Trilling Shard

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Designers Bruce R. Cordell and Sean K. Reynolds
Additional Writing Monte Cook, Shanna Germain,
Mark Reynolds, and Greg Stockton
Creative Director Monte Cook
Managing Editor Shanna Germain
Editor Kate Alice Marshall
Proofreader Ray Vallese
Art Director Bear Weiter
Graphic Design Zoa Smalley
Cover Artist Bruce Brenneise

Samuel Araya, Bruce Brenneise, Richard Burgess, chrom, Biagio D’Alessandro, Jason Engle, Michele Giorgi,
Luke Green, Inkognit, Guido Kuip, Eric Lofgren, Anton Kagounkin Magdalina, Patrick McEvoy, Federico Musetti,
Irina Nordsol, Mirco Paganessi, Grzegorz Pedrycz, Seth Rutledge, Sam Santala, Lie Setiawan, Mark Tarrisse,
Cyril Terpent, Ren Tu, Ben Wootten, Kieran Yanner

Christopher West

Monte Cook Games Editorial Board

Scott C. Bourgeois, David Wilson Brown, Eric Coates, Gareth Hodges, Mila Irek,
Jeremy Land, Laura Wilkinson, Marina Wold, George Ziets

© 2018 Monte Cook Games, LLC. NUMENERA and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries.
All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC.

Printed in Canada

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Chapter 1: Rise of the Margr 6
Chapter 2: The Village of Ellomyr 15


Chapter 3: Against the Iron Wind 22
Chapter 4: The Town of Ellomyr 30


Chapter 5: Return of the Margr 38
Chapter 6: The City of Ellomyr 42


Chapter 7: Creatures 52
Chapter 8: The Numenera 56
Chapter 9: Othmar 58
Chapter 10: Valley of Sins 59

NPC Index 63

1 2 3 4

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s a skilled explorer, you have traveled more The Trilling Shard captures that growth, using the
than most and seen your share of small, narrative that developed during the Numenera 2
isolated communities in the Ninth World. But crowdfunding campaign, when Ellomyr was revealed in
something about Ellomyr has caught your attention. The a series of story vignettes and in art. This sourcebook
folk welcomed you warmly when you arrived, sharing uses that narrative as the foundation on which to build
their food and their homes. Like so many communities, new content presented in a GM-friendly format for those
Ellomyr lies in the shadow of ancient ruins that no one who want to include Ellomyr in their home games.
completely understands. Ellomyr’s central square is built Ellomyr’s presentation is divided into a series of three
around the infamous and immovable Trilling Shard, an phases separated in time, portraying the community
ancient symbol-covered stone that quavers with sound as a small village, a bigger town, and finally a large
at rare times. city. Each of these phases includes a keyed map and
These people clearly work hard to maintain a safe associated descriptions of important people and
place to live and raise their families. But the Ninth locations in the Ellomyr of that particular phase. Unless
World is a harsh, unforgiving place, filled with dangers noted otherwise, people and locations from earlier
arising from the prior worlds. Raiders and strange phases are usually still part of Ellomyr in later phases
biomechanical beasts, weird radiation and mysterious as “constants.” That said, the people are older and
technologies, terrible plagues, and dangerous storms all wiser, and the structures are probably larger and more
threaten the people here. They need help. cosmopolitan than earlier versions. Such constants
Over the course of days, months, years, and even are not replicated in the text of each succeeding phase,
decades, Ellomyr can grow and eventually flourish. But though they are called out as appropriate.
it can only do so if brave and capable individuals help its Ellomyr is a richly detailed community. Your player
people overcome dangers and deal with challenges. With characters can visit, provide aid when the community
enough aid, Ellomyr will thrive and grow as a community, needs help, or even settle down and help the community
leaving its roots as a humble village far behind. grow over time.

Numenera Discovery Numenera Destiny

Throughout this book, you’ll see page references
to various items accompanied by these symbols.
These are page references to Numenera Discovery
and Numenera Destiny, where you can find
additional details about that item, place, creature,
or concept. It isn’t necessary to look up the
references in the corebooks, but doing so will
provide useful setting and gameplay information.

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Chapter 1: Rise of the Margr 6

Chapter 2: The Village of Ellomyr 15

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These newcomers cut into the abhumans like an axe’s blade. Nieten didn’t hesitate.
She drew her sword and leapt into the melee with a whooping cry.

Gurner Fron, page 17 urner Fron lives in a thatched-roof alone, hunting in the hills. In her wanderings,
house next to the commons so he she’s found a blade made of steel that you
can hear the Trilling Shard whenever can see right through as if it were glass.
it decides to sing. Everyone in Ellomyr looks It cuts through granite without dulling its
Margr, page 240 to him when they need a leader, which edge. Nieten’s biggest fear isn’t the margr
fortunately isn’t often. That’s the way Gurner bands but the iron wind, a devilish storm
Iron wind, page 135
likes it. He’s lived out the better part of nine that scours the landscape, obliterating or
decades and he would rather spend his changing anything caught in its clutches.
remaining days dreaming up stories about Nieten was walking along the river’s bank
the prior worlds for the village children than on her way back to the village when she first
doing any serious work. His tales include heard them: grunts and labored breathing
gods, monsters, and heroes, of course, accompanying heavy footfalls. She found
but they always center around the stone. a spot amid the dark-leafed opallions that
His stories are entirely products of his grew along the water’s edge and waited.
imagination—among adults he claims no Just as she suspected: a dozen hairy brutes,
special knowledge of those timelost worlds— curling horns twisting around their bestial
but telling tales and gnawing on gallen heads and spears held in their thick fists,
jerky with his few remaining teeth offers a crouched low and moved fast. Margr. They
pleasant-enough way to spend his time. were headed right toward Ellomyr.
Not far from Gurner lives the Revell family, Nieten put her hand on her sword’s hilt.
Dora Redmire, page 17 led by Dora Redmire, the finest woodworker It would be a bloodbath if they reached
anyone in the village has ever known. Her unsuspecting Ellomyr, but how could she—
many children help scrounge bits of synth even with her remarkable blade and the
from the fields, which she works into her element of surprise—stop so many?
creations—cabinets, furniture, and the like. That’s when she saw an even more
Her husband, Kole, was killed in a margr surprising sight.
raid five years ago, and she wishes Ellomyr Violet fire burst through the trees, striking
had some real leadership to prepare itself the lead margr. Five people charged out of
for another raid. “It’s only a matter of time,” the woods from the east, each well-armed.
she tells anyone who will listen. Some wore armor and at least one wielded
Nieten, page 18 Dora encourages Nieten to lead the what Nieten could only call sorcery. The
people of the village and get them to take sorcery of the past, which Gurner called the
precautions against the dangers that could numenera. These newcomers cut into the
appear any day. Nieten, however, isn’t much abhumans like an axe’s blade. Nieten didn’t
for people. She’s a strong and capable hesitate. She drew her sword and leapt into
glaive, but she spends most of her time the melee with a whooping cry.

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It was over quickly. A few of the margr

escaped back into the wilderness, but most
lay dead. Nieten greeted the strangers and She was the first one to spot the visitors as they approached
thanked them. But they bore worrisome her village. The metal-faced man. The woman who breathed
news. They had traveled from the east flames. The hairy creature who spoke with the voice of a child.
and saw hordes gathering. In just a few
short months, they estimated, this whole
region would be awash in the bloodthirsty The woman who
abhuman warriors. Thayel was glad to be taken off of rock- breathed flames is
named Calistina.
hauling duty. Building the wall was important,
but her keen eyes meant she was much more Calistina, page 34
useful searching the horizon from the top
Brucha One-Hand had told them, but had edge of the partially built watchtower. Brucha One-Hand,
they listened? Of course not. And now look. She was the first one to spot the visitors page 19
Everyone in Ellomyr rushing around like laaks as they approached her village. The metal-
when their burrows were dug up. Yelling, faced man. The woman who breathed Laak, page 239
arguing, and eyes bulging with fear. The flames. The hairy creature who spoke with
margr were finally coming. Just as Brucha the voice of a child.
had been warning since the last attack a few They were all so strange compared to
years ago. The only one who would listen in everyone in Ellomyr, or even to anyone she
all that time was the woodworker. had ever met. Dangerous. Exciting.
Now that people were seeking Brucha out, As the villagers worked more on the wall,
he realized that maybe being the center of Thayel heard them gossip to each other in
attention wasn’t what he’d wanted after all. quiet breaths about the strangers. The metal
Over the years, he’d inflated the stories of man wanted to train the village hunters to
his youth . . . but he knew defensive walls fight. The fire woman had a plan to build
and ditches, didn’t he? Yes. Getting people a tower—a second tower in their little
working on those made sense, and he knew village!—that shot lightning. The hairy one
a few tricks to move things along. And when was storing river water in barrels, gourds,
he told Gurner and the others to build a and anything else that could hold it. Their
tall watchtower, so they could see farther in weapons, tools, and even their jewelry was
every direction and be forewarned, they’d weird and beautiful, with flickering lights
clapped him on the back. Grinning, they told and exotic materials.
him that was just the kind of thinking they Nobody knew why the strangers decided
needed to survive. to stay in Ellomyr, but Thayel was grateful for
For the first time in years, Brucha felt part their help—and yet she was still worried that
of Ellomyr. it wouldn’t be enough to stop the horde.

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We call that place the “Valley of Sins.” The name should be a clue.

Viel shook her head. “Demons. Ghosts.

A blue mist that will turn you inside out if
It feels good to do something other than you’ve ever told a lie.”
scan the horizon for incoming attacks, even Jird glanced at the younger woman.
if it makes me nervous to watch Acel falling “Sounds about right. But that’s where we’ll
Windrider, page 303 off the windrider more often than he stays find the numenera we can use. There’s
on it. Jird—she seems to be the leader of the some things I’d like to build that will help us
group who arrived, bringing these devices against the margr.”
with them—says they’re safer than walking, “But why aren’t any of you taking one of
Windrider (crafting and they’ll give us an advantage when the the windriders that you brought?”
plan), page 179 next attack comes. “Because you’ll need them when the
I’m not so sure about the first one, but the margr get here, and we might not be coming
second one rings true. Defending from the air back.”
is something we don’t have much experience Viel’s shoulders sagged.
with, but even I can see the advantages it “See, I just told you the truth there. So no
would bring over the margr. And anything worries about that blue mist for me.”
else that comes our way. Ellomyr seems Viel managed a smile.
to be a beacon for bad things lately. I
have no idea what’s causing it, but I think
these strangers—not strangers so much
anymore—might be just the thing we need to For the first time, Stoyan is about to step
not just survive it, but stop it altogether. outside of Ellomyr. She knows her father
I watch as Acel skims through the air, would prefer that she didn’t. Not today,
tumbles, nearly falls, and then rights not ever. But not even her father—always
himself with a whoop. The others respond protective, always worried—can say no
with cheers. He’s the one I’ve helped make when her mother asks for something.
Ellomyr safe for, all these years. And now he’s So now Stoyan walks next to her mother
the one who’s going to help keep it that way. and the others, their footsteps carrying
them past everything she knows, toward the
place where the unknown world begins. At
least for her. The others have all come and
Viel, page 19 “I’m not so sure this is a good idea,” Viel gone from here more times than she can
said, hitching the last of the packs to the count. Hunting or exploring. Trading and
back of the aneen. “We never go there. We gathering. Now she will too. They’re going
Valley of Sins, page 59 call that place the ‘Valley of Sins.’ The name to Othmar—a town that Stoyan’s only ever
should be a clue.” heard people talk about in hushes—to ask
Jird just nodded. “I’ve been to dangerous for help against the margr attacks. It makes
places before. Truth is, the world is full of her tremble, excitement and fear rolling
Othmar, page 58 them. The whole world is really just one big, together in her belly.
dangerous place, really.” Her mother glances at her, as though
“Ellomyr didn’t used to be.” she feels her response. “Do you know why I
Jird nodded again. “I understand. So what brought you, Stoy?” she asks.
do they say about this valley? Why’s it so bad?” Stoyan shakes her head.

They’re going to Othmar—a town that Stoyan’s only ever heard people talk about in
hushes—to ask for help against the margr attacks. It makes her tremble, excitement
and fear rolling together in her belly.

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“Because someday, Othmar will need Across the garden, Jelani tended a patch of
our help, and the rest of us”—her mother tubers, unaware of the performance of light,
sweeps her hand at the others—“we’ll be sound, and life that entranced his mate. He
gone or dead. Someone needs to remember was good with plants; he had a solid sense
the time we asked and they said yes.” of what was needed to help them thrive, and
In the silence, Stoyan understands that he enjoyed the work of tending them. But to
she is being asked a question. “So that when him the garden was something to be planted,
Othmar asks, someday, we will say yes, too,” weeded, and watered, something that
she answers. provided food and trade goods, and which
Her mother nods, places a hand on had a beauty that made Sauda happy.
Stoyan’s shoulder. It’s a steadying comfort Then both opera and work were interrupted
as Stoyan lifts her foot and steps into a as the people of Ellomyr began running
brand-new place. through the lane, spreading news that got
more varied and wild with each telling. But
from their urgency and words, Sauda knew
one truth—the serenity and safety of the
Glaive, page 28
The man was screaming at everyone in village that had adopted her were in danger.
the market. “We have to leave! The margr
are too many and we are too few!” His
eyes were wild, his calloused hands waved
frantically as he talked, and he was attracting
a lot of attention from the crowd.
Ilven, a short, muscular glaive with a
hammer made of synth and ice, recognized
the frightened man. Kelem. Carpenter.
Useful. Ilven tried using soothing words, but
Kelem was too agitated to be calmed. “You
think your weapons and magic can save us,
but they can’t! If we don’t leave, we’ll all be
The glaive sighed, seeing the spark of
panic in the eyes of the crowd. The large
influx of people coming to Ellomyr meant
the kinship of the community was strained.
Despite the progress in building defenses
for the village, morale was faltering. The
people needed a victory they could rally
around, a solid core of faith and courage
that would inspire them to stick together
and protect their home.

Sauda allowed her steadiest finger to brush

the topmost of the six petals, and in a
moment, the petals harmonized their songs.
She watched carefully as the timbre of the
flower’s life, growth, and colors blended and
expanded to become an aria. Other flowers
sensed its song and eagerly joined; soon
the chorus of her garden sang an opera that
was special and unique to her flowers in that
exact moment.

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For the first time in years, Sauda was
unsure about what to do. Ellomyr was her
home, and so had to be protected. But she Staven’s front room was even fuller than
Brucha, page 19 had never been a warrior, even when she when he’d left for more water. Old Brucha
had been young, when things had been at was still there. The man had managed to fall
their darkest. She had excelled at surviving, off the watchtower he’d been so helpful in
but never by killing. On the Walk, she had building, though luckily not from the top.
reasoned, talked, paid, redirected, tricked, And now there were two more who’d
Staven, page 19 hidden, or just run when she encountered come to Staven for aid.
problems. Jelani and Nsi could fight if they He poured the water into a basin, listening
had to, but she trembled at the thought of to the conversation that had started in his
losing them. Thinking of Nsi, she glanced absence. One of the newcomers was Jarken,
Jarent, page 19 out and saw him hurrying back toward the or Jarent, or something like that, who sold
house . . . safe, and just a few minutes away. books, even though most in Ellomyr didn’t
At a loss for what else to do, she went care about such things.
into the house to make an inventory of what The other one he didn’t know; she
she had: tools; a few hunting items; some must’ve been part of the influx of people
shins; food; clothes and some synth cloth who’d come into village in the months since
to make more. She also had a few cyphers warnings about the imminent attack had
hidden away that might be of some help, and gone out.
of course her cooking ring. Some of those The bookseller, Jarent—or Jadron
might be useful . . . but none of it was enough. maybe?—said, “I have a hard time choosing,
She needed to find something to do or some though, which is more important.”
way to help; she didn’t know how to make a “People, surely,” said the stranger,
difference. cradling her bandage-wrapped hand.
Nsi came up the lane as Jelani was “For me, it’s books. I’d save books over
fixing the lock on the house while Sauda people, if it came to it.”
figured out ways to turn the woodpile into a The raised voices suggested that Brucha
defensive structure or even a barricade for and the stranger disagreed with the
the door. His arrival helped calm her just a bookseller. Staven interceded with a forced
bit because they could all do something to laugh. “Well! I’m sure it won’t come to that!”
get ready, and they were together. Together. A mental image came to Staven of the
It hit her, then—the thing she needed bookseller running out of a blazing house with
to be doing. Ellomyr had to be protected a handful of books, into a street littered with
because it was her home, so it had to be hurt and desperate defenders, many with faces
protected by people coming together. In a Staven knew. His stomach fell. For whatever
sense, it didn’t matter what they did to get reason, up until that moment, the desperation
ready. If they believed in it and worked on it of Ellomyr’s situation hadn’t really penetrated.
as a community through any fears, strife, or “By the Golden Silver,” he whispered. Dread
uncertainty, and if their differences blended certainty told him that soon he was going
together toward the greater purpose of to face the greatest challenge a healer ever
making it through the next few days, the could: losing people too hurt to be saved.
small community would find itself stronger
and more alive than it had ever seemed when
they were 200 individuals who happened
to live near each other. Her garden chorus “I could have been studying the Scarred
Sea Kingdom of Ghan, could become a chorus of the community. Monoliths of Ghan, you know. They float,”
page 141 And as the words “Brucha,” “ditches,” and Korth grumbled. He was bored. The
“tower” started coming more loudly than diminutive nano was sitting cross-legged on
the words “margr,” “attacked,” and “danger,” a battered synth barrel, watching Idrin pick her
Sauda allowed herself a deep breath and a way through a small pile of old farming tools.
tiny golden spark of hope. “They’ll still be there waiting for you when
the time comes,” Idrin said wearily, picking up

