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Rater Guidelines: Instagram Feed

Promotional Content for Unconnected Raters

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Basic Workflow

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When you open the tool, you'll see a series of posts from accounts you follow or from public
accounts. For all posts, you'll answer a series of questions. Be yourself and answer the
questions honestly based on how you experience what you see. There is no judgment from us
about how you feel about the post.

Getting started

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Familiarize yourself with where to look when answering questions about Feed posts:

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Guidelines for Reviewing POSTS

For each post:

• Always examine the following features as they appear on the post: Author profile, the
picture(s) or video(s), hashtags, @mentions, and tags

• Always expand the caption and tap on the @Mentions and Tags, as needed, to answer the
questions accurately.
• Always swipe to see all the photos / videos when there's a scroll indicator.
• Read the question guidelines carefully and follow any additional instructions.
• If you don't know anything about the account, just base your answers on the post itself.

• Don't leave the post to investigate the author profile or other details unless you're asked to
do so.
• Don't expand comments unless you're asked to do so.
Things to do While rating content

As you're rating posts, reference these guidelines to ensure you understand what is being asked.
Talk with your manager to let us know if you have feedback about our questions or the tool.

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If you come across content you believe should be reported, please report it as you would

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Batches of Reviews

You will be reviewing 72 posts per batch.

Rating Timeline

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Please complete all of your reviews before midnight, local. You will receive a new batch the next
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How did you feel about seeing this post?
Very positive

Somewhat positive
Neither positive nor negative
Somewhat negative
Very negative
Question 1 Guideline

• Choose the answer that best represents how you'd feel about this
post if you saw it in Instagram.
Question 2
Is this post building awareness about any of the following?
Business, brand, product or service

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Website, app or game
Store, restaurant or other commercial location

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Media like books, movies, TV shows, or music
None of the above
Question 2 Guideline

• Choose one or more options, or select None of the above.

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e Check the picture or video, as well as any caption, mentions, tags
and hashtags.
Building awareness means that the purpose of the post is to give
information about a brand, product, or other object: for
example,“@Restaurant is awesome for karaoke and the food is
delicious!” is building awareness.
A post is not building awareness if it's primarily about the author's
life. A post that mentions the name of a business or service without
providing much additional context, or a post that refers to a product in
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passing while its author is sharing one of his experiences, is not
building awareness. For example, if the author says, "I'm eating in
@restaurant", the post is not building awareness for the restaurant.

• Select every answer that applies:

▪ Business, brand, product or service:


▪ Examples include businesses or brands of any size

and industry, ranging from large global companies to
smaller online/local businesess, as well as sports
clubs, non-profit organizations and local/global
communities with a cause. This category also
includes goods and services that can be sold in

exchange for money, like: sporting goods, clothing

and apparel, beauty products, jewelry, household
items, electronics, pharmaceuticals and more.
▪ Website, app or game
▪ Examples include a website link or url, an
application you can download, or an online or
console electronic game.
▪ Commercial location
▪ Examples include venues, restaurants,
theaters, amusement parks and museums.
▪ Event
▪ Examples include any real world or virtual event,
show, concert, festival, sporting event or similar.
▪ Media like books, movies, TV shows, or music
▪ Examples include online or offline publishers or
the work they publish, movies or tv shows you can
watch in a theatre or on broadcast tv or through a
streaming service, albums, songs, playlists, and
any streaming services.
▪ None of the above
▪ Select this option if the post isn't
building awareness about any of the above.

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If this post is building awareness, how clearly do you think it is doing so?
Very clearly
Somewhat clearly
Not at all clearly

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Not applicable
Q3 Guideline:

e If you chose “none of the above” in the previous question, select
“not applicable.”
Base your answer on the amount of information and level of detail the
post provides about the thing it's building awareness for. The more
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information or detail the post uses to build awareness, the clearer
it is.
• If you selected more than one option in the previous question,
answer this question based on the highest level of information or
detail you see in the post.

Does this post suggest you do any of the following on Instagram?
Visit a profile page, post or story

Engage with content (e.g. like or share it)

Tag or mention someone
Create a post or story
Follow an account
Send a direct message (DM)
Click on the link in the bio
Another action on Instagram
None of the above
Q4 Guidelines

• Choose one or more options, or select None of the above.

