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Soils and Foundations 2016;56(3):473–484

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Technical Paper

Simplified non-linear approaches for response of a single pile and pile

groups considering progressive deformation of pile–soil system
Qian-qing Zhanga,b,n, Shan-wei Liua, Shi-min Zhangc, Jian Zhanga, Kang Wanga
Research Center of Geotechnical and Structural Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China
State Key Laboratory for GeoMechanics and Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China
Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University City College, Hangzhou, China
Received 15 May 2015; received in revised form 25 December 2015; accepted 27 February 2016
Available online 6 May 2016


This work presents a simplified approach for the nonlinear analysis of the load–displacement response of a single pile and pile groups embedded
in multilayered soils. A hyperbolic model is used to capture the relationship between the skin friction and the pile–soil relative displacement
developing along the pile–soil interface. The shaft displacement is assumed to be composed of the pile–soil relative displacement developing at the
disturbed soil around the pile shaft and the elastic vertical soil displacement developing in the soil mass. The relationship between the shaft
displacement and the skin friction is then presented. Moreover, a hyperbolic model is also used to capture the relationship between end resistance
and pile end displacement. Considering the interactive effect among piles, hyperbolic models of an individual pile in pile groups are proposed. As to
the analysis of the response of a single pile and pile groups, considering the progressive deformation of the pile–soil system, a highly effective
iterative computer program is developed using the proposed hyperbolic models. Comparisons of the load–settlement responses demonstrate that the
proposed method is generally in good agreement with the field-observed behavior and the calculated results derived from other approaches.
& 2016 The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Single pile; Pile groups; Skin friction; End resistance; Hyperbolic model; Pile–soil relative displacement; Progressive deformation

1. Introduction relationship between the unit skin friction and the pile–soil
relative displacement along the pile–soil interface and the
A number of theoretical methods have been used for the relationship between the pile end resistance and the pile end
analysis of a single pile and pile groups. Many of these various displacement. The theoretical load–transfer curve method is
numerical methods fall into the following four main categories. simplified and can be easily used in the analysis of single piles
(1) The theoretical load–transfer curve method (Kraft et al., 1981; embedded in multilayered soils. However, the theoretical load–
Liu et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2010; Zhang and Zhang, 2012; Lee transfer curve method cannot consider soil continuity and cannot
et al., 2013) adopts the load transfer function to describe the be directly used in analyzing the response of pile groups. (2) The
shear displacement method (Randolph and Wroth, 1979; Lee,
Corresponding author at: Research Center of Geotechnical and Structural 1991; Guo and Randolph, 1999) considers the resulting displace-
Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, China. ment of the soil induced by the shaft shear stress as a logarithmic
E-mail addresses: (Q.-q. Zhang), relationship of the radial distance away from the pile shaft. The (S.-w. Liu), (S.-m. Zhang), (J. Zhang), (K. Wang).
interactive effects among piles can be considered by using the
Peer review under responsibility of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. principle of superposition. However, the interaction between two
0038-0806/& 2016 The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
474 Q.-q. Zhang et al. / Soils and Foundations 56 (2016) 473–484

