urine
○ Recruits water channels (aquaporin 1 and 2)
in the renal collecting duct causing water to
be reabsorbed
○ ADH regulates water conservation at the
level of the kidney by increasing the
permeability of the renal collecting duct water
○ dehydration = ADH is activated because we
now want to retain the water in our body. the
osmoreceptors of the hypothalamus tells the
pituitary to release ADH Figure 6. Classification of Hypopituitarism

● Hypopituitarism denotes underproduction of 1 or

2. OXYTOCIN multiple pituitary hormones
● Affected children have postnatal growth impairment
and other endocrine deficiencies that are specifically
Increase Decrease
corrected by hormone replacement
● The pituitary produces 6 hormones and the most
Physiologic Nipple sucking or
important hormone is the growth hormone because of
conditions stimulation
the abundance of somatotrophs
Distention of the
reproductive tract
Table 7. Oxytocin DEFICIENCY (MPHD)
● Stimulates uterine contraction labor and delivery ● Mutations of 7 candidate genes account for 20% of
● Breast smooth muscle contraction Milk let down reflex MPHD
● Others: for orgasm, social recognition, pair bonding, ● Congenital
anxiety, trust, love and maternal behavior. ○ PROP1 and POU1F1 expressed late in
● Most recently, through the interaction with its G Pituitary(especially the anterior)
protein–coupled receptor in pancreatic and adipose ○ HESX1, LHX3, LHX4, OTX2, SOX3 AND
tissue, oxytocin appears to play a significant role in PITX2 Expressed early and not restricted to
appetite regulation and obesity by inducing anorexia. pituitarY
○ At least 12 genes have been implicated in
II. GENERAL DISORDER OF THE ANTERIOR the complex genetic etiology of

● Absent Pituitary- main problem
● hypothalamic hamartoma- benign tumor
● polydactyly
● nail dysplasia
● bifid epiglottis- usually 1 curve
● imperforate anus
● anomalies of heart, lung and kidneys.
● Mnemonic: PALISTER HaL
○ P: Pituitary failure, polydactyly
○ A: Anus imperforate
○ L: Lung anomalies
○ S: Skull/ Craniofacial abnormalities
○ T: Throat/ Bifid epiglottis
○ E: Epileptic (Seizures)
○ R: Renal anomalies
○ H: Hypothalamic hamartoma
Figure 5. Pituitary Gland ○ L: Laryngeal cleft

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● Tumors, infections, autoimmune, irradiation]
● Because such lesions are not selective, multiple
hormonal deficiencies are usually observed
● Diabetes insipidus is more frequent in acquired than in
congenital hypopituitarism
● Craniopharyngioma
○ Most common lesion causing pituitary
hormone deficiency
○ in the sella turcica, that is why it inhibits
production of pituitary hormone


Figure 7. Imaging of Patient with Hall-Pallister DEFICIENCY
● IGHD is caused by abnormalities of the GH-releasing
hormone receptor, GH genes, and genes located on
ii. SEPTO-OPTIC DYSPLASIA the X chromosome
● Sella turcica has a problem and optic chiasm ● Abnormalities:
● Nystagmus visual ○ GH releasing hormone receptor: Recessive
● impairment in infancy, loss of function mutations in the receptor for
● Optic nerve and brain abnormalities GH releasing hormone interfere with
● Pituitary hormone deficiencies proliferation of somatotropes during pituitary
● Triad: development and disrupt the most important
○ SMALL anterior pituitary signals for release of GH
○ REDUCED pituitary stalk ○ GH gene: Unequal crossing over meiosis
○ ECTOPIC posterior pituitary bright spot- produced variety of gene deletion specifically
OPTIC NERVE INVOLVEMENT the GH1 gene causing fetal or postnatal
● Primary etiology is hypothalamic dysfunction growth retardation
● GH deficiency is the most observed abnormality ○ Genes located on X chromosome
● Neuroimaging demonstrates optic nerve and brain ○ 2 loci in X chromosome is associated with
abnormalities and is associated with anterior and/or hypopituitarism
posterior pituitary hormone deficiencies in up to 75% ○ Xq21.3 q22 Bruton thymidine kinase (BTK)
of the cases gene = hypogammaglobulinemia and IGHD
○ Xq24 27 SOX2 transcription factor gene =
IGHD and intellectual disability
● GH Axis is more susceptible to disruption by acquired
● Conditions:
○ Radiotherapy seen after 5 years of therapy of
total dose >/= 35 Gy
■ Children who receive radiotherapy
for central nervous system tumors,
leukemia, or total body irradiation
prior to hematopoietic stem cell
transplant are at risk for developing
GH deficiency
■ More subtle defects are seen with
doses around 20 Gy
○ Meningitis
○ Histiocytosis
○ Trauma
● Subnormal stage of pubertal development compared
Figure 7. Septo-optic Dysplasia to chronological age.


● ACTH is also affected ● CAUSED by disruption of pathway distal to production
● Includes deficiency of ACTH of GH.
● Triad: ● Laron syndrome: Involves mutation of GH receptor
○ Anterior pituitary DYSPLASIA ○ Resembles severe IGHD severe short
○ Absence or attenuated pituitary stalk stature of > 4 SD BELOW the mean present
○ Ectopic posterior pituitary bright spot by 1 year old
● Male predominance ○ Resting and stimulated GH levels tend to be
high and insulin-like growth factor (IGF) 1
levels are low
● Any lesion that damages the hypothalamus, pituitary ○ Resting and stimulated GH high
stalk, or anterior pituitary ○ Insulin like growth factor (IGF1) low
can cause pituitary hormone deficiency

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○ despite having high GH hormone, the
receptors are insensitive, then will cause low



Figure 9. GH levels are measured at different times after

drug administration depending on the drug.

● Arginine infusion (500 mg/kg IV given over 30

minutes), clonidine (0.15 mg/m2 orally [maximum 0.25
mg]), levodopa (10 mg/kg orally for children; 500 mg
orally for adults), and glucagon (0.03 mg/kg IV
[maximum 1 mg]). GH levels are measured at different
times after drug administration depending on the drug.
Figure 8. Length-for-age, GIRLS ● Because no single test is 100% effective in eliciting
GH release (1), two GH provocation tests are done
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION (typically on the same day). GH levels generally peak
● Normal head circumference round, broad short face, 30 to 90 minutes after administration of insulin or the
depressed saddle nose and small, onset of arginine infusion, 30 to 120 minutes after
● Frontal bossing levodopa, 60 to 90 minutes after clonidine, and 120 to
● Sparse hair facial, axillary and pubic 180 minutes after glucagon.
● Delayed dentition
● High pitch voice B. TREATMENT
● Pudgy appearance excess of body fat with
ow muscle mass ● Treatment started as soon as possible
● Extremities are small but well proportioned ○ To decrease the gap of height of the patient
● Micropenis seen in childhood but becomes towards his/her classmates
● normal in adults ● GH and GnRH agonist
● Delayed maturation delayed puberty for ○ Interrupts PUBERTY
3-7 years ○ Delay epiphyseal fusion and prolong growth
● Specific features ○ The recommended initial dose of rhGH for
○ Nystagmus septo-optic dysplasia treatment of GH deficiency is 0.16-0.24
○ Micropenis beyond adults hypoadrenalism mg/kg/wk (22 to 35 μg/kg/day).
and hypothyroidism ○ RhGH is administered subcutaneously once
● Poor linear growth ● Patient decides that he/she is “TALL ENOUGH”
● Delayed skeletal Age ● Growth rate < 1 inch/year
● Peak level of GH (<10 ng/mL) in each two provocative ● Bone age >14 years girls
tests ● Bone age > 16 years boys
○ Insulin tolerance test
○ Arginine infusion
○ Clonidine
○ Levodopa
○ glucagon

