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Makurin A. A.

Display of cryptocurrency in accounting

ISSN 2522-9273 (print)

ISSN 2616-5236 (online)

Economies’ Horizons,
No. 3(14), pp. 13–22.
Homepage: 5236.3(14).2020.224794

UDC: 657.222
Display of cryptocurrency in accounting
Andrii A. Makurin1, Cand. Ec. Sc., Associate Professor

Received: 28 July 2020 Makurin, A. A. (2020), “Display of cryptocurrency in accounting”, Economies’ Horizons,
Accepted: 7 September 2020 no. 3(14), pp. 13–22, doi:

Abstract. The purpose of the research to determine the main features of the use of cryptocurrency
and its identification as an object in the account. A comparative description of cryptocurrencies, elec-
tronic money and paper money is given. It has been established that there are no grounds to classify
various types of cryptocurrencies in the accounting system as ordinary currencies or assets in a given
period of time because they: are not regulated by any jurisdictions; it is not possible to identify the issuer
or the specific organization responsible for its issuance; cryptocurrency exists only in the virtual Internet
environment. Methods. General scientific methods and approaches, systematic approach, general re-
search methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison), statistical methods. Results. The list
of stages for reflection of activity of the business entity with use of cryptocurrency is offered and con-
sidered. The mining process is analysed and the list of cost items for the extraction of new digital coins
is highlighted. The variant on reflection in the account of operations with cryptocurrency on accounts of
accounting is offered. There are options for reflection in the accounting of cryptocurrency depending on
its recognition: virtual goods, intangible assets, financial investments, digital money. To calculate the
cost of cryptocurrency obtained by self-extraction, it is necessary to consider the main costs that need to
be identified and reflected in the account. In addition to cryptocurrency, you can extract altcoins, light-
coins or convert cryptocurrencies into stablecoins, which cannot be extracted, but can only be purchased.
The article presents the main aspects of calculating the cost, which include: the cost of electricity for
individuals and legal entities in the country; the cost of the necessary equipment, its depreciation and
maintenance, depreciation; residual value at which you can sell old mining equipment; hash – the speed
of solving mathematical problems with one or another equipment; network load and production com-
plexity; monetary value or exchange rate of a particular cryptocurrency or digital assets. Practical mean-
ing. Despite all the scientific developments, the issue of accounting for cryptocurrency from the point
of view of IFRS is quite debatable. On the one hand, most propose to account for it as a specific intan-
gible asset. Virtual currency is a huge amount of computing power and digital assets. At this stage of
technological development of mankind, cryptocurrency is gaining a stable position in the international
market. Prospects for further research. Rapid development is causing further capacity growth and inter-
est, but may eventually lead to collapse. However, if the price stability of the cryptocurrency is achieved,
it can be used in international transactions, not just for speculative gain. However, this issue will be
directly related to the legalization of the new currency and its recognition by central banks as a means
of exchange or storage of money. There is a need for further research to understand the basic conditions
for the use of digital currency in the payments market.

Dnipro University of Technology; Associate Professor at the Department of Accounting; ORCID ID:; e-mail:

Економічні горизонти № 3(14)'2020 13

Economies’ Horizons ISSN 2522-9273; e-ISSN 2616-5236

Keywords: cryptocurrency accounting, accounting object, money, intangible assets, virtual goods,
information technology.

JEL Classification: J 48, M 41, P 17.

Number of references: 22; number of tables: 2; number of figures: 0; number of formulas: 0.

Відображення криптовалюти в бухгалтерському обліку

Андрій Андрійович Макурін1, к. е. н., доцент

Стаття надійшла: 28.07.2020 Makurin A. A. Display of cryptocurrency in accounting. Економічні горизонти.