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another farming implement, scrutinizing it. The nano turned and threw the farming
“Besides, the last time I checked you couldn’t fly.” implement end over end. It hammered
“Well, that’s just it, they might not be! The edge-first into the synth barrel he had been
monoliths roam about like slightly confused sitting on, slicing clean through the material
livestock. Anyway, I would have found a way and sticking fast, the handle quivering for a
’round that particular problem. In time,” moment.
Korth insisted. “As it is, we’re more likely to Idrin had watched this development with
be eaten by margr before I have to focus my interest, the pile of tools in front of her
talents on solving that issue.” forgotten.
“That’s why we’re not looking at statues. “Where in all of the Steadfast did you get
Today we’re sharpening blades.” Idrin frowned, that?”
running her finger across the tool’s cutting Korth grinned. “Traded for it this morning.
edge, before flicking it with a fingernail. The I don’t think the poor fellow knew what he
blade made a dull tink noise. “Useless.” The had. Here.” He tossed the ovoid toward
pitted material wouldn’t hold a decent edge, Idrin, who snatched it deftly out of the air.
she was sure of it. She flung the offending “That might speed things up a bit. Then we
item into a growing pile on her left side. can leave.”
Margr were coming to the village of Idrin adjusted her grip on the cypher and
Ellomyr in greater numbers than anyone had grabbed a slightly bent spear from the pile,
seen before. No one knew exactly when they working the red beam across its tip. “I’m not
would arrive, but one thing was certain. The leaving.”
village wasn’t ready. Korth frowned. “Don’t be idiotic. Have
Idrin had, with no small amount of coercion, you seen the walls they’ve put up? Terrible
rounded up anything that could be wielded workmanship. If they’re still standing by the
as a weapon, and she was determined to help time the margr get here, I’ll be stunned. I’m
arm the village as best she could. Complex surprised this place has lasted this long,
devices in the hands of inexperienced villagers between you and me.”
made for poor weapons, so the glaive had Idrin’s lips narrowed to a fine line. “I don’t
fallen back on what she knew best. expect you to understand.”
Idrin knew blades. She knew them almost “I understand you’re ready to throw your
as well as she knew herself. “Hit them with life away for people you’ve only just met,”
the sharp end” was an easily learned lesson Korth snapped back.
even for a novice. “You didn’t complain when that person
Idrin rubbed her eyes wearily with the back was you, Korth,” Idrin said without looking
of one mostly clean hand before turning to up, cursing under her breath as the cypher
regard Korth. “Why don’t you go and examine in her hand stuttered and died. A mere
the Shard? Maybe you’ll be struck by some handful of tools had been turned into
sort of revelation. Gurner Fron will be grateful, serviceable weapons. The rest would have to
I’m sure.” Before you’re struck by anything be honed by sweat and toil.
else, she added silently, her annoyance with “That was different,” the nano replied, his
her traveling companion growing steadily. tone pained.
Korth shrugged. “It’s not really doing “Only on a matter of scale,” Idrin said. “This
anything right now. Also, it’s entirely possible is a worthy cause. Not some petty border
I might have offended Gurner when I tried to dispute between cities or a bandit raid.”
take a sample of it.” He looked at the tool that She gestured to the buildings around them.
Idrin had casually discarded before sliding off “These are people’s homes. This matters.” She
the barrel he was perched on. Korth rummaged caught Korth’s gaze. “I saw you give the rest
in his jacket for a moment, pulling out a small, of your cyphers away earlier. You don’t want
blue, ovoid object. He picked up the tool by the these people to die any more than I do.”
handle, then held the cypher near the blade. A “No,” Korth replied with a sigh. “But I
beam of red light stabbed out from the object, don’t want to be here when the margr break
playing over the tool’s cutting edge. As the down the front gate either. I don’t process
beam subsided, the curved blade gleamed. confrontation well. At all.”

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The tips of their spears glistened in the flickering light of the torches they bore, flames
hungry for our homes and the new fortifications we had built. The sound they made
was not a bloodthirsty roar, like we expected, but a chittering moan.

“I understand,” the glaive said levelly. “You’ll sound they made was not a bloodthirsty
find the ignition helix for the skimmer in your roar, like we expected, but a chittering moan.
pack. There’s a cart hitched to the back of it. I Only later did I learn that they made that
know some villagers want to be far away before sound by clattering their teeth and clicking
the attack starts. I promised them we would their tongues. The margr hungered just like
help. Just don’t let Gurner catch you. And keep their flames, but they hungered for us.
your speed low, or you’ll spill them all over How do you characterize a conflict when
the hillside,” Idrin finished with a smile. one side fights for their lives and the other
Korth swallowed sharply before speaking. only to crush and devour those lives? It
“I can do that,” he said quietly. “You knew I made us feel less human and more like
wouldn’t stay?” beasts in the wild. And we were the prey.
Idrin wrapped up the sharpened tools in a They crashed upon our newly built
hide blanket before retrieving her own weapon palisade like a torrent, all flames and spears
from where it lay against a nearby wall. and gnashing. But we fought. Everyone
The hack-lance was a four-and-a-half-foot- who could hold a weapon or throw a stone
long metallic staff, refined to a sharpened fought back against the horde.
stabbing point at one end and a wide axe Acel and the others swooped overhead
blade at the other. “I hoped for the best but on the windriders and dropped deadly
planned for the worst, as always. I really explosives one of the wrights had cooked
don’t blame you. It’s going to be one nasty up. The abhumans screeched and howled
fight if they break through the defenses.” in surprise. It seemed to be the first time
Korth sighed. they’d ever been attacked from the air.
Idrin secured the weapon to a harness on But it was really the weapon that those
her back with a practiced motion. “I just hope brave souls brought back from the Valley of
I have enough time to show the villagers how Sins that changed everything. While they had
to hold a blade without losing any fingers.” found many useful devices—at a high cost,
She turned away and began to cross the as only half the expedition returned—the
street. “Take care and safe travels, Korth.” large thing that they set up at the main gate
Navarene, page 137 “Iadace, Idrin of Navarene,” Korth said as was terrifying. It terrified us, and the nano
he bowed to her retreating back. “And good controlling it was on our side. Spewing forth
luck.” fire and ice and lightning all at once, even as
the margr broke down the gates, the weapon
blasted them away like a fierce, deadly wind.
Even then, things were in doubt. The margr
Worse than we were told. came in numbers we weren’t expecting. Too
Worse than we saw in the nightmares that many to count. But then the unimaginable
had woken us, night after night these last happened. Ultimately the tide was not turned,
few weeks. nor the battle won, by strange magic from
Worse than even what Kelem the the past, but by stout hearts of the present.
carpenter had predicted in fevered shouts Humans from the north mounted on aneen,
when he and those who followed him left howling for battle, drove into the horde. At
Ellomyr a week ago. first we thought it was aid from Othmar,
The margr horde was worse. but no. Kelem and those who had fled
They seethed across the farmlands like Ellomyr days ago returned. They attacked
dark floodwaters. The tips of their spears the margr’s flank with unexpected fury. Who
glistened in the flickering light of the torches knows what changed their minds? Perhaps
they bore, flames hungry for our homes the wise words that Gurner and the others
and the new fortifications we had built. The had spoken as they left needed time to take
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root. The mysteries of the human heart will

always be greater even than the mysteries
from the world’s past. Jarent wanted to grab the woman by her shoulders and shake
The sudden appearance of Kelem’s her until she understood. Remembering the blaze of orange
people married with the deadly blasts of the and white fire that Calistina could hurl as easy as shouting, he
numenera weapon were too much for the thought better of it.
beasts. Howling and screeching like birds,
those that remained ran off into the night.
The fires they left continued to burn. The everywhere in unrecognizable clumps. The
glaives and defenders they had slain lay margr had done this. Crail, but he hated
scattered around the breaches in the wall, them! If he could, he’d skin every last—
but Ellomyr as a whole remained. “We pushed them back. It could’ve gone
Our little village survived to see another much worse.”
Ninth World sunrise. Jarent wanted to grab the woman by
her shoulders and shake her until she
understood. Remembering the blaze of
orange and white fire that Calistina could hurl
“Are you well?” came a voice behind Jarent. as easy as shouting, he thought better of it. Jarent, page 19
He realized he’d stopped in the street, his Instead, he said, “Gone worse? Everything
gaze caught by the collapsed watchtower. is ruined. People died. And my . . . my books
Several people scrambled among the broken are gone. All of them. Burned up in the fires
timbers and stones. What were they doing? the margr started.” He wiped fiercely at the
He turned. Calistina, the woman who moisture at the corners of his eyes. Calistina, page 34
breathed flames, stood by. She was one of She inclined her head. “I’m sorry. But
the many strangers who’d come to town to we’re rebuilding. Look!” She pointed to the
help with the defense in the months since figures he’d seen on the watchtower. He
the margr threat had come upon them all. realized that they were raising it back up.
“Look at what those beasts did!” he yelled. He continued to follow the woman’s hand
Defaced and tumbled walls, collapsed as it swept across the whole village. She was
roofs, and burned detritus were scattered right. Everywhere people worked, digging,

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hammering, sawing, and collecting debris. It reminded him of why he’d been working
New walls were going up, and new structures so hard every day for months, side by side
he didn’t even recognize. He’d been so caught with the others, to rebuild Ellomyr.
up in his own loss that he hadn’t understood The school was one of the last buildings to
that a future for Ellomyr was possible. be rebuilt. They’d restored the community
Healing House, page 19 “The village isn’t going anywhere,” said garden and the Healing House, and after the
Calistina. “Ellomyr is rebuilding. You should loss of the bookseller’s home they’d created
do the same with your collection.” She a makeshift library. So many members of the
reached into a satchel, rummaged about, community were pitching in—those from
and withdrew something she offered to him. Ellomyr and those from away who’d brought
It was bound in leather and stamped with their hands and help and skills, all working
symbols he didn’t immediately recognize. together.
But he knew what it was. Fresh moisture As he came upon the site of the school, he
blurred his vision as he reached out with caught the sound of laughter rising over the hill.
trembling fingers and accepted the book. As soon as he drew close, some of his students
ran up to him, clamoring for his attention,
asking him questions, showing off the devices
they’d built for today’s class. Children—he
Every morning on his way to the thought as he kneeled before them and held
schoolhouse, he walked down the Road of each device in his hand, marveling—were more
Remembrance. It never got easier to see the resilient than adults, already moving into the
items laid out along its ruined stretches— future, leaving the past behind in a way that
beloved devices, outfits, playthings, notes to he couldn’t, didn’t want to. He was so grateful
loved ones—and that was fine. Most would to be here, after everything. So grateful to
disagree, but he thought it was good to be those who’d gone. To those who’d come and
reminded of everything and everyone they’d helped. To those who’d stayed. He didn’t
lost; it was good to hear the remembered want to forget a single one of them.
voices of the missing and the dead in his “Let’s go inside,” he said to the children. “We
ears. have so much to learn and remember today.”

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Ellomyr’s first phase is a village of only the sky: another reminder that in the past
about 200 people. the world was a far stranger place. No one Travelers from outside the
in the village has ever traveled so far as to village would recognize
“the Golden Sliver” as
see it up close, but the children like to play the Amber Monolith.
ELLOMYR RANK 1 (3) games that imagine what the Sliver might
Ellomyr lies within a fertile valley, near what be.
the locals call the Angry Red River. No one Today, people in Ellomyr live simple
alive today knows how the river earned its lives, herding long-haired gallen and Amber Monolith,
page 140
name, but the older folks say when they were growing a variety of vegetables and grains
young they heard its waters once carried a in modest fields. Their biggest concern is Gallen, page 141
terrible sickness down from the hills. Over the abhumans that dwell in the hills, known
time, however, the contamination and the as margr; however, other dangers also lurk
odd color faded away. The Angry flows into nearby.
an enormous nearby sinkhole in a dramatic
waterfall folks call “Glittermist Falls.” ELLOMYR VILLAGE OVERVIEW
People in Ellomyr saw a varjellen pass As a village, Ellomyr isn’t so different from
through once a few years back, but as far as other communities in Navarene. Though it’s
non-humans go that’s about it. The village isolated, it is at least aware of other places,
encircles a towering, symbol-covered stone including close ones like Othmar and a few
called the Trilling Shard, which vibrates with faraway places, like the “legendary” city of
sound from time to time. Qi where the Amber Pope resides.
Far in the distance, one can see “the Given that only about 200 people live in
Golden Sliver,” a huge floating obelisk, in the community, everyone pretty much knows

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Government: More by general consensus than by any formal arrangement, a silver-haired human named
Gurner Fron provides leadership to the village in the few instances that it’s required; otherwise, villagers
mostly go their own way. Some in the small community agitate for a more active leader, such as Nieten
the glaive, who wields a stronglass sword. However, Nieten is not especially interested in taking on such
responsibility, save as counseled by Gurner.
Health: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Damage Inflicted: 3
Modifications: As rank 2 for friendly interactions with nearby communities
Combat: Ellomyr defends itself by mobilizing the villagers that make up its population. If given enough warning,
representatives speaking on Ellomyr’s behalf can beg for aid from the nearest community, called Othmar.
If successful, Ellomyr’s rank for attacks increases by 1 over the course of at least five interactions. However,
this aid puts Ellomyr squarely in Othmar’s debt.

Gurner Fron, page 17 everyone else. As in any small community, THE TRILLING SHARD
rivalries occasionally build up. But, generally A towering, symbol-covered stone called
Nieten, page 18 speaking, the villagers are friendly to each the Trilling Shard stands in the center of
other and welcoming to the few visitors the village square. It vibrates and makes a
Othmar, page 58 that come to Ellomyr, if a bit standoffish. “trilling” sound now and then, which is how
Travelers looking for a place to stay are it earned its name. Most of the villagers
Trilling Shard: level 8, referred to the sprawling Revell family don’t give it much mind, though children
can send (but not yet house. Dora Redmire is the head of the and a few of the elders are fascinated by
receive) transmissions to
distant locations, plus
family and decides who can stay and who it. They hope that one day the “songs” it
generate many other must look elsewhere. sings will be deciphered, and that the true
as-yet-hidden functions The most significant feature of Ellomyr is the purpose of the stone will be revealed. The
strange object that stands in the village square few investigations undertaken by travelers
that locals call the Trilling Shard. The nearby suggest that the stone might have several
sinkhole is also striking in its size, though different functions, including a capacity to
most villagers simply ignore it. A few, however, allow communication with distant places.
Trilling Scholars, page 18 enjoy scaling its steep interior, looking for the This might be related to an ability to
lake at the bottom and the strange humanoids generate various kinds of very long-range
Alehouse, page 18 that some say reside there. fields that can interact with other devices
and perhaps even living things. That said,
all these, and perhaps other abilities, remain
locked away for now. Such abilities are
probably only side effects of some deeper
truth forgotten for a hundred million years.
The villagers most interested in trying to
learn more about the Trilling Shard call their
small society the Trilling Scholars. They meet
at the Alehouse once every few months.

Villagers usually think of the pit as “the
sinkhole,” lowercase, when they think of
it at all. It just doesn’t play a part in daily
village life, though everyone has at least
once or twice walked along the edges of
the Angry Red River to take in the striking
scene of the river plunging into its depths,

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forming the Glittermist Falls. However, a few Gurner Fron: Gurner is almost ninety Gurner Fron: level 2;
villagers regard the cavity as something of a years old but remains vital for his age. tasks related to
persuasion, telling stories,
hobby and steal bits of time from farming, Maybe because he’s been around so long, and positive social
hunting, fishing, and other needful tasks to or perhaps because he has real wisdom interaction as level 6
continue a years-long investigation whose to dispense, most people listen when he
ultimate goal is to determine how deeply the speaks. He doesn’t do so often on important
sinkhole descends. They imagine that, like matters. But if enough people ask him to,
stories told of Calaval, if they descend into he’ll stand up in the square to reassure
the sinkhole far enough, they’ll find a lake people about a particular concern, dispense
in which lies a massive cache of prior-world advice about how to go about dealing with a
magic. And also like the man who became thorny problem, or, if a true danger rears its
the first Amber Pope, they imagine they’ll head, help organize. Otherwise, he likes to
discover marvels. tell tall tales, many of which revolve around
Most of the sinkhole exploration activity the Trilling Shard. Gurner lives in a thatched-
happens at week’s end, just after sunrise, roof house next to the commons.
when most everyone else in the village
remains asleep. The explorers meet at the
Glittermist Arch.


The open central meeting place in Ellomyr is
always active during the day. Here, villagers
engage in a variety of activities, including
tanning skins, drying vegetables, selling raw
and prepared foods from carts (including
fish caught in the Angry Red River), singing
in spontaneous sing-alongs that sometimes
occur when the Trilling Shard becomes
active, and so on. If someone wants to
address the village as a whole, they will
usually give a speech in the village square.

Dora Redmire: Dora Redmire is an intense

woman of middle years who often holds
forth in the commons. Her topics lately Dora Redmire: level 3;
revolve around how Ellomyr needs to tasks related to carpentry
as level 5; tasks related
“select real leadership” (a dig against to pleasant social
Gurner Fron) to deal with various issues interaction as level 2
that might threaten the village or hold it
back. Increasingly, her raised voice talks of
the dangers of the margr, who killed her
husband, Kole, five years ago. “It’s only a
matter of time before the next raid,” she tells
anyone who will listen.
Dora is the matriarch of the Revell family.
The Revell house is massive. Dora keeps
a few rooms there set aside for the rare
outsider. In return for a bit of work around
her woodworking shop, she can provide
food and board for many days.

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Nieten: level 4, attacks Nieten: This young warrior has everyone’s Others in the Ellomyr Commons: Other
with stronglass sword as respect, not merely because she wields a villagers often encountered in the commons
level 5; health 20; Armor 1
stronglass sword that can cut through stone include the following:
or bone with equal ease, but also because Reugar Darkglow: Reugar is a smith, and
Reugar Darkglow: Nieten is one of the most successful the sound of his hammer is a constant
level 3, tasks related to hunters in the community. She is often accompaniment to the other noises in the
metalworking as level 5
gone hunting, but when she’s back she commons, only drowned out by the Trilling
sometimes sells portions of her hunt in the Shard. His metallic blue arm is tireless.
Immorella de Savanto: market. Though a woman of few words, she Immorella de Savanto: Immorella is a
level 3; touch attack lights up when describing new sights and young woman whose apparently boundless
can transfer 3 points
of health between
new locations she’s found while hunting. energy draws listeners to the tales she tells
target and herself in the commons. Some whisper, however,
that Immorella hides a secret. While it is
true that she fled something far from here,
she will not explain what or why.
Kaoru: level 4, fashions
basic foodstuffs and ALEHOUSE
implements by will alone
using implanted artifact
This structure serves serviceable ale, hearty
portions of stew, and bread that is always
fresh (and nothing else). People tend to drift
back and forth in the evenings between the
Alehouse and the open air of the adjacent
commons, drinking from weirdly shaped
containers made of what seems to be
concentrated starlight.

Kaoru: The owner of the Alehouse, Kaoru,

somehow produces the starlight tankards,
the ale itself, the stew, and the bread by
simply thinking extremely hard about it,
though the odd device implanted on the
back of her head likely has something to do
with her ability. Since she produces these
materials in another room, few ever see
her perform this feat directly. Of slender
frame and few words, she is apparently
still affected by the death of someone from
elsewhere to whom she was close.