● Remember that glucose increase GH, but if you are

insulin intolerant, then hypoglycemia and decrease

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● There might be manipulations in the right handed
people, and may cause fracture. This cant be used for
left handed people because this is the atlas
● Compare with the same age

○ Young person
○ Open epiphyses
○ Closed epiphyses

● Hyperpituitarism causes increased growth hormone

levels.For gigantism, they are young who are exposed
to high GH while their epiphyseal plates are open,
causing longitudinal growth. For acromegaly, they
were exposed to the GH during the closure of the
epiphyseal plates.

Figure 10. GnRH Agonists Mechanism of Action.

○ Longitudinal growth acceleration
○ Coarse facial features and long hand/feet
○ Pituitary gigantism is rare but usually seen
with pituitary adenoma
○ Enlarged distal parts
○ Large skull, nose broad, tongue enlarged
○ their bones are still normal.
○ Fatigue and lassitude (Lassitude – lazy
attitude, looks like they are always sleepy)
○ GH high – >100 ng/mL
■ No suppression afteR glucose
tolerance test (hyperglycemia)
■ Fails to lower GH <5ng/mL after
1.75g/kg oral glucose, GH is still
■ Glucose tolerance test – measures
ability of IGF-1 to suppress GH

● Somatostatin analogs
○ Octreotide suppresses GH <2.5 ng/mL and
normalize IGF 1 levels
○ Tumor shrinkage also occurs with octreotide
but is generally modest.
○ Octreotide injection in the pediatric
population has been used at doses of 1-40
μg/kg/24 hr
● For pituitary adenoma
○ Trans sphenoidal surgery
● GH and Prolactin oversecretion
○ Bromocriptine binds to pituitary dopamine
type 2 (dopamine agonist)
○ Remember, dopamine inhibits GH, prolactin,
and even thyroid hormone release.
Figure 11. Bone Age with Greulich- Pyle Atlas ○ Marked hyperprolactinemia as a result of
plurihormonal adenomas that secrete both
GH and prolactin
○ Mammosomatotroph – most common type of
● Used to detect bone age
GH secreting cells involved in gigantism
● Pegvisomant
○ GH receptor antagonist

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○ If the GH cannot be reduced, we can use this
to inhibit its receptors. ● Posterior pituitary
○ It effectively suppresses GH and IGF-1 levels ● ADH or Vasopressin Deficiency
in patients with acromegaly caused by
pituitary tumors as well as ectopic GHRH


Figure 13. Central DI


● There is vasopressin insensitivity. Despite having
normal or high ADH, the problem there is that there
are defective aquaporins, which are water channels
that allow water reabsorption in the collecting duct.
Figure 12. Diabetes Insipidus
● Vasopressin effects on Kidney via V2 receptors-
Inserts aquaporin 2 water channel in the apical
● ”DAMI IHI”. meaning to say there is high urine output membrane.
because there is a problem with the ADH. ADH is an ● Patients with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus have an
anti-urination, however if there is no ADH, there will ability to respond to ADH and produce dilute urine
be an increased urine output. despite an increase in plasma osmolality.

● Manifests clinically with polyuria and polydipsia and
can result from either vasopressin deficiency (central ● Kidney
DI) or vasopressin insensitivity at the level of the ● Vasopressin Insensitivity
kidney (nephrogenic DI [NDI]). ● Defective Aquaporin-2
● 2 types
○ Central DI
■ There is low or absent ADH
○ Nephrogenic DI
■ There is vasopressin insensitivity.
● Both central DI and NDI can arise from inherited
defects of congenital or neonatal onset or can be
secondary to a variety of causes


● ADH (Vasopressin) is secreted in the posterior
pituitary and it is the principle regulator of plasma
tonicity Figure 14. Nephrogenic DI
● If Dehydrated: Plasma tonicity increases (Higher
solids than fluids) Hence ADH is released causing
anti-diuresis and vascular pressor activity (increase
● ADH is synthesized in the paraventricular and
supra-optic nuclei
● The normal response to increased plasma osmolality
is conservation of water by the kidney. In central
diabetes insipidus, this does not occur because of an
absence of ADH secretion.

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● In central DI, when you remove the patient cannot still
concentrate the urine, if you give them DDAVP (an
ADH analog) then it will treat the central DI.
● However in nephrogenic DI, the problem there is the
aquaporin itself. Even if you are giving DDAVP, there
will be no improvement with that patient.
● Remember that in central DI there is inadequate ADH
hence if you give synthetic ADH like that of
desmopressin it will cause urine concentration.
However in nephrogenic DI – even with high ADH, the
kidney will be unable to concentrate the urine

● Central DI – administer DDAVP
● Nephrogenic DI – thiazide diuretic
(hydrochlorothiazide and metolazone)
○ Thiazide – enhances sodium excretion which
causes proximal tubule to reabsorb both
sodium and water leading to overall
decrease in urine output. It usually acts in the
loop of Henle, by inhibiting it, it will now
cause the excretion of sodium. With this,
there will be a compensatory effect with that
Figure 15. Structure of Nephron; Collecting Tubules- Aquaporins
of the PCT which will increase the
reabsorption of sodium, once absorbed the
● This is your nephron, it has a glomerulus and ducts water will follow.
which will help to produce your urine. Just remember
that in the collecting ducts there are aquaporins,
which are water channels that can be activated by Clinical Syndrome of Cerebral Salt Central
ADH. The ADH binds to these areas to cause the Parameters Inappropriate Wasting DI
opening of these gates, which let the water pass from ADH (SIADH) Syndrome
urine to the blood (reabsorption).
● At the collecting duct, aquaporin 2 is found and as a Vasopressin High Low Low
water channel causes water to move into the level
hypertonic inner medullary interstitium and be
reabsorbed. Urine High High Low
● Allows water to be reabsorbed back Serum Low Low High
● Makes urine concentrated Sodium