soil layers cannot be considered in the shear displacement pile–soil system gradually develops. The results of field tests
method. (3) The elastic theory method (Xu and Poulos, 2000; also show that a hyperbolic model can be used to better
Wang and Yang, 2006) has an excellent theoretical basis and can describe the shear characteristics of the pile–soil interface. In
consider soil continuity. However, the elastic theory method can previous papers (Zhang et al., 2010; Zhang and Zhang, 2012),
only consider the influence of the elastic modulus and Poisson's a hyperbolic model was used to analyze the behavior between
ratio on the pile response; it cannot account for the nonlinear soil the unit skin friction and the pile displacement developing
behavior or the stratification of soils. (4) The numerical analysis along the pile–soil interface, and a bilinear hardening model
method, including the finite element method (Comodromos et al., was used to simulate the load–settlement response developing
2009; Said et al., 2009), the boundary element method (Ai and at the pile base. As to the response of pile groups, the
Han, 2009), the discrete element method (Chow, 1986; Lee, interaction factor was introduced. The interaction between
1991), and the infinite layer method (Cheung et al., 1988), is two piles was assumed to be composed of two aspects: one
considered to be one of the most powerful approaches for was the interaction between pile shafts, and the other was the
analyzing the behavior of a single pile and pile groups. With interaction between pile bases. Comparing to the previous
the numerical analysis method, the nonlinear soil behavior and works, there are many great improvements in the present
the complete history of the pile construction procedure can be method. In the present paper, the shaft displacement is
simulated. However, it is not commonly used in practice because assumed to be composed of the pile–soil relative displacement
of its high computational requirements and the difficultly of developing in the disturbed soil around the pile and the elastic
determining the soil parameters. vertical soil displacement developing in the soil mass. More-
In practical applications, the load–transfer approach is an over, to extend the conventional load–transfer approach to
efficient method for analyzing a single pile response, and it can analyze the response of pile groups, new kinds of hyperbolic
be used to consider the nonlinear soil behavior. In the models of an individual pile in pile groups were established to
theoretical load–transfer curve method, the load–transfer func- consider the reinforcing effect of adjacent load-free piles and
tions are required to describe the relationship between the the interactive effects among piles. Based on the proposed
mobilized unit skin friction and the pile–soil relative displace- models, a highly effective iterative computer program is
ment and the relationship between pile end resistance and pile developed to analyze the nonlinear response of a single pile
end displacement. For practical purposes, various forms of and pile groups embedded in multilayered soils.
load–transfer functions, such as the elastoplastic model, the
bilinear model, the trilinear model, the exponential function 2. Nonlinear transfer function for a single pile
model, the parabolic model, the softening model, and the
hyperbolic model are proposed. To account for the non- The results of field tests on instrumented piles are adopted
linearity in the stress–displacement response of soil, a hyper- (Zhang et al., 2014) to verify the reliability of the hyperbolic
bolic model is commonly used to capture the relationship model of skin friction, as shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1 contains 808
between the unit skin friction and the pile–soil relative points and presents the observed relationship between the unit
displacement developing along the pile–soil interface and the skin friction at a given depth and the pile–soil relative
load–displacement relationship developing at the pile end. displacement with the unit skin friction at a given depth, τsz,
However, the conventional load–transfer approach is rather normalized by the limiting unit shaft resistance, τsu, and the
difficult to extend to the analysis of pile groups. The measured pile–soil relative deformation at a given depth, Ssz,
interactive effects among piles should be considered when normalized by the measured pile–soil relative displacement at
the load–transfer approach is used to analyze the response of the ultimate skin friction, Ssu.
pile groups. Poulos (1968) first introduced the interaction Fig. 1 suggests that a hyperbolic model can be used to
factor defined as the additional displacement at the top of a pile approximately simulate the relationship between τsz/τsu and Ssz/
due to a loaded adjacent pile divided by the settlement of the Ssu irrespective of soil type, stratigraphy, or loading procedure,
pile under its own load to analyze the response of pile groups. and has a high accuracy (R2 ¼ 0.8376). In this paper, a simple
The concept of the interaction factor is successfully employed hyperbolic nonlinear model may be conveniently adopted to
in simplified analytical methods to predict the response of pile describe the relationship between the unit skin friction and the
groups. However, the conventional interaction factor will relative displacement discontinuity between the disturbed soil
overestimate the interactive effects among piles. In reality, zone and the pile shaft surface.
the presence of the ‘receiver’ pile (in the words of Mylonakis The relationship between the unit skin friction and the pile–
and Gazetas (1998)) usually reduces the displacement of the soil relative displacement can be simulated using a hyperbolic
loaded (‘source’) pile. To account for the reinforcing effects model (see Fig. 1). The following is obtained (after Lee and
among piles, Mylonakis and Gazetas (1998), Liang et al. Xiao (2001)):
(2005, 2014), and Yang et al. (2011) developed analytical
formulations to determine the modified interaction factors. The τsz ¼ ð1Þ
aþ bSsz
modified interaction factors can be used to establish suitable
methods for analyzing the response of pile groups. where a and b are empirical coefficients, Ssz is the relative
Field tests show that the skin friction is gradually mobilized displacement along the pile–soil interface at a given depth z,
from the pile head to the pile tip, and that deformation of the and τsz is the unit skin friction at a given depth z.
Q.-q. Zhang et al. / Soils and Foundations 56 (2016) 473–484 475

The limiting unit skin friction, τsu, is commonly determined

based on a formula using soil parameters derived from both
laboratory and in situ tests. The effective stress method is
employed to predict the value of τsu. As suggested by Yang
et al. (2006), the following equation can be used to calculate
the value of τsu:
K δ 0
τsu ¼ K 0 tan φ sv ð4Þ
K0 φ

