112-2M - Concept of Oxygenation Part 1

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Oxygenation ● Perfusion
● process of supplying oxygen to the ○ the passage of blood
body's cells through arteries to an organ
● Used for: or tissue
○ Ventilation - to achieve
these functions muscles and Globin
structures of the thorax ● Protein molecules that bounds with
create the mechanical iron in heme to form hemoglobin or
movement of air into and out myoglobin
of the lungs ● heme-containing proteins involved in
○ Respiration - ventilation gas binding and or transporting oxygen
exchange occurs at the ● 4 GLOBIN CHAINS
alveolar level where blood is ○ alpha 1 and 2 and beta 1 and
oxygenated and carbon 2 comprising each
dioxide is removed hemoglobin molecule
● Functions: consists of two identical pairs
○ is to provide the body with a of unlike polypeptide chains
constant supply of oxygen with 141-146 amino acids
and to remove carbon Heme
dioxide ● composed of a ring-like organic
compound known as a parfrin to
How do the respiratory, circulatory and which an iron atom is attached
hematologic systems work together? ● plays multiple roles in cellular
● performs a number of functions processes
including metabolism of endogenous ● the strong affinity of heme toward
and foreign agents defense against oxygen makes it possible for
disease and chemical injury in most hemoglobin and myoglobin, two
especially gas exchange between heme-containing proteins to function
oxygen and carbon dioxide as major oxygen transporters
● Cardiac Output ● also participates in respiration,
○ the amount of blood that the sensing of diatomic gasses, drug
heart pumps in one minute detoxification, signal transduction,
○ in order for oxygenated blood and regulation of transcription,
to move from the alveoli in translation, microrna nucleic acid
the lungs, to the various processing, mitochondrial protein
organs and tissues of the import, protein stability, and
body the heart must differentiation
adequately pump blood
through the systemic arteries ● 1 O2 molecule = 1 group of heme
● Able to bind to O2 loosely &
● Iron is present, non protein

Oxyhemoglobin ○ Internal Respiration

● the oxygen-loaded form of ■ Exchange of gasses
hemoglobin and is bright red between the systemic
● O2 + Hgb = HbO2 capillaries & tissue
● Dissociates easily when the O2 cells
concentration is low
Hemoglobin There are two types of Respiration:
● the predominant protein in red blood
External Respiration
● is a protein molecule that binds to - Exchange of gases between the
oxygen alveoli & blood
● forms an unstable reversible bond - O2 + Hb = HbO2 (loading of O2)
with oxygen
HCO3 + H = H2CO3 → CO2 + H2O
(unloading of CO2)

Internal Respiration

- Exchange of gases between the

systemic capillaries & tissue cells
- CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 → H + HCO3

● In external respiration, there are two

stages involved which are ventilation
breathing and gas exchange which
occurs in the alveoli and blood.
● Internal respiration involves two
Respiration processes, first is the exchange of
● whole process of gas exchange gases between the bloodstream and
between the atmospheric gas and the tissues. The second process is
the blood and between the blood cellular respiration from which the
and cells of the body cell utilizes oxygen to perform basic
● “PERI” metabolic function.
○ Pulmonary Ventilation
■ Flow of air in and out How respiration occurs both in the
of the lungs cellular level and through the alveoli
○ External Respiration
■ Exchange of gasses
between the alveoli
and blood
○ Respiratory Gas Transport
■ RBC transport
system/ “RBC

● The total pressure exerted with the

Basic Principles of Gas Exchange mixture is the sum of the partial
pressures of the components in the
● The rate of diffusion of a gas is
proportional to its partial pressure
within the total gas mixture.