Стаття прийнята: 09.09.2020 2020. № 3(14). C. 13–22. DOI: 10.31499/2616-5236.3(14).2020.224794

Анотація. Метою роботи є визначення основних особливостей з використання криптова-

люти та її ідентифікації як об’єкта в обліку. Надано порівняльну характеристику криптовалютам,
електронним грошовим коштам та паперовим грошам. Встановлено, що віднести криптовалюту
різних видів у обліковій системі до звичайних валют чи активів в даний проміжок часу не існує
підстав через те, що вони: не врегулюванні ніякими юрисдикціями; не можливо встановити емі-
тента чи конкретну організація, яка відповідає за її випуск; криптовалюта існує лише в віртуаль-
ному інтернет – середовищі. Методи. В ході дослідження використано загальнонаукові методи
та підходи, системний підхід, загальнологічні методи дослідження (аналіз, синтез, узагальнення,
порівняння), статистичні метод. Результати. Запропоновано та розглянуто перелік етапів для
відображення діяльності суб’єкта господарювання з використанням криптовалюти. Проаналізо-
вано процес майнингу та виокремлено перелік статей витрат для видобування нових монет циф-
рових коштів. Запропоновано варіант з відображення в обліку операцій з криптовалютою на ра-
хунках бухгалтерського обліку. Наведено варіанти відображення в обліку криптовалюти в зале-
жності від її визнання: віртуальним товаром, нематеріальним активом, фінансовою інвестицією,
цифровими грошима. Для розрахунку собівартості отриманої криптовалюти шляхом самостій-
ного видобутку необхідно розглянути основні витрати, які необхідно ідентифікувати та відобра-
зити в обліку. Крім криптовалюти, можна видобувати альткоїни, лайткоїни або переводити кри-
птовалюту у стейблкоїни, які не можливо видобути, а можна тільки придбати. У статті наведено
основні аспекти розрахунку собівартості до яких належать: вартість електроенергії для фізичних
та юридичних осіб в країні; вартість необхідного обладнання, його амортизація та обслугову-
вання, моральний знос; залишкова вартість за якою можна реалізувати старе обладнання для май-
нингу; хеш – швидкість вирішення математичних завдань тим чи іншим обладнанням; наванта-
ження мережі та складність видобутку; грошова цінність або курс конкретної криптовалюти або
цифрових активів. Практичне значення. Попри всі наукові доробки достатньо дискусійним є пи-
тання ведення обліку криптовалюти з токи зору МСФЗ. З одного боку більшість пропонує облі-
ковувати її як специфічний нематеріальний актив. Віртуальна валюта – це величезна кількість
обчислювальних потужностей та цифрових активів. На даному етапі технологічного розвитку
людства криптовалюта здобуває стійкі позиції на міжнародному ринку. Перспективи подальших
досліджень. Стрімкий розвиток визиває подальший приріст потужностей та зацікавленість, але
в кінцевому підсумку може призвести до краху. Втім, якщо цінова стабільність криптовалюти
буде досягнута, то її можна буде використовувати у міжнародних транзакціях, а не лише для
спекулятивної вигоди. Однак, це питання вже буде напряму пов’язано з легалізацією нової ва-
люти та її визнанням центральними банками як засобу обміну, або зберігання вартості грошей.
Існує потреба в подальших дослідженнях з метою розуміння основних умов використання циф-
рової валюти на ринку платежів.

Національний технічний університет «Дніпровська політехніка»; доцент кафедри обліку і аудиту;
ідентифікатор ORCID:; e-mail:

14 № 3(14)'2020 Економічні горизонти

Makurin A. A. Display of cryptocurrency in accounting

Ключові слова: криптовалютний облік, об’єкт обліку, гроші, нематеріальні активи,

віртуальні товари, інформаційні технології.

Кількість джерел: 22; кількість таблиць: 2; кількість рисунків: 0; кількість формул: 0.