where s0v is the effective overburden pressure at the given

depth under consideration, δ is the friction angle of the pile–
soil interface and is commonly related to the effective angle of
the shearing resistance of the surrounding soil, φ, K is the
lateral earth pressure coefficient, and K0 is the in situ earth
pressure coefficient, whose value is approximately estimated
by Jaky's equation K0 ¼ 1  sinφ. The suggested values for the
Fig. 1. Observed and theoretical relationship between τsz/τsu and Ssz/Ssu for
lateral earth pressure coefficient, K, and the friction angle of
instrumented piles (Zhang et al., 2014).
the pile–soil interface, δ, are summarized by the first author
(Zhang et al., 2014) in another paper.
Following the suggestion of Randolph and Wroth (1979), Therefore, the value for b can be calculated in the following
the elastic vertical soil displacement developing in the soil form:
mass induced by the skin friction can be computed using the
1 Rsf R
elastic solution. The value of a can be taken as the reciprocal b¼ ¼ ¼   sfh  i ð5Þ
of the spring stiffness of the soils around the pile shaft and can τsf τsu K 0 KK0 tan φ φδ s0v
be written as
  A well-documented case history on the interaction between
r0 rm
a¼ ln ð2Þ two identical piles was described by Caputo and Viggiani
Gs r0 (1984). Their pile-loading tests show that the load–displace-
ment relationships for the loaded piles are highly nonlinear,
where r0 is the pile radius and Gs is the shear modulus of the
ns whereas those for the adjacent load-free piles are essentially
Gsi hi linearly elastic. The research findings of Lee and Xiao (2001)
soils around the pile. In multilayered soils, Gs ¼ i ¼ 1L , hi is also show that the non-linear response only develops near the
the thickness of soil layer i, L is the pile length, ns is the pile side and the displacement of soil away from the pile shaft
number of soils, and rm is the radial distance from the pile remains essentially elastic.
center to a point where the shaft shear stress caused by the pile The total shaft displacement at a given depth below the
can be disregarded. For a pile embedded in homogeneous ground surface, Sz, consists of the nonlinear displacement of
soils, the value for rm can be computed as rm ¼ 2.5L(1  υs), as the disturbed soil around the pile shaft and the purely elastic
suggested by Randolph and Wroth (1979), whereas following displacement of the soil away from the pile shaft. As described
the suggestion by Lee (1993) for a pile embedded in multi- by Lee and Xiao (2001), the total shaft displacement at a given
layered soils, the 0 value for1 rm can be calculated as depth z, Sz, can be computed as
Pns Pns
Gsi hi υsi hi
B C Sz ¼ Ssz þ ΔSsz ð6Þ
r m ¼ 2:5L i ¼G1sm L @1 i ¼ 1L A. Gsm is the maximum shear
where ΔSsz is the purely elastic displacement of the soil away
modulus in the soil layers and υsi is Poisson's ratio of soil layer from the pile shaft.
i around the pile shaft. The relative displacement along the pile–soil interface at a
The reciprocal of coefficient b can be taken as the unit skin given depth z, Ssz, can be calculated from Eq. (1), namely,
friction at an infinite value of the pile–soil relative displace- aτsz
ment. This asymptote skin friction, τsf, is slightly greater than Ssz ¼ ð7Þ
1 bτsz
the maximum possible value of the pile–soil interface, τsu. It is
convenient to express τsf in terms of τsu by means of the As suggested by Randolph and Wroth (1979), the elastic
hyperbolic curve fitting constant, Rsf, as in the following displacement of the soil away from the pile shaft, ΔSsz, is only
(Zhang et al., 2010): related to the skin friction, and can be computed by
τsu ¼ Rsf τsf ð3Þ r0 rm
ΔSsz ¼ ln τsz ¼ cτsz ð8Þ
Gs r0
where a value for Rsf in the range of 0.80–0.95 can be adopted  
for the hyperbolic model of the skin friction. where c ¼ Gr0s ln rrm0 .
476 Q.-q. Zhang et al. / Soils and Foundations 56 (2016) 473–484

Substituting Eqs. (7) and (8) into Eq. (6), the value for Sz This hyperbolic relationship can be described by the
can be written as follows: following equation (see Fig. 2):
aτsz Sb
Sz ¼ þ cτsz ð9Þ τb ¼ ð11Þ
1  bτsz A þ BSb
where A and B are empirical coefficients, Sb is the pile end
The unit skin friction at a given depth z, τsz can be derived
displacement, and τb is the unit end resistance.
from Eq. (9) as
As suggested by Randolph and Wroth (1979), the value for
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi A can be computed by
ðaþ c þ bSz Þ þ ða þ c þ bSz Þ2  4bcSz
τsz ¼ ð10aÞ πr 0 ð1 υb Þ
2bc A¼ ð12Þ
where Gb is the shear modulus of the soil below the pile base
ðaþ c þ bSz Þ  ða þ c þ bSz Þ2  4bcSz and υb is Poisson's ratio of the soil below the pile base.
τsz ¼ ð10bÞ
2bc The reciprocal of coefficient B can be taken as the unit end
resistance at an infinite value of the pile end displacement.
When the value of Sz is adopted as zero, the value of τsz This asymptote end resistance, τbf, is slightly greater than the
should be taken as zero. Note that when the value of Sz is maximum possible value of the unit end résistance, τbu. It is
adopted as zero in Eq. (10b), the value of τsz is equal to zero. convenient to express τbf in terms of τbu by means of the
However, from Eq. (10a), it can be concluded that the value of hyperbolic curve fitting constant, Rbf, as in the following
τsz is (aþ c)/bc when the value of Sz is adopted as zero. For equation (Zhang et al., 2014):
practical purposes, therefore, Eq. (10b) should be used to
compute the unit skin friction at a given depth z, τsz. τbu ¼ Rbf τbf ð13Þ
The results of load tests on instrumented piles were used to where a value in the range of 0.80–0.95 can be adopted for Rsf
assess the reliability of the hyperbolic model of end resistance for the hyperbolic model of the end resistance.
(Zhang et al., 2014), as shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 2 contains 108 Following the limit equilibrium theory of end resistance and
data points and presents the observed relationship between the considering the compressibility of the soil at the pile end
unit end resistance and the pile base displacement with the unit proposed by Janbu (1976), a compaction zone at the pile end
end resistance, τb, normalized by the ultimate unit end will form due to the pile base load and will gradually expand
resistance, τbu, and the measured pile end deformation, Sb, into the soil around the pile under a large pile base load. The
normalized by the measured pile base displacement at the zone of plastic deformation is formed as the curve plotted in
ultimate end resistance, Sbu. Fig. 3.
Fig. 2 suggests that a hyperbolic model can be used to
describe the relationship between τb/τbu and Sb/Sbu irrespective
of soil type, stratigraphy, or loading procedure, and has a high
accuracy (R2 ¼ 0.8121). A hyperbolic model can be used to
describe the relationship between the unit end resistance and
the pile base displacement.