Oxygen is carried in the blood in 2

● Dissolved O2 in plasma
● Combine with Hb or Hgb in RBCs =
O2 saturation

Carbon Dioxide is carried in the blood in

2 Forms:
● Bicarbonate (HCO3) - CO2 in
● CO2 in Hb at a different site than O2

- Oxygen saturation is an essential

● Gas exchange during respiration element of patient care. Oxygen is
occurs primarily through diffusion. tightly regulated within the body
○ Diffusion is a process in because hypoxemia can lead to
which transport is driven by a many acute adverse effects on
concentration gradient. Gas individual’s organ systems. These
molecules move from a include the brain, heart and kidneys.
region of high concentration - Oxygen saturation is a measure of
to a region of low how much hemoglobin is currently
concentration. bound to oxygen compared to how
● Blood that is low in oxygen much hemoglobin remains unbound.
concentration and high in carbon - At a molecular level, hemoglobin
dioxide concentration undergoes consists of 4 globular protein
gas exchange with air in the lungs. sub-units. Each sub-unit is
The air in the lungs has a higher associated with hemoglobin. Each
concentration of oxygen than that of molecule of hemoglobin
oxygen depleted blood in a lower subsequently has 4 heme-binding
concentration of carbon dioxide. This sites readily available to bind
concentration gradient allows for gas oxygen. Therefore, during the
exchange during respiration. transport of oxygen in the blood,
● Partial pressure is a measure of the hemoglobin is capable of carrying of
concentration of the individual up to 4 oxygen molecules. Due to
components in a mixture of gases. the critical nature of tissue-oxygen
consumption in the body, it is

essential to be able to monitor

current oxygen saturation. - During the pandemic, pulse oximeter
- A pulse oximeter can measure was a vital device to have. This is to
oxygen saturation. It is a check the oxygen saturation level of
non-invasive device placed over a patients suspected and diagnosed
person’s finger. It measures with COVID-19.
light-wavelengths to determine the
ratio of the current level if What is the normal level of SpO2 during
oxygenated hemoglobin to anesthesia?
deoxygenated hemoglobin. The use ● Normal SpO2 is 96% or above.
of pulse oximetry has become a ● During anesthesia, this should be
standard of care in medicine. It is maintained.
often regarded as a fifth vital sign. ● This means we need to be
As such, medical practitioners must concerned with SpO2 readings of
be familiar with the functions and below 95%
limitations of pulse oximetry. They
should also have a basic knowledge Respiratory Mechanics
of oxygen saturation.
How to Use a Pulse Oximeter ● Higher - lower concentration
● Little or no energy required
- The structure of the lung maximizes
its surface area to increase gas
diffusion, because of the enormous
number of alveoli, approximately 3
hundred million in each human lung.
The surface area of the lung is very
large with a measurement of 75
square meters. Having such a large
surface area increases the amount
of gas that can be diffused into and
Nursing Application out of the lungs.
● Latin = “perfundere” - to pour over
● Passage of fluid through a specific
organ or an area of the body
- Is the body process of supplying
oxygenated blood to the cells and is
reliant to adequate cardiac output in
order to be optimal.

Pulmonary / Lung Compliance (C)

● Measure of the ease of expansion of the lungs and thorax
● Ability of the lungs and pleural cavity to change in volume based on pressure changes.
- Lung compliance or pulmonary compliance is the measure of the lung expandability
which is important in ideal respiratory system function. It refers to the ability of the lungs
to stretch and expand.
- Factors affecting lung compliance include elasticity from the elastin in connective tissue
and surface tension which is decreased by surfactant production.
- Lung compliance participates in the lung-chest wall system by opposing the outward pull
of chest wall compliance.
Lung Elasticity (LE)
● Essential for lung distention during inspiration and lung recoil during expiration
● Represents the mechanical properties of the lungs
- The net compliance or/of the lung-chest wall system allows the lungs to achieve
appropriate functional residual capacity which is the volume remaining after passive

