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Vota No, of Questions : §} searnes[ aa PA-2240 (Total No. of Pages :2 [5901-337 _ LY. BSc. ) CHEMISTRY CH - S10(A) 21 FRODUCTION TO MEDICINAL SS Sy CHEMISTRY (2019 Pattern) (CBCS) (Semester - V) (351310A) ; i, [Max. Marks : 35 Time : 2 Hours}—~ Instructions (0 the candidates : D QT is compulsory. 2) Solve any’ three questions from 0.2 10 0.5 3) 2.210 0.5 carry equal marks. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary,“ 6) Use of logarithm tables and calculator is allowed. Og Q1) Solveany FIVE of the following: SS! 15] a) Whatis receptor? QY © b) What is the meaning of Bigisoster. ¢) Name any two antibacteri gents. d) Draw the structure of iol. ©) Define Antimetabolites. > {) Whatis superficial fuigal infection? / 0 eS lel Attempt any 2: as Define Inflammation, What are anti inflammatory agents? they classified? oY S What is vaccine? Name different met of yaotine preparation. Give one ‘example of booster vaccine mn “ppiscuss the term 'Pharmacophiore! with an-example, i following: ae SAR of penicillins, ie macrolides? Give theirapplications. v a 4] PTO. ot 3) a) Attempt any 2: \6l i) What is drug? Discuss the need of new cr. e-characteristics of ideal s¢ di) What are sedative: Answer the foll A) ~ Digeuss any three terms used in drug development. ae Explain Lipinski Rule ofS. ifiy “What areanaigesicagents? How eth elassified? Giveone example each. a BO no (by Answerthe following oS rey oe {0}

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