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Intention natin and bakit irecommend is to help fellow ASEAN countries na mas mapalago pa nila GDP

nila thanks sa expansion ng internet service sa mga bansang yan. Category ng civilization ng specific
country (sinic, islamic, eme).


The internet has become an essential part of modern life, transforming communication, information
access, commerce, entertainment, and healthcare. It is now so common that it is essential for research,
education, and development in many fields, driving innovation and economic growth. However,
approximately 4.3 billion people worldwide, primarily in developing countries, lack internet access
(Deloitte 2014). This digital divide deprives these individuals of the many benefits that the internet
provides. There is a strong correlation between internet access and GDP. Countries with higher levels of
internet penetration tend to have higher GDPs. This is because the internet enables businesses to reach
a wider market, innovate more quickly, and operate more efficiently. It also allows individuals to access
information and education, which can lead to higher productivity and incomes.

A study by the World Bank found that a 10% increase in internet penetration can lead to a 1.38%
increase in GDP per capita. This suggests that extending internet access to underserved populations
could have a significant impact on economic growth and development. GDP, or gross domestic product,
is a measure of a country's total economic output. It is calculated by adding the value of all goods and
services produced in a country each year. GDP is often used as a measure of a country's economic
development. In addition to the economic benefits of internet access, it can also lead to social benefits
such as improved education, healthcare, and civic engagement.

Category of Civilization

Brunei - Brunei is a Southeast Asian country with a rich culture and history that is influenced by Islam,
Malay traditions, and its diverse population. Islamic values, Malay heritage, and a unique blend of
cultures characterize Brunei's civilization. Islamic law plays a significant role in Brunei's society, and the
country is known for its mosques, Islamic schools, and Islamic festivals. The country's diverse population
has also contributed to its unique culture. For example, the Chinese community has influenced Brunei's
cuisine and architecture, while the Indian community has influenced Brunei's religious and cultural
Indonesia - In terms of the category of civilization, Indonesia could be classified as a maritime civilization.
Maritime civilizations are those that have developed and thrived around the sea. They are often
characterized by their strong seafaring traditions, their dependence on maritime trade, and their
adaptation to coastal environments.

