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I. Insert many, much or a lot of. II. Insert many or much.

1. Are there many eggs in the fridge? 1. A: How many times have you seen the film?
2. Adam can tell a lot of funny jokes. B: I’ve seen it twice.
3. She hasn’t got a lot of friends in the city. 2. A: How much money do you spend daily?
4. Susan has read many books in German. B: About fifteen pounds.
5. Can you see a lot of faults in this design? 3. A: How much time will we have if we leave now?
6. I don’t usually put much sugar in my tea. B: Twenty minutes, I guess.
7. We spend a lot of time working in the garden. 4. A: How many cubes of ice would you like in your drink?
8. There aren’t a lot of bottles of milk in the crate. B: Only one, please.
9. Dan saw many wild animals in the zoo.
10. She is good at biology. She knows a lot about it. IV. Insert a little/little or a few/few.
11. Bob does not think much of our plan.
12. Linda has to type a lot of notes each day. 1. Unfortunately, there are few places which are safe these
13. Did you get much information from this encyclopaedia? days.
14. There’s much hope that the letters will be delivered in 2. He has made a few enemies already because he has little
time. respect for any of his colleagues.
15. He hasn’t got much to say. He isn’t the boss here. 3. Desert areas receive little rain. That’s why few animals can
live there.
III. Insert a little/little or a few/few. 4. He feels a little depressed because he has had quite a few
problems lately.
1. A: Can you see many people in front of the bank? 5. Few people realize what a nice person he is as he has little
B: No, there are only few of them. to say to anyone. However, after spending a little time with
2. A: I think he eats a lot of food. him, I got to know him quite well.
B: You are wrong. He eats too little . 6. We’ve experienced a few storms over the winter, but,
3. A: Have you got any stamps? fortunately, they caused little damage.
B: Yes, I have got a few in my drawer. 7. Mary’s had a little experience in this matter so she should
4. A: Is there much ink in the bottle? be able to give you a few hints on what to do.
B: No, there is very little of it.
5. A: Would you like some porridge? V. Put in many, much, few, a few, little, a little.
B: Yes, I think I’ll take a little .
6. A: Shall we buy any flowers for Donna? 1. Did you take many photographs when you were on
B: Yes, let’s buy a few . holiday?
7. A: Do you keep any exotic birds in the zoo? 2. I’m not very busy today. I haven’t got much to do.
B: Of course, we have got quite a few of them. 3. The museum was very crowded. There were too many
8. A: How much time did you sleep last night? people.
B: Not much. Very little, really. 4. Most of the town is modern. There are few old buildings.
9. A: Has Iris prepared enough sandwiches for everybody? 5. The weather has been very dry recently. We have had little
B: Oh no. She’s made too few , in fact. rain.
10. A: I’ve heard you know a lot of important people. 6. Would you like milk in your coffee? – Yes, please. A little
B: Well, it’s true. I know quite a few of them. 7. Have you ever been to Paris? – Yes, I have been there a
few times.
VI. Choose the correct answer. 8. This is a very boring place to live. There is little to do.
9. I do not think Jill would be a good teacher. She has got
1. There is ......... a few/many/a lot of sand in the pit. little patience.
2. I’m not going to spend ......... few/much/many money in 10. Listen carefully. I am going to give you a little advice.
the shops. 11. We must be quick. We have little time.
3. David isn’t a good pupil. He doesn‘t learn ......... much/a 12. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so few
little/few. tourists come here.
4. We have got too ......... little/a few/few hours to finish the
difficult task in time. VII. Insert any, some, no or none.
5. She doesn’t know ......... a few/muchjjjj/many of Spanish.
6. We still need ......... a little/much/a few volunteers to go 1. We could’t make any cake because we had no lour.
with us. 2. Some time ago he said he would become a sailor.
7. You won’t get ......... many/a little/few days off, for sure. 3. Did any of you lose any money?
8. The meeting was cancelled because very ......... little/a 4. none of us knew how to repair the damaged tyre, so I had to
few/few members came to take part in it. ask another driver for help.
9. In the end, he told us ......... many/a little/a few about 5. ‘Has anyone taken any photographs?’ ‘Nobody has, I’m
himself. afraid.’
10. Take more of the syrup. It won’t help if you take 6. no answer was good. That’s why nobody won the main
too ......... few/a little/little of it. prize.
