Reflection Essay 2

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Compared to my first essay, I learned that I need to incorporate more details from my

sources rather than just write a summary of the story and the information the authors had

incorporated. I used the various ways to find data to incorporate more details or information into

my other essays and research. For my SOCI 1301 term paper essay, I needed to find more

information about certain topics, and I used the resources that I had used in my ENGL 1302 class

to help me incorporate all sorts of data into the essay.

I didn’t necessarily need to learn how to do an annotated bibliography because none of

my classes required it for any sort of citations or sources. I also didn’t necessarily need to

summarize the articles that I had found or the research the authors had done. For my PSCI 2306,

I didn’t quite need to summarize any sort of information used, instead, I needed to elaborate

more into detail about the laws and regulations that happened.

I need to make sure that I don’t necessarily cut off any details that might pertain to or

might be relative to the topic or the article. I also learned that I need to have some opposing

viewpoints to state not only the side I would like to take but to also take the side that I could

either help me or encourage me to find more data or articles. I need to make sure that I add rather

than subtract to my ideas and subtopics that are to be stated in my essays or in normal research


I think that it was unnecessary to incorporate so many sources because it caused a lot of

confusion for me when it came to subtopics and opposing viewpoints. I had to ensure that my

essay had the correct articles in line with my thesis statement and in order as well. I also had to

make sure that the information aligned with the subtopic that I mentioned which made it difficult

because I wasn’t sure if to state certain articles again or to just stay in one subtopic.
My essays were improved greatly because of so many different drafts and so many

different resources to use from as to state general topics, define my thesis, and even evaluate my

standing in my own topic. I know that now I will need to better understand my articles and

incorporate more details about my topics rather than just summarizing the main idea of what I

read. Rather than just summarizing, I will give better definitions and details about my topic and

the subtopics that come from the articles that I found and used.

I think my strengths are that I know what to state and how to interpret it into information

for my readers to understand. However, this means that I summarize a lot of my information

from my articles, and it becomes hard to follow along, especially when I don’t re-read my essay

and just type. I think my weakness is the same throughout the first two essays. I didn’t

incorporate data on a lot of the information, and this caused me to not fully understand both as a

reader and as a writer.

I think the first essay seemed to be a little tricky because I wasn’t sure what to put at first,

but the second essay seemed to better work because I understood a little bit more what to include

as topics and details. For sure the details and information that I need to include for all my essays

and topics are what I am going to struggle with for all 3 essays. What might be different is the

effort that I need to incorporate for the final essay because I know now what to put and what to

ensure about information.

I think the most challenging aspect of this essay was the part about the conversation

between the authors and their conclusions in their research. The least challenging aspect was

most likely the subtopics that I wanted to use because most of my articles incorporated their own

subtopics that helped narrow it down greatly.

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