Urine Output Low High High

● SERUM osmolarity - > 300 mosm/kg Intravascular High Low Low
● URINE osmolarity - < 300 mosm/kg (high urine output volume
yet NOT CONCENTRATED) -> dehydration
● However – may have <300 but >270 serum osmolarity Treatment Oral fluid Give sodium DDAVP
● Remember that the normal osmolarity of your blood is restriction chloride and
between 275-295 mosm/kg but with clinical symptoms water (PNSS)
of polyuria and polydipsia
○ Do water deprivation test
Table 9. Clinical Parameters
Primary should concentrate urine after water ● Differences of each might be asked not only in my
polydipsia deprivation. exams but also on your board exam. So please take
Central DI unable to concentrate urine but ● Central DI - there is low ADH, there will be high urine
increases urine osmolarity after DDAVP output , thus you cannot concentrate the urine which
(deamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin) – explains the low urine sodium. High serum sodium
desmopressin acetate injection because there is low water. Because of low water the
BP will be low also.
Nephrogenic unable to concentrate urine after water ● SIADH (opposite of Central DI) – due to high ADH
DI deprivation and after DDAVP injection level – prevents the water secretion in the nephrons
thereby concentrating the urine (often urine osmol
Table 8. Diagnosis of Primary Polydipsia, Central DI, >150) and decreasing urine output. There is
& Nephrogenic DI hypertension. Tx: restrict oral fluid because you are
● Primary polydipsia is behavioral, when you drink a lot already overloaded with fluid.
of water because you’re anxious or you make this as ● However, Cerebral Salt Wasting Syndrome – due to
a relaxation technique, then you will have an insult (probably from trauma, infection or tumors which
increased urine output because of increased water affects the cerebrum) in your brain causing release of
intake. If you deprive this person with water, then the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) leading to increase
patient can now concentrate the urine. sodium excretion in the urine and thereby attracting
water to be excreted hence increase urine output.

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Main problem here is you lose sodium in the urine ● Menarche – happens 2.5 years after thelarche hence
causing diuresis, because where sodium goes water females usually menstruate after 2 years of increasing
will follow. You lose more salt than the water, which breast size “for some”. Do not be confused, that the
explains the low sodium in serum despite losing fluid. menarche is not the first sign of puberty. The first sign
of puberty will always be Thelarche.
● In girls, early menstrual cycles may be more irregular
VI. CENTRAL PRECOCIOUS PUBERTY than they are with normal puberty. The initial cycles
are usually anovulatory, but pregnancy has been
reported as early as 5.5 yr of age.
A. SEXUAL MATURITY RATING (SMR) ● In boys, testicular biopsies have shown stimulation of
all elements of the testes and spermatogenesis has
been observed as early as 5-6yr of age.
● In affected girls and boys, height, weight, and osseous
maturation are advance.


Males Females

Precocious Puberty < 9 years old < 8 years old

Delayed Puberty > 14 years old > 13 years old

Table 11. Precocious vs. Delayed Puberty

Central Peripheral

● Gonadotropin ● Gonadotropin
Dependent Independent
Figure 16. Sexual Maturity Rating (SMR) ● True ● Pseudopuberty
● ISOSEXUAL ● Some secondary sex
● Sexual development may begin at any age and ● Activated characteristics
generally follows the sequence observed in normal hypothalamic- appear but no
puberty. pituitary-gonadal activation of the
● So to better help you memorize this one: activation hypothalamic-pituitar
● Stage I is pre-adolescent – childhood, nothing ● Most common y-gonadal interplay
happened cause – ● Maybe from
● Stage 2 – ”S” - breast budding (only 2 - primary hypothalamic excessive estrogen/
mound), sparse hair, scrotum enlarged hamartomas testosterone
● Stage 4 – Secondary mound (2x2 = 4), Coarse is supplementation
fours, scrotum darkens, increase in breadth of penis
● Stage 3 – in between, Curling occurs, Penis grows in
Table 12. Central vs. Peripheral Precocious Puberty
● Stage V is mature/adult type (adult triangle – medial


Male Female

Gonadarche (11-12 years Thelarche (10-11 years old)

old) → pubarche → → pubarche → growth spurt
adrenarche → growth spurt → menarche

Peak height velocity – Peak height velocity –

happens in SMR 3-4 happens in SMR 2-3
Figure 17. Thyroid Disorders

Table 10. Normal Sexual Development

● Gonadarche (enlargement of testes / scrotum)–
increase in testes >/= 4 ml volume or 2.5cm longest
● Thelarche – increase breast size “breast budding”
● Adrenarche in male- more on testosterone for sperm
● Females have an earlier onset secondary sexual
characteristics and earlier growth spurt, that is why
during elementary school, the females usually are
taller than males at about grade 5-6 then at high
school, the male then becomes taller

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● Decrease thyroid hormone
● Decrease metabolic processes

● Deficient Production Of Thyroid Hormone
● Primary – defect of the thyroid gland (primary means
there is a problem of your thyroid gland, secondary
problem in pituitary, tertiary there is a problem in
○ Primary: thyroid gland
○ Secondary: pituitary
○ Tertiary: hypothalamus
● Thyroid dysgenesis – 80-85% of cases
■ Dyshormonogenesis
■ Goiter is almost always present
● Secondary- defect of TSH stimulation (central or
Figure 18. Thyroid Hormone Production hypopituitary hypothyroidism)
○ Possible risk factor: fetal exposure to
● Iodide transportation
○ Iodine deficiency or endemic goiter – most
● Production of thyroglobulin
● Oxidation of iodine common cause of acquired congenital
● Organification hypothyroidism WORLDWIDE
● Esterification
● Endocytosis
● Lysosomal degradation
● Thyroid-binding-globulin

Figure 19. Thyroid Hormone Effects

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● Irradiation of area of thyroid
○ Incidental to treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma
or Head and neck CA
● Ingestion of meds with iodides
● Why is it that if you ingest iodides it will cause
hypothyroidism? However, in high amounts of iodide it
will now cause negative feedback. Remember iodide
could now become iodine by means of your oxidation
process and it will now combine with thyroglobulin
because of that there would be a negative feedback in
your iodine because of the high amount of iodides.
○ Amiodarone – consist of 37% iodine
● Endemic Goiter (cretinism)
○ Low intake of iodine
○ low iodine means that there would be low T3,
○ Seawater is rich in iodine hence goiter is rare
Figure 20. Clinical Manifestations of Congenital Hypothyroidism in people beside the sea. Those who are in
the uplands have low intake levels of iodine.
● Remember chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis or
● Remember that the thyroid enhances your metabolic
Anti-thyroid antibodies, also amiodarone
rate and if there is a problem like prolongation and the
processes of your entire body is also delayed. Hence,
remember the physiology of your liver, the bilirubin 2. HASHIMOTO’S THYROIDITIS
from your unconjugated rbc can cause jaundice.
● Lymphocytic infiltration with biopsy of the thyroid
● Prolonged physiologic jaundice – caused by delayed ● Goiter and growth retardation - most common
maturation of glucuronide conjugation – earliest sign manifestation
of congenital hypothyroidism ● Thyroid function test – normal except TSH which may
● Fontanels are widely observed at birth, maybe an be moderately elevated
early recognition of congenital hypothyroidism. If there ○ Subclinical hypothyroidism
is a problem in your thyroid there is also a problem in ● Anything for hypothyroidism there is high TSH
the maturation of your bone. Hence, the fontanels are ● For hyperthyroidism there is high T3 and T4
wide because the bones are immature. ● For Hashomoto’s Thyroiditis there is ANTIBODY to
TPO (thyroid peroxidase) and Thyroglobulin
○ T4 is very abundant and in high amount
○ T3 is smaller in amount however more potent
○ If you have a decrease in thyroid hormone
the first one to go down is your T4. However,
because the T3 is small in amount
sometimes it may be normal or low hence it
is insignificant.
● TSH IS HIGH – ELEVATED >100mU/L (you can
usually see in congenital hypothyroidism)
● Thyroid scan (diagnostic tool)
○ Ectopic thyroid tissue – diagnostic of thyroid
● Levothyroxine – oral t4 supplement
○ Usually for life
○ Overtreatment – risk for craniosynostosis
and temperament problem

● Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s
Figure 21. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
○ The patient may have an infection before,
there is an inflammation so that there would
be production of antibodies
○ this is autoimmune 3. ENDEMIC GOITER
○ With anti-thyroid antibodies CRETINISM
○ Most common cause of acquired ● Deficient iodine stimulates – increased efficiency in
hypothyroidism thyroid (does not pertain to the number of thyroid)
● Thyroidectomy (if you remove the thyroid, now you hormone synthesis–iodine liberated in the tissues
won’t have thyroid hormones) returned rapidly to the gland – resynthesize t3 –

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increase activity of thyroid – compensatory ○ ↑ Nail growth, onycholysis
hypertrophy and hyperplasia
● Serum t4 low
● Circulating t3 (fT3) high
○ Very potent compared to t4 ● Excessive secretion of thyroid hormone
● Normal TSH ● Autoimmune disorder – producing thyroid stimulating
immunoglobulins (TSIs) - Suppresses plasma TSH
● Ophthalmopathy- Antibodies against antigens shared
by thyroid and eye muscle.
○ This is great evidence that your patient
probably has Graves’ disease.
● Pathophysiology of Graves’ Disease is because of
autoimmune disease it will now cause the
thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin and some will now
attack the receptor of thyrotropin (remember:
Figure 22. Goiter thyrotropin receptors are the one inside your pituitary).
With these antibodies attached to the receptors the
TSH will now be problematic it will now cause
● Most serious consequence of iodine deficiency overproduction of thyroid hormones. Unlike the
includes 2 overlapping syndromes antibodies of TPO and Thyroglobulin it will decrease
● Administration of single intramuscular injection of the T3 and T4.
iodinated poppy seed oil to women - prevents iodine ● Thyrotropin receptor antibody (TRSAb)- Binds to
deficiency in future pregnancies up to 5 years. receptor of TSH and causes thyroid hyperplasia and
● When you are considering cretinism or low iodine you overproduction of Thyroid hormone (high t3, t4)
● Then lastly the emotional disturbances accompanied
request for T3 and T4 and you will see the disparity.
by motor hyperactivity-Earliest sign in children
There is normal TSH. (Increase metabolic rate, increased sympathetic
● What is the problem in endemic goiter when you have response)
low iodine? Their consequences are either neurologic ● Please differentiate properly the following
or myxedematous. Problems like mental retardation, antibodies:
problems in your neurological examination. In ○ ANTIBODY TO TPO AND
Myxedematous type these may cause generalized THYROGLOBULIN – causes hypothyroidism
swelling and also growth and development problems. causes hyperthyroidism
But this may also. overlap. ○ So if you see a female who have retracted
eyelids with hand tremors, increase appetite,
irritability and insomnia à Graves and not
Neurologic type Myxedematous type your sleep-deprived classmate
● Thyroid Storm (With very high thyroid hormone
levels it will now cause a metabolic abnormality which
is known as Thyroid Storm)
Mental retardation, deaf Delayed growth and ○ Burch-Wartofsky point scaling (Sensitive to
mutism, standing and sexual development thyroid storm, if you have a score of more
gait abnormality, Myxedema than 45)
pyramidal signs (generalized swelling) ○ Life threatening acute onset of hyperthermia,
(clonus, Babinski and Absence of goiter severe tachycardia, heart failure and CNS
patellar hyper-reflexia) disturbance
Table 13. Neurologic vs. Myxedematous Type ● 2 antithyroid drugs
○ Methimazole
■ 10 times more potent than PTU, longer
4. WOLFF-CHAIKOFF EFFECT half life (But for OB-GYNE, during 2nd
● Large administration of iodide – inhibits organification and 3rd trimester they used MTZ, but for
(iodine attaching to your thyroglobulin) of iodine and board exam, if there’s a question
decrease synthesis of thyroid hormone addresing what is the medication used
● Application: High iodine can be given to patients with for thyroid storm, you must choose PTU)
Graves’ disease (hyperthyroidism). ○ PTU (propylthiouracil)
■ MUST REMEMBER! The only meds
● Remember in hyperthyroidism, T3 and T4 are
used for pregnant patient who is
increased. diagnosed with thyroid storm (used only
5. HYPERTHYROIDISM on 1st trimester because it is less likely
to cross placenta)
● Increased levels of thyroid hormone in the blood
■ Heavily protein bound (meaning less
● Symptoms: ↑ thyroid hormone effects → “speeds
teratogenic that may affect
things up”
organogenesis of the embryo) hence
○ General: ↑ weight loss, ↑ appetite, ↑ body
less to cross the placenta and breastmilk
temperature, heat intolerance, sensitivity to
■ better for pregnant and nursing
○ Cardiovascular: ↑ tachycardia, palpitations,
■ It is also a liver - toxic drug
arrhythmias, hypertension
○ Beta adrenergic blocker
○ GI: ↑ diarrhea
■ propranolol or atenolol
○ Nervous: ↑ anxiety, nervousness, irritability,
■ Adjunct (meaning added therapy) to
insomnia, tremors
antithyroid drugs in thyroid storm
○ Skin: ↑ Sweating, hair growth, fine, soft hair

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■ It will decrease your heart rate or
● According to the book, PTU is used during pregnancy
● But according to the new guidelines followed by
Philippine Obstetric and Gynecology Society, PTU is
only used in 1st trimester then changed to
methimazole due to higher risk of hepatotoxicity with


Figure 23. Parathyroid Glands

FUNCTIONS OF THE PARATHYROID GLANDS Figure 24. Function of Parathyroid Glands

● Regulates calcium
● PTH - calcium to the blood
● vs. Calcitonin - (it tones the bone) calcium to the ● During hypocalcemia, the parathyroid gland has 2
bone cells, the oxyphil and the chief cells (the main cell
● Review of parathyroid hormone physiology: releases PTH). The most important one, the Chief
○ PTH from the Parathyroid gland has a main cells releases PTH in the bloodstream
function to regulate calcium specifically ● Leading to 3 effects on 3 organs namely the Bone, the
during HYPOCALCEMIA hence causing Kidneys and the Intestine
many mechanisms to increase Calcium in ○ Calcium in the blood, there is bone
the blood resorption (bone broken down)
○ A counterpart of PTH is Calcitonin which is ● The PTH binds to the Osteoblast (Bone deposition -
seen in the Thyroid gland released during “bone BUILDING”) to be inhibited and to Stimulate
HYPERCALCEMIA hence causing BONE Osteoclast (bone Resorption - “bone Cutting”)
RESORPTION leading to lowering of calcium which will yield the substrates of Calcium and
in blood Phosphate from the bone to the bloodstream - high
calcium, high PO4. Hence, you need to inhibit
Osteoblast and stimulate osteoclast.
● In the kidneys, PTH interacts with the DISTAL
Convoluted tubule to REABSORB Calcium from the
ultrafiltrate but EXCRETES Phosphate in the process
- high calcium, lowers PO4
● Last, PTH has an indirect effect on the Intestine by
helping in with converting the inactive Vitamin D ( 7
–dehydrocholesterol) to the active form Vitamin D
(1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol or better known as
Calcitriol) by stimulating 1 alpha hydroxylase in the
kidney - remember that 7 dehydrocholesterol will pass
first in the liver to be converted into 25 -
hydroxycholecalciferol then goes to the kidney to be
acted by 1alpha hydroxylase into 1,25
dihydroxycholecalciferol) - This vitamin D (calcitriol)
will now help increase calcium channels in the
intestine to absorb food sources of calcium - high
calcium. Remember, in order to activate Vitamin D,
you need to be exposed to sunlight. The UV light will
now cause the polymerization process and will now
activate the Vitamin D.
● With increase blood calcium that maybe too much -
hypercalcemia - stimulates the Thyroid gland to
produce CALCITONIN (it will tones the bones) which
has only 1 effect: binds to the osteoclast to be
inhibited causing higher OSTEOBLASTIC activity
(increases bone BUILDING, and decrease CUTTING

