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Preventing the

spread of microbial
infections is crucial
for community well-

Hand Hygiene
Wash hands frequently with soap and
water for at least 20 seconds.
Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers
when soap and water are not

Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
Wear masks in crowded or public
places, especially during outbreaks.
Use gloves when handling
potentially contaminated materials.

Proper Food Handling

Cook food thoroughly and practice

safe food handling to prevent
foodborne illnesses.

Surface Cleaning
Regularly clean and disinfect
frequently-touched surfaces
(doorknobs, handles, countertops).
Use appropriate cleaning agents as
recommended by health authorities.

Educate Others
Share accurate information about
infection prevention with friends,
family, and community members.
Correct misinformation to reduce
panic and promote effective
preventive measures.

Mohammad Nur barudi bsrt 2-B

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