A compaction zone
Fig. 2. Observed and theoretical relationship between τb/τbu and Sb/Sbu for Fig. 3. Failure model of soil at pile base: failure model proposed by Janbu
instrumented piles (Zhang et al., 2014). (1976).
Q.-q. Zhang et al. / Soils and Foundations 56 (2016) 473–484 477

Based on the hole expansion theory, the ultimate end ja i) can be written as
resistance, τbu, can be calculated in the following form, as X  
τszj r 0 rm
suggested by Janbu (1976): ΔW szij ¼ ln ð20Þ
j ¼ 1;j a i
G s r ij
τbu ¼ cc N c þ snb N q ð14Þ
The unit skin friction of pile j, τszji, induced by the spread of
where cc is the cohesion of the soil supporting the pile, Nc and the shaft shear stress of pile i, τszi, can be expressed by
Nq are the bearing capacity factors reflecting the influence of τszi r 0
the cohesion of the soil, cc, the angle of shearing resistance of τszji ¼ ð21Þ
r ij
the soil at the pile end ϕ, and each pressure applied on the pile
side near the pile end, and can be calculated with Eqs. (15) and For pile j, τszji can be taken as a negative skin friction which
(16), respectively. snb is the average effective pressure applied pulls pile j down, whereas pile j generates a counter force with
on the pile side near the pile end, and it can be calculated using the same value but opposite direction, namely, τ0 szij, which
Eq. (17). may reduce the elastic displacement of the soil around pile i.
The elastic displacement of the soil around pile i, ΔS0 szij,
N c ¼ ðN q  1Þcot φ ð15Þ
induced by the shaft shear stress, τ0 szij, can then be calculated
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi by
tan φ
N q ¼ ð tan φ þ 1 þ tan 2 φÞ2 e2ψ ð16Þ  
0 τszj r 20 rm
ΔSszij ¼ ln ð22Þ
Gs r ij r ij
0 1 þ 2K 0 0
snb ¼ svb ð17Þ
3 Following the above assumption that the unit skin friction,
0 τszj, (τszj ¼ τszi, j¼ 1 to n), is assumed to be the same at a given
where s vb is the effective pressure at the pile end and ψ is the
depth for all piles in the group, the elastic displacement of the
angle in radians for the failure surface at the pile base (see Fig. 3),
soil surrounding pile i, ΔW0 szij, induced by the shaft shear
which varies from 601 for soft clay to approximately 1051 for
stress, τ0 szij (j¼ 1 to n, and ja i), can be written by
dense sandy soils.
The value for B can be computed by the following equation: 0
τszj r 20 rm
ΔW szij ¼ ln ð23Þ
1 Rbf Rbf j ¼ 1;j a i
G s r ij r ij
B¼ ¼ ¼ ð18Þ
τbf τbu 0
cc N c þ snb N q Considering the interactive effects of the piles, the elastic
displacement of the soil around individual pile i, ΔSszi, is
composed of three parts: (1) the displacement induced by its
3. Nonlinear transfer function for pile groups own loading, ΔSszij, (2) the displacement induced by the
neighboring loaded piles, ΔWszij, and (3) the deformation
A hyperbolic model, generally used in the analysis of the caused by the reinforcing effect of the adjacent load-free piles,
behavior of single piles, is extended to analyze the response of ΔW'szij, which may reduce the elastic displacement of the soil
pile groups by accounting for the interaction between indivi- around individual pile i, and can be calculated by
dual piles. In this work, the interactive effects between the pile 0 τszi r 0 rm
shaft and the pile base are assumed to be uncoupled; and ΔSszi ¼ ΔSszii þ ΔW szij  ΔW szij ¼ ln
Gs r0
therefore, interactions between the shaft and the base are X   X  
τszj r 0 rm n
τszj r 20 rm
considered separately for individual piles in pile groups. This þ ln  ln
simplified consideration is consistent with the hybrid-layer j ¼ 1;j a i
Gs r ij Gr
j ¼ 1;j a i s ij
r ij
approach as proposed by Lee (1993) and the method given by ð24Þ
Lee and Xiao (2001).
Based on the formulation presented by Randolph and Wroth In pile groups, τszi ¼ τszj ¼ τsz is assumed. The value for ΔSszi
(1979) and considering the interactive effect of two piles, pile i presented in Eq. (24) can be re-written as
"    #
and pile j, the elastic displacement of the soil away from the Xn
r0 rm X n
r 20 rm
shaft of pile i, ΔSszij, induced by the unit skin friction of pile j, ΔSszi ¼ ln  ln τsz ¼ cτsz
j¼1 s
r ij Gr
j ¼ 1;j a i s ij
r ij
τsj, can be calculated by
τszj r 0 rm P   P  
ΔSszij ¼ ln ð19Þ n n
Gs r ij where c ¼ Gs ln rij 
r0 rm rm
Gs rij ln r ij , when i¼ j,
rij ¼ r0. j ¼ 1 j ¼ 1;j a i
where rij is the center-to-center spacing between pile i and pile The total shaft displacement of individual pile i in an n-pile
j. group, Szi, can be computed by
Considering the interactive effects in a group of n piles, the
elastic displacement of the soil surrounding pile i, ΔWszij, aτsz
Szi ¼ þ cτsz ð26Þ
induced by the unit skin friction of pile j, τszj (j¼ 1 to n, and 1 bτsz
478 Q.-q. Zhang et al. / Soils and Foundations 56 (2016) 473–484