1. Introduction. range from virtual currency, monetary surro-

The information technology develop- gate, virtual goods, and digital asset to the in-
ment results in the origin of new types of cryp- tangible asset. Basing on that, there are no le-
tocurrency. Main advantages of the cryptocur- gal grounds to recognize cryptocurrency as a
rency use are decentralization and freedom of payment instrument in Ukraine. Along with
transactions. Cryptocurrency acts worldwide that, it is not prohibited to convert cryptocur-
as the inexpensive technological means of pay- rency into the national currency and vice versa
ment as well as special form of investment. as such operations are not prohibited at the leg-
Nowadays, there is no shared idea as for islative level; thus, there is no violation of the
the interpretation of the “cryptocurrency” con- national legislation. Bitcoin-ATMs already
cept. On the one hand, it is considered as the function in the developed countries worldwide
“virtual currency” and called both a special but the no availability of the regulatory system
payment network and a new type of monetary does not allow the operation of electronic pay-
means. On the other hand, it is called a “digital ment system PayPal (cryptocurrency) in
asset”, which can be exchanged for other as- Ukraine (Rysin, Rysin and Fedyuk, 2018,
sets. Cryptocurrency is characterized by a free p. 12).
market rate formed on the demand-supply ba- Legalization of the cryptocurrency oper-
sis. ations requires a complex process of the deter-
Accounting of the traditional monetary mination of cryptocurrency status, a mecha-
means is performed in terms of the identifica- nism of its accounting, and the development of
tion of a payment instrument and participants a system for taxation and control of such oper-
of the agreement. Such a process may be rep- ations. There is the necessity to legalize cryp-
resented as follows: “seller – buyer” (agree- tocurrency and cryptocurrency operations in
ment) on the “money-goods” principle. That is order to legalize and impose taxes on the cryp-
the approach which helps conduct short-term tocurrency operations and mining process.
transactions in terms of similar location of the Basing on the fiscal law, legal entities that buy
counterparties. While using cryptocurrency, the equipment for virtual currency mining
which may be represented as a series of bytes should enter it in the books and put it into op-
of certain information, it is necessary to have eration.
electronic payment system acting as an inter- If a physical party (a sole proprietor) buy
mediary. Main task of such system is the ac- such equipment, he/she does not enter it in the
counting control providing non-admittance of books, only in case if the latter is in the 3rd
repeated set of bytes. Nowadays, there are sev- group of a simplified taxation system, it should
eral similar systems, which increase the risk of be kept in mind that the income is limited by
data and information fraud. Bitcoin (crypto- USD 178,000 (as of 01.06.2020) and costs for
currency) does not mean the involvement of its purchase should be confirmed within the
the third parties to conduct monetary opera- limits of the obtained income (Virtual Cur-
tions; thus, a blockchain system can be consid- rency Schemes, 2012).
ered rather safe. 2. Literature review.
During the recording of cryptocurrency R. Brukhansky and I. Spilnyk (2019b,
and operations with it, the accounting has cer- p. 145–156) try to identify and substantiate the
tain legal limitations as the legal status of such perspectives of solving the problem of digital
assets is different worldwide. It is within the assets integration in the accounting system and