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of your bone) using the substrate Calcium and ● Long standing hypocalcemia - teeth erupt late and
phosphate (both are rich in your bones) from the irregularly - remember that calcium deposits are
blood towards the bone important in the growth of our teeth
● Has little effect on the kidney and intestine but ● Chvostek Sign - Cheek sign, tap the preauricular
reverses the effect of PTH that leads to calcium to area where your branches of facial nerve passes
decrease. through, it will elicit spasm in patients with

● Aplasia or Hypoplasia of Parathyroid Hormone
○ DiGeorge syndrome - CATCH 21
(Remember: CARdiac abnormalities, Thyroid
dysplasia problem, Low Calcium and
CHromosome 21)
● Maternal Hyperparathyroidism
○ meaning the maternal side is high in PTH
thus it will suppresses the neonatal secretion
of PTH leading to transient TETANY within 3
weeks of life when you cut the umbilical cord
losing the source of PTH from the mother.
● Thyroidectomy causing Iatrogenic disruption of
PTH Figure 26. Chvostek sign
○ Parathyroid gland function should be
monitored for this patients
○ Remember if you cut the thyroid gland you ● Trousseau’s Sign - if there is low calcium, expect this
might as well cut the parathyroid glands sign to be elicited.
● Deposition of Iron or Copper Pigment at
Parathyroid gland
○ Suspected in patients with Thalassemia and
Wilson’s Dse respectively
● Autoimmune
○ Addison's Disease and Chronic
Mucocutaneous Candidiasis


Figure 27. Trousseau’s Sign

● Serum Ca: low at 5-7 mg/dL
● Serum PO4: high at 7-12 mg/dL
● Low PTH: at immunometric assay
● Radiographs
○ X-ray of bones: increased density limited to
metaphyses - deposits of heavy metal
○ Cranial CT Scan - calcification in basal

● 10% Calcium Gluconate IV – 5-10 mL or 1-3mg/kg
● 1,25-D calcitriol supplementation
● Reduced high phosphorus diet
● Milk, eggs and cheese

● Primary defect of Parathyroid Gland: Adenoma or
Figure 25. Clinical Features of Hypoparathyroidism
● Compensatory: From low hypocalcemic states →
secondary hyperparathyroidism
● Part of MEN (Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia)
● Remember that calcium is important in controlling the Syndrome: Hyperparathyroidism, Jaw Tumor
neuron’s threshold action potential which is the critical Syndrome
point before neuron activates, hence when you lower ○ Parathyroid adenomas with fibro-osseous
the calcium, it also lowers the threshold potential jaw tumors
causing more NEUROMUSCULAR irritability

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● High calcium (usually ionized calcium elevated)
● Serum phosphorus low
● Magnesium low
● PTH elevated
● Calcitonin normal

in the phalanges of the hand

Figure 28. AP View of the right hand in a patient with MEN 1

● Surgical exploration for parathyroid adenoma Figure 31. Adrenal Gland
● Total parathyroidectomy
○ For persistent high serum calcium ● In the full-term infant, the combined weight of both
adrenal glands is 7-9 g.
● At birth, the inner fetal cortex makes up approximately
80% of the gland and the outer “true” cortex, 20%.
● Within a few days the fetal cortex begins to involute,
undergoing a 50% reduction by 1 mo of age.
Conversely, the adrenal medulla is relatively small at
birth and undergoes a proportionate increase in size
over the 1st 6 mo after birth.
● By 1 yr, the adrenal glands each weigh <1 g. Adrenal
growth thereafter results in adult adrenal glands
reaching a combined weight of 8 g. The zonae
fasciculata and glomerulosa are fully differentiated by
about 3 yr of age. The zona reticularis is not fully
developed until puberty.

Figure 30. Total Parathyroidectomy


● The adrenal gland is part of the endocrine because it
has the processes the will increase your sodium,
glucose, or sex hormones
● The adrenal glands are on of the kidneys
● It has two parts: the adrenal cortex at the periphery or
at the border and the adrenal medulla will be the inner

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Figure 33. Hormone Production of the Adrenal Gland

● Before we go through the specific functions of each

hormone. Let us understand how each of these are
made by each of the layers
● Remember that cholesterol will be the substrate to
Figure 32. Adrenal Gland and its Layers make aldosterone, cortisol and sex hormone
● The adrenal cortex – outer layer of the adrenal gland
which is located on top of the kidney. 1. ZONA GLOMERULOSA
● The adrenal cortex – outer layer of the adrenal gland
which is located on top of the kidney.
● It is subdivided into 3,
○ the outermost, zona glomerulosa, which
produces mineralocorticoid – aldosterone
(most potent natural mineralocorticoid in
humans), which regulates the sodium and
potassium, and is crucial in maintaining
blood pressure
○ The middle, zona fasciculata, produces the
glucocorticoid – cortisol (the most potent
natural glucocorticoid in humans), which
helps maintain sugar level, by promoting
breakdown of glycogen and increased
glucose production, it also helps reduce
inflammation and suppresses immune
system. The zona fasciculata is the largest
○ The innermost, zona reticularis, produce
ANDROGENS, such as testosterone and
DHEAS (dehydro-epi-androsterone sulfate
which helps make both testosterone and
estrogen). Causes sexual development and
function with bone and muscle growth. Figure 34. Mineralocorticoids → Aldosterone
Sex hormones - reti
To better memorize: use the mnemonic GFR - ACS ● In the zona glomerulosa which is the outermost layer,
G – glomerulosa ---> Aldosterone the pregnenolone is converted to progesterone by the
● You might as well remember aldosterone 3b hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2
(glomerulosa) acts in your kidneys; specifically your ● The are 7 steps that will produce your cholesterol to
glomerulus causing sodium retention your pregnenolone and to your progesterone
F – Fasciculata ---> cortisol ● The important thing is the 21- hydroxylase enzyme
● Cortisol - fasting (fasciculata) - glucose which will shunt the progesterone and pregnenolone
R – Reticularis ---> Sex hormones (Testicles - towards your aldosterone
Testosterone) ● This enzyme is also important to make glucocorticoids
● The progesterone then is converted to 11
deoxycorticosterone by 11 hydroxylase
● The deoxycorticosterone enters the mitochondria to
be converted to the final product, aldosterone by
aldosterone synthase