-Continuously produced by alveolar type II
epithelial cells/pneumocytes


(Some compliance can be calculated by

dividing volume by pressure; two important
factors of lung compliance are elastic fibers
Importance of compliance and surface tension; more elastic fibers in the
tissue lead to ease in expandability and
(Lung compliance is inversely proportional; therefore compliance.)
to elastance this elastic resistance is both true
to the elastic property of long tissue or (Surface tension within the alveoli is
parenchyma and the surface elastic force; any decreased by the production of surfactant to
changes occurring to these forces can lead to prevent collapse.)
changes in compliance)
(Compliance is more easily achieved by
(Compliance determines 65% of the work of decreasing surface tension. Other factors
breathing in; if the lungs has low compliance, affecting pulmonary compliance, elastic
it requires more work from breathing muscles property of the lung tissue which results from
to inflate the lungs in specific pathologies collagen and elastin fibers inside the lung
continuous monitoring of the lungs.) parenchyma.)

(Continence curve is useful to understand (Surface tension elastic force: one of the
the progression of the condition and to decide important concepts affecting lung compliance
on therapeutic settings needed for ventilator is the elastic property of the lung contributed
management.) to by the surface tension of the alveolar
(Surfactant is a surface active agent in the
● ELASTIN fluid secreted by type-2 alveolar epithelial cells
-Highly stretchable CHON in pulmonary lining the alveoli.)
interstitial connective tissue; like a “rubber
band” (The smaller alveoli have a smaller surface
-Highly resistant to further stretching once the area which leads to high concentration of the
lung is stretched to large volume. surfactants and eventually lower surface
-Physical property of H2O; powerful (Lung volume is equally related to compliance
contributor to the elastic recoil of the lung. - Age , these factors minimally influence
-Inward force created by films of molecules compliance.)
that can reduce the surface area.

(Pulmonary compliance increases with age (With emphysema the tissue damage means
are going to the structural changes in the that it is easier to inhale as there is less
long-lasting fibers.) resistance but it's harder to exhale.)

What is the clinical significance?

● Certain pulmonary diseases can

influence changes in the lung
compliance the following are
pathologies that can increase or
decrease lung compliance.

● Emphysema are chronic obstructive

pulmonary diseases in both of these
conditions the elastic recall property of
(Lung surfactant is lipoprotein which the lung suffers damage due to a
comprises 90 lipids and 10 proteins in the genetic cause or extrinsic factor
tissues of the lungs that reduces surface because of or elastic recoil such
tension and permits more efficient gas patients have high lung compliance.
transport it helps maintain in the innate
component of the lungs immune system by ● Their ovular sacs have a high residual
maintaining sterile and balanced immune volume which inturn causes difficulty in
reactions in the distal airways.) exhaling the excess air out of the lungs
and patients develop shortness of
(Lung compliance changes can indicate and breath.
there are issues with lungs.)
● For patients with pulmonary fibrosis
(A decreased compliance might show certain environmental pollutants,
restrictive lung diseases restrictive lung chemicals or infectious agents could
diseases can result from mechanical issues cause fibrosis of the lung tissue.
with peripheral hypoventilation including for
muscular effort or structural dysfunction ● Genetic diseases can also do so in
conditions like muscular dystrophy, polio, fibrosis long elastic are replaced by
myasthenia gravis and guillain-barre collagens which are less elastic and
syndrome can cause poor muscular effort decrease the compliance of the lungs
scoliosis or morbid obesity can also cause such patients need higher work of
structural limitations.) breathing to inflate more rigid lung
(Increased compliance can indicate a state of
disease where there is degeneration of tissue ● In Newborn respiratory distress
that causes the lungs to have to work harder syndrome, usually surfactant
to expand such as in the case of secretion begins between the 6th and
emphysema.) 7th months of gestation.

● Premature newborns have little or no lungs following preoperative anaesthesia

surfactant in the alveoli when they are could be potentially one of the complications.)
born and their lungs have a significant
a tendency to collapse as described (In the case of atelectasis, pulmonary
earlier surfactant helps in reducing compliance decreases due to the decreased
surface tension and thereby volume of the lungs and requires higher
increases compliance of the lung) pressure to inflate the alveoli.