d=0.274 m

3.7 m
1.9 m

0.822 m 0.822 m

1.9 m
2.7 m
0.822 m
2.7 m
A 2×2 pile group

L=13.1 m

A 3×3 pile group A single pile

Fig. 5. Layout of pile groups.

At some distance from the pile base, the loading will appear
as a point load. The displacement at the base of pile i, induced
by the unit end resistance of pile j, ΔSbij, can be computed by
τbi ð1  υb Þ
ΔSbij ¼ ð29Þ
2πr ij Gb

For a group of np piles, the interactive effects of the

displacement induced on the base of pile i can be established
by the principle of superposition. Thus, the displacement at the
base of pile i, ΔWbij, induced by the load developing at the
base of other (n  1) piles can be computed by
Fig. 4. Computational flow chart for response of single pile or pile groups ð1  υb Þ X
considering progressive deformation of pile–soil system. ΔSbij ¼ ð30Þ
2πGb j ¼ 1;j a i r ij

The unit skin friction of individual pile i in an n-pile group, Substituting Eqs. (11) and (30) into Eq. (28), the pile end
τszi, can be calculated by displacement of individual pile i in an n-pile group, Sbi, can be
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi calculated by
ða þ c þ bSzi Þ ða þ c þ bSzi Þ2  4bcSzi
τszi ¼ ð27Þ Aτbi ð1  υb Þ X
2bc Sbi ¼ þ ð31Þ
1 Bτbi 2πGb j ¼ 1;j a i r ij
Considering the interactive effects among piles, the pile end
displacement of individual pile i in an n-pile group, Sbi, can be In pile groups, τbi ¼ τbj ¼ τb is assumed. The value for τbi
calculated by presented in Eq. (31) can be calculated by
Sbi ¼ Sbii þ ΔSbij ð28Þ A þ C þ BSbi  A þ C þ BSbi  4BCSbi

τbi ¼ ð32Þ
where Sbii is the displacement at the base of pile i induced by 2BC
P 1  υb
its own loading τbi, and ΔSbij is the displacement at the base of where C ¼ 2πGb rij .
pile i induced by the unit end resistance of pile j, τbj. j ¼ 1;j a i
Q.-q. Zhang et al. / Soils and Foundations 56 (2016) 473–484 479

9.679E7 4.080E 4 4.307E 4

Rbf ¼0.95
4. Algorithm for response of a single pile or pile groups
considering progressive deformation of pile–soil system

Based on the proposed hyperbolic models, an algorithm for

Rbf ¼ 0.90
A (m/kPa) B (1/kPa)
the response of a single pile or pile groups embedded in
multilayered soils can be analyzed with the following

(1) Assume that a single pile is divided into n segments from

the pile head to the pile end.
(2) Assume a small pile end settlement, Sbn.