Trilling Scholars: The casual “club” that

calls themselves the Trilling Scholars meet
occasionally at the Alehouse, though the
conversation rarely actually turns to the
Trilling Shard, instead ranging widely on
a variety of subjects. The membership is
ever-rotating, but a few regulars include the
Calleriel: A man who dresses all in red
and carries a small device that can produce
Calleriel: level 3, a flame with just a whisper from its owner.
long-range fire attack Calleriel often hints that he has other
from an esotery inflicts
5 points of damage
abilities related to fire.

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Jerod: An elderly man who claims that he Some suspect that he must have some Jerod: level 3, tasks
is actually much younger but that he was the nano magic or a device hidden in his related to deception as
level 5; can calm natural
victim of his own experiments, which aged home, because it seems like the young man beasts with a touch
him before his time. Not many in Ellomyr can truly work miracles. Staven doesn’t
trust Jerod, as he always seems to be comment on such things, though he hasn’t
involved when misdeeds come to light. denied the suggestions, either. Staven: level 3; touch
heals 3 points of damage
or deals 3 points of
Other Alehouse Regulars: Other villagers OUTLYING FARMS damage (ignores Armor)
often encountered in the Alehouse include Farms surround Ellomyr. Many farmers live
the following: right in the village, though a few keep small
Calean the Broken: The specifics aren’t farm houses farther out. Calean: level 3, all attacks
known, but Calean had a run-in with Brucha One-Hand: There’s nothing and defenses as level 5
when he’s spent the
abhumans that left him with only one arm, hungrier for fingers and limbs than a previous round in
without the friends or family that once stood farmer’s scythe, or so old Brucha likes to the same location
by his side, and without the will to live. Now joke, illustrating the punchline with the
all that animates Calean is ale and the hope stump of his right hand. Brucha is a loner Brucha One-Hand:
that one day he will have a chance to get his and has a reputation for being a grouch level 4, tasks related to
commonplace crafting
revenge. and recluse. Brucha knows many things; he and farming as level 5
Zhaon: A visitor who made Ellomyr his has not always been a farmer, but was once
home, Zhaon is knowledgeable about someone of importance in a community Zhaon: level 3, tasks that
locations outside the village. Whatever he much larger than Ellomyr. However, he has spent the previous
day researching as level 5
was before, he’s now a prideful defender of whenever he hints at such things, the other
the community who calls out others who villagers assume he’s making it up.
seem less committed to Ellomyr’s welfare
than himself. He and Dora Redmire often Viel: Viel is a young woman, and some think Viel: level 3, tasks
argue. her peculiar for running the farm without related to working
with aneen as level 5
help. But with her aneen herd to help her
BOOKSELLER plow, carry burdens, and transport produce
This house isn’t entirely filled with books, to and from the Ellomyr Commons, she is
but for a village the size of Ellomyr, it’s still doing quite well. She took over a farmstead Aneen, page 225
an impressive collection, all owned by the abandoned five years earlier, when a margr
proprietor, Jarent. raid killed the famers who previously resided
Jarent: Thin and not given to looking there. She lives alone by choice, as she finds Jarent: level 2, tasks
anyone in the eye, Jarent becomes almost everyone in Ellomyr unbearably dull. related to finding
information in books in
passionate when talking about books. He Whenever visitors arrive, she soon shows up his collection as level 6
will sell customers books, but for a steeply to offer them her services, in case they need
inflated price. He’d rather rent out a book aneen to haul large burdens. Eager for the
for a much lower fee so he can get it back opportunity to learn about the prior worlds,
into his collection. On the other hand, he’ll she would likely jump at a chance to go with
pay the same inflated price for books to add explorers braving nearby ruins to look for
to his collection. salvage.

In a community supported mostly by
farming, fishing in the Angry, and hunting,
minor injuries are common. When injuries
can’t be treated at home, villagers come
to Staven, who always seems to be able to

Staven: A young man of no more than

twenty years, Staven somehow knows just
what to do to heal the wounds of others.

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Margr: Abhuman activity has been sighted nearby, and some worry that the creatures may be forming a horde
with the goal of overrunning Ellomyr and razing it to the ground. Nieten confirms the activity. Addressing this
threat is the overwhelming need currently facing the village of Ellomyr, but other issues persist.

Messengers Wanted: Dora and Gurner have put out the word that they’re looking for someone to travel to
Othmar and ask for aid. Othmar came the last time Ellomyr asked, five years ago, but given that Ellomyr has
not yet returned the favor, some worry that asking for aid again might not be successful.

Fallen Into the Sinkhole: The week’s-end meetings at the Glittermist Arch, where those interested in climbing
down deeper and deeper into the sinkhole gather, were disrupted when one of the climbers fell—to their death
or some unknown fate. Gurner is asking around to see if anyone is willing to go deeper and mount a rescue, in
case the climber is still alive somewhere below.


Sounds Unbecoming: Most of the time, the Trilling Shard gives off pleasant tones, often so melodic that they
might be considered songs. But every so often the shard gives off low, menacing growls that give anyone who
hears them an unsettled feeling—and, if their stories can be believed, nightmares.

Strange Swimmers: Many in Ellomyr fish the Angry Red River to make a living. Everyone who does so seems
to have a story about seeing “glowing red people” who sometimes swim just below the surface, beckon to the
fisher, then swim off upriver in a flash.

Strange Storm: Off in the direction of the Valley of Sins, people sometimes see strange storms with lightning
that leaps up into the air, rather than descending from the clouds. Lately, the storms have been spotted more
often, and some worry it’s an omen of something terrible approaching.

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Town of Ellomyr

Chapter 3: Against the Iron Wind 22

Chapter 4: The Town of Ellomyr 30

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She was surprised by how heavy it was despite it being no longer than her finger.
Inside, a syrupy fluid roiled chaotically.

Fheen, page 62 heen unloaded the cart, stacking the She tapped the green glass with her
various containers of iotum they had fingernail, smiling as the fluid whirled
salvaged from this month’s scavenging itself into complex molecular patterns
Valley of Sins, page 59 run in the Valley of Sins. This was a good against its container. She was thinking of
haul; the wrights will be proud of what his building something for peace instead of
team brought back to Ellomyr. Wooden war. Something to help the people grow
Iotum, page 107 crates full of glowing crystal pebbles. instead of barely hold on. Something called
Bundles of uncured synthsteel rods. The a flesh regenerator, a numenera device that
cracked spherical stone that was almost could cure burns, sickness, and wounds
too hot to touch with your bare hands. And in moments. A creation that would make
weirder things he couldn’t explain. everyone’s lives . . . better.
As Fheen worked, Jird catalogued the
found items in her blankbook and thought
about their potential uses. Crystals could
Calistina, page 34 provide energy for more signaling devices. Calistina wondered if the scent of that
Synthsteel could make more windriders. The insidious blue mist would ever leave her.
cracked sphere, if repaired, could power cold She’d put a year behind her and still she
lights throughout the town, perhaps forever. woke up smelling seawater and sarnwood,
Her thoughts halted in surprise as Fheen their only warning before the screaming
removed a tiny, green glass shape from the began . . .
wagon and waved it dramatically so she She’d survived. So had most of the others.
wouldn’t overlook it in her list. That’s what mattered. And they’d retrieved a
Before Fheen could set it down, Jird cache of knowledge from the Valley of Sins
stepped forward to grab the glass, dropping that rivaled anything she’d ever previously
her stylus and blankbook in her eagerness. discovered. Plans of the prior worlds, a
Numenera plans, page She was surprised by how heavy it was, whole cache encoded in a crystal storage
135 despite it being no longer than her finger. device!
Wright, page 18
Inside, a syrupy fluid roiled chaotically. She In the seasons since the margr attack
didn’t know the word for this kind of iotum, that’d brought her to Ellomyr, the village
Luminous dynamos, but long ago she had heard descriptions had recovered and more. It’d grown. Some
page 161 of it from an Aeon Priest. This was a of that growth was her doing. As a wright,
miraculous find. If Fheen had found this she’d already known a few plans that
in the Valley of Sins, there must be more described how to create minor wonders.
of it around. And with four or five of these Indeed, she’d crafted luminous dynamos
bottles, they could change Ellomyr in ways to bring light to the growing community
the townsfolk could never imagine. at night, some vermin wards, and—her

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They’d retrieved a cache of knowledge from the Valley of Sins that rivaled anything
she’d ever previously discovered. Plans of the prior worlds, a whole cache encoded in a
crystal storage device!

crowning achievement—a swiveling She’d heard all the stories and

machine able to shoot lightning that she’d descriptions from those who had braved
mounted on a tower. the valley before. She’d memorized Lightning tower,
page 161
But the new plans opened up a far wider them, truth be told. Blue mist that acted
range of options! Using them, she and her like a living thing. A massive structure Water purification
crew of helpers could craft installations of like a floating sphere sliced in half, and station, page 170
greater scope and power. But that meant lightning between the halves. Creatures
Synthsteel, page 112
they’d take that much longer to build, so she that popped in and out of existence almost
had to pick her projects carefully. randomly. The dangers were great. But Mimetic gel, page 112
Should she build a far larger and more thanks to the knowledge they had from
Delve, page 29
capable lightning tower? Or should she the first expedition, her heart swelled with
build a massive water purification station confidence. Excitement, even.
that would ensure enough pure water It was time to return to the Valley of Sins Viel, page 19
for even a community growing as fast as and see what they could bring back. This
Ellomyr? Or maybe she should begin on time, they’d bring a wagon. Jird, page 8
building force shield generators to make the
walls impenetrable . . .
Lighting incense that smelled of flowers
and hope, Calistina pondered.

It was more than a year ago, Viel mused,

that she watched Jird pack up her aneen to
prepare for a journey to the Valley of Sins
with the rest of the explorers. Now Viel was
getting ready to do the same thing.

The wrights had such big plans. Their talk
spun her head around when they started in.
Synthsteel this and angular spheres that.
Mimetic gel wrapped in frost film. These
were just words to her, and strange ones CHARACTER
at that. She wasn’t a maker, or a crafter,
but she thought she could probably be a
finder. A scrounger. A scavenger. A delve.
In the past year, she’d learned that she had
a knack for it. She could almost smell the
numenera. Let someone else figure out how
to put it all together. She could find the stuff.
And the wrights were like hungry birds,
chirping for more and more iotum. Traders
from Othmar had brought in some useful
things, and were more than willing to trade
it for food and wool. But that supply was
limited and irregular. They needed more.

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point in town—save the Trilling Shard
itself—he could see the town spread out
“Look to the future, forget the past.” before him like a map. The hard-packed
earth of its streets bustled with people, the
farmers were readying for harvest, and new
construction was everywhere.
In the span of a few months, life had
Trilling Shard, page 16 They gather outside Gurner Fron’s house, changed in Ellomyr. Even his beloved Othmar
improved from its thatched-roof days but lacked the wonders people were building
Gurner Fron, page 17 still near the square. Brucha One-Hand. here. The water purifier, its synth and metal
Dora Redmire. Nieten. The others. Everyone arms extending into the river like a child
Brucha One-Hand, is so quiet, so still. Only the Trilling Shard reaching for sweets, was already pumping
page 19 makes noise: a soft, low song that they clean, drinkable water to the whole town and
can feel in their hearts, their souls, their its outlying farms. The faintly glowing orbs of
Dora Redmire, page 17 fingertips. Gurner is dead, gone as he the force field generator stationed around the
wanted to go—in his home, telling stories town—including one humming next to him
Nieten, page 18 about the prior worlds—and the community on the tower—shielded Ellomyr from storms,
feels his absence as one feels the loss of margr arrows, and other threats from the air.
gravity or breath. The squat house-shaped device the wrights
Water purifier (crafting “He was a good man, and a good leader,” called a “sustenance synthesizer” could
plans), page 169 Brucha says. His voice is strained, his head process crop husks, offal, and even garbage
down. Everyone murmurs agreement. Even into bland but nutritious food bars, enough
the Shard seems to echo the sentiment, to keep the town fed while the farms spread
a soft, sad, clear note. So much of what to accommodate all the new hungry mouths.
they’ve built, they’ve done side by side, And there was always more to build.
always with Gurner at the helm. Ellomyr had run out of the iotum needed
Now they’ll need to find a new leader. to finish creating the lightning generator
They look around at each other, at this on this tower, or the therapeutic sauna that
abundance of skills and experience. Who will was currently being used as a meeting hall,
they choose? The chiurgeon with the healing or whatever the nanos needed to repair the
devices and the engaging voice? The woman Trilling Shard so it could “hear” from afar
of fire who leads with ferocity and a firm like it could see and speak. But the next
hand? The twin automatons and their weird expedition to the Valley of Sins might provide
datasphere connections? A collective of the what they needed. Telen of Othmar sighed.
smartest and strongest that works together? The gentle ticking of his synth-leg sped up
That might be their best option, but even in anticipation of him standing. It was time
then, it’s no easy choice. They’re aware of to climb down and join the people of his
how lucky they are—so many good people adoptive home for another day of work.
to take Ellomyr into the future. Neiten steps
up, presses the flat of her palm to Gurner’s
door. Bows her head. “Look to the future,
forget the past,” she says.
The others echo her words. A chorus of
sorrow and promise, rising. Rising.

Telen, page 58 Telen of Othmar looked over the town and

smiled. His flesh-knee ached from the climb
Othmar, page 58 to the top of Ellomyr’s walls, but his reward
was a spectacular view. He was thankful for
the younger people who encouraged him
to come up here. From this, the highest

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The others wanted to leave. Even his “Follow me. But only if I survive.”
mercenaries wanted to go back. Jun Nir spat
in disgust.
What had they thought they’d find when Jun Nir, page 62
they’d begun looking for a brand-new ruin
to salvage? A safe hole in the ground filled Yoil’s skin tingled as she walked past one
with fabulous treasures of the prior worlds, of the many force orbs that maintained Force orbs, page 57
unguarded and waiting for plunder? Ellomyr’s force field. How quickly things had
Things didn’t work that way. They knew changed. She still thought of Ellomyr as a
that, of course. Anyone who’d heard stories village. For her entire life, it had numbered
about the Valley of Sins knew that. fewer than 200 people—small enough that Valley of Sins, page 59
Oh sure, they’d follow Jun when he she could name every single one of them.
decided it was time. It wasn’t enough. He Now it was truly a town, with new residents
had to resist his urge to smash something outnumbering those who had lived here for
every time he saw how spooked they were generations, more people than she could
by the glowing structure hovering only an easily count. Word had gotten out that
arm’s length over their heads. He’d learned Ellomyr was growing and strong enough
that people in Ellomyr didn’t react well to to defend itself, becoming a place where
his angry outbursts, however satisfying they knowledge of the numenera was respected.
might seem in the moment. Strangers had come to farm, build, and—if
What were they so afraid of? Sure, magic they were brave enough—volunteer for the
kept it aloft, and magic was something to salvaging expeditions to nearby ruins.
watch out for. When Lether had reached But Yoil’s favorite visitors were the traders
up to touch the wide curve, green lightning from other settlements and far-off lands
flowed through him to the ground, and, well, beyond the Golden Sliver. They came from
now Lether was gone, except for the stain. places she had only heard of in stories told
But Lether’s sacrifice had opened the wide by Gurner when she was a child. These
curved doors in the structure, as if the whole people walked, rode, or wheeled their way
thing were an eye looking down at them. into Ellomyr, bringing wondrous oddities,
Looking up to meet that gaze, they could strange animals, and foreign goods. The
see inside . . . traffic to and from the town had grown so
The nano said it was a portal to a place frequent that Jird insisted on having workers
other than their own world. Weird clouds widen the nearby paths and hard-pack the
and gold light everywhere, off to infinity. dirt into durable roads. As these earthen
Slowly tumbling through that immensity fingers grew toward the horizon, each day
of space beyond the portal mouth was a meant another new face and new goods
colossal, beautiful ruin of metal, synth, and to barter. Yoil was saving her shins to buy
things that Jun had no name for. a furred, honey-making laak from Khol, Khol, page 35
There, he knew, they’d find the special the trapper from Bodrov. Her sibling Eem
components that the wrights had sent them wanted a knife from Thaemor. Her parents
to recover. bragged every day about their leather shoes Bodrov, page 138
Components that could build what made in Shallamas. Thaemor, page 148
everyone agreed was needed: a roving She was still cautious about the magic of
vehicle that would allow the people of the numenera, but the small, “real” things Shallamas, page 139
Ellomyr to range far and wide. brought to the town by traders were little
It was time. No one else would try miracles that she could savor every day. Life
the portal mouth, after what happened was getting easier and better. She and the
to Lether. Cowards, the lot of them. He other hard-working people of Ellomyr carried
wouldn’t be numbered among them. a spark of joy in their hearts, looking forward
Jun Nir stood. “Follow me. But only if I to the surprises the next day at the market
survive.” would bring.

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“It’s coming,” she whispered with a tortured voice. “The iron wind.”

covered in strange wounds, and worse, in

places her skin appeared as green as an
Jharoch, page 32 Jharoch watched as a single figure moved oamer leaf and pocked.
toward the wall. Although the figure He fell to his own knees next to her. “Viel?
remained too far away to get much detail, What is it? What happened? What can I do?”
he still could tell something was wrong. He She looked up at him with recognition and
watched for a bit more, and saw that the mouthed a word, but no sound came.
figure was stumbling. Drunk? No. Hurt. “Viel, I will get you back to town. Come on.”
“Someone call a healer,” he cried aloud as he She whispered his name. He heard it
raced down the wooden steps to the ground. distinctly. She held up the device in her
The gate stood open, and townsfolk milled hands. It was a wide oval of synth, with a
about casually, barely aware of him or his words. transparent circle in the center, showing
“There’s someone hurt,” he yelled and ran pricks of light.
through the gate and down the road toward “Can you stand?”
the lone figure. She didn’t move, and instead tried to
As he grew close, Jharoch recognized her. speak again. It was clearly agony. “Jharoch.
Viel, page 19 “Viel,” he cried out, and kept running forward. This machine. Found it.” She coughed.
His old friend had gone off on the “What happened to the expedition?”
Valley of Sins, page 59 expedition to the Valley of Sins to retrieve She grimaced. “Everyone. Dead. This
more iotum and other wonders. But she machine. Found it in the valley. It predicts.
had been a part of a group of twenty or Forecasts. Six months. Maybe seven.”
Aneen, page 225 more. With aneen. And a wagon. They’d left He shook his head. “I don’t understand.”
months ago. Where was everyone else? “Six months. Ellomyr. It’s coming.”
Iron wind, page 135
Seemingly upon hearing her own name, or He tried to pull her to her feet, but it was
perhaps just a friendly voice, Viel collapsed like she was made of lead.
to her knees. She looked down at something “It’s coming,” she whispered with a
she held in her hands. Jharoch saw she was tortured voice. “The iron wind.”