Економічні горизонти № 3(14)'2020 15

Economies’ Horizons ISSN 2522-9273; e-ISSN 2616-5236

financial data reporting. The authors focus on research, S. Ammous (2018) analyses mone-
the necessity of identification and giving cer- tary characteristics for five cryptocurrencies to
tain legal status for cryptocurrencies in terms estimate whether they could act as money. He
of certain legal environment. The research makes a conclusion that only bitcoin has the
states that the acceptance of cryptoassets by potential to act as the value storage owing to
accounting is rather a methodologically com- the facts that it is stick to low supply growth;
plicated but innovative and perspective prob- in addition, it is supported reliably by the dis-
lem requiring complex solution. In his re- tributed network protocol and significant
search, T. Yatsyk (2019, p. 28) represents a demonstration of nonavailability of any au-
comparative characteristic of such main users thority. R. Brukhanskyi and I. Spilnyk (2019a)
of the cryptocurrency market as miners, cryp- consider the essence of cryptocurrency for the
tocurrency emitters, online-exchangers, cryp- accounting purposes: money, their equivalent,
tocurrency exchange markets etc. Moreover, currency, goods, shares, financial investments
the paper analyses stages of the activities of or intangible assets. They conclude that it is re-
economic agents in the cryptocurrency market quired to apply a universal approach to the re-
to single out the cryptocurrency-related opera- cording of cryptoassets in accounting. O. Fo-
tions. It should be also noted that in the near mina et al. (2019) discuss different aspects of
future such standard assets as bonds will be- cryptocurrency recognition in Ukraine. They
come digital, which will make it possible to de- identify the necessity to clarify and harmonize
velop new decentralized business-models the available national accounting standards for
based on a blockchain model. A. Stovpova the determination and reporting during the
(2018) studies key features of tokens as cryp- cryptocurrency operations. Along with the de-
toassets, which differ from cryptocurrencies. velopment of information technology, there
She also considers the problems of recognition are certain changes not only in the technology
of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in ac- dealing with the payment transactions; attitude
counting. The author substantiates impossibil- of people to those operations changes as well
ity of using a universal approach to the ac- (Ievdokymov et al., 2020). Different genera-
counting of cryptocurrency due to its variety tions replace each other; we observe transfor-
and functional difference. In their analysis, mation of modern society. D. Procházka
T. Tarasova et al. (2020) use stochastic models (2018) proposes the scenarios, in terms of
to forecast a cryptocurrency exchange rate. which cryptocurrency should be considered as
The authors emphasize the necessity of repre- the (foreign) currency though the financial sys-
sentation of certain operations in cryptocur- tem regulators do not consider cryptocurren-
rency-related accounting; they propose to rec- cies as money (fiat currency). In their work,
ognize digital currency as digital assets. P. Katsiampa et al. (2019) study the interaction
M. Pashkevych et al. (2020) substantiate the between the the information demand measured
necessity of the implementation of a block- by the Google search index, price return, and
chain technology in accounting. They also volumes of trades for five basic cryptocurren-
specify certain risks of the cryptocurrency use cies. S. Pastrana and G. Suarez-Tangil (2019)
and consider the possibility for accounting to prove the illegal conduct of some cryptocur-
record digital assets in financial accounting rency operations. They also substantiate the
and financial data reporting. A. Jumde and possibility of their evening-out. G. Hong et al.
B. Cho (2020) study if cryptocurrency can (2018) state that cryptocurrency and its mining
draw ahead of fiat money with the help of an- is gaining more and more popularity. W. Yiy-
alytical hierarchy process (AHP) for elaborat- ing and Z. Yeze (2019) stress that cryptocur-
ing a scale of pair comparisons. The results rency is growing in its importance in the refor-
have shown that fiat money still prefer crypto- mation of a financial system due to its increas-
currency due to numerous reasons. In his ing popularity and loyalty. However, A. Baur

16 № 3(14)'2020 Економічні горизонти

Makurin A. A. Display of cryptocurrency in accounting

et al. (2015) proves that cryptocurrency is a de- 4. Research objectives.