Increased lung compliance- “Difficulty (Obtaining the compliance curve along with
exhalation” the oximetry in arterial gas analysis is one
useful method in ICU monitoring of the
● Lung surfactant patient.)
● Lung volume: compliance is at its
highest at FRC
● Posture (supine, upright) POINTS TO REMEMBER:
● Loss of lung connective tissue
associated with age ● Each gas fights to reach its partial
● Emphysema pressure equilibrium between the
alveolar and capillaries, regardless by
Decreased static lung compliance- diffusing into or diffusion out from the
“Stuff” capillaries.
● Loss of surfactant (e.g. ARDS) ● Partial pressure value can only be
measured when the gas is free in the
(Absence of the surfactant needs to plasma.
decrease the pulmonary compliance and this
condition is called Newborn Respiratory
Partial O2 CO2
Distress Syndrome. This is very fatal and Pressure Value
requires aggressive measures by continuous
pressure breathing) Alveolar Level 105mmHg 40mmHg

Capillary Level 40mmHg 46mm Hg

● Decreased lung elasticity
- Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Pulmonary edema ● Even though O2 has as high diffusing
● Decreased functional lung volume capacity, it has a slower diffusing rate
- Pneumonectomy or lobectomy compared to CO2
- Pneumonia ● The pulmonary artery that enters the
- Atelectasis lung is already preloaded with O2.
- Small stature ● Normal amount of O2 entering the
● Alveolar overdistension blood per tidal volume is 500ml.

(Atelectasis or acute respiratory Mechanics of Lung Ventilation

syndrome- Is the collapse of a lung alveoli
and usually occurs independent parts of the

atmospheric pressure is the sum of all the

partial pressure of the atmospheric gas added
together at high altitude, the atmospheric
pressure decreases but concentration does
not change.)

(The partial pressure decrease which is due

to the reduction in atmospheric pressure.
When the air mixture reaches the lung it has
been humidified.)

(The pressure of the water vapor in the lung

does not change the pressure of the air but
it must be included in the partial pressure
equation. These pressures determine the gas
(Gas move freely with gas particles or exchange or the flow of gas in the system.)
constantly hitting the walls on their vessel by
producing gas pressure) (Oxygen and Carbon dioxide will flow
according to their pressure gradient from high
1. Nitrogen 78.62% to low. Therefore, understanding the pressure
of each gas will aid in understanding how
2. Oxygen 20.9% gasses move in our respiratory system.)
3. Water vapor 0.5%
(Gas exchanges in the body according to the
4. CO2 0.04% laws of diffusion there is always more.)

(Each gas component of that mixture exerts (More oxygen in the alveoli than there is in the
the pressure for individual gas and the mixture blood. Most of the conversion of carbon
is the partial content gas; approximately 21% dioxide Is bicarbonate which occurs inside
atmospheric gas is oxygen.) the rbcs Or red blood cells).

● Intrapulmonary Pressure- within the 2 Phases of Pulmonary Ventilation

alveoli; constantly rises & falls.
INSPIRATION= 1-1.5 seconds
● Intrapleural pressure- within pleural
space; always less than the ● Contraction & flattening of diaphragm →
intrapulmonary pressure. external intercostal mm.
● Contract → ↓ intrapleural pressure
- Functions: TO CONTRACT THE →stretching of the lungs, increase of
LUNGS AND PREVENT LUNG intrapulmonary volume → ↓
COLLAPSE intrapulmonary pressure slightly below
atmospheric pressure → air rushes into
(The partial pressure of oxygen is much the lungs → reach equal pressure
greater than carbon dioxide. PATM the (Intrapulmonary & atmospheric)