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Unaers was ambushed on the way to the Unaers of Ellomyr conceived the plan for and built the first
workshop by a swarm of well-wishers with galloping gambado.
congratulatory messages. “You did it!”
“It’s amazing!” “By Calaval’s eyes, your
conveyance will change everything!” Unaers, page 34
Unaers endured it, though he wanted to
break and run. He hated the attention. But The very words “iron wind” sent a shudder
over the last few years, more and more of through Bari’s neck and shoulders. The
it was directed his way. Ever since he and wright, Ghela, and the nano, Thominas, kept Force orbs, page 57
the other wrights fashioned the force orbs saying it over and over as they discussed
that helped maintain Ellomyr’s perimeter their work with furrowed brows and shakes
security. of their heads. The laboratory they shared Nano, page 36
In truth, the things they’d crafted were bubbled with concoctions and whirred with
amazing. And yet, he woke each day with little oddities. Ghela and Thominas were two Ghela, page 34
new worries and insights on how he of the smartest people Bari knew, but they
could’ve done better. He was constantly were clearly at an impasse. Thominas, page 34
haunted by his awareness of how close he Bari carried in boxes of supplies while they
was to failure. The numenera plans they talked. Their concentration kept them from
used to craft wonders weren’t handed down even looking up at him. Wright, page 18
from the prior worlds like tissue-wrapped “So the shield won’t work. We can’t
Arkus, page 7
name-day gifts. generate enough power to sustain it,” Ghela
That was the popular conception. The said.
truth was more nuanced. Sure, the seeds of “And the redirecting device we discussed
knowledge found in the ancient ruins were would be reshaped by the nanoparticles
indispensable, but to be worth anything, before it could affect the cloud,” Thominas
they had to be fused with years of trial and replied.
error, practical knowledge distilled from Bari set the last box down. They suddenly
various numenera scholars, and yes, human both looked up at him.
intuition. Sometimes, the plans led to “All done unloading,” he told them, and
nothing—or worse than nothing, something then started to leave. But in mid-stride, he
dangerous… froze. “You two are both twice as smart as
His dark thoughts circling him like me. I know you’ll come up with something
hungry ithsyn, Unaers finally made it to the to save us all.” Ithsyn, page 237
workshop. The others had opened the front “Thanks, Bari, but I’m afraid we don’t
doors. The conveyance they’d built—using have a solution yet,” Ghela told him, her
the philosophine and synthsteel brought mouth just a flat line. Philosophine, page 115
back by Jun Nir’s expedition—had been led “Well,” Bari said after a moment, “I’ve
out into the sun. lived in Ellomyr all my days, like my folks Synthsteel, page 112
Morning light gleamed from the galloping and their folks before them. And something Galloping gambado
gambado’s magnificent polished metallic that I think about all the time is: we’re not (crafting plan), page 174
surfaces. The broad body, rugged and sturdy, alone like we used to be. There’s a road to
reminded Unaers of a powerful beast, barely Othmar now. And roads to places I never
constrained. The vehicle had the capacity to even heard of. New people come and Othmar, page 58
cross almost any terrain. Seeing it outside go, always bringing ideas and magic and
the shop jarred him from his dour mood. whatnot. We don’t have to solve all our
The tightness in his chest eased. problems all by ourselves anymore.”
“We did it, Unaers!” came the voices of “Bari,” Thominas said, writing something
the others. down as she spoke, “you’re brilliant. I need
Before he knew quite knew what was you to take a message to the Arkus. We need
happening, Unaers smiled and laughed. to get some help.”

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pressed tightly to the buzzing control surface
as the world twirled through the viewports.
“Sometimes I think the only thing we can do is make little When they came down on the other side,
trinkets.” She tossed the disc up into the air, and it hovered in place. the many legs of the gambado deftly caught
them. Kendri made another celebratory
sound even as the cramped cabin, large
enough for just a few people, pitched and
Paro, page 32 rolled. Paro made a noise, too, but it was a
“I have to admit,” Ghela said, “I really got strangled scream.
my hopes up.” The conveyance continued its weirdly
“I know,” Thominas said, shaking her rolling gallop on the chasm’s opposite side,
head. “You would think that if anyone could racing forward. Paro swallowed. He hoped
Aeon Priest, page 264 help us, it would be an Aeon Priest. But he Kendri hadn’t noticed his outburst. By now, he
didn’t know anything more about the iron figured he’d have become acclimated to riding
wind than we do.” inside the odd piece of moving numenera.
Ghela collapsed into the chair in front Kendri had taken to it within a few hours.
of her lab table. A tiny metal disc floated For his part, Paro was apparently prone to
up from it, and she caught it in her hand. nausea triggered by too much motion.
“Sometimes I think the only thing we can For the last two days, they’d been tooling
do is make little trinkets.” She tossed the around in the vehicle that Unaers, Ghela,
disc up into the air, and it hovered in place. and the other wrights had built. It was both
“Toys. Our understanding of the numenera rugged and capable of moving across nearly
amounts to toy making.” any terrain. That was great, but the jumping
Thominas felt her frustration. She stood wasn’t his—
beside the bookshelf. It seemed bare today He spied a cluster of black, glass-like shards
where once it had felt so full. In the past, protruding from a hillside. “There!” Paro
she had reveled in the knowledge they had pointed through the side viewport. It was the
amassed, but now it felt like so little. But landmark, found on an old hand-drawn map,
worse, it felt like the rest of the world was as that they’d been searching for. Supposedly
ignorant as they were. a strange people lived near it, beings made
She sighed. “Moping isn’t going to help of energy who were rumored to have some
Ellomyr.” Were those words for Ghela or kind of weird power over the iron wind.
herself? Probably both. Also, he was going to be sick if they didn’t
Prolett, page 31 “Do you think we should talk with Prolett stop immediately.
about evacuation plans again?” Kendri spun the vehicle to the right until
Jharoch, page 32 “And go where? Word from Jharoch is that she saw the same formation. “You’ve got
the hills are still full of abhumans, even after good eyes, Paro,” she said. “I would’ve raced
all this time. Othmar? Our relationship with past. I think I’m in love with this thing.”
Abhumans, page 13 them is still shaky. No, I think we need to keep Paro nodded, holding one hand to his
working on some kind of defense. If the world mouth.
doesn’t know how to stop the iron wind, then With a deft touch on the control surface,
let Ellomyr be the place where that secret is Kendri brought the gambado to a halt. The
discovered. Rather than look elsewhere for entire cabin settled as the legs retracted.
salvation, one day they will look to us.” When the door irised open, Paro was first
Ghela smiled. “I’m with you.” out. He staggered forward a few feet, then
sank to the ground. The outside air was
crisp, soothing his skin. The ground was
mercifully unmoving when he pressed his
The gambado gathered itself and leaped palms down upon it to check.
Galloping gambado
(crafting plans), across the chasm, its winglets spread “Are you ill?” asked Kendri, coming up
page 174 wide and shining with a sapphire light behind him.
that somehow powered the vehicle. Kendri “No, not at all. Just getting my, um, my
Kendri, page 32 screamed in delight at the zenith, her hands ground legs back.”

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“Uh huh.” She looked skeptical. location of the crystals they brought back with
Paro glanced away, and that’s when them, but as I studied them, I quickly realized
he saw them standing at the foot of the the power and knowledge involved in shaping
nearest massive shard. Three tall humanoid such things was . . . I don’t have a word
shadows, like holes in the air where people other than “godlike.” I had always assumed
should be, swaddled in an aura of luminous that like so much else in our world, the iron
plasma that sparked and flashed. wind was a byproduct of the prior worlds—
“We found them,” he said, directing something rearing its head now to trouble
Kendri’s attention to the newcomers. “Let’s the Ninth World. But the existence of these
ask if they can help us.” artifacts made me think that someone in a
“They don’t look friendly.” prior world must have had to cope with the
“Maybe. But anything has to be better iron wind, too. Perhaps we need to spend
than getting back into your galloping more time thinking of the past worlds as a
gambado.” succession rather than a collective. If the
scourge of the iron wind resulted from the
actions of a particularly old prior world, then
even those that arose after would have been
The colors. I’ll always remember the colors. forced to defend against it.
They say that the iron wind doesn’t At any rate, as instructed, we arranged
just move through the air, it reshapes it. the crystals at key points around the town
Sometimes, a mass of stone or a splash of before the iron wind arrived. We knew we
water will appear out of nowhere and crash would lose some of the surrounding farms
to the ground. But mostly you just see swirls and small settlements, but we evacuated the
and flashes of color that fade in and out. I people outside the walls safely behind them.
don’t know what causes that. It reminded those who were here at the time
I do know that it doesn’t really seem of the margr horde that attacked years back.
like a wind. It’s more like a cloud—like an When the flashes of color and disrupted
enormous bank of slow-moving mist—except earth grew close—meaning the iron wind was
that you don’t see the cloud or the mist. Just about to fall upon Ellomyr itself—the crystals
the effects it has on what it touches. Stones just flashed briefly. So briefly you almost
burst into flame, trees transform into cuboid wouldn’t have noticed. But just like that,
shapes, insects grow to enormous size, and the iron wind was gone. No more strange
a million other things. You can’t see it all. It howls. No swirls of color. No pebbles
happens too fast. transforming into beetles. Just stillness.
Ghela and I had spent sleepless nights Jharoch and the glaives at the gate Ghela, page 34
and frantic days in the workshop, building ventured bravely out and found—nothing.
what we thought was a material that Strange fires still burned, and an odd geyser Jharoch, page 32
couldn’t be altered by the iron wind. We erupted in a nearby field. Creatures unlike
had thought if we could erect even a anything we’d ever seen scuttled off, many
quick, makeshift barrier, it might alter the into the waters of the Angry Red River. But
phenomenon’s course away from the town. Ellomyr was safe. Later, we’d find even more
But our understanding paled in comparison strangeness in the areas the iron wind passed
to the wisdom that Kendri and Paro brought over. For my shins, the strangest was the
to Ellomyr thanks to the mysterious energy hillock of fused, squirming flesh that was
beings they encountered. Kendri wouldn’t tell very likely once Turan’s herd of prized gallen. Gallen, page 141
us what she had to give in exchange for the But Ellomyr was safe.

Later, we’d find even more strangeness in the areas the iron wind passed over. For my
shins, the strangest was the hillock of fused, squirming flesh that was very likely once
Turan’s herd of prized gallen.

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Ellomyr’s second phase is a town of about ELLOMYR TOWN OVERVIEW

2,000 people. The fast-growing town of Ellomyr is making
a name for itself in Navarene. Distant
ELLOMYR RANK 3 (9) communities that previously had never heard
Due in part to surviving an abhuman of Ellomyr now may have at least heard the
invasion of margr, the community of Ellomyr rumor of “the village that withstood the
experienced rapid growth in a relatively margr” that serves as a “friendly waystop on
short period. In only a few short years, the road to the Valley of Sins.”
Ellomyr’s population swelled not only with New residents have swelled the community,
farmers, fishers, and hunters, but also many giving the place a more cosmopolitan flair.
people interested in crafting numenera The market areas are filled with new kinds
using the resources first developed when the of food, music, clothing . . . it’s all new to
abhumans were defeated. the original residents. It might be that some
Those who’ve lived in the community have grown a bit resentful of all the changes,
all their lives recognize many of the same but the years move on. People grow old. The
landmarks, including the Angry Red River, old die. And the young embrace what’s new,
Trilling Shard, page 16 the sinkhole, and of course the Trilling Shard, making names for themselves.
whose ability to not only make noise but The most significant feature of Ellomyr
also send messages to other locations in the remains the odd object that stands at the
Steadfast proved very helpful in calling for aid. town’s center. As unlocking some of its
But many newer structures exist than functions proved pivotal in withstanding the
before, including many more homes, margr, a group of Aeon Priests have come to
streets, watchtowers, installations, and stay in the city on a semi-permanent basis
structures that almost vie with the Trilling to study the Trilling Shard and discover what
Shard itself in size. deeper mysteries it might hold.

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Government: Hand-picked by Gurner Fron, the previous leader of Ellomyr, a woman
named Prolett serves as Arkus, managing the day-to-day governing in Ellomyr.
Daughter of a prominent vocal citizen, Dora Redmire, Prolett already has many Dora Redmire, page 17
contacts in the city, though her mother’s grating manner has won her a few
Kendri, page 32
undeserved detractors as well. Prolett relies on counselors Kendri and Paro to help
her govern. They serve Prolett not only as advisors, but also as envoys, messengers, Paro, page 32
and bodies willing to do whatever needs to be done. The final member of Ellomyr’s
government is Talientas, who is learning the ways of the Arkus. Prolett and the rest Talientas, page 32
of Ellomyr’s governing body can usually be found in the Arkus House, newly built
and connected to a massive installation—the lightning tower—that helps keep
Ellomyr safe.
Health: 11
Infrastructure: 12
Damage Inflicted: 5
Armor: 1
Modifications: As rank 4 for friendly interactions with nearby communities
Combat: Ellomyr has practice in mobilizing its residents to the community’s defense,
but it also enjoys the added protections and offensive capabilities of force field
generators, watchtowers, and a lightning tower. In addition, it maintains the “ozost,” Ozost, page 32
which is a group of warriors, including several glaives, employed full time as
defenders of the community.

ELLOMYR CONSTANTS One of the most prominent names is

Most locations and people present a few that of Iona, “Acolyte of the Datasphere,”
years earlier, when the community was just who is memorialized for having bravely
a village, remain part of the community now died activating the Trilling Shard when the
that Ellomyr has grown larger and older. margr attacked, giving her life to send out a
Those constants include the sinkhole, the call for aid. The other prominent name is of Sinkhole, page 16
Ellomyr Commons, the Trilling Shard, the Gurner Fron, “who never chose the mantle
Ellomyr Commons,
Alehouse, and the Healing House, as well leadership, but who saved us all with his page 17
as many lesser-known locations and familiar wisdom, care, and gentle guidance.”
people. The Arkus House has rooms for meetings, Trilling Shard, page 16
One notable exception, however, is Gurner as well as offices for the recently installed
Alehouse, page 18
Fron, the beloved leader of Ellomyr, who Arkus Prolett and several others who work
passed not long ago—though his reputation with her, including Paro, Kendri, and an Healing House, page 19
has only grown larger than life since his Arkus in training named Talientas.
Prolett: While some call Prolett’s mother Prolett: level 3, tasks
LOCATIONS AND PEOPLE demanding and heedless, Prolett herself is related to persuasion
and detecting falsehood
ARKUS HOUSE seen as artful and persuasive. Aiding her in as level 5; can give
This grand structure was originally built all her interactions is a small pet creature one immediate action
to memorialize the defenders of Ellomyr, that seems almost like a miniature ravage to an ally who can
and indeed the entry chamber holds a bear, if a ravage bear had huge eyes and hear her within short
range each round
monument listing the names of all the black fur and made a strange purring sound
original villagers as well as the names of when contented. Most people who see the
the many people who showed up to help tiny creature, which Prolett calls Ebon, are Ebon: level 1; eases
defend the community. The monument a little bit enchanted. When life and death Prolett’s tasks related to
positive social interaction
once bore the name of everyone living in the issues arise, Prolett is all business, willing
community, though because Ellomyr has to go days without sleep to find a solution if
continued to grow, this is no longer true. the problem is pressing enough.

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humor. Paro is also a pessimist, which he is
well aware of; he often makes fun of himself
for being so bleak. Being a pessimist makes
him more adroit at finding the flaws in other
people’s plans, especially those plans that
rely more on hope than on actual facts and
reasoned deduction.

Talientas: Lengths of rounded crystal

protrude here and there from Talientas’s skin,
showing images that not even he can always
identify. Sometimes these crystals show
images of the future, though these images
are not always true. An image showing the
Shard awakening was what drew the Aeon
Priest here, though he hasn’t revealed that
specific image to anyone else yet.

The building set aside for Ellomyr’s defenders—
or as everyone calls them, the “ozost”—has
an unassuming exterior. Inside, however,
it maintains a reasonable arsenal of basic
weapons and some armor, a few secure cells,
and comfortable beds for the ozost to sleep.
Talientas: level 3, defends Most people in Ellomyr support her, though The community defenders gained the
as level 5 due to weak there is a growing call from those who didn’t joking nickname “ozost” when Jharoch
knowledge of future
events, numenera-related
grow up in the community to replace the office the glaive gave warning during one of the
tasks as level 5; attacks of the Arkus with a ruling council of Elders. margr attacks using a device that produced
and defends with esoteries Prolett believes that she could do a better a blaring call that sounded for all the
job than a council, and at the very least move Steadfast like someone screaming “ozost!”
more quickly on issues, but probably wouldn’t A few years later, “ozost” has gone from a
fight the change if she became convinced nickname to the official term for referring to
that it was truly the will of the people. the defenders. The ozost is led by Jharoch.