structing instrument of payment. Nevertheless, The purpose is to specify basic parame-
H. Nabilou and A. Prüm (2019) are sure that ters for the identification of cryptocurrency as
soon cryptocurrencies will have considerable the accounting object with its further recording
effect on the banking, financial, and monetary in accounting and financial data reporting.
systems. 5. Results and discussions.
Despite the considerable interest of sci- From the accounting viewpoint, a prob-
entists in digital assets, a problem of crypto- lem of considering cryptocurrency as a pay-
currency determination as the accounting ob- ment instrument has not been analysed to the
ject is rather debating as it is not clear what it full extent. Currently, there are no grounds for
should be recognized as and where should it qualifying different-type cryptocurrencies in
belong to. Consequently, there arises the ne- the accounting as standard currencies or assets
cessity of studying the parameters of crypto- due to the following: they are not regulated by
currency as the accounting object. any jurisdictions; it is impossible to identify an
3. Methodology. emitter or a specific organization responsible
General scientific methods and ap- for their emission; cryptocurrency exists only
proaches, systematic approach, general re- in the virtual internet-medium.
search methods (analysis, synthesis, generali- Basic features peculiar for cryptocurren-
zation), statistical methods. cies and electronic monetary means are given
in Table 1.
Table 1. Comparison of monetary means, electronic money, and cryptocurrencies
Parameter Electronic money Cryptocurrency
Format Paper Digital Digital
National About 1000
Payment unit Fiat money (USD, UAN, EUR, BYN, ARS)
currency cryptocurrencies
To identify clients, the standards developed by
the Financial Action Task Force on Money-
Identification of clients laundering (FATF) are used though the stand- Anonymity
ards admit the simplified measures for low-risk
financial instruments
Emission in the electronic form in Mining – equip-
Methods of emission exchange for fiat money emitted by the central ment and mathe-
regulatory body matical methods
Based on the legal grounds, electronic money
National Private individual,
Emitter emitter (which may be represented by a finan-
banks miners
cial institution)
Book-keeping opera-
tions in terms of the ac- 301, 311 335 127, 301, 335, 35,
counts (Ukraine)
Source: Formed by the authors on the basis of (Jumde and Cho, 2020; Ammous, 2018).

There is a problematic aspect at the initial or electronic resources of currency conversion

stage; that is misunderstanding of the algo- (a peculiar kind of exchange market).
rithm of accounting representation of such op- Thus, anonymity and diversification are
erations as well as a mechanism of its taxation. the main cryptocurrency distinctions compar-
From the technical viewpoint, Ukrainian com- ing to electronic money. The emission method
panies may conduct the operations of crypto- means mining, owing to which new infor-
currency buy and sell, exchange, and payment mation blocks are created and main rewards
using free exchange rate on the Internet-sites for mathematical calculations of certain

Економічні горизонти № 3(14)'2020 17

Economies’ Horizons ISSN 2522-9273; e-ISSN 2616-5236

cryptocurrencies are generated. Bitcoin has the Internet speed, powerful facilities, and electric
greatest market capitalization and, correspond- power. Certain method (ASIC or mining farm)
ingly, the greatest market share. Bitcoin is a should select one correct hashCode among the
peer-to-peer electronic payment system used millions of combinations, which will form the
in terms of the same-name exchange unit. block heading in the blockchain. As soon as
Maximum number of bitcoins, which can be the required number is generated, a block with
mined, is limited by 12 million units. all the transactions is closed, and miners move
Classification of such assets and their on to search for the next one. Miners are re-
further estimation has significant aftereffects warded for the correct hashCode; the reward is
not only for the reporting economic entity but 12.5 bitcoins (Fomina et al., 2019). The rental
also for the state economy in general (Prochá- of premises, heat elimination, and temperature
zka, 2018). control in the premises are the additional con-
According to the preliminary calculations, ditions of the successful equipment perfor-
the last Bitcoin may be mined in 2040. Since mance.
the Bitcoin cryptocurrency emission is limited, The second way is much simpler. That is
becoming more and more resource-intensive cryptocurrency purchase in the exchange mar-
with the course of time, it is quite common to ket for real monetary means. The third way re-
consider Bitcoin as “digital gold”, i.e. as a cer- lates to the Thash equipment rent – virtual
tain standard for other cryptocurrencies. Lead- ASICs on the Internet for certain sum of com-
ing role of Bitcoin is confirmed by statistic data pensation for the costs described in the first
concerning the cryptocurrency market func- way. The fourth way is a mine, i.e. a barter op-
tioning (Brukhanskyi and Spilnyk, 2019a). eration – exchange for some similar asset.
At the beginning of 2018, market capital- All that should be singled out for further
ization of cryptocurrencies reached its peak. accounting of the costs, formation of the cryp-
Cryptocurrencies cannot be neglected in terms tocurrency prime cost, and cryptocurrency rep-
of their involvement in a share of wealth of resentation in both financial and fiscal reports.
both a state and certain parties. Differences in Stage two involves cryptocurrency keep-
the approaches to cryptocurrency interpreta- ing in terms of certain media or virtual wallet.
tions are the main practical problem; later, Two variants are possible here – with and
those differences affect the accounting meth- without the private key transfer; the key is
ods, which influence considerably the finan- formed of 30 words in a virtual wallet or of 20
cial markets. Asymmetry of the information symbols on an information-carrying medium.
between the authorities and the interested par- In this case, form of control and a period, dur-
ties experience certain intensification with fur- ing which an enterprise or sole proprietor can
ther effect on the income control in terms of control such asset, is of great importance.
the lack of proper accounting regulation. Stage three means the cryptocurrency use
To understand better the creation of such in everyday life of enterprises and organiza-
an accounting object as cryptocurrency, it is tions (Сherchata and Andrusiv, 2018). Two
expedient to analyse a mining process with the objectives are possible here: the first one is to
singling out of certain calculation stages of use cryptocurrency for buying goods and ser-
costs and consideration of main stages, which vices; the second one is the investment (An-
form the activity of economic entities in the drusiv et al., 2020). There are also other vari-
cryptocurrency market. ants of cryptocurrency use, e.g. exchange for
Thus, stage one of the cryptocurrency monetary means, but the mentioned ones are
creation, i.e. its emission, is the accrual of the basic. Moreover, while investing, all the possi-
ownership rights. There are several ways to get ble risks should be considered. One cannot
cryptocurrency. The first way requires use of identify all the risks and protect oneself against
specific equipment for cryptocurrency mining, them.

