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An event that changed my life Assignment #1

There are many events in my life that changed my view of life, but one of the most significant

was the sudden death of my little sister. As a child, I used to think that death only happened to

the elderly and the sick, but this event showed me that death can happen to anyone at any age.

This sad event happened on Monday when my family and I headed to the maternity ward of the

hospital to check on my little sister, who was about to give birth. We were all excited to welcome

a new family member, but the doctor brought the shocking news that my sister had passed away

for no apparent reason. This news was very painful for my brothers and me. However, my

mother was discharged from the hospital in good physical health, and that was some positive

news. As for my sister, her soul has gone to heaven, and we returned home with heavy and sad

hearts. This event made me realize that nothing in life is worth so much sadness because

everything passes away. Only our good deeds will be remembered. After a few years, people will

only remember us if we are kind and gentle. Finally, the death of my little sister changed my

view of life and made me a stronger and more dependable person.

My plans after college are not the same like my brother’s Assignment#2

Although we are brothers, our plans for life after college differ greatly. I plan to focus on my

academic education and get a master's degree, followed by a doctorate. After that, I'm going to

secure a prestigious job in the government sector. Once settled in my job, I plan to buy a new car

from an agency. After this, I intend to buy my own house, as I dislike renting and moving

frequently. Once I am financially and emotionally stable, I plan to get married and start a family,

providing them with a decent life. My brother, however, has a different perspective. He is

content with his university degree and considers it sufficient to fulfill his purpose. Instead of

seeking a government job, he aspires to develop his own project and become an entrepreneur. He

prefers public transportation to owning a car. He doesn’t think about getting married and starting

a family. Also, he has no plans to buy his own house and enjoys the idea of moving from place to

place. In the end, our plans may be different, but they all pour into one goal, which is to obtain a

decent life, happiness, and success in various fields.

Running three kilometers a day Assignment #3

Running three kilometers a day has many benefits that improve human health, among the most

important of which is the improvement of a person's general health, which is divided into two

parts: the physical health section and the mental health section. From a physical point of view,

running strengthens the immune system, leading to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as

diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Furthermore, running reduces the risk of cancer and

improves blood circulation. In addition, running helps with weight loss and maintaining a

healthy weight by improving digestion. From a psychological point of view, running reduces

stress, anxiety, and depression while improving moods. Running additionally helps to strengthen

memory, memorization speed, understanding, and concentration. Finally, running helps to relax

and thus improves overall sleep quality. Ultimately, people who want to run daily should follow

some important steps, such as wearing comfortable shoes, avoiding running in very hot or very

cold temperatures, drinking plenty of water, and eating healthy.

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