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List of important questions

2 marks questions: (Answer any 5 from the given 10 questions)


Chapter-1 • Explain PCI slot.

Typical • What is the purpose of AGP
configuration slot?
of computer • What is data bus and address 1 QUESTION
• Explain XT or AT or Baby AT
or ATX motherboard.

Chapter-2 • Draw a general k-map for 4-

Boolean variables A, B, C, D
algebra • Convert the Boolean
expression to Canonical
SOP/POS form
• Construct a Boolean function
of 3 variables X, Y and Z that
has output 1. When exactly 1 QUESTION
two of X, Y and Z are having
0 and output 0 for remaining
• What are the fundamental
products for each of the
input words: ABCD=0011
ABCD=0110 ABCD=1110,
write SOP expression?
• Prove algebraically
• Boolean laws (prove using
Truth Table or perfect
induction method)
• State principle of
duality/give the dual form
of 0.X+X.Y+1.X
Chapter-3 • Working of AND, OR, NOT, 1 QUESTION
Logic gates NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR
with gate symbol and Truth
Chapter-8 • What are restrictions of
Function overloaded functions?
overloading • What is meant by function
overloading implements
polymorphism. 1 QUESTION
• Write syntax for friend
• Write example for definition
and declaration of function
Chapter-9 • Why are constructors needed
Constructor in a program, justify?
and • Write syntax and example
destructor for default constructor 1 QUESTION
• Write syntax for copy
• Which are the different
methods to invoke
parameterized constructor.
• Write syntax and example
for destructor.
Chapter-11 • What is pointer? Give syntax
Pointers for pointer declaration with
• What is address operator?
Give example
• How to initialize pointer? 1 QUESTION
Give example
• What is free store?
• Illustrate the use of self-
referential structure with the
help of example
• What is new/delete
Chapter- 12 • Write member functions 1 QUESTION
Data file belonging to fstream class.
handling • What is stream? Name the
types of streams.
• Mention the methods of
opening a file in c++
• Name the stream classes
supported by c++ for file
input and output
Chapter -13 • Name the data types
Database supported by DBMS
concepts • What is specialization?
• What is generalization?
• Classify various types of
keys used in database. 1 QUESTION
• What is data warehouse?
• What is data mining?
• Give example for relation
selection with example.
Chapter-16 • Name the different protocols
Internet and used.
open-source • What is URL and HTTP? 1 QUESTION
concepts • What are OSI and W3C?
• What is OSS and FLOSS?
Give examples.
Chapter-17 • What are types of web
Web scripting? 1 QUESTION
designing • Structure of HTML page

3 marks questions( Answer any 5 from the given 10 questions)

Chapter-1 • Explain different components
Typical of motherboard
configuration • Explain the characteristics of
of computer motherboard
• Explain the different types of 1 QUESTION
I/O ports
• Explain the features of USB
• Explain cache memory
• Explain the types of power
• What is the purpose of ports,
buses and controller in the I/O
• Explain types of buses.
• Explain types of slots.
Chapter-3 • Realize AND, OR, NOT using
Logic gates NAND gate.
• Realize AND, OR, NOT using 1 QUESTION
NOR gate.

Chapter-4 • Explain memory representation

Data of 1-D array
structures • Explain 2-D array using row
major/ column major order.
• Mention various operations
performed on linear data
• Mention various operations 1 QUESTION
performed on primitive data
• Give the applications of stack
• Give the applications of arrays
• Define root, subtree, depth,
degree, leaf node
• Memory representation of
stack, queue, linked list using
1-D array
Chapter-10 • What are the advantages of
Inheritance inheritance?
• What is difference between
inheritance and
polymorphism? 1 QUESTION
• What is difference between
public and private access

Chapter-11 • What are the advantages of

Pointers pointers?
• Write the difference b/w static
and dynamic memory
• What is array of pointers? 1 QUESTION
• What is relationship b/w string
and pointers? Give example.
• What is relationship b/w object
and pointers? Give example.
• What is relationship b/w
structure and pointers? Give