Kendri: level 4, Kendri: Kendri’s red-and-white dyed braids Jharoch: Jharoch is large and never backs
non-combat Speed-based signal that she isn’t afraid to draw attention down from a fight once it is fairly begun.
tasks and positive social
interactions as level 6
to herself and that she is always up for Which explains the many scars decorating
something new. Which makes her a perfect his arms and face. If asked about any one of
envoy for Prolett. She has gained a positive them, he smiles shyly and explains that it’s
Jharoch: level 5; health 25; reputation within Ellomyr, as well as in a story best left to the Alehouse. Jharoch is
Armor 2; attacks inflict nearby communities where she has been one of the best glaives in Ellomyr. He’s also
7 points of damage;
device capable of sending
sent to ask for aid or broker agreements, more perceptive and imaginative than most.
audible warning noise for being a quick study and almost immune The ozost is lucky to have him as its leader.
across entire city to fear in any context. Her outgoing nature
has helped win Ellomyr more than one trade Trodomir Stoneshield: Short but loud,
Trodomir: level 3, Speed deal, but her aversion to backing down has Trodomir carries a large piece of exotic grey
defense as level 4 due also endangered the town, which is why material that looks like stone, affixed with a
to shield; attacks inflict
5 points of damage
Prolett always sends Paro along on Ellomyr leather handle that allows him to use it as a
business to temper Kendri’s enthusiasm. nigh-unbreakable shield. Jharoch and a few
other ozost owe their lives to Trodomir’s
Paro: level 3, Intellect- Paro: Thin, balding, and tall, Paro is a prior-world shield.
based tasks as level 6 pleasant man that everyone likes for his dry

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Yuri: Ambitious and full of ideas that he’s Terrenden: Stiff in posture, manner, and Yuri: level 3, tasks
not afraid to share, Yuri comes from a speech, Terrenden otherwise seems utterly related to persuasion
and initiative as level 5
distant location called Sagus Cliffs. As he’s average in looks and dress. Only recently
more than happy to relate to others in the come to Ellomyr, Terrenden displays a
ozost, he wasn’t about to let the adversity remarkable knowledge of the numenera, Terrenden: level 3,
of dangerous travel between the isolated beyond even the impressive education of numenera-related tasks
as level 6; attacks and
communities of the Ninth World stop him most Aeon Priests. Though only his fellows defends with esoteries
once he learned of the Trilling Shard. in the Aeon Villa know it, Terrenden is not
actually an Aeon Priest. He came to the village
AEON VILLA about the same time as Telshin, having heard
Only two Aeon Priests reside in Ellomyr, the Shard’s call, but he is in fact a being
but given their prominence, residents built from another world posing as a human.
them a structure to call their own not far
from the Ellomyr Commons and the Trilling Telshin: Telshin wears a fantastic headdress Telshin: level 3,
Shard. One of the biggest tasks before of gears, spinning crystal, and wires that perception as level
7 due to headdress,
them is to discover how to “repair” the sometimes glows. The headdress covers her numenera-related tasks
Trilling Shard so that it can “hear” distant eyes with ruby lenses, which allow her to as level 5; attacks and
places as well as speak to them. However, see very small things or very distant things, defends with esoteries
a few among the Trilling Scholars have depending on her needs. Of the three
suggested that even attempting such a task residents of the villa, only Telshin takes any
is to fundamentally misunderstand what time to deal with the Trilling Scholars who
the Trilling Shard is, and that pursuing this still meet in the Alehouse. The others see
goal could be dangerous. The Aeon Priests, the group as a glorified drinking club rather
Terrenden and Telshin, employ a guardian than a legitimate body of scholars. Telshin,
named Val Tarrow. however, points out that it was partly
through their efforts that the Trilling Shard
was made to speak in the first place.

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Val Tarrow: level 3; Val Tarrow: This sturdy glaive, who has Calistina: A slight woman with long fingers
Armor 3; attacks inflict almost as much metal fused to his body and huge eyes, Calistina has a scar running
4 points of damage
as flesh, distinguished himself during the down one arm and hand from a close call
Calistina: level 2, crafting margr battles. Thanks to his efforts, more during her final trip to the Valley of Sins
numenera tasks as level than one outlying farming family was saved looking for iotum. After that, she chose to
5, tasks related to crafting from an early and bloody end by margr remain in Ellomyr full time, building up the
devices that channel
destructive electricity as raiders. He now offers his services to the community’s defenses. She never speaks
level 6; carries three Aeon Priests. They, in turn, keep his partly of her trip to the Valley. She is credited with
mechanical body in good repair. building Ellomyr’s first lightning tower and
Unaers: level 3, crafting
continues to work on modifications and
numenera tasks as
level 5, positive social STREET OF WONDERS related installations.
interaction tasks as When people speak of Ellomyr’s wrights,
level 2; carries three they’re referring to the specialized crafters who Unaers: Silver haired and unsmiling, Unaers
temperamental cyphers
work within a few blocks’ radius of each is sure that despite his many successes, his
other along the aptly named Street of Wonders. next project will fail to function, blow up, or
Temperamental This wide avenue is lined by high structures, otherwise turn bad in his hand. How Unaers
cyphers, page 22 most with massive doors that can be swung came to be so untrusting of life and himself
or wheeled open to reveal big interiors is a secret he has yet to reveal. Working
strewn with all manner of tools, supports, with him can be a challenge, but despite his
Ghela: level 3, crafting
numenera tasks as lights, and varied work surfaces. The sounds constant predictions of failure, he always
level 6; carries three of hammering, the flicker of strange lights, seems to deliver new wonders.
temperamental cyphers and the tang of not-quite-identifiable smells
are common along the Street of Wonders. Ghela and Thominas: Ghela is a wright
Thominas: level 5;
+4 Armor from an esotery; Someone is always working on some new who works with her wife, a nano named
long-range force blast device, machine, vehicle, or automaton. Walk Thominas, forming a crafting team that
inflicts 5 points of damage into nearly any building, and you’ll find a few working alone could ever hope to
that ignores Armor
from an esotery; eases
wright laboring on some fabulous new project, equal. It was their combined brilliance that
crafting numenera tasks often with the aid of others from nearby shops. developed plans for the string of floating

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force globes that encircle Ellomyr, helping Wharf District: Commonly just called “the
keep the community safe from invaders. wharf,” this area outside the walls started
Other wonders flow from their shop, as a place for river fishers to sell their catch,
including many oddities that serve as little and for trade coming from downriver to
more than toys. Thominas delights in selling be organized. Since then, it’s grown into a
them or giving them away, but Ghela sees small settlement all its own, one accessible
each oddity produced as time wasted. Ghela over a luminous-dynamo-lighted bridge.
once went on adventures with her brother, Traders, fishers, shops, and even a couple of
Sunal, but after he died in an expedition to cafes can be found here.
the Valley of Sins, she remained in Ellomyr. Aldwin: Aldwin, a large man with a small Aldwin: level 3, tasks
boat, is one of the most prolific sellers of related to fishing and
piloting a boat as level 5
ELLOMYR MARKETS fish on the wharf. Aldwin was a loyal friend
Ellomyr has grown large enough to support to Gurner Fron—possibly loyal to a fault.
several markets, but the largest remains Now that Gurner is gone and Prolett is
associated with the Ellomyr Commons. in charge, Aldwin constantly speaks out
This “Commons Market” enjoys a roof that against the Arkus, no matter what Prolett
allows buyers and sellers to browse and decides.
display goods regardless of the weather.
Given that the main market is part of the
larger complex of structures that includes
the Street of Wonders, more oddities,
parts, and other objects related to crafting
numenera can be found here than in most
towns Ellomyr’s size.
Traders from other cities sometimes
come and set up shop, either seasonally or
permanently. Shops including the following.

Wild Caught Beasts: This stall is filled

with small cages, each containing one or
more small chittering, hissing, or scurrying
creatures. Khol is the proprietor.
Khol: A trapper originally from Bodrov, Khol: level 3, calming
Khol is quick to explain the benefits each and controlling
animals as level 5
creature in his shop might provide, whether
that’s soothing sounds from many-legged
insects to help with sleep, venom from
big-eyed salamanders to calm skin rashes,
honey from furred laaks, or snuggles from
fluffy, birdlike creatures.

Real Fakes: All sorts of prosthetics are sold

here, along with spectacles and gloves.
Trusvar owns the place.
Trusvar: If you’re missing an eye, a finger, a Trusvar: level 3,
hand, or even an arm or leg, Trusvar (who’s tasks related to trade
and crafting simple
missing his own left eye) is happy to sell prosthetics as level 5
a plain prosthetic, one made of an exotic
material, or, in rare cases, one that actually
provides enhanced functionality (but only in
return for some special service or treasure).

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Mais: level 3, tasks Mais: A cafe selling fried fish cakes called a good showman, but a bad fisherman; a
related to cooking Mais’s Cakes, consisting of just four tables patchwork of scars on his right arm reveals
as level 5
and a cooking counter, is always jammed. the time when boat lines dug into him and
Mais is notable in that his hair, nails, and nearly took off his arm.
eyes are all the same combination of cool,
swirling colors. Mais’s secret recipe for fish VIELSTEAD
cakes leaves many planning their return What was once a single farm has become a
even before they’ve concluded their current small settlement where several people work
Viel, page 19 visit. and farm together in a collective. Viel is the
putative head of the household, but may
GURNER’S PARK others share the work, too, including Ashlei
This park was officially named after Gurner Vansu.
Ashlei Vansu: level 3, can Fron died. Children play and take lessons,
rewind time one round elders relax on benches, and sometimes Ashlei Vansu: Like most in Ellomyr, Ashlei
once every few hours
people gather in the area to sing or put on comes from elsewhere, drawn to the town
small plays. more by chance than design. But she found
Yaru: level 3, tasks Yaru Somi: When he’s not fishing, Yaru is a home here and has done her part to help
related to performing in the park doing one-person plays, which the place grow.
as level 5, fishing and
boating as level 2;
often involve displays of electricity. He’s
short-range lightning
attack inflicts 4 points of
damage via an esotery
Iron Wind: The iron wind is advancing on Ellomyr, as was first predicted by a strange
machine in the Valley of Sins, and since confirmed through other means. Even people
who don’t normally get along have come together to find a way to stop it. Caravans
heading to the Valley of Sins to search for weapons that might be useful against the
coming iron wind leave every few days, and they are always looking for more explorers
to sign up.

Strangers Who Know Things: The Arkus has posted a writ asking for someone to help
guard the envoys being sent west to talk to strange beings “made of energy” who might
have some knowledge or weapon that can be used against the iron wind.

Dangerous Installation: With the rush to build new protective installations, mistakes are
sometimes made. A prototype force dome, rather than offering protection, has sealed
itself off from external access behind an opaque field of force. More pressing is the
installation’s penchant for randomly snatching people and objects and pulling them
inside to an unknown fate.


Ascending Stars: Those working late who gaze up into the sky have recently reported
seeing what look like falling stars—if falling stars fell “up.”

Abhuman Activity: Despite their defeat years ago, the margr might be back. Several have been
sighted at the community’s periphery. But every time trackers are dispatched, the margr
waver and disappear, as if they were mirages.

Moving Shard: The Trilling Shard is Ellomyr’s touchstone (literally, in the case of many
who like to rub it for luck). Its presence reassures. Its strange abilities have even been
used to call for aid. But every now and then, a passerby claims they saw the Shard move
out of the corner of their eye, like an animal asleep in its den might turn its head or shift
its position subtly over time.

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Chapter 5: Return of the Margr 38

Chapter 6: The City of Ellomyr 42

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Telen, page 58 elen closed and locked the door of his
stronglass shop. Upstairs, he could
Ander, page 44 hear his family laughing and talking The sheaf of papers Ander slapped down
as they prepared dinner. He was glad Tasori on Michah’s desk made a loud sound.
Michah, page 44 and Velin had moved here from Othmar; they Obviously, Ander wanted it that way. Michah
were a happy couple, and their joy filled the looked up.
Othmar, page 58 home with a gentle and sustaining warmth. “Didn’t I tell you I didn’t want to hear
Little Tothi, his first grandchild, was now about this anymore?” Michah asked him.
nearly four years old, old enough to beg for Ander shook his head. His mouth twitched.
sweets but not old enough to know better. “That was when there was only one report.
Telen always remembered Tothi’s birth But there’s more now. And worse.”
year as the time the town drove away the Michah had been in charge of Ellomyr’s
iron wind. The mysterious crystalline devices defense for thirteen years. Her grandfather
they used to do so rested in an honored had fought in the Battle of Ellomyr against
place in the Great Hall should they ever the margr horde. Her mother had helped
be needed again. Safe from that horrible place the crystals that protected them from
threat, Ellomyr had more than doubled the iron wind so long ago. Her blood flowed
in size, a true city, one that celebrated its with the life of this city. She leaned back in
good fortune and prosperity, and honored her chair, not looking at the papers. “Worse?
those who gave their lives in its defense. He What does that even mean?”
chuckled to himself, remembering they used “That first account. It talked about some
to call him “Telen of Othmar,” back when strange creatures in the hills. Something
not being born here was unusual. In those we’d never seen before.”
days they were suspicious of outsiders, Michah nodded. “The wilderness is home
but people didn’t come to Ellomyr to make to a lot of strange things.”
trouble. And despite the occasional rumor “But we’re seeing them everywhere now,”
about abhumans and stranger things in the Ander said through gritted teeth. “In the
nearby hills, the city was strong and safe. hills, ambushing travelers. Making camps
And home. in the valleys. Living in the old margr caves.
Glowglobe, page 98 He touched the downstairs glowglobe, Calaval’s Eyes, Michah, I think these things
dimming it to the strength of a candle. His are the margr. Or rather they were.”
synth leg recognized this part of his evening “What?”
Thominas, page 34 routine and sped up its noises, anticipating “It’s Thominas’s theory, actually.”
his slow climb up the stairs to the living “You spoke to the old woman about this?”
room. Work was done for today; it was time “Yes. She’s still our foremost expert on it.”
to rest and enjoy time with the family. “It? What exactly are you trying to say?”

“That first account. It talked about some strange creatures in the hills.
Something we’d never seen before.”

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The four-armed thing stood up from the small, smoldering crater it left, the burning
remains of the other still in its claws, and then it laughed. The rest of the band
shouted ecstatic approval.

“The iron wind. When it was here. We The chanter suddenly grabbed the nearest Margr descended from
were saved, but the margr were not. We individual, which burst into a living column those force-evolved
by contact with
thought most of them were destroyed, but of flame. the iron wind are
it seems at least some of them survived. The surprised captive howled in pain, called iron margr.
And they were changed. It’s like what they but then both creatures shot up into the
were, their very existence was . . . re-written. sky with a roar. The crowd cheered. Just as Iron margr, page 53
They’re bigger, hardier, and some of them quickly, the flaming pair hurtled back down
seem to display strange powers.” and crashed to the ground like thunder.
He wiped his brow with a handkerchief. The four-armed thing stood up from the
“And they’re gathering in numbers again. We small, smoldering crater it left, the burning
have to face facts, Michah. The margr are remains of the other still in its claws,
coming back and they’re far, far worse than and then it laughed. The rest of the band
last time.” shouted ecstatic approval.
Maralokin watched the enflamed creature
through the lens of the device she carried,
and then looked back at Hensan, eyes tight
Hensan and Maralokin climbed the with worry. Hensan, page 44
ridge and peered down at the abhuman “We need to get back and report to
encampment below. It seemed, as they Michah and the city elders,” Maralokin Maralokin, page 44
watched, that the creatures were celebrating whispered. “This is worse than we thought.”
something. An unsavory, almost bestial
scene spread before them as the creatures
feasted on flesh or fought savagely against
those near them for a choice cut. Strength
and ferocity ruled this band.
Hensan couldn’t get over the variation.
Some margr—was it right to even call them
that anymore?—stood about as tall as a
human, but others must have risen to a
height of ten feet or more. Some were horned
and hirsute, but others sported scaly flesh
or even armored plates of what seemed like
living steel. Some possessed multiple limbs
or misshapen, asymmetrical features. One
thing seemed constant, however: there were
no weak individuals. No one was sick, feeble,
or frail. It seemed unlikely that such weakness
would last long in this terrible horde.
A single individual stood in the middle of
the group. Not small, but certainly not the
largest of them. It raised its four arms above
its head and chanted, as if invoking some
deity. Its words, however, meant nothing to
the human observers. The other creatures
grew quiet and expectant.

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had taken out one, but the other exploded
on its own. A mishap with the device inside?
We’ve got reinforced walls and even some She didn’t know. She just hoped that Joye
force fields in place, but we’ve heard that and Boches were okay. She wanted to check
some of the margr fly now. on them, but she knew to do so would be to
Can you believe that? leave her post.
I mean, I’ve heard the stories about the Thrum. Thrum. Thrum. Her unit stood
Battle of Ellomyr from older folks, and there before the gate, feeling every blow from the
have been a few tales here and there of other side right in their own chests. Heiren
people who wandered into the hills when could see the thoughts in their minds by the
they shouldn’t, but none of that seemed very looks on their faces. It was simple, because
real. None of it seemed to apply to me. they were her own thoughts as well. When
But now I’m standing here, listening to those beasts broke through the gate, she
this woman explain to me how to load and and the others would be the only thing
crank this crossbow, and it just all seems preventing them from getting into the city.
unreal. And if the margr were big and powerful
Chevath, page 48 I wonder how Chevath is doing. She’s enough to break through this huge gate,
training with the fire brigade to help put out what would they do to a handful of humans
any fires that might start and keep them in leather jerkins holding spears?
from spreading. Apparently, margr like fire. And yet not a one of them fled.
They like eating people too, I’ve heard, Commander Ghiles stood with them—and
but no one’s talking about that. We’re all not behind them, but in the front rank. His
thinking it, though, believe me. wisdom had been a boon, but right then, his
No one knows when they’ll get here, bravery and loyalty had even more value.
exactly, but you can tell that everyone Heiren and her cohorts would never let him
expects it to be soon. down, nor abandon him.
The wrights have built some kind of Thrum. Thrum . . . The third strike was a
towers at the gate with numenera weapons. crack like lightning splitting a tree as the
Everyone thinks they’ll play a significant role gate burst asunder. The margr seethed in,
in saving us, but clearly no one thinks they’ll more like floodwaters than like creatures.
be enough all by themselves. Those in the front rank were monstrously
Apparently, that’s why I have to learn how big, with multiple, massive arms holding
to crank this damn crossbow. giant hammers, the heads of which
I’ll admit it. I’m scared. appeared to be prior-world metals formed
and compressed from scavenged junk.
“For Ellomyr,” the commander shouted.
But then a margr hammer knocked him
Thrum. Thrum. Thrum. aside like a child.
Heiren, page 48 Heiren imagined fists the size and weight Heiren wished she had a god to pray to.
of anvils slamming against the gate. That Yet even if she had such faith, she still would
was the only way to explain the sound in her have been surprised as the first margr’s
mind. The fact that it could withstand so head imploded and its body collapsed like a
many blows like that was a testament to the felled tree. Then the same thing happened
imagination of the architect, Navine, and to the next one, and the next. A strange
her ideas on how to reinforce it. sound amid the gore caught her attention
Smoke billowed from the remains of both and she glanced behind her.
towers. Some weapon or power of the margr A woman she did not know, in the garb of
an Aeon Priest, held aloft a device of synth
and glass.
Next to her was a man Heiren did
Heiren imagined fists the size and weight of anvils slamming recognize. Alathazar had left the city a week
against the gate. ago to spy upon the margr encampment.
But now he stood next to the priest with a

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device of his own, glancing at the oncoming old Ellomyr. The Trilling Shard itself. It was
margr and feverishly adjusting the controls. moaning like I’d never heard it before.
It seemed as though his device was feeding Another crackling rumble. An entire
hers somehow. That’s the only way Heiren section of the old paved square fell apart
could explain it. Was he somehow giving the and dropped into a space below. I’d heard
Aeon Priest or her device information? once that there were old tunnels around the
Heiren didn’t know about such things. But Trilling Shard. Someone once suggested that
she knew that with power and skill like that they were for waste disposal.
on her side, there was still a chance. Or maybe something else.
And she still heard the thrumming sound. A . . . thing of angles and limbs, glistening
But it was different now. Beneath her? She in the late afternoon sun like metal newly cast,
wasn’t certain. Perhaps her imagination. rose up from the hole. The size of a building,
She gripped her spear tightly and leapt it sprang to life with inner lights of various
into the fray. “For Ellomyr!” colors. People around me screamed. What
was this thing? It looked a little like the Shard
itself. Something about the configuration of
lines, corners, and curves, like recognizing
The ground shook. We all looked around in the familiar parts of a sibling’s face.
confusion. More margr? The remnants of Then the screams themselves were
their horde had scattered back into the hills. drowned in the machine’s own noise. A
No. This was something different. vibrating screech that shattered windows. I
A burning building near us collapsed stumbled backward and fell.
with a crash. The man next to me cursed in Did Ellomyr save itself from an invading
surprise. Just structural damage from the horde only to be destroyed by a thing
fire and fighting, right? birthed of its very heart?
The ground shook again. I spun around
and my gaze fell upon the centerpiece of

The margr were defeated, thanks to the brave actions of Ellomyr’s defenders. And
to those who activated the device in the heart of the Trilling Shard. However, that
activation could have unexpected consequences of its own.

