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Clin Chem Lab Med 2021; 59(7): 1247–1255

Lieve Van Hoovels*, Xavier Bossuyt, Mariangela Manfredi, Valentina Grossi,

Maurizio Benucci, Stefanie Van Den Bremt, Heidi De Baere, Daria Franceschi, Emiliano Tosi,
Marco Meoni, Nicola Bizzaro and Maria Infantino

Integrating quality assurance in autoimmunity:

the changing face of the automated ANA IIF test IIF process. After every run, quality indicators were eval-
Received November 6, 2020; accepted February 5, 2021; uated and compared to the pre-set target values.
published online February 17, 2021
Results: Rescanning the ANA IIF slides five times, using
an old conjugate and a needle obstruction resulted in
analytically and even clinically relevant errors in ANA IIF
results. All errors were correctly detected by the different
Objectives: Currently available computer-aided diagnosis
defined quality indicators. Traditional Westgard rules,
(CAD) systems for the detection of anti-nuclear antibodies
including analytically (and clinically) defined rejection
(ANA) by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) assay enable a
limits were useful in monitoring quality indicators.
standardized measurement of system-specific fluorescent
Conclusions: The integration of a total process iQC pro-
intensity (FI) measures. We aimed to evaluate an internal
gram in CAD systems, based on the specific FI measurands
quality control (iQC) program that controls the total ANA
and performance criteria of the system, adds value to QA.
IIF process in routine practice.
Methods: In addition to the kit iQC materials, supple- Keywords: antinuclear antibodies; harmonization; indirect
mental quality indicators were integrated in a total quality immunofluorescence; quality assurance.
assurance (QA) program: patient-derived iQC’s samples
(negative, 1/160 fine speckled and 1/160 homogeneous),
median sample FI per run and percentage of ANA IIF
positive samples per run. Analytical rejection criteria were Introduction
based on the imprecision of the positivity index (PI) mea-
sure of the Zenit PRO system (Menarini). Clinical rejection Indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) on human epithelial
criteria were based on changes in FI that correspond to a (HEp-2) cells is the most routinely used screening tech-
change in ANA IIF titer of ≥2. To evaluate the QA program, nique for the detection of anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) [1].
different artificial errors were introduced during the ANA The high sensitivity of the assay enables a wide range of
ANA to be detected, with distinct morphological patterns
guiding further identification [2–4]. Furthermore, the
higher the fluorescence titer, the higher the likelihood for a
*Corresponding author: Lieve Van Hoovels, Department of Laboratory systemic rheumatic disease [5–8]. Therefore, recent
Medicine, OLV Hospital, Aalst, Belgium; and Department of
guidelines issued by the International Committee on ANA
Microbiology and Immunology, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium,
Patterns (ICAP) not only advocate to report the ANA
Xavier Bossuyt, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, KU pattern, but also the titer of positivity as part of ANA IIF
Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; Department of Laboratory Medicine, result [3]. ANA IIF, however, has a number of disadvan-
University Hospital Leuven, Leuven, Belgium tages. It is time consuming and requires considerable
Mariangela Manfredi, Valentina Grossi and Maria Infantino, expertise of the technicians [9, 10]. Moreover, visual
Immunology and Allergy Laboratory Unit, San Giovanni di Dio
reading is subjective and suffers from intra- and inter-
Hospital, Florence, Italy
Maurizio Benucci, Rheumatology Unit, S. Giovanni di Dio Hospital, laboratory variance [11–14]. The limited quality assurance
Florence, Italy (QA) policy in manual ANA IIF analysis contributes to this
Stefanie Van Den Bremt, Department of Laboratory Medicine, OLV high variance. Current QA policies are restricted to the
Hospital, Aalst, Belgium analysis of qualitative or semi-quantitative interpretation
Heidi De Baere, Daria Franceschi and Emiliano Tosi, A. Menarini
of a high positive and negative pre-diluted internal quality
Diagnostics, Florence, Italy
Marco Meoni, Visia Lab Srl, Arezzo, Italy
control samples, included in commercially available kits.
Nicola Bizzaro, Laboratorio di Patologia Clinica, Ospedale San Such policies, however, may overlook some analytical
Antonio, Tolmezzo, Italy problems. In many cases, troubleshooting in manual ANA
1248 Van Hoovels et al.: Integrating quality assurance in automated ANA IIF testing