• Only consider actions that you're asked to take within Instagram.
• Posts that suggest that you take action on Instagram use words
like "visit," "check out," "like," "comment," "share" and so on.
• Posts that are primarily about their authors' experiences typically
do not suggest that you take an action. Mentioning a profile, post or
story without asking you to take an action doesn't count as a
• Select every option you believe applies:

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o Visit a profile page, post, or story
▪ For example, "check out their profile," "visit @username's

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page," "visit my latest post," or "go to my story"
o Engage with Content (e.g. like or share it)
▪ For example, "like this post," “comment below about your
opinion,” "share this post,” or “swipe up on my latest
o Tag or mention someone
o Create a post or story
▪ For example, "share your post with

39 ne o Follow an account

▪ For example, "follow me/@username for

o Send a direct message (DM)

▪ For example, "send me a DM".
o Click on the link in the bio
§ Select this option if it suggests you click on the link in
the bio.
p Another action on Instagram
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▪ Select this option if the post asks you to perform any
other action within Instagram.
o None of the above
▪ Select this option if the post doesn't ask you to
perform any action within Instagram.

Does this post suggest you do any of the following outside of Instagram?
Buy something

Visit a website or another social media platform

Download an app
Have an experience
Contact a business or person
Another action outside of Instagram
None of the above
Q5 Guideline:

• Choose one or more options, or select None of the above.

• Only consider actions that you're asked to take outside of Instagram.
• Posts that suggest that you take action on Instagram use words like
"visit," "go to," "purchase," "learn more," and so on. Some
suggested actions may be subtle, like posts that include a price and
use words like "pre-order" or "available in our fall collection."
• Posts that are primarily about their authors' experiences typically
do not suggest that you take an action. Mentioning a profile, post or
story without asking you to take an action doesn't count as a
• Select every answer that applies:

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o Buy something
▪ For example, "new shoes are available on our website" or
"to register for the yoga class, just DM me"
o Visit a website or another social media platform
▪ For example, "go to to see more," "purchase
on," "Follow us on Facebook for updates," or

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"Subscribe to my Youtube channel"
o Click on the link in the bio

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▪ For example, "link in the bio" or "click the link in the
o Download an app
▪ For example, "download my app 'xyz' on Android or iOS,"
"the app is launched on iOS today," or "don't forget to
update your app for the latest features, etc."
o Have an experience (like listen to a song or attend an event)
▪ For example, "my new single drops today," "visit my Youtube

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channel for my latest video" or “come to the festival
this June”
o Contact a business or a person
▪ For example, “email for more
e information”
o Another action outside of Instagram
▪ Select this option if the story asks you to perform any
other action outside of Instagram
o None of the above
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▪ Select this option if the story doesn't ask you to
perform any action outside of Instagram.


Who is the author of this post?

A person
Not a person
Q8 Guideline:

• Tap the author's profile name to discover whether it is:

o A person: An individual who is representing themself and not
a business, corporation, organization, community, or content
▪ Examples: known person, celebrity, influencer, photographer,
author, public figure, entrepreneur, fashion
model, journalist, government official, motivational
speaker, musician, fitness trainer or artist.
o Not a person: A business, corporation, organization, or
content aggregator
▪ Examples: A business of any size and from any industry, from
a global corporation to a small local shop, a sports club,
magazine, publisher or non-profit organization. This category
also includes content aggregators: accounts that collect and
share content about celebrities, news or other
topics of interest, including memes, highlight video
clips or inspirational quotes.

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Why do you think the author created this post?
To promote their own business
To promote another business
For fun or social reasons, not to promote
It's unclear

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Q7A Guideline:

• e Choose the answer that fits best.

o Promoting the author's own business can include advertising for
a product or service they're selling, as well as marketing the
author's own work, like a movie or tv show they're featured in
or an album they're releasing.
o For fun or social reasons refers to posts where the author
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has shared something about their own life or any content that
is clearly not promoting a business.


How clear is the purpose of this post?

Very clear
Somewhat clear
Not at all clear
Q7B Guideline:

• Answer this question based on how clearly you think you understand
the reason behind why the author shared the post.

What type of a relationship do you think the author has with the subject they're
promoting ?
Family or friend relationship
Business partnership
It's unclear
Not applicable
Q7C Guideline:

• Answer this question only if you think that there is a promotion in

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the post: otherwise, select Not applicable.
• Spend one minute examining the promotion. Tap tags, visit @mentions,

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visit the author profile, and consider googling the promotion. If
you can't tell what kind of relationship exists, then choose “It's
• Choose the answer that fits best:
o Family or friend relationship
▪ Example: Joe Curry promoting book by his wife @Ashley. Use
clues from the post, check Joe and Ashley's profiles or
search online to see how they are related.
o Commercial or business partnership

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▪ Example: Nike athletic wear sponsors Sabrina Williams, a
pro-athlete, and Sabrina posts about a Nike product she
is using.

Do you believe the author received money or other rewards in exchange for sharing this
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Q7D Guideline:

• Choose the answer that fits best.

• If the post has the following, then choose "yes":
o Hashtags like #ad, #sponsored, #partner, #sp
o A message that says “thanks to @business” or something similar

To what extent does this post seem like an advertisement?
Very much
Not at all
Q8 guideline:

o Compare this post to the advertisements you typically see

on Instagram.

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