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Ellomyr’s third phase is a city of about successes—and the Aeon Priests could use
10,000 people. the Trilling Shard to instantly communicate
with scholars who could not physically make
ELLOMYR RANK 4 (12) the journey. By ten years after the victory
Ellomyr has made a name for itself in against the iron wind, the town had grown
Navarene, page 137 Navarene and beyond. Not only did its to five times its prior size—a proper city
people bring back many cartloads of with the heart of a quaint village.
numenera from the Valley of Sins, build Those who grew up in Ellomyr before
several kinds of advanced vehicles, and the margr attack hardly recognize it today.
fortify their town with force fields and Roads and neighborhoods extend far beyond
lightning turrets, they survived the iron wind the edges of the original outlying farms.
by using an artifact of the numenera. The Lights in the streets keep the city bright at
influx of people from nearby lands continued night without the risk of fire. A new part of
and increased, bringing more knowledge, the city lies across the river, larger than the
resources, and hard-working people to original village and farms. The Trilling Shard
contribute to Ellomyr’s improvement and that once towered over every other building

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Government: A council of three elders (serving five-year terms and choosing their successors) is advised by the
captain of city defense (an ozost veteran named Michah), local Aeon Priests, and representatives from local
guilds. The current elders are Kendri (who has learned a few things about tact and negotiation since her
younger days), Paro (chosen by Prolett when she stepped down), and Telshin.
Health: 14
Infrastructure: 25
Damage Inflicted: 6
Armor: 2
Modifications: As rank 5 for friendly interactions with nearby communities
Combat: In addition to the trained group of glaives and warriors called the ozost who guard Ellomyr and its
environs, Ellomyr has a defensive force field dome that deflects most ranged weapons, various turrets to
eliminate rampaging beasts and enemy hordes, and a squad of elite windrider pilots who scout nearby
territory and can drop incendiary cyphers from heights no bow can reach.

is now the tenth-tallest structure in Ellomyr. a legend to the village, but now they know Kendri, page 32
If the old ones hadn’t seen it happen with it is a structure from a prior world, now
Paro, page 32
their own eyes, they never would believe that surrounded by a fortress.
this was the simple farming village they were Ellomyr still has roots in farming and Prolett, page 31
born in—something they frequently bring herding, and visitors are encouraged to try
up in conversation with family, friends, and local recipes for gallen steaks, but most Telshin, page 33
oh-so-many strangers. of the city’s interests lie in researching,
Ellomyr lies within a fertile valley near cataloging, and building the numenera. The
the Angry Red River, said to have been full city’s growth spurt and access to resources Gallen, page 141
of sickness generations ago but now safe has made it a place of interest for the nobles
Queen Armalu,
to drink. The river flows over the noisy of Navarene and Queen Armalu, diplomats
page 137
Glittermist Falls into a gigantic sinkhole, its from other countries, and even spies from
depths shrouded in mist from the falls, but outside the Steadfast. Ellomyr has survived The Steadfast, page 136
the locals know there is a lake at the bottom physical threats and thrived, and although
that used to be fished by frog-like people some old threats remain (such as the Valley
that vanished years ago (some folks claim of Sins, deadly and only reluctantly yielding
the margr got them, others say they were its caches of numenera), now it is entering a
turned to stone by the iron wind, and still new chapter of politics and trade.
others think they moved on when Ellomyr
grew around the sinkhole). ELLOMYR CITY OVERVIEW
Non-humans are still uncommon in The city of Ellomyr is known throughout
Ellomyr, but nearly everyone has seen a Navarene as a place where the numenera is
varjellen, a lattimor, some kind of humanoid studied and celebrated, with a courteous,
mutant, or a talking automaton. These cosmopolitan feel that makes visitors feel
creatures would have been the source of welcome. There is a friendly rivalry between
much gossip twenty years ago, but now various types of citizens—approximately
they’re just a different kind of people equal populations of those descended from
to most of the citizens. Although the the original villagers, those who came to
geographical center of the city has shifted Ellomyr to help defend against the margr
from the Trilling Shard, the strange, sound- and iron wind, and those who arrived after
producing stone from a prior world is still these historical events.
the city’s emotional and cultural heart. Ellomyr is a mix of many cultures,
Far in the distance, one can see the predominantly farmers and merchants
Amber Monolith hovering in the air. Native with Navarene sensibilities, but there are Amber Monolith,
Ellomyrans still tend to call it “the Golden neighborhoods where settlers from Draolis, page 140
Sliver,” a name they gave it when it was but Thaemor, and Ghan are the majority, and

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“Those whose minds crave knowledge and understanding, those whose hearts yearn to
build a better world, there is a hearth for you in Ellomyr.”

clusters of homes here and there with the council of elders, issues orders to old
people from lands even farther away. Most Jharoch and the ozost, and grumbles to
citizens of Ellomyr don’t care where you her assistant, Lieutenant Ander, about
are from except to admire the cut of your paperwork and bureaucracy.
clothing, the seasoning of your food, and
Lieutenant Ander: the quirks of your stories—if you live here Lieutenant Ander: Trained as a scout, Ander
level 3, positive social and love this place, you are a citizen of served in the ozost for five years before
interactions and
stealth as level 5
Ellomyr, no matter where you were born or applying to work directly for Captain Michah.
grew up. The culture of the city emphasizes The two work together as an excellent team
learning and growth, and the city’s official and trust each other’s decisions about
anthem calls out that “those whose minds resources, training, and defense, even when
crave knowledge and understanding, those they don’t agree. Ander is married, but he
whose hearts yearn to build a better world, is falling in love with Michah; they both
there is a hearth for you in Ellomyr.” know it, and it is starting to strain their
professional relationship.
Hensan and Maralokin: Ellomyr has grown and changed a lot in the Hensan and Maralokin: These fraternal
level 3, stealth as level 5 past decade, but many of the city’s older twins are the best scouts the ozost has to
locations and people are still recognizable offer. Both have survived expeditions into
and prominent in the city. Those landmarks the Valley of Sins—a feat that impresses
Alehouse, page 18 and notables include the Alehouse, the their fellow guardians. Born in Ellomyr, they
Ellomyr Commons, Gurner’s Park, the grew up learning about the numenera, and
Ellomyr Commons,
page 17
Healing House, the sinkhole, the Street often visit the New Market District to see
of Wonders, the Trilling Shard, and many what cyphers and other devices they might
Gurner’s Park, page 36 lesser-known locations and people. Of find useful in their work.
course, some of these locations have
Healing House, page 19
expanded in the past few years, but they BEND PAVILION
Sinkhole, page 16 are still in the same place and known by The plot that this building sits on became
the same name, and in some cases (like known as the Bend when the town built an
Street of Wonders,
Vielstead and the Wharf) have become irrigation channel that cut across it, forming
page 34
neighborhoods as the rest of Ellomyr grew a triangular patch of land surrounded on
Trilling Shard, page 16 around them. all sides by the Angry Red River. The Bend
was merely open fields and farmland for
Vielstead, page 36
LOCATIONS AND PEOPLE several years, until an enterprising visitor
Wharf, page 35 Captain Michah: This enterprising glaive named Pella Tyln decided to perform a
quickly rose through the ranks of the ozost play there called The Battle of Ellomyr, and
with her ability to anticipate flaws and others began to use the field for musical
Michah: level 3, weaknesses in the town’s defenses. She has performances, plays, and seasonal festivals.
negotiation, ranged built upon her family’s impressive heritage Eventually the town elders gave permission
attacks, and tactical
planning as level 5
of serving the city, using her sharp mind to build an open-air theater, which has
and a love for Ellomyr that she says runs since been upgraded with a roof covered
in her blood. While still part of the ozost, in retractable panels of synth and canvas,
she nominated herself to fill Arkus Prolett’s allowing it to be used in the rain or as an
newly created position of the captain of city emergency shelter. Now known as Bend
defense, for which Jharoch immediately Pavilion, it hosts several performances per
endorsed her, as such a responsibility week, and three of its exterior sides have
was beyond his skill. Now she advises been converted to outdoor theaters for

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smaller productions, with many camping

areas surrounding the building to allow
patrons to stay overnight after an evening
performance. The campsites are also a
rendezvous spot for young lovers. Nearby
is the home of an automaton named FP-42
and his vicious mechanical mount, and local
teens sometimes dare their friends to knock
on his door.
Pella Tyln: This woman is a mysterious
entertainer. Nobody in Ellomyr knows her
true face, for she always wears a featureless
mask of polished metal that shows different
things to anyone who looks at it. Some
believe that the mask is grafted to her face
and can never be removed. She otherwise
dresses in black boots, a black cloak, and a
bright tunic of many-colored silks. She uses
oddities and nanites to weave illusions and
create mesmerizing performances, often
with a tragic theme but without an overt
story. She enjoys hearing stories from other
parts of the world, and memorizing and
adapting these tales into her next show.
FP-42: This tall, threatening-looking
creature is one of a few true automatons station that can do much more. Although Pella Tyln: level 3,
living in Ellomyr. His single green, glowing the city’s current population far exceeds illusions, sleight of
hand, and theatrical
eye takes up most of his “face,” and his the capacity of the station, its high-volume performance as level 5
lanky legs can telescope on land or fuse into mechanisms will go a long way to prevent
FP-42: level 3; Speed
a tail to improve his swimming. FP-42 hires rationing in an emergency, and its superior defense, understanding
himself out as a mercenary, but only for design means it requires little maintenance human motivations,
and crafting and
causes he believes are noble and good, and and should function smoothly for many understanding numenera
he is dangerous if double-crossed or misled more years. To free up the city’s wrights for as level 5; Armor 3
about a mission’s purpose. His mount, other critical tasks, an immigrant named Rippy: level 6; Armor 4;
Rippy, is a reprogrammed meat-processing Siyrren volunteered to maintain the station. grappling hooks and bite
automaton called a xacorocax; city officials Siyrren: Tall and slender like most of her inflict 5 points of damage
consider it incredibly dangerous, so it is people, Siyrren was born in Lostrei, a land
banned from the city, and the two of them north of the Steadfast. She explored the Steadfast, page 136
live in a barn-like home in an open field ocean and various islands for years. During
Ghan, page 141
near Bend Pavilion. FP-42 is known to have her travels, she rescued and befriended the
a contact in Ghan. He is mildly irritated by pitch-black, four-eyed canine creature she
young people who knock on his door as a calls Ezziel. The two have since traveled
prank, but he accepts it as a necessary cost much of the coast of the Steadfast, following Basic water purifier,
page 169
of living in Ellomyr. rumors of unusual bodies of water to
discover their secrets. This is what led her Water purification
WATER PURIFICATION STATION to the Angry Red River, Ellomyr, and an station, page 170
As Ellomyr grew, so did its water needs. The expedition into the Valley of Sins. Now she
Angry Red River provides plenty of water, lives in a modest riverside house, using Siyrren: level 3, healing
and the town’s basic water purifier can her knowledge and her ability to shape and understanding
numenera as level 5
provide a little more when needed, but the and harden water to monitor the water
town elders decided to plan for a worst- purification station, help fix boats, and Ezziel: level 4; bite and
case scenario and had the wrights expand occasionally provide artistic effects for plays claws inflict 4 points of
damage; immune to visual
the basic purifier into a water purification at the Bend Pavilion.
effects due to blindness

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GLITTERMIST POWER STATION for lightning strikes), and other unusual
The luminous dynamo station provides and unseasonable weather phenomena
power for the globes that light up the city tend to happen within a long distance of
at night, and multiple instances were built the tower. In addition to predicting weather,
to expand its reach and capacity as Ellomyr the researchers want to develop a way to
grew. Eventually, increasing demand for reliably attract and store electricity from the
power to keep numenera installations air as an alternative or backup power source
running throughout the city convinced the from the city, but the council doesn’t quite
council to build a larger facility that uses the believe them, and is considering buying out
river to create enough power for multiple their claim to the land and evicting them—
installations. However, there were some though they aren’t sure how the leaders of
problems during its construction, and Charmonde would react to their scholars
the power station has multiple issues—it getting evicted.
tends to overheat (which requires using
the river as a heat sink), it often produces OBSERVATORY
loud noises, and it sometimes magnetically This angular, spindly tower is surrounded
attracts small pieces of metal from within by a cage-like structure of metal and synth.
a long distance. The city’s wrights and The tower itself is inhabited by three nanos
nanos are trying to figure out the sources intent on unlocking the secrets of the
Dabompre: level 3, of these flaws, but other projects keep stars—in particular an artificial device they
astronomy, crafting taking a higher priority, and the people in call the Emerald Spear that orbits almost
numenera, and
logic as level 5
the surrounding neighborhood are growing directly above Ellomyr. The tower, designed
frustrated with the delays. The council is and built by a wright named Dabompre,
considering shutting down the station until contains sensitive numenera devices that
Sah Korjat and Thon the experts can focus their attention on measure gravity, energy, and the paths of
Algu: level 3, astronomy
and understanding
fixing it, but they don’t want to leave half celestial objects, and the cage dampens
numenera as level 5 the city without power while they wait for interference from nearby sources on the
repairs. ground to give the researchers a clearer view
of the sky. The researchers hope to use the
WEATHER RESEARCH VILLAGE Trilling Shard’s ability to send and receive
Charmonde, page 138
This tower of white metal and synth is signals to establish communication with the
surrounded by eight squat domes, half Emerald Spear and perhaps use the Spear as
of which are communal homes and a relay to talk to other things out there. The
the other half of which contain three researchers—Dabompre, Sah Korjat,
strange numenera devices. A and Thon Algu—challenge each other with
few of these devices were built logic puzzles to decide who has to go into
here in Ellomyr, but most the city for supplies every week, and the
were brought overland on three of them appreciate it when their (rare)
wagons by researchers visitors bring them new puzzles to try. The
from Charmonde. These tower is also home to Sah Korjat’s son,
nanos purchased the land Dorgach Bah, who tries not to be underfoot
with several high-value while the adults are working.
units of iotum, built the Dabompre: This talented wright loves all
structures, and began to intellectual challenges, whether they involve
conduct experiments they math, designing a new plan, or figuring
claim are about predicting out a riddle. He came to Ellomyr for the
the weather. However, opportunities it provides and enjoys his time
in times of heavy rain or here, but is lonely and hopes to find a close
dense clouds, the tower friend or even a spouse. He is charismatic in
often draws bolts of casual conversation but a bit intense when
lightning to itself (even working. He sincerely wants to help the
if the weather wouldn’t people of his adoptive city, and this shows in
normally be appropriate his work.

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Dorgach Bah: This child was born in margr battle. Enchanted by the spirit of its Dorgach Bah: level 1,
Ellomyr in the year of the iron wind. Blind people, he fell in love with the town, and Speed defense and
positive social interactions
since birth, he grew up isolated from now it is his life’s work to share stories of as level 3; immune to
other children his age but befriended a their courage and sacrifice. When not talking visual effects due
mysterious man named Gorg Zaala who to veterans and their families, he writes to blindness
was trapped between dimensions due plays for children and holds performances at
to a traveling mishap. Dorgach can see the Bend Pavilion. Gorg Zaala: level 3,
through Gorg’s eyes, and the two can Megalon Elimar: This intense fellow splits dimensional knowledge
as level 3; immune
communicate telepathically. Something his time between the Healing House, where to attacks that can’t
about their connection draws Gorg closer he works on the patients most in need of affect targets in
to this dimension when Dorgach is excited lifesaving care, and the city mortuary, where other dimensions
or afraid—close enough that Gorg can he prepares the bodies of the dead for
interact with the physical world in a limited funerals and burial and examines corpses to Bend Pavilion, page 44
way to protect the only person who can see determine the cause of death (particularly if
him. Gorg now follows and watches over foul play is suspected). He came to Ellomyr Megalon Elimar: level 3;
Dorgach, and he has promised that when because he heard it had survived the iron surgery, autopsy, and
disease as level 5
the boy is old enough to leave home on his wind, as the transformative abilities of that
own, the two of them will explore the world dread hazard fascinate him. Brooding,
together, sharing thoughts and Gorg’s eyes. intelligent, and extremely ruthless in his Healing House, page 19
methods, he is resented by many people at
MEMORIAL HILL both institutions, who say he is arrogant and
This huge mound is an artificial structure obsessive.
built up with many layers of earth and
stone by an artifact wielded by Jocen, a NEW MARKET DISTRICT Jocen left Ellomyr for
visiting nano who participated in the Battle As Ellomyr spread its fingers across the Bodrov a few years after
the Battle of Ellomyr,
of Ellomyr. She lost many friends when Angry Red River, people settling along the and although she has a
the margr attacked (as did most everyone new roads had to deal with a long walk to reserved plot on the Hill,
in town) and created this burial site to get to the Market District, so they set aside nobody in Ellomyr knows
honor them, with individual graves and a street here for merchants and peddlers. if she plans to use it.
tombs cut into the sides and simple paths About a third of the businesses moved
honeycombing over its outer surface. The here from the old market in search of new Jocen: level 3, crafting
council maintains a list of everyone who customers and to escape competition with commonplace
structures as level 4
was present for the Battle of Ellomyr, and rivals, and the New Market District has
each of those people has a reserved spot grown over the years until it offers nearly
on the hill for the day they eventually pass. the same items as the old market. The old Margath Relgar: level 3,
The remaining plots are unassigned, and market has a slightly greater proportion memorization, telling
stories, and local
are used much like the smaller public and of farmers and traditional crafts, and the news as level 5
private burial grounds in and around the new market has a few more shops that
city. On the anniversary of the battle, the
people hold a memorial ceremony on the
mound, lighting candles and leaving gifts of
food and flowers for the deceased, with the
windrider pilots flying a solemn loop above
the mound. A local man named Margath
Relgar has taken it upon himself to record
and memorize the names and biographies
of all the veterans buried at the hill so he
can tell their stories to future generations.
A recent arrival named Megalon Elimar is
trying to raise funds to make permanent
stone markers for every veteran of the battle.
Margath Relgar: This lorekeeper and
storyteller came to Ellomyr just after the