4.354E2 2206

(3) Calculate the mobilized pile base load, Pbn, using the
assumed pile base displacement, Sbn, and Eq. (11) (for a
Rsf ¼ 0.95

single pile) or Eq. (32) (for an individual pile in pile

(4) Assume a vertical movement, Scn, at the middle height of
1.001E2 pile segment n (for the first trial, assume Scn ¼ Sbn). Based
Rsf ¼0.90

on the load transfer function given in Eq. (10b) (for a

single pile) or Eq. (27) (for an individual pile in pile
groups), the unit skin friction of pile segment n, τsn, can be
9.572E6 9.572E 6 3.896E 2
3.094E 2
2.566E 2
2.192E 2
1.914E 2
1.698E 2
1.525E 2
1.385E 2
1.268E 2
1.170E 2
1.085E 2
1.012E 2
9.456E 3
Rsf ¼ 0.85
C (m/kPa) b (1/kPa)

obtained using the assumed value for Scn.

(5) Calculate the load at the top of pile segment n, Ptn, as
Ptn ¼ Pbn þ πdLn τsn ð33Þ
where d is the pile diameter and Ln is the length of pile
segment n.
(6) Assume a linear variation in load for pile segment n, and
a (m/kPa)

calculate the elastic deformation at the midpoint of pile

segment n, Scmn, by
Ptn þ Pbn 0:5Ln

Scmn ¼ þ Pbn ð34Þ


2 2E p Ap
where Ep is the pile elastic modulus and Ap is the cross-
sectional area of the pile.
Length of each pile

(7) Write the updated midpoint displacement of pile segment

n, S0 cmn, as
segment (m)

S0cmn ¼ Sbn þ Scmn ð35Þ

Values of parameters used in analysis of Case One (for single pile).

Pile diameter Elastic modulus of pile Poisson’s ratio

of soil


Pile length
Table 1

Fig. 6. Measured and calculated load–settlement curves at pile head of


single pile.
480 Q.-q. Zhang et al. / Soils and Foundations 56 (2016) 473–484

8.639E6 1.103E 5 1.191E 5

(8) Compare the updated midpoint displacement S0 cmn with

the assumed value for Scmn from step (4). If the computed

displacement S0 cmn does not agree with Scmn within a
specified tolerance, e.g., 1  10  6 m, use S0 cmn as the new
Edge pile value for Scmn. Repeat steps (4) to (8) until the value for
(Scmn  S0 cmn) is within the assumed tolerance.
3  3 pile group

(9) Calculate the load and the displacement at the top of pile
segment n, Ptn and Stn, respectively, using the following


Stn ¼ Sbn þ S0cmn ð36Þ

2  2 pile
C (1/kN)

Ptn ¼ Pbn þ πdLn τ0sn ð37Þ


where τ sn is derived from Eq. (27) and an updated
midpoint displacement, S0 cmn.
(10) Repeat steps (4) to (10) from pile segment n to pile
(Rbf ¼ 0.90)

9.679E 7 4.080E4

segment 1 until the load–settlement relationship devel-

A (m/kPa) B (1/kPa)

oping at the pile head is obtained.

(11) Repeat the procedure from steps (2) to (10) using
different values for Sbn until a series of load–displace-
ment values are obtained.

The computational flow chart for the response of a single

pile or pile groups, considering the progressive deformation of

4.619E 5 4.781E 5 5.059E5 2206


the pile–soil, is shown in Fig. 4. Note that the present method

is proposed to analyze the response of a pile under centered-
vertical loading; it is not suitable for the analysis of the

response of a pile in an eccentric loading condition or the


combined loading condition of a vertical load and a

Edge pile

horizontal load.
The proposed algorithm is economical and efficient, and
3  3 pile group

suitable for analyzing the response of a single pile or pile

groups using different forms of load–transfer functions.

5. Case studies on response of a single pile and pile groups


Two case histories reported in literature were performed on

c (m/kPa)

2  2 pile

piles and are used here to check the reliability of the previously

proposed method for the analysis of the load–settlement

Values of parameters used in analysis of Case One (for pile group).

(Rsf ¼0.90)
b (1/kPa)

9.572E 6 0.0412
a (m/kPa)

Length of each pile
segment (m)
Table 2

Fig. 7. Calculated load–settlement curves at pile head of each individual pile


in 3  3 pile group.
Q.-q. Zhang et al. / Soils and Foundations 56 (2016) 473–484 481