Chapter-12 • Write the difference b/w text

Data file and binary file.
handling • Write the difference b/w read()
and write().
• Write the difference b/w get()
and getline().
• Explain different file modes. 1 QUESTION
• Explain opening a file using
constructor method with syntax
and example
• Explain opening a file using
open () member function with
syntax and example
• Write the difference b/w
ifstream and ofstream

Chapter-14 • List the built-in functions

SQL associated with group
commands functions in SQL.
• Explain DDL commands with 1 QUESTION
• Explain DML commands with
• Explain AND operator using
where in SQL.
• Classify various built-in
functions in SQL.
Chapter-15 • Explain the types of networks
Network • Explain communication modes
concepts • Explain switching/networking
techniques. 1 QUESTION
• Explain applications of
• Explain the network goals
• Explain types of servers
Chapter-16 • What is open source?
Internet and • What is proprietary software?
opensource • Write the advantages of WWW
concepts • Write the advantages of E- 1 QUESTION
• What is telnet?
• Explain types of E-commerce
• Explain IPR in India.
• Explain free software.

Chapter-17 • What is web hosting? Explain

Web its types.
designing • Give the features of DHTML.
• Give the features of XML.
• Explain any 3 formatting tags 1 QUESTION
• Explain the program to create
tables in web page.
• Write the advantages of web

5 marks questions ( Answer any 7 from the given 14 questions)

Chapter-2 Minterm and Maxterm K-MAP
Boolean 1 QUESTION

Chapter-4 Algorithm on array

Data • Insert an element
structures • Delete an element
• Sort the elements
• Binary search 3 QUESTIONS
• Linear search
Algorithm on stack
Algorithm on QUEUE
• Enqueue
• Dequeue
Algorithm on Linked List
• Insert at the end
• Insert at the beginning
• Insert at the desired position
• Delete at the end
• Delete at the beginning
• Delete at the desired position
Operations performed on queue
Operations performed on stack
Chapter-6 • Explain characteristics of
• Give the advantages of
• Give the disadvantages of
• Give the applications of
Chapter-7 • Explain class definition and
Classes and declaration with syntax and
Objects example
• Explain different access
specifiers 1 QUESTION
• Explain member functions
(outside class definition/
inside class definition)
• What are the characters of
member functions outside
the class?
• Explain objects as function
arguments with example
• Illustrate array of objects.
Chapter-8 • Explain the need for function
Function overloading.
overloading • Discuss overloaded functions
with syntax and example
• Explain inline functions with
syntax and example 1 QUESTION
• Explain friend functions
with syntax and example
• Write the advantages and
disadvantages of inline
• Explain the characteristics of
friend functions
Chapter-9 • Explain default constructor
Constructor with syntax and example
and • Explain parameterized
destructor constructor with syntax and
• Explain the rules/features of
copy constructor 1 QUESTION
• Explain the destructor with
syntax and example
• Write the rules for a
constructor function
• Illustrate how constructors
are used with = operator.

Chapter-10 • What is visibility mode and

Inheritance its role?
• How does inheritance
influence working of
constructors and destructors?
• Explain single level 1 QUESTION
inheritance with a suitable
• Explain different types of
Chapter-13 • Explain data processing cycle
Database • Explain features/advantages
concepts of database system
• Explain DBMS architecture.
• Explain database model
• Explain CODD’s rules
• Explain normalization with
classification and example 2 QUESTIONS
• Mention applications of
• Give between manual and
electronic file system.
• Explain ISAM, sequential,
serial, direct, random file
• Explain data independence.

Chapter-14 • Explain SQL constraints with

SQL example
commands • Write the difference b/w
order by and group by with
• Explain the commands below
• Explain with example to
create employee details and
give minimum and
maximum in the salary

Chapter-15 • Explain various networking

Networking devices
Concepts • Explain working of OSI and
• What is topology? Explain in
detail. 1 QUESTION
• What is gateway? Explain
• What is virus? Give the
measures to prevent it.
• Explain network security in
• Explain transmission
medium in detail.

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