IIF analysis remains limited to the exclusion, by trial and bring this branch of autoimmunity closer to other immu-
error, of only major pitfalls. nometric assays and their well-established rules [34–37].
In order to harmonize ANA IIF results, recent stan- The current study aimed to evaluate the integration of
dardization initiatives have focussed on the pre-analytical an ISO 15189-compliant iQC program for a CAD ANA IIF
phase, by automation of the processing of HEp-2 slides system in a clinical routine practice. We investigated how
[15, 16], the introduction of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) errors (highlighted by the quality charts) assist in IIF
technologies to digitalize ANA IIF analysis [10, 14, 17–22], as troubleshooting and promote corrective action.
well as on the post-analytical phase, by introducing a
harmonized ICAP ANA IIF nomenclature [2, 3]. The main
goal of automation in the total ANA IIF process is to over-
come some of the disadvantages of manual ANA IIF. Every
Materials and methods
CAD system allows automated image acquisition, data
Automated IIF reading system
analysis and electronic data transmission. Furthermore,
CAD systems offer a more standardized, automated quan-
The Zenit PRO system (A. Menarini Diagnostics) is a fully automated
titative reading of the fluorescence intensity (FI), translated
instrument for IIF that integrates an automated slide-processing
into system specific FI measures. This enables the classifi- module with a reading unit [21]. The main characteristics of the CAD
cation of samples as ANA IIF positive or negative, with system regarding ANA IIF analysis are summarized in Table 1.
sensitivities close to 100% when compared to manual Zenit PRO performs the evaluation of FI on every single identified
reading [10, 23–25]. Next, most of CAD systems also have HEp-2 cell (A. Menarini Diagnostics ANA-HEp-2, Biosystems S.A.). An
their own algorithms for mathematical pattern recognition. average level of FI is calculated depending on the ANA IIF pattern and
expressed as a ‘positivity index’ (PI). Based on two PI thresholds, ANA
An overview of the characteristics of currently commercially
IIF results are classified into three different classes: ANA IIF negative
available CAD ANA IIF systems is presented in Table 1. (PI<10.9), borderline (PI=10.9–19.6) and positive (PI>19.6). Further-
Nevertheless, also with CAD systems an important more, an ANA endpoint titer (EPT) suggestion is made based on a large
variability in ANA IIF FI remains. Independent of the type database of reference images used to train a state-of-art classifier.
of CAD system, recent multicenter studies revealed A software interface presents the ANA IIF results for supervision
to the user, who can interpret, amend if needed, and validate ANA IIF
extreme FI outliers indicating unrecognized analytical
errors [26, 27]. Due to the high variability inherent to ANA
IIF analysis [28–30] there is a need for a continuous inter-
nal quality control (iQC) program that should cover the
Quality indicators
total ANA IIF process, from pre-to post-analytical phase
[31]. The availability of CAD system-specific FI measurands
As recommended by the manufacturer, PI results of the positive and
facilitates the integration of iQC FI results into traditional negative kit iQC (further referred to as ‘kit iQC’) were integrated in the
iQC charts, assisting lab personnel in the technical vali- iQC program. In addition, three patient serum pools were prepared as
dation of the automated ANA IIF system’s performance, additional iQC materials (further referred to as ‘sample iQC’): an ANA
and in verifying the stability of the kits reagents and lot IIF negative (AC-0); an ANA IIF positive pool with a fine speckled
(AC-4) pattern and an ANA IIF positive pool with a homogeneous
variability [31–33]. Ideally, this iQC program is integrated
(AC-1) pattern. The sample iQC’s target a PI of 10–15 for the negative
in a centralized middleware (Table 1) which enables the pool and 20–25 for both positive pools, corresponding to an EPT of
supervision of all analytical steps of the different methods respectively <1:80 and 1:80.
used in autoimmune serology testing (IIF, enzyme-linked Furthermore, 22 routine ANA IIF samples were included, simu-
immunosorbent assay, chemilumiscent assay, immuno- lating a real-life routine ANA IIF run in terms of positive/negative ratio
blot assay, etc.). Such system also allows to track the real- (14/22=63.6%) and distribution of the different PI-values and corre-
sponding EPT. For each of these samples a reference PI was obtained
time status of samples and their workflow and enables a
during an ANA IIF run under perfectly controlled circumstances.
harmonized reporting of results by applying codified rules Median patient sample PI per run and percentage ANA IIF positive
(Figure 1). By clarifying and formalizing its procedures, the patient samples per run were defined as additional ‘whole run’ quality
laboratory will also improve governance, process trans- indicators [31, 32].
parency, diagnostic support and, importantly, overall All serum samples were retrospectively selected from left-over
samples of routine screening for ANA and anonymized after selection.
diagnostic quality [34]. Furthermore, integrating FI based
No informed consent was needed for this retrospective study, but the
iQC charts into the routine ANA IIF workflow offers a study was performed according to the Declaration of Helsinki and
solution to current shortcomings of autoimmune labora- approved by the local Ethical Committee of OLV Hospital Aalst (study
tory testing in achieving ISO 15189 accreditation and could registration number B126201942365).
Van Hoovels et al.: Integrating quality assurance in automated ANA IIF testing 1249

