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Travel Agent: Alexis

Caller: Nacho

Travel Agent: This is Alexis from Pepe Travel. How may I help you?

Caller: Good morning, this is Nacho, I´d like to make a flight reservation for the twenty-fifth of
December this year.

Travel Agent: Okay. What is your destination?

Caller: Well. I´m flying from Málaga to Frankfurt, Germany.

Travel Agent: Okay. Let me check what flights are available. And when will you be returning?

Caller: Well, I´d like to catch a return flight on the twenty-ninth.

Travel Agent: Okay. Let me see…


Travel Agent: Nacho, there is a flight at five p.m. from Málaga on the twenty-fifth, arriving in
Frankfurt at five past eight a.m., and returning back from Frankfurt on the twenty-ninth at a
quarter past nine a.m., arriving in Málaga at twenty past twelve p.m.

Caller: Thank you for all the information. By the way, how much is it?

Travel Agent: It is only two hundred and seventy nine euros.

Caller: Alright, Alexis. Lets go with that. I´ll make you the transfer as soon as I receive all the
information from your company.

Travel Agent: Perfect. It was a pleasure helping you with your travel. Have a great day!

Caller: Thank you for your help and have a great day too.

Nacho Del Río Castellano

Alexander Daulet Pérez Sánchez 3º ESO B

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