response of a single pile and pile groups. a rigid cap, the settlements of the piles at different locations
should be identical. Based on the proposed algorithm, the
5.1. Case One response of different individual piles in pile groups can be
calculated using the value of 0.90 for Rsf and Rbf, as shown in
The first case history analyzed, regarding the loading test, was Fig. 7. For the pile groups, the values for the parameters used
reported by O’Neill et al. (1982) on a closed-ended steel pipe pile in the analysis of Case One are shown in Table 2.
in stiff overconsolidated clay. The pile had an external radius of Fig. 7 shows that due to the interactive effects among
137 mm and a wall thickness of 9.3 mm, and was driven to a individual piles, the largest, the second largest, and the
penetration of 13.1 m. Nine of the piles were installed in a 3  3 smallest pile loads are observed in the corner, the edge, and
configuration with a center-to-center spacing of 3d, while each of the center piles, respectively. The largest, the second largest,
the two remaining piles were located some 3.7 m from the center and the smallest pile settlements are supposed to be presented
of the group on opposite sides of the group. The nine-pile group in the corner, the edge, and the center piles, respectively.
was connected to a rigid reinforced concrete block. The two single However, the individual piles installed at different locations
piles and the nine-pile group were loaded to failure after the final should deform at the same pace because of the restriction
nine-pile test. Four of the piles were installed in a 2  2 effect of the rigid cap installed in the pile groups. This will
configuration and connected to a rigid reinforced concrete block lead to different loads being applied on the individual piles in
with a center-to-center spacing of 3d. The layout of the pile groups a group.
is shown in Fig. 5. At the same pile head displacement, the loads of different
According to the soil properties evaluated by a back analysis individual piles in pile groups can be obtained from Fig. 7, and
(Castelli and Maugeri, 2002), the soil compression modulus the total head load applied on the pile groups can then be
back calculated from the test results was taken as 195 MPa, the computed, as shown in Fig. 8.
ultimate end bearing capacity was 130 kN, and the elastic
modulus for the steel pipe pile was adopted as 210 GPa. A
linearly increasing undrained shear strength profile was con-
sidered. The unit skin friction was assumed to be 19 kPa at the
surface increasing linearly to 93 kPa at the pile base. In the
analysis of the pile response, the single pile was divided into
13 segments with each pile segment being 1 m in length,
except for the pile end segment whose length was assumed to
be 1.1 m. In practice, the ultimate unit skin friction of each pile
segment can be adopted as an average value of the limiting
shaft resistance of a recommended soil depth. Poisson's ratio of
the soil is adopted as 0.35. Values for Rsf of 0.85, 0.90, and
0.95 were adopted for the whole deposit, whereas values for
Rbf of 0.90 and 0.95 were assumed for the soil below the pile
toe. For a single pile, the values for the parameters used in the
analysis of Case One are shown in Table 1.
Based on the proposed algorithm, the response of a single
pile can be calculated. Comparisons of the measured load–
settlement curve of a single pile given by O’Neill et al. (1982),
the computed response derived from the present method, and
the approach presented by Castelli and Maugeri (2002) are
shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6 shows that during the entire load, the load–displace-
ment curve at the pile head plotted from the present approach
is more consistent with the measured results given by O’Neill
et al. (1982) and the calculated values presented by Castelli
and Maugeri (2002). It can also be concluded that the pile head
displacement estimated from the present approach increases
with an increasing hyperbolic curve fitting constant of the skin
friction and end resistance, Rsf and Rbf, at the same loading
level. However, the influence of Rbf on the single pile response
is too small to be of practical significance.
Considering the interactive effects among piles, the skin
friction and the end resistance of each individual pile in the
2  2 pile groups and the 3  3 pile groups can be computed Fig. 8. Measured and calculated load–settlement curves at pile head of
using the proposed algorithm. For the pile groups connected to pile group.
482 Q.-q. Zhang et al. / Soils and Foundations 56 (2016) 473–484

1.096E4 1.400E 4 1.510E 4

Fig. 8 compares the measured load-average settlement beha-

vior of the nine-pile group and the four-pile subgroup with the

computed values. A very good agreement between the measured
values given by O’Neill et al. (1982), the computed results

Edge pile
suggested by Castelli and Maugeri (2002), and the calculated
results estimated from the present approach using the value of
0.90 for Rsf and Rbf is generally observed. The reliability of the

C (1/kN)
proposed method for the analysis of the load–settlement response

of pile groups can be verified by Case One.

(Rbf ¼ 0.90)

4.245E 4 4.566E 4 5.023E4 353.9 1.472E5 2.543E 3

A (m/kPa) B (1/kPa)
5.2. Case Two

A loading test on the 3  3 pile groups embedded in

multilayered soils was presented by Koizumi and Ito (1967).
Nine piles were placed at a spacing of 3 times pile diameter
and connected to a rigid cap in contact with the soil. The piles
were tubular steel pipes, 300 mm in diameter, with a wall

thickness of 3.2 mm. The pile length was 5.5 m, and the elastic
modulus of the steel piles was adopted as 200 GPa. The
subsoil was composed of two soil layers, with the sandy silt

extending to a depth of 1.7 m and the silty clay below the
depth of 1.7 m. The layout of the pile group and the subsoil

Edge pile
model are shown in Fig. 9.
Based on the back-analysis of the single pile behavior
deduced from the loading tests, Cairo and Conte (2006)

c (m/kPa)
presented that the values of the elastic moduli of the sandy

silt and the silty clay were about 12.8 MPa and 15.6 MPa,

respectively. The back-analyzed value for the ultimate bearing
capacity of the soil at the pile base was adopted as 20 kN, as
(Rsf ¼ 0.90)
b (1/kPa)

suggested by Cairo and Conte (2006). To get a better

comparison to the previous method, the ultimate bearing
capacity of the soil at the pile base was herein adopted as a
unified value of 20 kN. The value of τsu, deduced from
a (m/kPa)

3d 3d


ratio of soil pile segment (m)

Length of each
Values of parameters used in analysis of Case Two (for pile group).