Table : System characteristics of currently available computer-aided diagnosis systems for ANA IIF analysis.

System Aklides EUROPattern Image navigator Helios Nova view Zenit PRO
(Company) (Medipan) (Euroimmun) (Immoconcepts) (Aesku) (Inova) (A. Menarini)

HEp- cell HEp- HEp- HEp- HEp- HEp- HEp-
Conjugate IgG heavy chain IgG heavy chain IgG heavy chain IgG heavy IgG heavy chain IgG heavy/Light
specific specific specific chain specific specific chain specific
DNA-binding DAPI Propidium iodide None None DAPI None
counter stain
iQC pos iQC (ready to pos iQC (ready to pos iQC (ready to pos iQC (ready pos iQC (ready to pos iQC (ready to
use) use) use) to use) use) use)
neg iQC (ready to neg iQC (ready to neg iQC (ready to neg iQC (ready neg iQC (ready to neg iQC (ready to
use) use) use) to use) use) use)
pos iQC (titratable) pos iQC pos iQC (titratable) pos iQC (titratable)
iQC source Human stabilized Human stabilized Human stabi- Human stabi- Human stabilized Human stabilized
serum serum lized serum lized serum serum serum
Slide processor
Instrument Akenomi IF-Sprinter Autoimmune fast Helios inte- QUANTA lyser Zenit PRO integrated
track grated slide slide processor
Automated IIF microscope
Instrument Aklides EUROPattern Image Navigator Helios NOVA view Zenit PRO
Measure of Light intensity units Fluorescence Positivity value Fluorescence Light intensity units Positivity index
fluorescent intensity intensity
Screening pos/ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ANA IIF pattern Homogeneous Homogeneous No No Homogeneous Homogeneous
recognitiona (AC-), centromere (AC-), dense fine (AC-), centromere (AC-), centromere
(AC-), speckled speckled (AC-), (AC-), speckled (AC-), speckled
(AC-,), nuclear centromere (AC-), (AC-,), nuclear (AC-,), nuclear
dots (AC-,), nucle- speckled (AC-,), dots (AC-,), nucle- dots (AC-,), nucle-
olar (AC-,,), nuclear dots olar (AC-,,), olar (AC-,,),
cytoplasmic, (AC-,), nucleolar cytoplasmic, cytoplasmic,
unrecognized (AC-,,), nuclear unrecognized mitochondrial-like
envelope (AC-,), (AC-)
cytoplasmic, mitotic
and negative (AC-)/
unspecific patterns
ANA IIF titer Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
ICAP nomen- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Middleware No, Aklides software Yes, EUROLabOffice No, Image Navi- Yes, Aeskulab Yes, QUANTA link Yes, Zenit HUB
gator software
Integrated total No Option No Yes No Yes
process QA
Reference to ICAP nomenclature ( []). IIF, indirect immunofluorescence; iQC, internal quality control; pos, positive; neg,
negative; QA, quality assurance.
1250 Van Hoovels et al.: Integrating quality assurance in automated ANA IIF testing

Figure 1: Levey-Jennings quality charts of the positive patient pool iQC (AC-4) revealing.
(A) a conjugate washing step error (PI=20.7; ΔPI=−23.3%); (B) no error logging (PI=28; ΔPI= 3.7%); (C) needle obstruction error (PI=17.1; ΔPI=−36.7%).
Analytical performance criteria are highlighted in colored bars: warning limits (12CV% = ±20%) in orange and stop limits (13CV% = ±30%) in red.