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sell oddities, glowing tattoos, and other Eron Wulfser: This friendly glaive is usually
numenera wonders, but a patient person seen patrolling the New Market District
Ozost, page 32 can find what they want at either site. wearing his ozost uniform and lieutenant’s
The New Market District is notable for its badge, watching for thieves and looking
fighting academy, situated on a prominent for anyone who needs assistance. He is
corner, with large open windows allowing well-trusted in Ellomyr and known for his
passersby to watch people train under stoicism and code of honor, qualities he
Rokarim the Silver, a world-wise glaive. learned growing up in a minor noble house
Heiren: level 3; Heiren: This soft-spoken woman owns of Navarene. He carries large weapons
crossbows, spears, and a small shop where she weaves colorful and wears heavy armor, but loves unarmed
weaving as level 5
blankets and clothing with her niece combat and enjoys friendly challenges.
Chevath. She was a member of the ozost When not working with the ozost, he hires
Chevath: level 3, when she was younger, but retired so she himself out to guard travelers, recover
weaving as level 4 could take over her family’s shop. Her ozost kidnapping victims, and watch over visiting
spear rests in the corner of her shop, always dignitaries. He returns to Shallamas once
kept oiled and sharpened in case they need a year to see his mother and father and
her again. brush up on diplomacy and martial arts
Rokarim the Silver: level 3; Rokarim the Silver: This man is easily techniques. He doesn’t act particularly
melee attacks, perception, recognized by the metallic scars on his ambitious, but talk is that if he pushed
and all defenses as
level 5; Armor 2
face he acquired in battle with a needle- himself, Captain Jharoch might appoint him
clawed automaton. He traveled across to lead the ozost when Jharoch retires.
Jharoch, page 32 the Steadfast for years, earning shins as Shoon: Nobody has actually seen Shoon,
a prize fighter and exploring ruins of the a young man of about twenty years, since
Shoon: level 3, prior worlds. Rokarim came to Ellomyr a mishap in the Valley of Sins bound an
salvaging numenera because he wanted to witness the courage artifact to him, concealing him in a cloud of
and stealth as level 5
of the simple folk who stood up to a margr microprisms that reflect the environment
Eron Wulfser: level 3; horde and the iron wind. He cares greatly around him. When he moves, he looks like a
melee attacks, positive about his adopted city and those who keep blur, but when he is still, he all but vanishes.
social interactions,
and matters of nobility
it safe, and his academy offers free basic He has a habit of overhearing wrights talk
as level 5; Armor 3 training to anyone who asks for help in about what iotum they need, sneaking off
defending themselves. He has challenged to acquire it, and leaving it where they can
and defeated a number of so-called teachers find it.
Windrider, page 303 whose flamboyant combat techniques aren’t
actually effective in battle. WINDRIDER LANDING
This facility is almost a district of its own,
home to many nanos, wrights, and pilots
who research, develop, and test windriders
and other flying machines. The high spire
serves as an observation tower, and the
watcher on duty is required to flag down any
non-Ellomyran flying vehicles or creatures that
approach the city (not only to give the local
authorities time to question flying visitors,
but also to prevent collisions with the force
field dome). The spire elevator can carry 2
tons of weight from the ground to its apex,
and there is at least one aneen-drawn cart
available at the base to transport visitors into
the city proper. The residents of Landing (as
they call their neighborhood) always keep
an eye out for people with the potential to
be pilots or wrights and teach classes about
maintaining, repairing, and flying these

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Electric Beast: The windrider pilots tend to give the Weather Research Village a wide
berth, as they don’t know when the tower is going to suck lightning out of the sky and
disable their fliers. However, one pilot who was patrolling the city near the tower on a
mildly cloudy day saw it pull in a bolt and noticed that the bolt persisted for a few seconds
and seemed to release (or create) a six-legged, spider-like creature made of electricity.
The creature lingered for a few seconds before disappearing. The weather researchers
alternately claim that the pilot had been drinking or that the “spider” was actually an
optical illusion caused by the flickering energy; regardless of their explanation, they insist
that there was no creature. The council is skeptical but needs further evidence before
taking action.

Falling to Earth: A pilot on a windrider sent on a monthly mission to scout margr in the
nearby hills one day ago has failed to report back. The wrights at the Landing suspect
the pilot’s vehicle malfunctioned and crashed. The wrights want permission to launch a
rescue and recovery mission or find a way to contact the pilot from the city to get a status

Royal Visit: Rumor has it that Queen Armalu herself plans to visit Ellomyr to observe its
Queen Armalu,
wonders firsthand and extract oaths of fealty from the council. People from elsewhere in
page 137
Navarene know this is absurd, for the queen never leaves her palace for fear of sickness
or contamination, but the city is abuzz with talk and low-key preparations. Even the Navarene, page 137
council is on edge and expecting an official emissary from the queen to talk about taxes
Amber Pope, page 133
and their contribution toward the Amber Pope’s war efforts.


Spear and the Shard: The nanos of the Observatory believe they are about to make a
breakthrough in their communications with the Emerald Spear orbiting above Ellomyr.
By recording sounds from the Trilling Shard and beaming them at the Spear, they have
gotten the Spear to repeat most of the signals back to them, as if it were trying to
communicate. Thon Algu has been comparing notes with the experts on the Trilling Shard
and working on deciphering a subtle undercurrent in its tones, which she believes is the
next step in unlocking communication with the Spear.

From Another Realm: People have been seeing pale, spectral humanoid creatures appear
on the fringes of town, always in the neighborhoods that border the sinkhole. These
“pit ghosts” appear to be carrying cyphers, which they aim at buildings and creatures
before moving toward the sinkhole and vanishing. A scholar at the Aeon Villa says Aeon Villa, page 33
the descriptions match that of an abykos, and one of the old-timers at the Alehouse
Alehouse, page 18
remembers hearing a story about explorers fighting an abykos in a ruin at the bottom of
the lake.
Abykos, page 224
Horizontal Weight: The great hill near the New Market District has been undergoing
excavations for the past year to see what lies underneath it. A recently unearthed sealed
chamber has started leaking a yellow gas that disrupts gravity, hurling the miners out
of the tunnel as if falling sideways. Some are left floating in the air outside, and suffer
injuries when the gas disperses and they fall. A nano expert on gravity believes that the
workers could pump outside air into the chamber, harmlessly dissipating the yellow
gas into the atmosphere so the excavation can continue, but the city wrights want to try
storing this gas for future projects. A temporary barrier has been built to reseal the tunnel
until everyone agrees on a solution.

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elegant vehicles. Actual testing of prototype
vehicles takes place down the road in a large
open area, far from any homes or other
buildings. That road leads past the home of
Kristo Goodchild, whom the pilots consider
a luck charm—although they disagree over
whether he is good luck or bad luck.
Kristo Goodchild: level 3, Kristo Goodchild: This awkward-looking
storytelling and all man is slightly overweight and easily
defense tasks as level 5;
slugspitter attacks inflict
recognized for his yellow synth jacket and
3 points of damage worn blue pants. He talks like someone
much older, in an accent of the Truth that
nobody can quite pin down. He lives in a
Slugspitter, page 301 large, boxy numenera vehicle that has sat
immobile at its current location since he ELLOMYR IN THE FUTURE
parked it there a few years ago. He saw Ellomyr has experienced an incredible
many strange things before coming to amount of growth in recent years,
Ellomyr, but his memory is erratic, so on drawing talented crafters and numenera
some days he claims that powerful beings experts, as well as mighty champions
have sent him all over the world, and on determined to keep the city safe
others he forgets how and when he got here. and free. Given enough research,
The stories he tells are outlandish and often perseverance, courage, and a little luck,
contradictory—which doesn’t stop an eager it may double or triple in size in the next
Shallamas, page 139 audience of children and baffled adults century, and perhaps grow as powerful
(especially pilots from Windrider Landing) and influential as Shallamas, Ledon, or
Ledon, page 143 Mulen—a haven for knowledge and the
from coming to his home, listening to
Mulen, page 154 him spin tall tales, and bringing him food, numenera.
clothes, and shins as payment.

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Chapter 7: Creatures 52
Chapter 8: The Numenera 56
Chapter 9: Othmar 58
Chapter 10: Valley of Sins 59

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See Understanding the Among the creatures described in Numenera Discovery and Numenera Destiny that trouble
Listings in Numenera Ellomyr, the margr pose the most immediate threat. Other creatures also endanger Ellomyr,
Discovery for
information on using a
especially when residents explore a nearby ruin called the Valley of Sins.
creature’s level, health,
combat, and other
elements in your game. HUNTER 7 (21)
These creatures are usually called “hunters” because nothing else quite captures the terror of
Margr, page 240 seeing them crash through everything in their way in pursuit of their prey. These apex predators
Understanding the stand 12 feet (4 m) tall when rearing. Their triangular, toothy mouths are capable of opening
listings, page 222 terrifyingly wide. A fusion of flesh and machine, hunters combine the indestructible qualities of
metal with the appetites of living beings. Though they don’t make any noise, they’re not stealthy;
once they detect prey, they simply smash through whatever separates them from their next
CREATURES BY LEVEL meal—be that trees, walls, or other creatures they have deemed less able to satisfy their hunger.
Veriloquent mist: 4 Motive: Hungers for flesh
Iron margr: 5 Environment: Almost anywhere but always in the Valley of Sins
Hunter: 7 Health: 27
Trilling titan: 8 Damage Inflicted: 10 points
Armor: 3
Movement: Short
Valley of Sins, page 59 Modifications: Speed defense as level 5 due to
size; stealth tasks as level 2
Combat: Hunters bite and rend their prey. They
can also lunge up to a short distance in any
direction, even straight up, and make a bite
attack as part of the same action.
If prevented from directly biting their prey by
an artificial effect, they can use an action to
interact with devices and machines within
immediate range in an attempt to suppress
that interfering effect for a few rounds. For
instance, those sheltering behind a force
wall created by a cypher become vulnerable
if the hunter can cause the force wall to
flicker off for a few rounds.
GM intrusion: The Interaction: Hunters are savage and clever
character who is bitten is predators.
held by the teeth, which
automatically rend for
Use: Hunters are drawn to the Valley of Sins to
another 10 points of find food.
damage each round until Loot: A hunter’s corpse usually contains two or
the victim can escape. three cyphers and one or two iotum.

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Even among regular margr, no two look alike. They might possess a goat head, goat horns,
goat legs, goat hooves, or some combination thereof. But iron margr are something else
again. Iron margr are those that survived being touched and changed by the iron wind.
The change enhanced their capacity for violence and desire to kill whatever they can find
out of rage, sport, or lust. It also changed their aspect, making them even more multifarious
in appearance. Some glow or seem to have iron or crystal skin, while others have heads that
look like floating metallic orbs or no heads at all. Still more disturbing changes, including
the addition of eyes, mouths, limbs, and other body parts where they shouldn’t be, are
possible. These physical changes often herald deadly new abilities.
Motive: Kills and destroys for pleasure and dominance
Environment: Margr live in nomadic tribes that scour dry wastelands.
Health: 23
Damage Inflicted: 6 points
Armor: 1 (or 4; see Combat)
Movement: Short
Combat: Iron margr usually have one or two additional options for inflicting damage and
defending themselves, varying by individual. Any given iron margr can usually inflict
damage with an enhanced bite, horns, or bladed hands, or even by spitting acid or
blasting foes within long range with weird beams of energy. An iron margr may be able
to teleport up to a very long distance every few rounds, phase through solid materials
every few rounds, and make its skin hard as iron (Armor 4) for a few rounds at a time.
Others have vastly more health or the ability to heal a few points each round. A few
have even more radical abilities, including the ability to move victims around with their
minds, which might be used to knock foes off a bridge, hurl them into the air, or restrict
their breathing.
Interaction: Iron margr are as vicious and bloodthirsty as normal margr. Iron margr tend to GM intrusion: The iron
be leaders of regular margr, and the most powerful iron margr lead the lesser ones. margr bursts into flame
like a detonation when
Use: Defeated several years ago by a nearby community, a group of margr changed by the iron the character attacks or
wind masses, hoping to utterly overwhelm and destroy the community that repelled them. otherwise engages it. The
Loot: Margr groups carry loot together rather than individually. It’s usually in the form of iron margr isn’t hurt,
stolen goods, but most groups have 4d6 shins as well. One iron margr of a group— but it continues to flame
every round until killed.
typically the leader—will also have 1d6 cyphers and an artifact.

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“Did Ellomyr save itself An enigmatic thing of angles and limbs, a trilling titan glistens like metal newly cast when it first
from an invading horde appears. When it encounters living creatures, it begins to shine with various colors, reflecting
only to be destroyed
by a thing birthed
the thoughts, emotions, and deepest desires of nearby beings. Its shape, too, while always
of its very heart?” massive, isn’t quite the same for everyone seeing it. To some, the trilling titan’s configuration
of lines, corners, and curves is like recognizing the familiar parts of a sibling’s face. To
others, it’s like seeing a long-forgotten nightmare return. When the trilling titan speaks, it
is a vibrating screech loud enough to shatter windows. What it does afterward depends on
factors beyond mere human acumen to calculate. It might leave. It might arise in defense of
those who sought to call it. Or it might destroy everything around it in an epochal rage.
Trilling titans sleep away the aeons in a protected chrysalis state that resembles a machine
left by a prior world. This mistake is easy to understand, as functions can be awakened in
the chrysalis that give an investigator the ability to communicate with distant places, see
glimpses of thoughts in other people, and maybe even see scenes of the future. But these
aren’t, in fact, the functions of a device—they’re the dreams of the sleeping trilling titan.
Motive: Unpredictable
Environment: Sleeping away the aeons almost anywhere
Health: 43
Iotum Result Table, Damage Inflicted: 8 points
page 110 Armor: 5
Movement: Long; long when flying
Modifications: Speed defense as level 4 due to size
GM intrusion: The Combat: A trilling titan, when awake, makes a mental connection to every creature within a
character gains the several-mile radius. This connection allows it to take the “temperature” of the area, which
memory of an allied NPC
or PC doing something
determines how it interacts. But the connection also allows it to transfer messages between
that suggests that person individuals, siphon memories away, implant new memories (real or fake), make creatures
has secretly betrayed the see things that aren’t there, or directly attack the minds of creatures within very long range,
character in some way. up to five targets at a time, inflicting 8 points of Intellect damage (ignores Armor).
Interaction: While sleeping, trilling
titans ignore other creatures
almost completely. But when
awakened, they act within a few
minutes, after first assessing the
situation. They may choose to
help those who ask them for aid,
simply leave, pass on ancient
information, provide a gift in
the form of an artifact, or, if
they somehow find their current
environment “lacking,” attempt
to destroy everything they find.
Use: The strange “trilling shard”
that’s served as the centerpiece
for the community since time out
of mind is waking up, and no one
knows what it’s going to do.
Loot: The defeated form of a trilling
titan could be salvaged for
dozens of cyphers, one or two
artifacts, and five rolls on the
Iotum Result Table.

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It starts with the smell of seawater and sarnwood, sharp and mellow, emanating from the Creatures that have
bank of bluish mist that rolls in. The smells trigger old memories. Memories of lying. Little never told a lie are
immune to a veriloquent
white lies to help smooth over an awkward situation. Huge, blatant lies designed to further mist’s touch.
your agenda, regardless of who your lies hurt. Did you tell those lies? Maybe just a little fib?
You begin to feel stretched. As if your skin is being pulled in opposite directions—as if
all of you is being pulled apart. The sensation begins as an irritation. Then the pain begins.
Pain becomes agony, and with that pain comes knowledge: you have been judged a liar.
And liars get turned inside out.
Motive: Defense
Environment: Usually defending certain prior-world ruins, often in a shrewdness of three to
Health: 12
Damage Inflicted: 4 points
Movement: Immediate when flying
Modifications: Stealth as level 6
Combat: A veriloquent mist attacks by touch. Its body is a mist of nanoparticles and floating
motes of intelligent lichen. Its touch inflicts 4 points of Speed damage (ignores Armor)
each round to any creature that has ever told a lie. A creature that is touched by the
mist (or breathes it in) continues to take 4 points of Speed damage each round as their
body begins to slowly and surely turn inside out. The effect ends when the creature
successfully resists with a Might defense task; however, a veriloquent mist can try to
attack that creature again to restart the reaction.
Attacking a veriloquent mist is difficult, because they are essentially immaterial. Any attack
that would affect a phased creature also affects a veriloquent mist. Additionally, attacks
that inflict damage in an area (like a detonation cypher) have full effect on a mist. GM intrusion: The
Interaction: Veriloquent mists are intelligent but completely alien. They see humans and character remembers
a particularly bad lie
intelligent creatures as testaments to truth (or lies) and little else. they once told, and
Use: The PCs discover that their attempts to gain entry into a ruin of the prior worlds have they take 6 points of
called a defending shrewdness of veriloquent mists. Intellect damage.

