Reflection Essay 3

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In the first essay, I used my references to add to my support or thesis to help me state my

opinion better in the essay. I would add in details and information from the studies that had been

conducted to add to the essay and subtopics for more detail and further explanation. In essay two,

I used the different and opposing views to help me establish a criterion for my subtopics and

counterarguments. I would reread the articles to refresh on information that I might not have

understood or fully captured and incorporated it into the essay as to make it seem more detailed

about certain topics and ideas.

In the first essay, all I had to do was incorporate a summarized version of the articles that

I had read and incorporate it into detail for my essay. The annotated bibliography just gave a

condensed, summarized version of the articles and what they contained, however, in the third

essay I had to incorporate more details and more versions of the articles that may or may not

have been mentioned in the article. In the second essay, I refrain from including my own version

of the article and my own opinion of the studies and my topic. I didn’t need to just make it seem

like the authors were having a conversation between themselves, instead I stated my opinion of

the findings about the articles and used the authors as sources to help incorporate more data and


In the third essay, to state your own opinion of studies and the correlation between the

objects of the study; you must incorporate more than just your own findings but other articles

and authors who had done similar research or similar conclusions that were relevant to my own

topics. If a future essay were to ever ask for an opinion based on the findings of an article, I now

know that I need to use more than just my own findings.

The third essay was more based on the fact that I already had articles about various

different topics, however, I used more data from the articles than real data that I could have
conducted if I were to do my own study. The articles couldn’t be too closely vague on the topics

nor could they be too loose about my main idea of topics. This became very hard to do since

there weren’t a lot of studies done about the topics I had chosen.

This writing helps me create ideas on how I might be able to express my opinions on an

essay and provide a good number of details for the essay and topics to not only show my point of

view but also the views of the opposing side. I will need to understand my viewpoint as well as

the views of the opposing side as to ensure that the readers can understand my views and find the

data and research as ways to further understand my opinions of certain topics.

I believe that my strengths are stating my opinions based on not only the conclusions of

the research but also my past and present experiences. My weaknesses are my thesis statements

and my subtopics. I struggled a lot with the third essay to have a good thesis statement, but I

didn’t feel right every time I tried to incorporate the thesis statement and subtopics together. The

strengths and weaknesses are much more different than the previous essays because I struggled

to have confidence in this essay as well as true understanding of this topic.

My third essay will have different thesis statements as I struggled to make it clear

sounding and because I struggled to ensure that the subtopics were all covered. I will also need to

incorporate more information and details to not fall behind and not lose track of what I want to

talk about in my essay. I don’t think anything will stay the same other than the fact that I must

incorporate more details and include more sources as the ones I used seemed limited in certain

areas and aspects.

The most challenging was trying to get all the sources into the essay however I found that

difficult because I could not use a lot of the findings that the sources had to fully understand my
viewpoint. The least challenging was the structure and organization of the subtopics because I

already had an idea of where I wanted to put certain articles and what articles pertained the most

to other topics and ideas.

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