Analytical and clinical rejection criteria PRO system and after supervision by six experienced ANA IIF readers.
If they disagreed, a consensus was reached.
iQC results were assessed according to the Westgard rules and
The total imprecision of the different iQC materials was preliminarily
patient results were compared to the pre-set target values and used to
evaluated on Zenit PRO in accordance to the CLSI EP5-A2 protocol
calculate the quality performance indicator (Table 2).
(CLSI, 2004) (Supplemental Data Table S1). Based on these experi-
mental data, we defined a target CV of 10% for the negative sample
iQC and of 10% for the positive sample iQC (Table 2). Westgard rules
12CV (a single control measurement exceeds the mean ± 2*CV%
target) and 13CV (a single control measurement exceeds the
mean ± 3*CV% target) were applied as, respectively, analytical
warning and stop limit. Figure 2 presents IIF pictures obtained after induction of
Clinical quality rejection criteria were estimated based on the FI several artificial errors. In Table 4 the impact of all errors on
error correlating with a change in ANA IIF titer of ≥2 [15] (Supplemental the different quality indicators is summarized.
Data Table S2). The higher limit of the stop range for the positive Rescanning the slides five times reduced the PI value
sample iQC (AC-4 and AC-1) corresponded to a clinically relevant
of all samples. A relative change in PI of >20% (analytical
change of >2 ANA IIF titers (target: 1:80; >3*CV%: >1:320). For a pos-
itive sample with PI around 25 with corresponding EPT of 1:80, a warning limit) was observed in 95.5% (n=21/22) of the
decrease of >3*CV%, can result in a PI nearly below the negative cut- samples, and of >30% (analytical stop limit) in 31.8% (n=7/
off (PI=10.9) and a change in titer to <1:80. 22) of the samples. The inaccuracy was revealed by all five
An overview of the target values and rejection criteria for the quality indicators exceeding the analytical warning limit,
positive and negative iQC are given in Table 2. Of note, analytical
of which two (positive sample iQC AC-1 and the % of pos-
performance indicators will highlight an analytical issue before a
clinical inaccurate result can be reported. itive patient samples/run) even exceeded the analytical
stop limit (Tables 3 and 4).
The use of an old conjugate resulted in the most
Artificially induced errors
extreme PI decrease, revealed by all quality indicators,
indicating an analytical (>30% decrease in PI) or clinical
Artificial errors, mimicking plausible errors in routine ANA IIF prac-
(>60% decrease in PI) stop limit.
tice, were introduced during the ANA IIF analytical process (one run
per error). A list of the artificial errors performed is shown in Table 3. In case of needle obstruction, 86.4% (n=19/22) of the
For each of these runs, the pattern, PI and EPT results of the iQC samples had a relative change in PI that at least exceeded
materials and patient samples were recorded as generated by the Zenit the analytical stop limit of 30 and 63.6% (n=14/22) of the
Van Hoovels et al.: Integrating quality assurance in automated ANA IIF testing 1251

Table : Analytical and clinical rejection criteria for all quality performance indicators.

Target value and coefficient of variation (CV) Rejection criteria

Process control PI positive kit iQC – Pattern of initial ANA IIF analysis – No exact match of target
– Target PI (manufacturer): 20–25 (cutoff positivity; pattern
EPT 1:80) – Westgard rulesa
– Target CVanalytical: 10%
– Target CVclinical: 20%

PI negative kit iQC – Negative on 1/80 dilution – Positive

– Target CVanalytical: 20% – Westgard rulesa
– Target CVclinical: 30%

PI positive sample iQC AC- – Pattern of initial ANA IIF analysis – No exact match of target
PI positive sample iQC AC- – Target PI: ±25 (EPT 1:80) pattern
– Target CVanalytical: 10% – Westgard rulesa
– Target CVclinical: 20%

PI negative sample iQC – Negative on 1/80 dilution – Positive

– Target PI: ±10–15 (negative to low borderline – Westgard rulesa
positivity; EPT < 1:80)
– Target CVanalytical: 10%
– Target CVclinical: 20%

Monitoring of patient % Positive ANA IIF patient – Target value: Positive/negative ratio of a real-life – Westgard rulesa
results samples/run routine run
– Target CVanalytical: 10%
– Target CVclinical: 20%