ASEAN Political System Economic System Language Religion Culture Transparency/

Countrie Corruption Level
Brunei -Brunei is a country - Brunei's economy is - Malay is the - Most people in - Bruneian - Brunei is a small,
where the Sultan has a mix of government official language Brunei are culture is a wealthy country, but
all the power. There and private sector of Brunei, and it is Muslim, and mix of Malay, corruption is a big
are no elections, and control. The spoken by over Islam is very Islamic, and problem there.
the Sultan makes all government owns 90% of the important to indigenous People in
the decisions. The some important population. It is them. Islamic traditions. government and
Sultan is also the head industries, but the the language of values and This can be business often give
of the government private sector is also the indigenous practices are a seen in the jobs to their friends
and the head of state. active in the Bruneian people, part of many country's and family, even if
This means that he is economy. Brunei has and it is used in aspects of buildings, they're not qualified.
both the leader of the a high standard of schools, Bruneian life, food, and They also take bribes
country and the one living and low universities, and including music and and steal public
who makes the laws. unemployment rate government education, law, dance. money. The
The Sultan has a lot of because the offices. and traditions. government has tried
control over the government has The government to stop corruption,
country and its made it easy for of Brunei is based but it hasn't been
people. businesses to invest on Islamic very successful.
in the country. principles.
Indonesia - Indonesia's mixed - Indonesia is a - Indonesia has - Indonesia's - Indonesia has a high
economy is a country with a the world's culture is a level of corruption,
complex and rich and diverse largest Muslim vibrant and which is a persistent
dynamic system that linguistic heritage. population, with diverse problem in the
is constantly Indonesian is the about 87% of its tapestry, country. The country
evolving. Indonesia language of people influenced is ranked 110th out
has a market-based government and identifying as by many of 180 countries in
economy in which education, but Muslim. Despite civilizations the Corruption
the government many people also this, Indonesia's and religions. Perceptions Index,
plays a significant speak their own religious It is a culture with a score of 43 out
role, including regional landscape is that is rich in of 100. This indicates
administering prices languages at diverse, with tradition, yet a high level of
for some basic goods home. This other major also open to perceived corruption
such as fuel, rice, and diversity of religions such as new in the public sector.
electricity. The languages reflects Christianity, influences. Some of the main
government is the country's long Hinduism, and Indonesians areas of corruption in
working to reduce its history and its Buddhism also are proud of Indonesia include
role in the economy diverse present. their culture, bribery,
and promote private population. and they are embezzlement,
sector growth. always happy nepotism, and
to share it kickbacks. The
with others. Indonesian
government has been
taking steps to
combat corruption,
but there is still a
long way to go.
Thailand - Thailand is a country - Thailand has a free- - Thai is the - Most people in - Thai culture - Corruption is a
ruled by both a king market economy, language that is Thailand (over is a rich and major problem in
or queen and a prime which means that officially used in 94%) are diverse Thailand, ranked 88th
minister. The king or businesses are Thailand, and it is Theravada culture that out of 180 countries
queen is the head of largely free to the language that Buddhists. This is both in the Transparency
state, but the prime operate without most people in form of traditional International's
minister is the head of government Thailand speak. Buddhism is and modern. Corruption
government. Thailand interference. The focused on Thais are Perceptions Index.
has had a history of private sector is the personal effort known for Perceived as one of
political instability, main driver of the and discipline to their warm the more corrupt
with many military economy, and the achieve hospitality countries in the
coups and periods of middle class is enlightenment. and their world, taking many
martial law. However, growing. Buddhism is very love of life. forms, including
despite these important in Thai They also bribery, kickbacks,
challenges, Thailand culture and daily have a deep and nepotism. The
has maintained its life. respect for Thai government has
democratic elders and taken some steps to
institutions and is the address corruption in
considered a stable monarchy. recent years,
democracy in Thai culture however, progress
Southeast Asia. is also full of has been slow, and
colorful corruption remains a
festivals and major problem,
celebrations. especially in
procurement, law
enforcement, and the

Internet service speed is the pace at which data can be moved from a user's device to the network
of the internet service provider (ISP), according to , Professor Emerita of Science and
International Affairs at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She highlights how
crucial it is for a number of factors, including the capacity to stream video and music, download
and upload files, and take part in online activities. A country's productivity and creativity, which
in turn fuel economic growth and GDP, are heavily influenced by the speed of its internet
services. The best indicator of the size and health of an economy, according to Paul Krugman, is
the GDP. It gives a measurement of the average income of a nation's citizens and is used as a
barometer of that nation's level of life. A greater standard of life is typically associated with a
higher GDP per capita.
The classification of countries into the first, second, third, and fourth worlds is no longer valid
and has come under fire for being overly straightforward and unreliable. The classification of a
nation and its internet speed and GDP per capita do, however, have some association. The
majority of the world's developed nations are generally seen as being in the first world. They
have quick internet speeds and a high GDP per person. This is a result of their robust economies
and infrastructural investments. Examples of first-world nations with high GDP per capita and
quick internet access include the United States, Canada, and Japan. Most people agree that
second-world countries are more developed than third-world nations but less developed than
first-world nations. They have varying internet connections; some have quick speeds in cities but
slower speeds in the countryside. For instance, both Russia and Brazil are developing nations
with varying internet speeds. The least developed nations in the world are typically thought to be
those in the third world. Due to their weak economies and infrastructure, they have lower GDP
per capita and slower internet speeds. For instance, third-world nations like Nigeria and India
both have slower internet speeds and lower GDP per capita. Most people agree that second-world
countries are more developed than third-world nations but less developed than first-world
nations. They have varying internet connections; some have quick speeds in cities but slower
speeds in the countryside. For instance, both Russia and Brazil are developing nations with
varying internet speeds. The least developed nations in the world are typically thought to be
those in the third world. Due to their weak economies and infrastructure, they have lower GDP
per capita and slower internet speeds. For instance, third-world nations like Nigeria and India
both have slower internet speeds and lower GDP per capita.

It is important to note that the classification of countries into first-world, second-world, third-
world, and fourth-world is not perfect. There are many exceptions to the general trends described

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