7. Do you want me to believe in these crazy stories? None of
them sounds true to me.
8. She won’t help you. She’s got no experience in
interviewing people. ↓
VIII. Complete the sentences with some- or any- + -body/ ↑ 9. Is he going to spend anywhere time in the mountains this
-thing/ -where. summer?
10. Give me some good advice, please.
1. I was too surprised to say something . 11. Tom must know some people from the office. He works
2. There’s somebody at the door. Can you go and see who it there.
is? 12. We hadn’t got any good ideas.
3. Does anybody mind if I open the window?
4. I wasn’t feeling hungry, so I didn’t eat anything. IX. Underline the correct words.
5. You must be hungry. Would you like something to eat?
6. Quick, let’s go! There’s somebody coming and I don’t 1. We can’t blame anyone/no one but ourselves for this mess.
want anybody to see us. 2. There’s anything/nothing in the post for you this morning.
7. Sally was upset about something and refused to talk to 3. There isn’t anything/nothing in the post for you this
anybody . morning.
8. This machine is very easy to use. Somebody can learn to 4. Anyone/someone called for you earlier, but I don’t know
use it in a very short time. who.
9. There was hardly anybody on the beach. It was almost 5. Isn’t there anywhere/nowhere to go at this time of night?
deserted. 6. Can I ask you anything/something?
10. ‘Do you live anywhere near Jim?’ ‘No, he lives in another 7. There’s anyone/someone on the phone to speak to you.
part of town.’ 8. You can do anything/something you want, it won’t make
11. ‘Where shall we go on holiday?’ ‘Let’s go somewhere any difference.
warm and sunny.’ 9. No one/someone knew what to do, so I used my own
12. They stay at home all the time. They never seem to go initiative.
anywhere. 10. Sorry, I don’t know anything/nothing about it.
13. I’m going out now. If somebody phones while I’m out,
can you tell them I’ll be back at 11.30? X. Insert all, every or each.
14. Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost
anything ? 1. He is not too clever. all he can do is talk a lot.
15. somebody who saw the accident should contact the police. 2. There are two of us. each of us is ready to offer help.
16. Sue is very secretive. She never tells anything 3. All my schoolfriends come from the same city as I do.
4. The boys have a common hobby Each of them loves
XI. Choose the correct answer. animals.
5. Mark goes to his doctor every two months.
1. Each/all Friday night we go to bed earlier than usual. 6. Both Julia and Mary scored the maximum points, so we
2. I’ll take both of these skirts. They each/every suit me very decided to reward each .
well. 7. Tell me all that you know about Miriam.
3. All/every of these tapes were flawed. 8. I’ve seen the play three times. Each time my impressions
4. The reports are written each/every six weeks. were great.
5. Each/every now and then, they come to ask about my 9. Not all exported goods must be declared for clearance.
health. 10. It was all we could do to support you.
6. All/every of the families have to be moved out. 11. That was terrible each wheel of my car was punctured.
7. He’s got seven dogs. Every/each of them has won medals 12. ‘How do they like the cruise?’ Each of them seems to be
at exhibitions. enjoying it.’
8. All/each the answers must be delivered by Thursday.
9. Mother has made two cakes. I’ve tried each/every by now. XIII. Insert another, other or others.
10. They are every/each as forgetful as their father is.
1. This restaurant is not very attractive. Let’s go to another
XII. Insert both, either or neither. one.
2. Two of us wanted to play football. The other boys preferred
1. Neither my father nor my mother can speak Spanish. basketball.
2. Steven is not either interested in the job or willing to take 3. Look! The shop’s closed. We’ll have to come on another
it. day.
3. There are two such handbags in stock. both of them are 4. Our class had a test last week. Peter got a better mark than
yellow. the others.
4. ‘Which of the two jackets suits you the best?’ ‘neither . 5. Two blankets were torn. Three others were dirty.
They’re both too wide. 6. Could I get another piece of the cake? It is delicious.
5. Why not visit both the Royal Palace and the Kensington 7. Take another knife. This one is blunt.
Gardens if we have so much time for ourselves? 8. I saw two burglars. One was much taller than the other.
6. ‘What’s his weight?’ ‘He’s neither heavy nor light. Just 9. Why not buy these shoes? They’re stronger than any other
average.’ ones.
7. neither of these candidates is good enough at typing. We’d 10. Look! The policeman is waving at you. I hope you’re not
better take on someone else. going to pay another fine today.