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● The dhea is converted to androstenedione by 3b
hydroxysteroid and be further converted in other
tissues to testosterone and estrogen in th the blood
● This may be further converted in other tissues
to testosterone and estrogens.
● The main function of the zona reticularis are the
testicles (testosterone)



● Pro-opiomelanocortin (pomc) precursor peptide -->

released by acth --> pulse secretion of acth and
cortisol every 30-120 mins --> highest during waking,
low at afternoon and evening, lowest 1-2 hrs after
● ACTH have diurnal pattern of secretion, high in the
morning, low in the evening


● Renin-angiotensin system and potassium levels

● Aldosterone is important because it needs sodium
Figure 35. Glucocorticoids → Cortisol reabsorption, retain the sodium
● Remember the Renin-Angiotensin pathway when you
have increase renal blood flow secondary to the
● In the zona fasciculata, pregnenolone and blood pressure, it will now cause the renin to
progesterone are converted by 17alpha hydroxylase secreted, that is why it will cause your glomerulus
to 17 hydroxypregnenolone and 17 sodium reabsorption
hydroxyprogesterone. This enzyme is not expressed ● That sodium reabsorption will now enhance the
in the zona glomerulosa, which consequently cannot pathway of hypertension, because sodium is
synthesize 17-hydroxylated steroids. reabsorbed water will be absorbed increasing your
● The 17 progesterone will be converted to 11 vascular resistance, that is what we call hypertension
deoxycortisol by 21 hydroxylase enzyme and finally ● That is why we inhibit this to lower the blood pressure
be converted to cortisol ● Aldosterone has another function; decrease
● Thus, inherited disorders in these enzymes affect both potassium by means of excretion in the urine
aldosterone and cortisol synthesis
● Increasing secretion beginning 6-7 yrs old (female)
and 7-8 yrs old (male)
● Rise until late puberty
● Makes the secondary sexual characteristics, which
will indicate puberty
Table 13. Triggers of secretion

● Just remember in glucocorticoid release due to stress

(you are stress waking up and you are relax during

● Glucocorticoids are essential for survival.
● The term glucocorticoid refers to the
glucose-regulating properties of these hormones.
● sleep)
● Functions of glucocorticoids are increase glucose and
suppression of immune system
● That is why it is important for anti-inflammatory
medication we use glucocorticoids, corticosteroids to
Figure 36. Sex Hormones → Estradiol cause suppression of immunity
● Increase serum glucose
○ Gluconeogenesis in the liver glucose
● When you shunt again the 17- OH progesterone and production
17-OH pregnenolone by means of the 17-20 lyase, it ○ Cellular resistance to insulin dec. glucose
will lyse the 17 and 20 part of the molecule creating uptake
dehydro-epi-androsterone (dhea) ○ That is why when we have hypoglycemia due
● The zona reticularis and to some extent in the zona to fasting cortisol increases glucose
fasciculata, the 17 hydroxylase enzyme converts 17 ● Inc. free fatty acids
hydroxypregnenolone to dehydro-epi-androsterone ○ Enhance lipolysis but decrease glycerol
(dhea) production

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● Positive inotropic effect ● They exert these actions in the kidney, gut, and
○ Incr. left ventricular work index salivary and sweat glands.
● Suppress immune system ● Mineralocorticoid receptors are found in the heart and
○ inhibit glycolipids and prostaglandin vascular endothelium, and aldosterone increases
precursors thereby decreasing cytokine myocardial fibrosis in heart failure
production ● Mineralocorticoids have their most important actions
○ Anti-inflammatory in the distal convoluted tubules and cortical collecting
● Suppress linear growth and skeletal maturation ducts of the kidney, where they induce reabsorption of
○ Thereby prolonged use of steroids in children sodium and secretion of potassium.
should be limited ● In the medullary collecting duct, they act in a
● Long term effect calcium and bone metabolism permissive fashion to allow vasopressin to increase
○ Osteoporosis osmotic water flux
● Glucocorticoids primarily increase glucose and
suppress immune system
● Treatment for allergy – skin asthma and bronchial
● Treatment for low glucose patients in ICU care
● However, glucocorticoids have multiple effects on ● Important in the preservation of secondary sexual
carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism. They also characteristics (especially for men)
regulate immune, circulatory, and renal function. They ● Testosterone
influence growth, development, bone metabolism, and ○ Lowers the voice pitch
central nervous system activity. ○ Increase mature hair
● In stress situations, glucocorticoid secretion can ○ increase sperm production
increase up to 10-fold. This increase is believed to ○ If there is an excess there will be
enhance survival through increased cardiac repercussions
contractility, cardiac output, sensitivity to the pressor ● The adrenal contribution to circulating estrogen levels
effects of catecholamines and other pressor is mainly important in pathologic conditions such as
hormones, work capacity of the skeletal muscles, and feminizing adrenal tumors.
capacity to mobilize energy stores. ● Adrenal androgens contribute to the physiologic
development of pubic and axillary hair during normal
● They also play an important role in the
ii. MINERALOCORTICOID pathophysiology of congenital adrenal hyperplasia,
(ALDOSTERONE) premature adrenarche, adrenal tumors, and Cushing


Figure 38. Blood Pressure Calculator

Figure 37. Function of Mineralocorticoid

● The principal hormones of the adrenal medulla are the
physiologically active catecholamines: dopamine,
● Conserve Serum Sodium and excrete norepinephrine, and epinephrine
○ potassium and hydrogen ion ● Physiologic Active catecholamines are produced
○ Important in maintaining intravascular ● Norepinephrine, Epinephrine and Dopamine
volume (BP increases) ○ Important in raising mean arterial blood
○ Sodium retention (reabsorption) pressure
○ Acidifies the urine ● Epinephrine and Dopamine
● Mineralocorticoid means the mineral Sodium is ○ Inc. both blood pressure and Cardiac output
retained while the mineral potassium is excreted out ● Norepinephrine
● Mineralocorticoids have more limited actions than ○ Only increases peripheral vascular
glucocorticoids. Their major function is to maintain resistance
intravascular volume by conserving sodium and ● Overall increase sympathetic tone
eliminating potassium and hydrogen ions. ● Just remember these things regarding the adrenal