Median patient sample LIU/ – Target value: Overall median PI of the 22 study – Westgard rulesa
run patient samplesb
– Target CVanalytical: 10%
– Target CVclinical: 20%
CV (a single control measurement exceeds the mean ±  CV% target) as a warning limit and CV (a single control measurement exceeds the
mean ±  CV% target) as stop limit. bdistribution of the PI-values and corresponding endpoint titers of a real-life routine run. iQC, internal quality
control; PI, positivity index; CV, coefficient of variation; AC, anti-cell; AC-, ANA IIF pattern negative (ICAP); AC-, ANA IIF pattern fine speckled
(ICAP); AC-, ANA IIF pattern homogeneous (ICAP); EPT, endpoint titer.

samples had a relative change in PI that exceeded the exceeding analytical stop limits. Only an analytical warn-
clinical warning limit (>40%). Almost all sample-derived ing limit was exceeded for the positive kit iQC and the
quality indicators revealed an analytical stop limit. negative sample iQC. Supervision of the ANA IIF pictures
Using an extra diluted PBS buffer did not result in a (provided by the CAD system), however, clearly indicated
consistent deviation of the quality indicators or in the analytical artefact (Figure 2).

Table : Overview of all analytical errors artificially introduced in the ANA IIF process on Zenit PRO.

Pre-analytical problems

. Needle obstruction – 5 μL sample volume in 790 μL PBS-buffer, instead of 10 μL

Analytical problems

. PBS-buffer dilution – 1 bottle PBS-buffer in 2000 mL instead of 1 bottle in 1,000 mL

. Old conjugate – Use of conjugate stored at 30 °C for 72 h
. Sample wash step error – 1 wash cycle with 1 mL instead of 3 wash cycles with 2 mL
. Conjugate wash step error – 1 wash cycle with 1 mL instead of 3 wash cycles with 2 mL

Post-analytical problems

. Rescanning slide – 5x rescanning of same slide

1252 Van Hoovels et al.: Integrating quality assurance in automated ANA IIF testing

Figure 2: ANA IIF troubleshooting.

(A) Reference run: pool speckled AC-4
(EPT 1/80); (B) old conjugate: loss in
reactivity of conjugate; (C) sample wash
error: possible presence of unbound
antibody, formation of immune complexes,
and unwanted background; (D) needle
obstruction: less/no volume of serum
dispensed; (E) PBS-buffer dilution:
problems related to the non-specific
binding; (F) conjugate wash error: higher
conjugate reactivity due to excess
secondary antibody and non-specific
antibody interactions.

Reduction of the wash cycle after the incubation of the Moreover, IIF is currently limited by a low level of standard-
sample or the conjugate resulted in a decrease of the PI of ization and automation, subjective evaluation, intra and
>20% for 45.5% (n=10/22) and 27.3% (n=6/22) of the sam- inter-laboratory variability and the requirement of highly
ples, respectively. The analytical stop limit was only skilled personnel [11, 14, 28, 38]. By the introduction of
violated for the positive sample iQC and kit iQC in the run automated ANA IIF systems in routine laboratory diagnostics,
with wash cycle reduction after sample incubation. The manufacturers and lab specialists aimed to improve lean
analytical warning limit was exceeded by almost all quality ANA IIF analysis by reducing the hands-on time and by
indicators in the run with wash cycle reduction after con- providing a more objective way of quantifying FI. Different
jugate incubation. A different trend was observed for the kit CAD systems have been commercialized, each with specific FI
iQC material compared to the sample derived quality in- measurands (dependent on the measuring principle and
dicators in the latter experiment. software algorithms) (Table 1). Previous reports on quality
assurance of automated ANA CAD systems revealed that
expanding the number of quality indicators based on FI
Discussion measurands improves quality assurance [31–33].
However, the choice of the quality indicators and the
For many years, high ANA IIF variability has been reported definition of their quality goals is crucial.
and described as an intrinsic characteristics of the IIF method First, a quality indicator is fit-for-purpose if it covers
[11, 13, 14, 28–30]. The variability of IIF is strongly influenced the total analytical ANA IIF process. In the experiment
by several issues inherent to the method, both biological (e.g., mimicking a needle obstruction, the kit iQC results are
variability of cellular substrates) and non-biological [30]. not reflecting the analytical error seen when patient
Van Hoovels et al.: Integrating quality assurance in automated ANA IIF testing 1253

Table : Impact of each error on the different quality indicators expressed as % deviation from the reference run, performed in ideal analytical