18 № 3(14)'2020 Економічні горизонти

Makurin A. A. Display of cryptocurrency in accounting

For instance, prohibition of cryptocur- need to be identified and represented in

rency use in any country of the world may in- accounting. Apart from bitcoins, one can mine
fluence negatively its exchange, resulting in its altcoins and litecoins or transfer cryptocur-
further fluctuation; besides, electricity may be- rency into stablecoins, which are impossible to
come more expensive, making the mining in- mine – they can be only bought. Thus, to cal-
expedient. Miners start switching off the culate the cryptocurrency profitability, follow-
equipment; load of mining complexity will de- ing aspects should be taken into consideration
crease due to the lower number of network par- (Kneysler et al., 2020): cost of electric over for
ticipants; and cryptocurrency will either in- a physical party and legal entity in the country;
crease or reduce its cost. cost of the required equipment, its amortiza-
The accounting objects represented by tion, maintenance, and functional deprecia-
cryptocurrency are accompanied by the sub- tion; residual value in terms of which one can
jects of the cryptocurrency market. Tradition- sell the outdated mining equipment; hash – a
ally, they include salespeople, buyers, and speed of the solution of mathematical prob-
those who deal with mining of new coins. lems by certain equipment; network loading
The wallet owners specify cold and warm and mining complexity; monetary value or ex-
cryptocurrency keeping. Warm keeping in- change rate of a specific cryptocurrency or dig-
cludes such wallets as exchange market wal- ital assets.
lets, mobile applications, and software appli- Thus, cloud mining is profitable for
cations. Cold wallets involves paper ones those, who has just started the cryptocurrency
where a private key is represented by the fol- operations. For those, who have no possibility
lowing: a printable QR code; hardware keep- to invest money either in the equipment pur-
ing as a variety of USB flash disc; a computer, chase or in the cloud service renting, there are
but in case of system crash one can lose the services, which give certain Internet-sites that
wallet access for ever; a coin – developers cre- pay cryptocurrency for watching the advertise-
ate real coins, which code a private key for dig- ments. Relying on that, accounting may record
ital money. To calculate the prime cost of the the operations of the parties, which have de-
cryptocurrency obtained by independent min- cided to start “cryptocurrency mining” (Table
ing, it is necessary to consider main costs that 2).
Table 2. Accounting of the cryptocurrency operations
Total sum,
No. Content of the operation Debit Credit
152 209 279
1 ASIC installation (power source and processor) or ASIC purchase
152 631 279
2 Debiting of tax credit with VAT 644 631 46
3 ASIC putting into operation 104 152 325
4 Purchase of the software for ASIC 154 631 107
5 Debiting of tax credit with VAT 644 154 17.8
6 Putting into operation of the software (“firmware upgrade” – software) 127 154 90
Calculations for the services (mining – acc. 977)
7 Electric power 631 61
8 Premises lending 01 428
Rent payment is recalculated, in advance 371 311 36
9 Payment for the Internet 92
631 3.6
10 Remuneration settlements (for ASIC maintenance) 661 286
11 National social insurance settlements 651 62.8
Source: Generalized by the author.