Sandy silt 1.7 m

Elastic modulus Poisson’s


3.8 m
of pile (GPa)

Silty clay


Table 3


Fig. 9. Loading tests presented by Koizumi and Ito (1967): layout of pile



groups and subsoil model.

Q.-q. Zhang et al. / Soils and Foundations 56 (2016) 473–484 483

The measured results of the pile groups given by Koizumi

and Ito (1967) are compared in Fig. 11 with that theoretically
predicted using the present method and the computed values
derived from Cairo and Conte (2006).
Fig. 11 shows that there is a great discrepancy between the
computed results proposed by Cairo and Conte (2006) and the
calculated values derived from the present method, especially
at high load levels. It can also be concluded that there is a large
difference between the computed results proposed by Cairo
and Conte (2006) and the measured results given by Koizumi
and Ito (1967) during the entire load. However, the load–
settlement relationship at the pile head plotted from the present
method is generally consistent with the measured results given
by Koizumi and Ito (1967) at large loading levels. In the early
stages, the present method may underestimate the bearing
capacity of pile groups. This may be due to the fact that the
Fig. 10. Calculated load–settlement curves at pile head of each individual pile loads shared by the rigid pile cap are not taken into account,
in 3  3 pile group. and the interaction between the pile cap and the soil is not
considered. This simplification may overestimate the pile
settlement a little, and is acceptable for practical purposes.
When the present method is used to analyze the response of
pile groups connected to a rigid cap in contact with the soil, the
load–settlement relationship may be a little underestimated in
the early stages. However, this will not restrict the applicability
of the present method, because the settlement of pile groups is
small at low loading levels.

6. Conclusions

In this work, the reliability of the hyperbolic model of skin

friction and end resistance has been demonstrated with the
results of load tests on instrumented piles. This work presented
a simplified approach for the nonlinear analysis of the load–
Fig. 11. Measured and calculated load–settlement curves at pile head of 3  3 displacement response of a single pile and pile groups
pile groups. embedded in multilayered soils. A hyperbolic model was used
to capture the relationship between skin friction and pile–soil
laboratory and in situ tests, increased from about 25 kPa at the relative displacement developing along the pile–soil interface.
pile head to 40 kPa at the depth of 3.5 m, and decreased from The shaft displacement was assumed to have been composed
40 kPa to 25 kPa at the pile tip. Therefore, in this calculation, of the pile–soil relative displacement developing in the
an average value of 25 kPa is adopted for the τsf of the sandy disturbed soil around the pile shaft and the elastic vertical soil
silt, whereas an average value of 30 kPa is taken for the τsu of displacement developing in the soil mass. The relationship
the silty clay extending to a depth of 5.5 m. Poisson's ratio of between shaft displacement and skin friction was then pre-
the two-layer subsoil is assumed to be 0.35. The value of 0.90 sented. Moreover, a hyperbolic model was used to capture the
is adopted for Rsf for the whole deposit, whereas the value of relationship between end resistance and pile end displacement.
0.90 is assumed for Rbf. For a single pile, the values for the Considering the interactive effects among piles, hyperbolic
parameters used in the analysis of Case Two are shown in models of an individual pile in pile groups were proposed. As
Table 3. to the analysis of the response of a single pile and pile groups,
Based on the proposed algorithm, the response of the considering the progressive deformation of the pile–soil
different individual piles in pile groups can be calculated as system, a highly effective iterative computer program was
shown in Fig. 10. developed using the proposed hyperbolic models. Compari-
Fig. 10 shows that at the same pile head displacement, the sons of the load–settlement responses demonstrated that the
largest, the second largest, and the smallest pile loads are observed proposed method is generally in good agreement with the field-
in the corner, the edge, and the center piles, respectively. observed behavior and the calculated results derived from
At the same pile head displacement, the loads of the other approaches.
different individual piles in pile groups can be obtained from Note that for the pile groups connected to a rigid cap in
Fig. 10, and the total head load acting on the pile group can contact with the soil, the loads shared by the rigid pile cap
then be computed, as shown in Fig. 11. were not taken into account, and the interaction between the
484 Q.-q. Zhang et al. / Soils and Foundations 56 (2016) 473–484

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