Cognitive Psychology and Psychometrictheories of Intelligence

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Cognitive Psychology and Psychometric theories Of Intelligence

Kattekola Prasannalaxmi
Department of Pharmacology, Gokaraju Rangaraju College of Pharmacy, Osmania University
Hyderabad, India.

Introduces fundamental issues in cognitive psychology. the belief that that the principles of cognitive
psychology should be introduced in such a way that students see their direct pertinence to and potential
impact upon human affairs. It is aimed principally at the undergraduate who is taking a basic course in
cognitive psychology, in memory and cognition, or in human memory.

Keywords: Psychology, Psychometric theories, Cognitive Psychology.

Accepted on January 28, 2021

the sameextent, if they are poor in logical or verbal

Introduction intelligence [4].
Cognitive studies suggest as regards the different The studies of human intelligence, one could simplify
theories of intelli-gence? Evidence is against a theissue by asserting that only high level processes
completely unitary view of intelligence. The define intelligence, whereas theother ones offer a
largenumber of dissociations documented by simple support to intelligent operations but are
experimental and neuropsychologicalstudies show a neither criticalto intelligence nor can they be easily
mind that has to be fractionated. Low level processes, differentiated between people [5]. simple conclusion
likesensory discrimination, rapid naming, etc ., can would underestimate the importance of the
be described as independentmodules largely extraordinarymanifestations of intelligence associated
automatic, out of the control of central processes and with specific forms of intelligence, forexample in the
transfer effects [1]. People who are very good in a areas of music, art, or calculation, etc. Furthermore,
particular ability are not necessarily goodin other there issubstantial evidence showing that basic
basic abilities. This evidence could be con-sidered in automatised computations, likeimmediate memory or
favour of the popular view that there are different speedy processing can explain an important portion
forms of intelli-gence. For example the multiple of the variance in human intel ligence asmeasured by
intelligence theory assumedthat there are different traditional tests.In other words, it seem s that neither
and independent forms of intelligence unitary, nor multiple models of intelli-gence are in
substantiallydefined on the basis of the domain complete accordance with the evidence emerging
involved: numbers vs. language vs. logicalconcepts from studies [6].
vs. music vs. space vs. motor representations [2].
Documented that a complete separation offunctions is
easier for low level processes than for high level hierarchical representation ofintelligence, component
processes. The same type of description and seems more central since the authors suggested,in
differentiation given for basic skills does not applyto their ``investment'' theory, that the Gf component
high level processes, like reasoning, cognitive allows for the developmentof the Gc. In fact, Gf
control, etc. These abilities arenot based only on refers to the mind's ability to make a series of
automatic processes, they can be at least partially operations(like classifications, seriations, analogical
transferredand involve a series of interconnected reasoning) without the need to refer topreexisting
operations [3]. In this respect it is hard todemonstrate knowledge. On the contrary, Gc refers to the mind's
that domain specific forms of intelligence all have the operationswhich strongly rely on knowledge, i.e., on
same cog-nitive status and that they also share the cultural background and on stimulusfamiliarity,
same status with more domain freeskills concerning which in turn have been developed through the
reasoning, problem solving, and general knowledge. critical contributionof Gf. (Examples of contexts and
Peoplecan still be very efficient in a large range of tasks measuring Gc can be found in the areasof
situations, even if they are poor inmusical or kinaest numerical, mechanical, and lexical abilities.) The
hetic intelligence, but this is not true, at least not to two-factor theory offers aseries of interesting

J Clin Psychiatry Cog Psychol. Volume 5. Issue 1 1

Mini review

elements of attraction. In p articular it seems able to be-inspected stimuli. If we consider intelligence

explainage variations in intelligence, because both according tothe traditional view, i.e., the ability to
factors develop with age but verysoon the Gf starts a solve problems and/or to perform complexreasoning
slow decline whereas the Gc remains high until old tasks, the association of intelligence with speed in
age, explaining why elderly people maymeet doing trivialcomparisons can seem bizarre and
difficulties with unfamiliar material, and yet be unconvincing [10].
highly competent in verbaltasks and in the
manipulation of well-known material Psychometric Conclusion
approaches may offer imp ortant methods and inputs Psychology has contributed significantly to
for the studyof human intelligence. However, they theoretical understanding of certain mental processes
are in some way theory-opaque becausethey define studied in cognitive psychology and cognitive
their constructs on the basis of tasks and statistical neuroscience. It also shows that neuroscientific
indexes [7]. This maynot be a problem in applied research on motor imagery can benefit from
fields but can create difficulties when the increased collaboration with cognitive psychology.
constructsmust be inserted within a description of Overall, I conclude that the domain of offers
psychological functioning. Further more, in certain cognitive researchers a rich and dynamic natural
practical contexts, psychometric indexes may not be laboratory in which to study how the mind works.
entirely adequate,for examp le in the case of an References
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J Clin Psychiatry Cog Psychol. Volume 5. Issue 1 2

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J Clin Psychiatry Cog Psychol. Volume 5. Issue 1 3

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