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○ Catecholamines (Epinephrine, ○ there is no suppression (fighting off) immune
Norepinephrine and Dopamine) system it will shoot up causing now fever
○ Hypertension - because it increases your ○ There is hyponatremia because there is no
sympathetic tone thus there are now aldosterone
repercussions ○ No sex hormones which will cause
derangement, however it will just be minimal
in effect
● With low adrenal hormones, it will send a positive
ADRENAL GLAND feedback to the anterior pituitary increasing ACTH
● Remember the POMC (pro-opiomelanocortin) which is
● Primary adrenocortical insufficiency meaning there is similar to ACTH.
a problem with your adrenal gland; that is why there ● When the anterior pituitary gland produces ACTH
will be low adrenal hormones but there is high ACTH production, the POMC will also increase and is
● Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency there is a shunted towards the melanin production dark skin
problem with your pituitary gland. (hyperpigmentation) in the face but hypopigmentation
● Primary Adrenocortical Insufficiency (adrenal cortex) in the periphery (vitiligo)
○ Addison’s Disease ● Primary adrenal insufficiency in children is most
○ Low adrenal hormones with compensatory frequently caused by genetic conditions that are often
high ACTH but not always manifested in infancy and less often by
● Secondary Adrenocortical Insufficiency (anterior acquired problems such as autoimmune conditions
pituitary gland) ● Susceptibility to autoimmune conditions often has a
○ Low ACTH → hypofunction of adrenal cortex genetic basis, and so these distinctions are not
(low cortisol and low catecholamines) absolute.
● Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
● Cushing Syndrome vs Cushing Disease With abnormal adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla leading to:
● Pheochromocytoma ● Low cortisol problems in immunity, sugar
● Low aldosterone hyponatremia, convulsions
● low catecholamines low blood pressure, syncope, GI
1. PRIMARY ADRENOCORTICAL symptoms (low sympathetic, High parasympathetic


Figure 39. CAH

● More than 90% of CAH cases are caused by

21-hydroxylase deficiency.
● When 21-hydroxylase is lacking there is high
substrate of 17-OH (when there is no enzyme the
substrate will increase and the product will be low)
Figure 39. Clinical Manifestation of Addison’s Disease
● That is why the lack of th 21-hydroxylase enzyme can
be detected in newborn screening
● The most common cause of Addison’s disease is ● Male – early secondary sex characteristics (hairy) less
AUTOIMMUNE destruction of Adrenal Glands affected than females
○ Antibodies attack the adrenal gland which ● There is now what we call female hermaphroditism,
will cause Addison’s disease because there is increase substrate, the will go to
● The most common infectious cause of Addison’s make the sex hormone testosterone, because of that
disease is Meningococcemia there will be increase testosterone and will really
● (Waterhouse – Friderichsen Syndrome) - affect the male, but may affect affect the female
meningococcemia decreases the blood pressure causing clitorismemgaly
going to the adrenal glands ● Low sodium and chloride, low cortisol, low glucose
● There is destruction on your adrenal glands which ● High potassium, high renin, high aldosterone
leads to decrease adrenocortical hormone production ● This P450 enzyme (CYP21, P450c21) hydroxylates
● If there is no ACS (no aldosterone. no cortisol, sex progesterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone to yield
hormones): 11-deoxycorticosterone and 11-deoxycortisol,
○ there will be hypoglycemia because there is respectively.
no cortisol,

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● These conversions are required for synthesis of ● Just remember that cushing syndrome is due to
aldosterone and cortisol, respectively. Both hormones prolonged use of steroids patients who have allergies
are deficient in the most-severe, “salt-wasting” form of or patients in lymphoproliferative disorders that need
the disease. suppression.
● Slightly less-severely affected patients are able to ● Because of high cortisol it suppresses your immune
synthesize adequate amounts of aldosterone but have system causing infection, bruises etc.
elevated levels of androgens of adrenal origin; this is Cushing syndrome is generalized program with high
termed “simple virilizing disease”. cortisol
● These 2 forms are collectively termed classic ● The cushing disease is due to pituitary adenoma
21-hydroxylase deficiency. causing release of high amount of ACTH
Mnemonic ○ This is a subtype of cushing syndrome
● CAH: C + A is like 2 ● Signs of Cushing syndrome have been recognized in
● Adrenal – androgen → for MALES females are more infants younger than 1 yr of age. The disorder
affected because they have excess male hormone appears to be more severe and the clinical findings
causing them to become male like more flagrant in infants than in older children.



Figure 41. Pheochromocytomas

● There is a problem with your adrenal medulla, there is

a tumor
● Catecholamines secreting tumors from chromaffin
○ Catecholamines increases sympathetic tone,
which increases hypertension
● Most common site of origin – 90% in Adrenal medulla;
Figure 40. Clinical Manifestation of Cushing Syndrome however, tumors may develop anywhere along the
abdominal sympathetic chain and are likely to be
located near the aorta at the level of the inferior
CUSHING SYNDROME mesenteric artery or at its bifurcation.
● Result from abnormal high level of cortisol ● High Epinephrine and Norepinephrine levels
● This can be iatrogenic or the result of endogenous ● Sustained Hypertension in children
cortisol secretion, a result of either an adrenal tumor ● High Urine Vanillylmandelic acid (VMA)
or of hypersecretion of corticotropin ○ Metabolite of catecholamines
(adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH]) by the pituitary ○ High catecholamine degration leads to high
(Cushing disease) or by a tumor VMA
● It’s the metabolite of the catecholamines
Caused by: ● The RULES of 10 in pheochromocytomas
● Prolonged exogenous administration of glucocorticoid ● 10% malignant
hormones especially at the high doses used to treat ● 10% bilateral
lymphoproliferative disorders. ○ Board exam question pheochromocytomas
● Most common cause are usually unilateral because they are 10%
● Cushing’s disease – due to pituitary adenoma bilateral and usually involves one adrenal
increased ACTH production leads to Increase cortisol. gland
Excessive ACTH secreted by a pituitary adenoma ● 10% extra-adrenal
causes bilateral adrenal hyperplasia ● 10% familial
● With high cortisol it will now cause lipolysis ● 10% children (between 6 and 14 years old)
dysfunction, the lipids will go to areas where they do ● Just remember that pheochromocytomas have
not normally go,which will increase fat pads, causing: hypertension and that you can diagnose by high urine
● Buffalo hump
● Hirsutism Adrenal cortex
● Abdominal striae (centralization of lipids in the ● Addison disease – low adrenal hormones
abdomen, similar to pregnant patients) ● Cushing syndrome – High adrenal hormone
● Humpy dumpy features (especially cortisol)

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Adrenal Medulla
● Pheochromocytomas – high catecholamines
(epinephrine and norepinephrine)
Type 1 Type 2 ● Especially Congenital DISEASE
Rubella Syndrome ● Aggravated by high
● Formerly known as ● Formerly known as ● Rubella virus will caloric intake and
Insulin Insulin RESISTANT attack the pancreas low physical activity
DEPENDENT DM DM or Adult onset specifically the beta ● Central Obesity
or JUVENILE DM DM or cells causing lack of ● Lifestyle problem
○ Younger age ● NON-INSULIN insulin ● Most important
group DEPENDENT DM ● Lack of exposure to lifestyle factor
● Low or absent ○ Resistance to childhood infections associated with DM
production of insulin happens ● hygiene hypothesis ● Because High
INSULIN by beta later on ● Lack of breastfeeding glucose make up of
cells of the ● Breastfeeding is the patient and
Pancreas protectant from type 1 high fat intake
○ Problem with diabetes there would be
beta cells ● early initiation of resistance to
○ This is the cow’s milk protein insulin
reason why there ● Genetically ● Even if you are
is dependence in susceptible releasing m,uch
insulin ● with familial history insulin if there is a
● Most common problem with the
endocrine-metaboli receptor there
c disorder of would be Type 2
childhood DM
● preclinical B-cell Table 15. Causes of Diabetes Mellitus
autoimmunity with
progressive defect
of insulin secretion B. DETECTION OF DM
● transient remission
period” Impaired Glucose Diabetes Mellitus
Table 14. Types of Diabetes Mellitus
FASTING GLUCOSE: Symptoms of (Polyuria,
100-125 mg/dL Polydipsia, Polyphagia,
glucosuria and ketonuria
GLUCOSE >200 mg/dL