● 12-20 times/minute


There are physical factors the govern airflow in

and out of the lungs namely: air pressure
variance, resistance to airflow and lung
compliance Common phenomena which may alter
bronchial diameter which affects airway and
Lung function which reflects the mechanics of resistance include the ff:
ventilation is viewed in terms of: Lung volume ● Contraction of bronchial smooth
and Lung capacities - refer to the volume of air muscle
associated with different phases of the respiratory ● Has an asthma
cycle. ● Thickening of bronchial mucosa as in
chronic bronchitis
● LUNG VOLUMES are directly measured. ● Obstruction of the airway possibly
● LUNG CAPACITIES are inferred from lung caused by mucus
volumes. ● A tumor
● Average total lung capacity (adult ● A foreign body
male) = 6L ● Lost of lung elasticity as in emphysema
● Tidal breathing = resting breathing which is characterized by connective
tissue encircling the airways(??) by
keeping them open during both
FACTORS AFFECTING LUNG VOLUME inspiration and expiration
1. Gender TAKE NOTE
2. Age
3. Weight
4. Health Status


centers is to control both the rate and depth of

respiration to retain normal level of oxygen
and carbon dioxide in the blood. The medulla
oblongata is the primary respiratory controller
of our breathing while the pons is the other
respiratory controller specifically in controlling
rate and speed of involuntary respiration.
Therefore take note of the ff. Key
● Respiratory control centers
● The medulla which sends signals to
the muscle in five?? And breathing
PULMONARY DYNAMICS ● And the pons of which controls the rate
of breathing
Respiratory Centers ● The chemoreceptors are receptors in
the medulla
● And the aortic and the carotid bodies
of the blood vessels that detect
changes in blood, pH and signals the
medulla to correct those changes

How the body response and maintains

homeostasis in terms of breathing

Respiration is mainly controlled by the

nervous system. The role of the regulatory


● Lung Compliance
○ Distensibility of lungs
● Lung Elasticity
○ Essential for lung distention
during inspiration and lung
recoil during expiration
● Liquid Film
○ Creates a surface tension; aids
in lung recoil during expiration



muscles of inspiration and expiration)

We also include the accessory

respiratory muscles as well.
The Phrenic Nerve is a bilateral-mixed
nerve that originates in the neck and
descends in the thorax to reach the
diaphragm. It is the only source of motor
innervation to the diaphragm. This nerve plays
an important role in breathing. Once the
diaphragm has been innervated, it causes a
cyclic excitation, therefore stimulating

As a stimulus the level of hydrogen

ions and carbon dioxide trigger the
chemoreceptors to send an impulse of
increased or decreased level to the respiratory

centers which then sends impulse through the

nerves which then cause rhythm of breathing Hering-Breuer inflation reflex
and resulting into a normal respiratory rate (Ewald Hering and Josef Breuer)
and depth to maintain homeostasis.
● Reflex triggered to prevent
over-inflation of the lungs
● Pulmonary stretch receptors (smooth
muscle of the airways)
● The neural circuit that controls the
Hering-Breuer inflation reflex:
○ Central Nervous System
○ Both sensory and motor
components of the vagus nerve
○ May determine breathing rate
and depth in newborns and in
During normal inspiration, as the lung
adults humans when tidal
expands, it activates the stretch receptors
volume is more than 1L.
which are found in the alveoli causing the
Ex. exercising
inhibition of inspiration.

(It is a reflux trigger to prevent over inflation of

the lungs.)

