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Questions Marks

1 Using Maxwells electromagnetic wave theory, estimate the energy carried by 5

electromagnetic waves.
2 What is Ultraviolet catastrophe? Explain 3
3 Using Planck’s radiation law, obtain Rayleigh Jeans law. 4
4 What is Compton effect? Obtain an expression for Compton shift in the wavelength of 8
X ray photon.
5 Discuss the double slit experiment to prove the wave nature of electrons. 4
6 Why classical physics failed to explain photelectric effect ? 4
7 Discuss the dual nature of light and matter 4
8 What are the characteristics of a wave function ? 3
9 What is the physical significance of normalisation of wave function ? Normalise the 5
wavefunction given by 𝝍𝒏 (𝒙) = 𝑨𝒔𝒊𝒏 (𝒂 𝒙) for 0 < x < a
10 Distinguish between phase velocity and group velocity. Show that group velocity of a 4
wave packet is equal to particle velocity.
11 State de Broglie hypothesis. A proton and an electron accelerated through potential 5
differences of V1 and V2 respectively, have the same de Broglie wavelength. Estimate
the ratio V1/V2.
12 State any two forms of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle. 4
An excited atom gives its excess energy by emitting a photon of frequency ϑ. The
average period that elapses between the excitation of an atom and emission of radiation
is 0.1ns. Estimate the uncertainty in the frequency of photon.
13 What are operators and expectation value? Define momentum ad energy operators. 4
14 Starting from Schrodinger’s time dependent wave equation, arrive at Schrodinger’s 5
time independent wave equation.
15 A beam of particles with mass m and energy E is incident at a potential step of height 6
VO. If energy of the particle is greater than the step potential (E > VO), obtain the
expressions for reflection and transmission coefficients.
16 A particle limited to x axis has the wave function 𝟁 = ax between x=0 and x=1. 𝟁=0 4
a. Find the probability that the particle can be found between x=0.45 and x=0.55.
b. Find the expectation value of x.

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