8. My wife doesn’t like opera too much and I’m not very fond __________________________________________________
of it, either → → 9. Don’t expect much from the Taylors. They’re both mean
XIV. Choose the correct answer. and stingy.
10. You are wrong. Betty isn’t either an actress or a singer.
1. ‘Shall I bring you other/another/others tea, Sir?’ ‘Yes, XV. Complete the sentences with other, others, the other,
please.’ the others, another.
2. His strange suit made him look much different from
another/the other/others men in the group. 1. He has three houses. One is in California, the others are in
3. Because the local club was too small we had to look for New York.
the other/others/another place for our wedding party. 2. This cake is delicious! Can I have another slice, please?
4. It seems Peter and Jack don’t like one other/another/the 3. There’s no other way to do it.
other. 4. Some people like to rest in their free time, others like to
5. I have failed my exam this time. I’m going to take travel.
other/others/another chance next term. 5. Where are the other boys?
6. I can see a few girls. One of them is a blonde and 6. Please give me another chance.
another/the others/other are black-haired. 7. The supermarket is on the other side of the street.
7. She says she’s gone through the first report and is ready to
read other/others/another one. XVI. Complete the responses in brackets (So do I/Neither do
8. Some other/another/others people told me to change my I).
9. Can you think about other/another/the other answer to 1. Diane has got her pilot’s licence. (so has Ryan.)
this question? 2. I didn’t hear the news until yesterday evening. (neither did i
10. What another/others/other steps would you expect me to I.)
take in this case? 3. Ethiopia is a very poor country. ( so is Mali.)
4. Mike must pass the exam in July. ( so must Dave.)
XVII. Complete the sentences using so or neither. 5. Pete wouldn’t like to work in a foreign country. ( neither
would Ian.)
1. David wants to become a lawyer, so does his brother.
2. I took my dog for a walk, so did my neighbour. XVIII. Complete the dialogue by giving the correct response
3. Tom isn’t able to speak French, neither is Judy. (so or neither/nor).
4. We have forgotten about the homework, so have they.
5. The Parkers aren’t Irish, neither are the Lemmons. Jane: I’ve got a new boyfriend.
6. My father smokes too much, so does my mother. Tina: That’s funny. So have I.
7. Your house has ten windows, so does our house. Jane: Mine’s very good-looking.
8. Jeff hasn’t watered the flowers, neither has Linda. Tina: So is mine.
9. We aren’t going to Australia next summer, neither is she. Jane: The problem is that he can’t drive.
10. Our grandfather died during the war, so did theirs. Tina: Neither can mine.
11. I didn’t recognize you at the airport, neither did my Jane: We went to the theatre last week.
mother. Tina: So did we. But he didn’t like the play.
12. They will take part in the anniversary, so will we. Jane: Nor did mine. He said he’d seen it before.
13. You should apologise to Mrs Connors, so should your Tina: Then why did he go again?
friends. Jane: I wanted to see it. My new boyfriend’s very thoughtful.
14. They were waiting patiently, so were their kids. Tina: So is mine. He doesn’t like to upset me.
15. The film wasn’t interesting, neither was it well-directed. Jane: So does mine. What’s his name? Mine’s called
16. I hadn’t been offered a rise before, neither had my Tim.
workmates. Tina: So is mine. How old is he?
Jane: 26. He looks like Leonardo di Caprio.
Tina: So does mine. Do you think…?
Jane: I’ll never see him again.
Tina: Nor will I .

XIX. For each of these sentences, either one or two alternatives are coorect.

1. I haven’t seen any/no/either of those films, so I don’t mind which one we go to.
2. You shouldn’t slouch like that. It puts much/a lot/all of pressure on one hip and leg.
3. At this stage, little/some/any information would have been a step in the right direction.
4. The Fitness Room would like to invite all/every/some of its patrons to enter the annual fitness challenge.
5. No/None/Any witnesses responded to the police appeal after the accident.
6. No/None/Many of the women who attended the demonstration was willing to give us an interview.
7. We would like to add that each/every/either medallion is inscribed with the name of its lucky owner.
8. Only half/a little/a few of the news today has been about the election.
9. We guarantee that each/every/all item of the dinner service will be replaceable for a period of ten years.
10. We are delighted to be able to welcome both/either/all the competition winners to the gala evening.

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