(this is a response to excessive stretching of

1. Deep, slowly adapting end-organs
the lungs during large inspirations by the
○ Responsible for the
pulmonary stretch receptors that are found in
Breuer-Hering Reflex
the smooth muscle of the airways).
2. Endings in and under the epithelium
○ Responsible for defensive
reflexes such as cough and
Hering-Breuer deflation reflex is a cause of
sneeze, and for the reflex
concern among the Anesthesiologists who
actions to inhaled irritants and
must maintain the right mix and volume of
to some respiratory disease
gases and surgery to provide patients with
oxygen they need without damaging the lungs
3. Receptors with non-myelinated nerve
○ These receptors may be similar
Hering-Breuer deflation reflex
in function to nociceptors
4. Specialized receptors such those for
● Shorten exhalation when the lungs is
taste and swallowing, and those
around joints and in skeletal muscle
● Initiated either by stimulation of stretch
○ Stimulation of any group of
receptors or stimulation of
receptors ma cause reflex
proprioceptors activated by lung
changes in breathing

● Impulses travel afferently via the


(Remember proprioceptors orders actress ● The parasympathetic side which the

which gives responds to the change in the vagus nerve is heavily involved in
body position of a different parts of the body decreases alertness, blood pressure
so when there is a body of movement and heart rate and it also helps with
proprioceptors are activated through the calmness, relaxation and digestion.
muscles and joints therefore increasing
ventilation.) ● if the vagus nerve is stimulated it also
union return stimulates diaphragmatic
contraction and inspiration at the same
time causes bronchoconstriction

● Viral receptors are mechanoreceptors

located in blood vessels near the heart
that provide the brain with information
pertaining to blood volume and
pressure by detecting the level of
stretch on vascular walls. ● The sum the sympathetic nervous
system also has an effect on
● In a situation where there is an oxygenation it also stimulates an
increase or decrease arterial blood increase rate and depth of respiration
pressure the viral receptors are at the same time causes
activated in turn it causes a reflex hypo bronchodilation
or hyperventilation
Now, let us learn the different Protective
Mechanisms of respiration:

- A Sneeze or a stir mutation is expulsion of

air from the lungs through the nose and mouth
most commonly caused by irritation of the
nasal mucosa cough and bronchial
constriction or airway reflexes that protect the
lung from inspired noxious agents.

These are the composition of inspired air:

1.Bone Marrow (Macrophages)

- known as monocytes it maintains
homeostasis by clearing inhaled particles
bacteria and removing apoptotic cells from the
local pulmonary environment.

2. Cilia
-bronchus in the lungs are line with the hair
like projections called cilia, that moves
microbes and breeze up and out of the TAKE NOTE:
airways scattered throughout the cilia that are
gold blood cells that secrete mucus which Partial Pressure of Gas= Gas Concentration
helps protects the lining of the bronchus and Total Pressure= Sum of Partial Pressure
trap microorganisms. (DALTON’S LAW)

3. Mucociliary escalator ● PaO2= clinical measure of O2 status

- is inside of the conducting airways made up ● PaCo2- clinica measure of ventilation
of mucus and cilia which moves the mucus up status
and out of the lungs where it can be expelled
by coughing or swallowing.Together these
components form a gel that drives particles
that enter the airway.

4. Cough reflex
- The cough reflex occurs when stimulation of
cough receptors and respiratory tract by dust
or other foreign particles produces a cough
which causes rapidly moving air which usually
removes the foreign material before it reaches
the lungs. 2 TYPES OF V-P MISMATCH

5. Sneeze Reflex ● SHUNTING- Portion of cardiac output

- Sneezing is a protective reflex and is that does not exchange with alveolar
sometimes a sign of various medical air

● DEAD SPACE- Portion of Ventilation

that does not exchange with an intact
capillary (wasted ventilation)


(Concept of oxygenation is never complete

without knowing the blood dynamics

● Greek “erythro” = RBC & “poiesis”= to
● Decreased O2= secrete erythropoietin
● Essential for the maturation of RBCs:
● B12 (cobalamin) and Vitamin B9 (Folic

● The bone marrow of essentially all the
bones produces RBCs until a person is
around 5 years old.

● The tibia and femur cease to be

important sites of hematopoiesis by
about age 25.

● The Vertebrae,sternum,pelvis, ribs,

and cranial bones continue to produce
red blood cells throughout life.

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