And Or

2 hour plasma glucose FASTING GLUCOSE >/=

during Oral glucose 126 mg/dL Or
Figure 42. Pancreas
tolerance test >/= 140 bur 2 hour plasma glucose
<200 (OGTT) >/= 200 mg/dL
● Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common, chronic,
Table 16. Detection of DM
metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia as
a cardinal biochemical feature.
● HbA1c is more for the adult type, for DM in the young
● The Pancreas has both endocrine and exocrine
age we just request random blood sugar and fasting
blood sugar
Endocrine function has 3 types of cell
● However, if you are already treating the patient on a
● Alpha cells – secretes glucagon (increase glucose
longer basis and you need to know if your patient is
towards the bloodstream)
taking in or poorly taking in the medication you might
● Beta cells – secretes Insulin (decrease glucose in the
as well check the Hba1C
bloodstream and increase uptake of glucose towards
● Impaired glucose tolerance is a pre-diabetic condition
the cell
or a risk to go to DM later on
● Delta cells – secretes somatostatin – inhibitory
function towards growth hormone.

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epinephrine, glucagon, cortisol, GH → Accelerated
C. ACANOTHIS NIGRICANS lipolysis and impaired lipid synthesis → Increase total
lipids, cholesterol, triglycerides, and free fatty acids →
Ketone body formation → Metabolic acidosis and
rapid deep breathing


Normal Mild Moderate Severe

CO2 20-28 16-20 10-15 <10

HCO3 <15 <10 <5

pH 7.35-7.45 <7.3 <7.2 <7.1

Clinical No change Oriented, Kussmaul Kussmaul or

Figure 43. Acanthosis Nigricans alert but respirations, depressed
fatigued oriented but respirations,
● Dark pigmentation of skin creases/flexural areas depressed
○ Because of high ACTH which is related to sensorium
melano corticotropin to coma
● More associated with type 2 DM Table 17. Classification of DKA

D. COMPLICATION: ● Remember that with metabolic acidosis it triggers a

compensatory increase in the respiratory rate in order
DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS to reduce dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) and thus
● Metabolic acidosis, with high ketones maintain serum pH. An initial phase of tachypnea
● Glucose >200 mg/dL progresses through hyperpnea (increased tidal
volume) and culminates into the pre-terminal
Mechanism Behind DKA respiratory pattern of Kussmaul Respiration.
● Because of insulin resistance there would be high ● If there is metabolic acidosis there would be
glucose production but there is impaired utilization respiratory alkalosis as a compensation, to lose the
● meaning that glucose will not go inside the cell thus CO2
remaining in the bloodstream ● That is why if the patient is near comatose there is
● Leading hyperglycemia, causing glucose in the urine, Kussmaul respiration
causing osmotic diuresis, where glucose goes water ● The CO2 in ABG will now be decreased,however it
will follow, causing polyuria and urinary loss of will not compensate enough hence pH is lower until it
electrolytes causes fatigue on respiratory muscles leading to
● When there is polyuria there will be polydipsia, this the further metabolic acidosis secondary
compensatory mechanism of the osmotic receptor in ● You need to address the patient and the medication
the hypothalamus, however there is still dehydration for that is to give insulin to decrease the glucose and
● Dehydration causes the compensatory mechanism of the destroy the cascades of events
the catecholamines and all other counter regulatory ● We also hydrate the patient because there is
hormones (epinephrine,glucagon, cortisol and growth dehydration
hormones), which can cause accelerated lipolysis, fat ● DKA is the end result of the metabolic abnormalities
metabolism to meet your gluconeogenesis resulting from a severe deficiency of insulin or insulin
● The byproduct of gluconeogenesis are the ketones, effectiveness.
which will cause acidosis in the blood ● The latter occurs during stress as counterregulatory
● Acidosis in the blood causes the rapid deep breathing hormones block insulin action. DKA occurs in 20-40%
or Kussmaul of children with new-onset diabetes and in children
with known diabetes who omit insulin doses or who do
ARTERIAL BLOOD GAS not successfully manage an intercurrent illness.
● Venous pH <7.3
● Bicarbonate of <15 mmol/L
● Metabolic acidosis X. TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE
1. This endocrine gland regulates the amount of
KETONEMIA AND KETONURIA hormone released into the bloodstream by the target
● Importance of urinalysis with ketone studies organs and is located inside the sella turcica. This
organ is called the “Master Gland.”
● Trauma, infection, vomiting, psychological b. Pituitary
disturbances c. Thyroid Gland
d. Adrenal Gland
E. MECHANISMS OF DM 2. The following hormones are secreted by the anterior
pituitary, except:
● Insulin deficiency → Excessive glucose production → a. Growth hormone
Impaired glucose utilization → Hyperglycemia with b. Prolactin
glucosuria → Osmotic diuresis (glucose attracts c. Oxytocin
water) → Polyuria, urinary losses of electrolytes → d. ACTH
Dehydration and polydipsia → Hypersecretion of

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3. Which of the following decreases the release of growth
a. Ghrelin
b. Sleep
c. Fasting
d. Somatostatin
4. Which of the following will decrease the release of prolactin?
a. Dopamine and its agonist
b. Sucking and nipple stimuli
c. TRH
d. Pituitary tumors
5. This hormone directly influences the thyroid gland to secrete
T3 and T4.
a. TRH
b. TSH
d. CRH
6. With high ACTH, the patient will eventually have darkening
of skin which can be noted in Addison’s Disease. Which
component can explain the hyperpigmentation in these
a. ANP
c. Oxytocin
d. Cholecystokinin
7. Which of the following gonadotropic hormones will increase
testosterone hormone?
a. FSH
b. LH
c. Inhibin
d. Estrogen
8. Which of the following is the function of anti-diuretic (ADH)?
a. Inhibits defecation
b. Increases dehydration
c. Decreased blood pressure
d. Inhibits urination
9. Which of the following is NOT a function of oxytocin?
a. Stimulates uterine contraction
b. Breast smooth muscle contraction
c. Orgasm
d. Milk production
10. Which organ causes the release of 2 hormones that were
initially produced by the neurosecretion of the supraoptic and
paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus?
a. Adrenal gland
b. Thyroid gland
c. Anterior pituitary
d. Posterior pituitary

Answers: B, C, D, A, B, B, B, D, D, D

1. Dr. Cadiente’s PPT Presentation
2. Nelson’s Textbook of Pediatrics. 21st Edition.

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Figure 1. Anatomy and Physiology of the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland

Figure 2. GnRH Agonists Mechanism of Action.

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Figure 3. Structure of Nephron; Collecting Tubules- Aquaporins

Figure 4. Thyroid Hormone Production

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Figure 5. Function of Parathyroid Glands

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Figure 7. Hormone Production of the Adrenal Gland

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