Δ reference run (%) Rescanning x Old Needle Buffer Sample Conjugate

conjugate obstruction dilution wash wash
Scan  Scan  Scan  Scan 

PI positive kit iQC −. % −. % −. % −. % −. % . % . % −. % . %
PI negative kit iQC . % . % −. % −. % −. % . % . % . % . %
PI negative sample −. % −. % −. % −. % −. % −. % . % . % −. %
iQC AC-
PI positive sample −. % −. % −. % −. % −. % −. % −. % −. % −. %
iQC AC-
PI positive sample −. % −. % −. % −. % −. % −. % −. % −. % −. %
iQC AC-
% Positive patient −. % −. % −. % −. % −. % −. % . % −. % −. %
Median patient −. % −. % −. % −. % −. % −. % . % −. % −. %
sample PI/run

Deviations exceeding analytical limits warning are highlighted in bold and analytical stop limits are highlighted in italic; deviations exceeding
clinical warning limits are marked in light gray and clinical stop limits are marked in dark gray. iQC, internal quality control; PI, positivity index;
CV, coefficient of variation; AC, anti-cell; AC-, ANA IIF pattern negative (ICAP); AC-, ANA IIF pattern fine speckled (ICAP); AC-, ANA IIF pattern
homogeneous (ICAP); EPT, endpoint ANA IIF titer.

samples are tested, since they are pre-diluted and not corrective action can be undertaken before a clinical
subjected to the sample dilution step. Therefore, adding inaccurate result is reported.
a titratable negative and positive sample iQC as quality The deviation in PI caused by several analytical issues
indicators appeared to be mandatory, as they undergo resulted in the same trend (e.g., deviation in similar di-
the same process steps as the patient samples. Addi- rection) for the different quality indicators (% positive
tionally, to assure the clinical reproducibility of ANA IIF samples/run, median PI/run, PI positive sample iQC, PI
results, conventionally accepted as a deviation within ≤2 negative sample iQC). One quality performance indicator
ANA IIF titers [13], the quality goals of the positive should never be interpreted on his own but always in
sample iQCs should be chosen around the clinical deci- correlation with others because it is the same behavior of
sion cut-off, e.g., an FI measurand that correlates with different quality performance indicators that highlights an
an endpoint titer between 1/80 and 1/160. Additionally, analytical issue. A theoretical setting of analytical/clinical
the higher the fluorescence intensity, the higher the warning and stop limits has to be thoroughly validated in
likelihood for antibody-associated rheumatic disease daily routine for feasibility.
(AARD) [5–8]. In this respect, it would be worthwhile to The main goal of ISO 15189 accreditation is to ensure
monitor borderline positive and FI values with signifi- that laboratories provide high-quality results. The rules to
cant correlation with AARD too. Preferably, the manu- obtain accreditation are mainly established for highly
facturers of ANA IIF kits should provide titratable, standardized test systems, like e.g., clinical chemistry
human stabilized iQC material targeting multiple automated platforms. Accreditation in autoimmunity lab-
endpoint titers (e.g., <1/80, 1/80, 1/320). When unavai- oratories, however, is more challenging, mainly by the lack
lable, lab specialists should consider implementing, in of international standards for most antibody tests which
parallel to the kit iQC materials, patient pool iQC hampers method validation of novel tests and generation
samples. of reference values [34]. Great initiatives to promote
A good insight in the total imprecision of the FI harmonization in autoantibody testing are currently
measurand is key for defining CAD system specific per- ongoing [36, 37]. In parallel, we should focus on ISO 15189
formance criteria of the iQC samples. As there is a corre- norm elements that can be already implemented in routine
lation between the specific FI measurand and the ANA IIF laboratory practice, and most importantly, use them for
EPT it is important to define analytical warning and stop clinical decision making. Our study results stimulate the
limits as well as clinical warning and stop limits. The introduction of a thorough iQC program, based on the FI
advantage of defining analytical as well as clinical limits is measurand of CAD ANA IIF system, that covers all aspects
that in case analytical problems are revealed, consequent of ANA IIF testing and results in total process governance.
1254 Van Hoovels et al.: Integrating quality assurance in automated ANA IIF testing

Conventionally known Westgard rules are easily appli- References

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de Melo Cruvinel W, Francescantonio PL, et al. International
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tions [35], they are currently considered state-of-art to
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