Економічні горизонти № 3(14)'2020 19

Economies’ Horizons ISSN 2522-9273; e-ISSN 2616-5236

Correct legal interpretation and recogni- your digital wallet. The amount of cryptocur-
tion are the basic problems for the cryptocur- rency affects the calculation of monetary ag-
rency recording in accounting. Due to that, in gregates in a country. Such a specific activity
case of cryptocurrency recognition as a digital as mining allows the state to receive additional
currency, it is proposed to use synthetic ac- revenues from the taxation of such activities.
count 336 “Other means of digital currency” At the social level, humanity is con-
(virtual wallet); in case of cryptocurrency stantly striving for self-development. Crypto-
recognition as a variety of electronic money, it currency is a future form of cash that can be
is proposed to use synthetic sub-ledger account easily and safely used in everyday life. It does
335.1 “Variety of electronic money”; if cryp- not depend on the bank or a country, you can
tocurrency is recognized as virtual goods, then not worry, however, that will not be a country
one should use synthetic sub-ledger account – will not be such money that if the bank goes
287 “Virtual goods”; if cryptocurrency is rec- bankrupt, it will remain guilty of deposits to
ognized as a financial investment, then one certain individuals. The main thing here is that
should use synthetic sub-ledger account 352 countries develop a mechanism for recogniz-
“Other current financial investments”; if one ing and controlling such assets. For example,
recognizes cryptocurrency as an intangible as- most of the US population trusts cryptocur-
set, then it is recommended to use synthetic rency, because after President Donald Trump’s
sub-ledger account 127 “Other intangible as- order to pay a certain amount of $ 1,200 per
sets”. person to support a pandemic, many individu-
6. Conclusions. als were registered on the Coinbase cryptocur-
Given the above, we can conclude that rency exchange people who started buying
given the economic derivative of cryptocur- cryptocurrency in the amount equivalent to
rency, it can affect the economic and social $ 1,000. That is, people try to keep their assets
components of any country. The European Un- in such a digital format.
ion's sustainable development strategy aims to Thus, a virtual currency is a huge amount
develop the information component. Crypto- of computing power and digital assets. At this
currency is a hub that influences the develop- stage of technological development of man-
ment of telecommunications, digital economy, kind, cryptocurrency is gaining a stable posi-
e-business and commerce. It can motivate tion in the international market. Rapid devel-
countries around the world to develop all areas opment is causing further capacity growth and
of activity for the control of such a specific as- interest but may eventually lead to collapse.
set. However, if the price stability of the cryptocur-
At the economic level, cryptocurrency rency is achieved, it can be used in interna-
affects the way certain transactions are carried tional transactions, not just for speculative
out. In the future, if it can be recognized inter- gain. However, this issue will be directly re-
nationally and locally, it will displace paper lated to the legalization of the new currency
money and electronic money, as it is com- and its recognition by central banks as a means
pletely protected from counterfeiting. Under of exchange or storage of money. There is a
coronavirus, most bacteria exist on the surface need for further research to understand the
of paper money, so people use an electronic basic conditions for the use of digital currency
payment format or cryptocurrency. You can in the payments market.
pay with cryptocurrency using a QR code in

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