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Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering

Sciences and Technology, Topi Swabi. KP.

Project Name: Car Wash Management System

Topic: Semester Project Proposal
Subject: CS-101
Section: A and B
Group Name: Dagger Six
Group Members:

Abdullah Khan (Leader)

Reg: 2023041

Omar Qayyum
Reg: 2023576

Ibrahim Tahir
Reg: 2023257

Mustafa Khan
Reg: 2023565
Project Proposal:

We’re interested in and intend to develop a car wash management system that is clear, distinct, and easy
for the administration and customers to use and understand. Our goal is to simplify the process of car
washes and reduce the time spent by customers on attaining their goal of a clean vehicle, thus also
increasing the efficiency of the business. Ultimately this reduces the chance of theft and fraud.

The problem is that we have noticed that as of now, there is no prevalent system for managing a car wash
business in Pakistan. Market research has also indicated several recent spikes in customer complaints in the car
wash industry, due to managerial inefficiency and several other factors. We believe all this can be solved largely
through our car wash management system.

Problem Statement:
• There is a complete lack of any sort of management system in Pakistan car wash industry.
• The purpose of our car wash management system is to allow the customers to select from a variety of
services provided by the company and avail the options that satisfies there need.

Scope of Project:

1. To make the car wash business cost efficient.

2. To make the system user friendly.
3. Less time consuming.
4. Customer satisfaction to allow the industry to grow further.

Salient Features:
Only admin has the access to the system.

1. Add services.
2. Remove services.
3. Check how many customers have been in on any specific day.
4. Check transactions history.
5. Input the specifications required by the customers.
Difference in our Project as compared to other projects already present
on the Internet or done before:

We decided on the topic ourselves by discussing different ideas for the project.
We decided what makes our project unique is that we are aiming for it to be as user friendly as humanly

Tools and Technologies

Programming language: C++.

Compiler: DEV C++

Operating System: Windows.

1. Start.

2. Login.

3. Input username / password.

4. If username / password is incorrect go to step 2.

5. If username / password is correct then administration menu will pop up.

6. All the options in admin menu will be displayed.

7. Administrator menu has:

• Add a new car wash service.

• Display existing car wash services.
• Record a transaction.
• Display recorded transactions.
• Clear transaction history.

8. Administrator selects what is required from the menu.

9. User cost receipt is generated based on the type of service they have asked for.

10. User cost receipt will be printed.

11. Log out.

Flow chart:
Interactivity chart:

Workload Distribution:

All of us carried out initial research to get ourselves familiarized with the topic.
It is essential for us to remain a core team of 4, so every decision we have taken thus far is and every
decision about the project we will take from here on out will be made a consultation with all 4 of us.

We will divide more work further from time to time just as we start doing our project.

Topics used in Project.

Pre-defined Libraries

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