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During the years that Ellomyr was forced Minimum Crafting Level: 6
to grow from a village to a city in order to Kind: Artifact
survive the challenges it faced, the wrights Iotum: Io (1d6 units); responsive synth (10
developed unique plans. Several of those are units); apt clay (2 units); bio-circuitry
presented here. (2 units); pliable metal (6 units); smart
tissue (2 units); psiranium (2 units)
PLANS Minimum Parts: 60 units
d20 Crafting Level Kind Plan Specifications: This plan produces an organ
01–06 1 Artifact Thrower prosthesis, usually a heart, liver, lung,
stomach, or intestine (never a brain).
07–09 4 Installation Crystal mind
The finished artifact can be installed in a
10–12 4 Installation Force orb
patient’s body with a successful difficulty
13–15 4 Artifact Replacement limb 7 healing task that is eased by three
16–17 5 Installation Reflector orb steps thanks to the artifact’s ability to
18–19 5 Vehicle Tendril crawler self-bond. When successfully installed,
20 6 Artifact Replacement organ the replacement acts in all ways like
the original, though it leaves a weird
scar where it was implanted and makes
ARTIFACT PLANS clicking or other audible noises.
Depletion: —
Chapter 10: Numenera REPLACEMENT LIMB
Plans, page 135 Minimum Crafting Level: 4 THROWER
Kind: Artifact Minimum Crafting Level: 1
Iotum: Io (1d6 units); responsive synth Kind: Artifact
(10 units); apt clay (2 units); Iotum: Io (1d6 units); responsive synth
bio-circuitry (2 units); pliable metal (10 units); apt clay (2 units); synthsteel
(6 units); smart tissue (2 units) (2 units); quantium (1 unit)
Parts: 39 units Parts: 8 units
Specifications: This plan produces a limb- Specifications: This plan produces a tiny
replacement prosthesis, usually a hand, metal disc that floats upward unless
arm, foot, or leg. The finished artifact can secured. If secured to a detonation, dart,
be attached to the stump of a missing spear, or other small object suitable for
limb with a successful difficulty 5 healing being thrown by a normal human, the
task that is eased by two steps thanks to range increases by an increment equal to
the artifact’s ability to self-bond. When a long distance.
attached, the replacement acts in all Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (unless destroyed as
ways like the original, though it looks part of its use)
artificial and often makes clicking or
other audible noises.
Depletion: —

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INSTALLATION PLANS gel (6 units); pliable metal (5 units);

quantium (4 units); oraculum (2 units);
CRYSTAL MIND virtuon particle (2 units) Wrights who construct
Minimum Crafting Level: 4 Parts: 41 units crystal minds often
do so in order to store
Kind: Installation Specifications: This plan produces a floating numenera plans.
Iotum: Io (1d6 units); responsive synth metallic orb some 5 feet (1.5 m)
(20 units); synthsteel (10 units); across that hangs over a fixed point
psiranium (1 unit); kaon dot (2 units) no more than 20 feet (6 m) above the
Parts: 44 units ground. When activated, it creates an
Specifications: This plan produces a immobile immaterial reflector field
hovering crystal obelisk about 9 feet up to 20 feet by 20 feet (6 m by 6 m)
(3 m) tall and 3 feet (1 m) wide and on a plane that intersects the floating
deep. The obelisk hovers with its nadir orb. The plane otherwise conforms to
about 1 foot (30 cm) off the ground. A the space available. Several reflector
control surface allows a user to store orbs can be strung together to form
information in the crystal mind or call an arbitrarily long reflector wall, which
it up. The information can be stored could potentially surround an entire
visually, audibly, or via direct machine community. The immaterial reflector
connection (or some combination of field allows people and objects to pass
all these). A prodigious amount of through normally, but can reflect violent
information can be stored and called up, winds, energy, and, most important,
though this capacity is not infinite. instances of iron wind (if the instance’s
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check once during any level is equal to or less than the
century that the installation was used) installation’s level).
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check each time the
FORCE ORB reflector array is used)
Minimum Crafting Level: 4
Kind: Installation
Iotum: Io (1d6 units); responsive synth VEHICLE PLANS
(20 units); synthsteel (3 units); mimetic
gel (6 units), pliable metal (5 units); TENDRIL CRAWLER
quantium (4 units) Minimum Crafting Level: 5
Parts: 41 units Kind: Vehicle
Specifications: This plan produces a floating Iotum: Io (2d6 units); responsive synth
metallic orb some 5 feet (1.5 m) across (22 units); bio-circuitry (10 units);
that hangs over a fixed point no more pliable metal (10 units); synthsteel (2
than 20 feet (6 m) above the ground. units); mimetic gel (10 units); quantium
When activated, a force orb creates (3 units); smart tissue (2 units)
an immobile plane of solid force up Parts: 60 units
to 20 feet by 20 feet (6 m by 6 m) Specifications: This plan produces a partly
that intersects the floating orb. The living vehicle that resembles a mass
plane otherwise conforms to the space of twining tendrils and roots, with an
available. Several force orbs can be strung attached open carriage for up to four
together to form an arbitrarily long force passengers and one pilot to ride. The
wall, which could potentially surround an driver can use the control surface to
entire community. Such an unbroken wall cause the vehicle to move up to a long
adds +1 Armor to community stats. distance each round over nearly any Community stats,
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check each year of use) terrain, using the tendrils to climb even page 297
completely vertical surfaces, cling to
REFLECTOR ORB ceilings overhead, or swim in water.
Minimum Crafting Level: 5 After each ten hours of use, the vehicle
Kind: Installation must rest in the sun for at least one hour
Iotum: Io (1d6 units); responsive synth before it becomes operational again.
(20 units); synthsteel (3 units); mimetic Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check per month of use)
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Othmar fighters OTHMAR STATS The community is thriving, but only because
are sometimes Government: A council of any citizens everyone works constantly. They don’t
accompanied by trained
sthyl “coursers.”
who make an appearance every week engage in much trade, though if they had a
at the Knurl’s base. preferred trade partner, it would be Ellomyr.
Sthyl: level 2; moves a Health: 6 However, the farmers and herders don’t
long distance each round; Infrastructure: 6 have the time to lay down their implements
tentacle attack inflicts
4 points of damage
Damage Inflicted: 4 and take up the sword, even for Ellomyr,
Combat: Othmar recently defeated a unless the need is great and they can be
bandit uprising, and thus is slightly convinced.
better armed and trained than a
Telen: level 3, tasks regular rank 2 community. When Telen of Othmar: A man with a prosthetic
involving wood or Othmar’s citizens decide to band leg that audibly clicks when used, Telen of
metal working as level
6; prosthetic leg allows
together and fight, they’re fierce. Othmar actually spends far more time in
Telen to run a long Ellomyr of late. While not a wright himself,
distance each round he is handy with wood and metal, and,
and still take an action OTHMAR RANK 2 (6) despite his advancing years, has a steady
Othmar is a small town of about 2,000 hand. He is one of Ellomyr’s biggest
people living around a strange, dome- advocates in Othmar, though some in
like structure. Called the Knurl, the dome Othmar wonder if Telen will one day leave
is probably a ruin, though no one has and never return.
ever managed to find a way inside. In the
distance, a massive, horizon-spanning
sculpture sometimes wavers into view when OTHMAR HEARSAY AND NEEDS
the weather is misty and cool. Like chasing Needful Friends: Once again, Ellomyr
the end of a rainbow, searchers have never asks for aid. The council is calling a vote
found it. to decide what to do.
The primary occupation in Othmar is
farming a rice-like grass that grows in great Sthyl Drive: Every year, herders ask for
yellow fields and herding sthyl, creatures help moving huge herds of sthyl to new
known for their beautiful red mouth tendrils. grazing grounds.
Sthyl are tasty and can be trained as guard
animals but are dangerous if riled. THE WEIRD OF OTHMAR
Knurl Knocking: Late at night, the
sounds of something knocking from
inside the Knurl are audible.

Sculpture Shifting: The horizon-

spanning sculpture hasn’t been seen for
months, which is unusual.

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uins lie in a wide notch of land surround them. Other, smaller objects are
called the Valley of Sins. Tales about called pedestals (or petal-stals, because
the Valley of Sins are popular in of how they seem to be forged of metallic
Ellomyr. Those stories are dire but vary in flower-like petals). Another is singular, and
their details—except for one: the story of can be seen from anywhere in the valley: a
the “blue mist that’ll turn you inside out if great floating sphere cut in two halves called
you’ve ever told a lie, to expose all those the Thunder Eye.
lies that lay within.” The fact that not every The henges and pedestals are connected
explorer who’s visited the valley has returned via a hidden network of metallic pipes
only increases its reputation for danger. (mostly buried under the earth). Finding and
None of the stories really do the place following those connections leads to more
justice. henges and pedestals, as well as various
strange objects, many of them broken. The
VALLEY OF SINS OVERVIEW network does not seem to be connected to
When travelers first come to the valley, they the Azure Tower or the Thunder Eye.
are often surprised that the 5-mile (8 km)
wide gorge teems with life. Lush plants
forest the gorge. Birds of many shapes and
colors fly and roost everywhere, singing
strange songs. Insects and other small
creatures scurry between tiny lairs made in
the ground and among the branches of the
Visible from almost anywhere in the valley
is the central lowest point, where a massive,
tower-like structure rises. The details of
the structure are hidden in a blue mist that
writhes and curls across the structure’s
surface, almost like it’s alive. Explorers refer
to the place as the Azure Tower. Stories
about the blue mist that turn liars inside out
convince most explorers to avoid the central
structure altogether, and instead investigate
the many smaller objects that dot the valley.
The other objects that are visible scattered
around the valley are too small to be called
structures, but they are obviously composed
of metal, synth, and other materials favored
by the builders of the prior worlds. Explorers
lump some of these together, referring to
them as henges, because glassy plinths

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N’harrion: level 3; level 5 Finally, there is an apex predator that lives N’harrion Eroidamar: A nano out of Othmar,
for two “sword” attacks in the Valley of Sins that anyone who comes N’harrion uses esoteries to enhance his
each round that inflict
3 points of damage;
to the place learns to avoid. Explorers just ability to stealthily move through the forest
esotery grants +2 Armor call it “the hunter.” It’s possible there is and his talent for wielding two long shards
more than one, but explorers hope that isn’t of synth (his “swords”) simultaneously.
Hunter, page 52 true. N’harrion seeks a secret way into the Azure
Tower, but without success so far.
The forest grows on a noticeable slope, and Ensho Zenish: Heavily muscled except for
Ensho: level 3; all tasks the trees sometimes grow thickly together, his mangled legs, Ensho uses a floating
directly related to the making sections of the valley impassible and chair to get around, sometimes floating high
hunter as level 7
forcing explorers to take a wending path as over the forest to bypass tangled terrain.
they attempt to explore the area or follow He doesn’t know exactly what happened to
straight network pipes. Various dangers his legs, but he thinks the hunter might be
lurk in the forest in addition to the hunter, to blame, and thus he has returned to the
Rot vine: level 4; pods such as rot vines that grow both along the Valley of Sins to hunt the hunter. But first, he
burst in immediate ground and in the branches, camouflaged needs to find all its weaknesses. So far, he’s
radius and inflict 2 points
of damage each round
by coloration and laden with pods filled with found only a few.
until target succeeds on violet spores ready to burst and kill anyone
a Might defense roll who trips over or becomes tangled in the Orion Kruna’el: With no memory of his past,
vine. Orion was drawn to the Valley of Sins by the
Orion: level 3; A few explorers have taken up semi- temporal echoes the pedestals and henges
understanding numenera permanent residence in the forest, including create. Orion suspects he was banished
as level 5; long-range
energy attack inflicts
N’harrion, Ensho, and Orion. They’ve each from another world or time and hopes to
6 points of damage developed methods for evading the hunter. use the devices in the valley to first regain
from an esotery Sometimes one of them will offer to aid his memories and then provide a way to
explorers who’ve become the latest targets return to wherever he came from.
of the hunter’s hunger.

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HENGES to return to normal reality and time, Henge control: level 6

The various henges found in the valley whereupon they can leave the Valley of Sins
are each centered on perfectly circular normally.
stone platforms about 15 feet (5 m) across. An inactive pedestal, if salvaged, yields 1d6 Pedestal: level 5
The stone is relief carved with strange shins and perhaps a cypher. An active pedestal
symbols. Surrounding the stone platform yields 1d20 shins, a couple of cyphers, and Activating a pedestal
are glassy plinths, creating a sort of henge. two rolls on the Iotum Result Table. successfully might call
a hunter, do nothing,
Some henges are inactive and completely or return characters
ruined, but others retain some functions. If THUNDER EYE who previously used
someone steps onto the platform, a pillar- A greenish metallic sphere a short distance a henge back into the
like control surface rises out of the henge. in diameter floats above one forested slope normal flow of time.
The control surface, if active, gives a user of the Valley of Sins. Split down the center
the sense that such a device can somehow by a dark line only a few centimeters wide,
alter time, though the specifics are fuzzy at the sphere spits and growls with occasional
best. Often, the user believes that they can discharges of green lightning. It’s usually
target a creature or object that they can see safe to approach, but occasionally that
within short range and somehow displace it dancing energy targets nearby objects or
out of time. Other uses might be possible, creatures and disintegrates them.
like seeing up to a year into the future. Both The split down the center sometimes
uses require a difficulty 9 Intellect task. Even opens wider (especially right after an electric
if the task is successful, the most common discharge), revealing a place that seems to
outcome for anyone attempting to use a be some other world: a void of weird clouds
henge is that the user (and anyone else on and gold light stretching off to infinity.
or within immediate range of the platform) Slowly tumbling through that immense
is transferred into a bubble of space and space are strange objects, ruins, and Iotum Result Table,
page 110
time outside the normal time stream. sleeping creatures.
Travelers don’t initially notice a difference
(though when they see a targeted creature
disappear, they may incorrectly believe that
the targeted creature was displaced, rather
than themselves.) Travelers are trapped in
the time-space bubble and unable to leave
the Valley of Sins until they find and use a
working pedestal to reverse the process.
If salvaged, a henge yields up 2d20 shins,
a couple of cyphers, maybe an artifact, and
three rolls on the Iotum Result Table.

Many pedestals are broken stubs. Those few
that still function consist of a floating sphere
of light surrounded by metallic and synth
petals (or “leaves”). The glow emanating
from the orb renders the pedestals visible
from a long distance through the forest.
A powered pedestal’s function seems to
be related to restoring something that has
been displaced in time. If the henges serve
as doorways out of the flow of time, the
pedestals appear to be the doors back in,
suggesting that the ancients used them to
travel through time. Explorers who become
displaced by a henge can use a pedestal

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PCs can enter the eye and explore the Those who dare to approach the tower
weightless void but risk becoming trapped and who survive the blue mist discover an
inside while the eye is closed (though after enigmatic structure filled with chambers.
several hours, the eye opens again). Use Some chambers are empty; others contain
the Valley of Sins Encounter Table to help inexplicable machines of the prior worlds.
inspire additional encounters while the PCs The kinds of machines and materials
are inside the Thunder Eye. found inside the tower seem unrelated
Between expeditions inside the Thunder to the henges and pedestals in the valley
Eye, a man named Jun Nir and six surrounding the tower, but can still be
Mercenaries: level 2; mercenaries make camp beneath it. salvaged for iotum and other numenera.
Armor 1; melee and PCs who manage to get inside the tower
ranged attacks inflict
4 points of damage
Jun Nir: Still hearty despite his advancing can explore many levels of the ruin, but
years, Jun Nir has suffered several losses of they may face recurrent encounters with
Jun Nir: level 5; Armor 2; late in his exploration of the Thunder Eye, veriloquent mists. Use the Valley of Sins
melee and ranged making him bitter and a bit fatalistic. He may Encounter Table to help inspire additional
attacks inflict 7 points of
damage; carries a couple
help the PCs if they request it. But Jun Nir has encounters while the PCs explore the tower.
of random cyphers lost his love of life, and his fatalism is likely to While exploring, PCs may discover other
lead PCs into dangerous situations. explorers from Ellomyr or Othmar, including
Fheen: level 4; AZURE TOWER Fheen: Fheen is a delve who claims that
navigation, salvaging The large central structure wreathed in living he’s never told a lie, and he does seem to be
numenera, and Speed
defense tasks as level 6
mist is a ruin of the prior worlds, but getting able to evade the ill effects brought on by the
inside requires explorers to first get past the blue mist. If Fheen encounters other explorers,
blue mist. The shrouding fog is in fact made he is helpful but also a bit suspicious, because
up of a colony of several dozen individual he’s been enjoying his virtual monopoly on
Veriloquent mist, page 55 creatures known as veriloquent mists. salvage from the tower’s interior.


For each ten minutes that the PCs spend exploring, choose (or roll 1d6) to determine
what they encounter. The average level of these encounters is usually equal to 1d6 + 2.

d10 Result
1 A machine attempts to create a machine version of one PC, with limited
2 A crystal polyhedron with eight sides fluctuates between this universe and
one with only two dimensions.
3 A machine attempts to graft a living spinal column from some other kind of
creature to a PC’s back.
4 The eggs of a many-eyed creature are stored in clusters behind transparent
Dark fathom, page 232 5 A dark fathom lies in stasis. The stasis machinery can be salvaged, but that
ends the stasis.
6 An entity calling itself the Forthright God breathes out veriloquent mists.
7 A corpse, dead for several months but still somewhat preserved, seems to be
that of one of the characters.
8 An irregular monolith of yellowish material gives off a flesh-withering light.
9 Strands of translucent membrane quiver and vibrate, creating speech-like
10 A floating black cube with an eye like a blue orb interrogates explorers about
their lives.

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Acel 8, 12 Jarent 10, 13, 19 Rokarim 48
Alathazar 40 Jelani 9–10 Sah Korjat 46
Aldwin 35 Jerod 19 Sauda 9–10
Ander 38, 44 Jharoch 26, 28–29, 32, 44, 48 Shoon 48
Ashlei Vansu 36 Jird 8, 22–23, 25 Siyrren 45
Bari 27 Jocen 47 Staven 10, 19
Boches 40 Joye 40 Stoyan 8–9
Brucha One-Hand 7, 19, 24 Jun Nir 25, 27, 62 Talientas 31–32
Calean 19 Kaoru 18 Tasori 38
Calistina 7, 13–14, 22–23, 34 Kelem 9, 12–13 Telen 24, 38, 58
Calleriel 18 Kendri 28–29, 31–32, 43 Telshin 33, 43
Chevath 40, 48 Khol 25, 35 Terrenden 33
Commander Ghiles 40 Korth 10–12 Thayel 7
Dabompre 46 Kristo Goodchild 50 Thominas 27–28, 34–35, 38
Dora Redmire 6, 16–17, 19, 24, 31 Mais 36 Thon Algu 46, 49
Dorgach Bah 46–47 Maralokin 39, 44 Tothi 38
Ensho Zenish 60 Margath Relgar 47 Trodomir Stoneshield 32
Eron Wulfser 48 Megalon Elimar 47 Trusvar 35
Fheen 22, 62 Michah 38–39, 43–44 Unaers 27–28, 34
FP-42 45 N’harrion Eroidamar 60 Val Tarrow 33–34
Ghela 27–29, 34–35 Navine 40 Velin 38
Gorg Zaala 47 Nieten 6–7, 16–18, 20, 24 Viel 8, 19, 23, 26, 36
Gurner Fron 6, 11, 16–17, 24, 31, 35 Nsi 10 Yaru Somi 36
Heiren 40–41, 48 Orion Kruna’el 60 Yoil 25
Hensan 39, 44 Paro 28–29, 31–32, 43 Yuri 33
Idrin 10–12 Pella Tyln 44–45 Zhaon 19
Ilven 9 Prolett 28, 31–32, 35, 43–44
Immorella de Savanto 18 Reugar Darkglow 18

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