1999 - Crossing and Anticrossing of Energies and Widths For Unbound Levels

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20 May 1999

Physics Letters B 454 Ž1999. 171–175

Crossing and anticrossing of energies and widths

for unbound levels
P. von Brentano ) , M. Philipp
¨ Kernphysik, UniÕersitat
Institut fur ¨ zu Koln,
¨ Zulpicher
¨ ¨ Germany
Str. 77, 50937 Koln,
Received 9 November 1998; received in revised form 18 January 1999
Editor: J.-P. Blaizot


The crossing and anticrossing properties of the energies and widths of two unbound levels under the influence of a
symmetrical complex interaction are investigated. It is found that a sufficiently large variation of the difference of the
‘‘unperturbed’’ energies or of the widths leads always to a crossing of either the energies or the widths of the ‘‘perturbed’’
system. A particularly interesting result is that for a real off diagonal interaction there is a joint crossing of the
‘‘unperturbed’’ energies and of either the ‘‘perturbed’’ energies or the ‘‘perturbed’’ widths. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.
All rights reserved.

PACS: 03.65.-w; 03.80.q r; 32.80.Bx; 21.10.-k

The two level system is a fruitful tool in physics This paper discusses the crossing and anticrossing
and has many applications w1–5x. One usually con- of energies and widths of the two level system for
siders, the properties of a system of two bound unbound levels. For the system of two bound states it
states. It is of interest to extend this study from is known that the difference D E s E1 y E2 of the
bound states to unbound states w6–15x. Interesting energies E1 and E2 can not vanish if the off diago-
examples of unbound two level systems are e.g.: nal matrix element of the interaction does not vanish
1. The I p s 2q, T s 1, T s 0 doublet in 8 Be w16,17x. w1–6x. In short: the energies of two bound states,
2. The r – v T s 1, T s 0 doublet of mesons anticross for a non vanishing offdiagonal interaction:
w9,18,19x. n / 0. This statement is a special case of a theorem
3. Doublets of resonance’s in cavities w20x. of Wigner and von Neumann w1x.
In the present paper the crossing and anticrossing
of unbound levels is studied. The energy ´ of an
unbound level is in general a complex number:
´ s E y ir2 G Ž 1.
E-mail: brentano@ikp.uni-koeln.de
Present address: SAP AG, Neurottstr. 16, 69190 Waldorf, Here E s Re ´ is the real energy and G s y2 Im ´
Germany. is the width of the unbound state. The complex

0370-2693r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 7 0 - 2 6 9 3 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 3 7 8 - 0
172 P. Õon Brentano, M. Philippr Physics Letters B 454 (1999) 171–175

energy difference ´ 1 y ´ 2 of two unbound states is From time reversal invariance one obtains further
thus also in general a complex number that the width matrix Gn m s Ž W t W . n m and the en-
ergy matrix h n m are real and symmetric 2 = 2 matri-
´ 1 y ´ 2 s D E y ir2 DG Ž 2. ces. The width matrix G s W t W is a positive
semidefinite matrix. Combining the energy matrix
There are different possible cases of crossing and h n m with the width matrix Gn m one obtains the
of anticrossing in the unbound two level system effective Hamiltonian matrix: H s h y ir2 G .
depending on the vanishing or non vanishing of the One can write the effective symmetric Hamilto-
real part D E or of the imaginary part y1r2D G of nian H in the form of Eq. Ž6..
the complex energy difference ´ 1 y ´ 2 .
We mention that there have been several works in
which the concept of energy repulsion and width H11 H12
attraction was discussed for a system of two un-
bound states w6–12,17x. This problem is related to
ž H21 H22 /
but different from the crossing and anticrossing rela- E10 y ir2 G 10 n y ir2 v
tion which will be discussed here. Furthermore the
crossing and anticrossing relations are derived here
for the general case of a 2 = 2 matrix with a sym-
ž n y ir2 v D E10 y ir2 G 10 / Ž 6.

metrical complex off diagonal interaction whereas It is further assumed for simplicity that the effective
the energy repulsion width attraction relations were Hamiltonian H is energy independent. This is a
derived previously only for an off diagonal interac- reasonable assumption far from thresholds.
tion which was either real or purely imaginary. This form allows the standard decomposition of
Before the crossing problem is discussed in detail, H into an ‘‘unperturbed’’ effective Hamiltonian H 0
the meaning of the effective Hamiltonian for un- and a complex off diagonal interaction V:
bound states will be clarified. A proper description
of the unbound system is done in the frame of an
´ 01 0 0 n y ir2 v
S-matrix. We can define an effective Hamiltonian H
from the propagator of the S-matrix. A convenient
form of an unitary S-matrix which exhibits the prop-
ž 0 ´ 02
/ ž
n y ir2 v 0 /
Ž 7.
agator has been given by Mahaux and Weidenmuller ¨
in their book w21x and was also used by other authors
e.g.: w13–15,22–25x. Time reversal invariance is as- The special form n y ir2 v of writing the off
sumed and therefore the S-matrix is symmetric. For diagonal complex interaction matrix element is used
a system with two unbound states this leads to the in order to simplify the relations below. The poles ´ 1
following representation of the S-matrix w21x: and ´ 2 of the S-matrix are identical with the com-
plex eigenenergies of the effective Hamiltonian and
S Ž E . s U 1 y iW Dy1 Ž E . W t 4 Uq, Ž 3. are given by the solutions of Eq. Ž8.:

D Ž E . n m s Ed n m y H n m det Ž ´d n m y Hn m . s 0 Ž 8.
s Ed n m y h n m q 1r2i Ž W t W . n m , Ž 4. from which the well-known expressions for the com-
with plex energies of the two level system are obtained
h )n m s h n m ,Wcn s Wcn) and n,m g w 1,2 x Ž 5.
´ 1,2 s 1r2 Ž H11 q H22 .
Here Wcn is the M = 2 matrix of the decay ampli-
tudes which couple the M channels to the 2 levels. U 2 1r2
is a unitary matrix, which describes the background. " 1r2 Ž H11 y H22 . q 4 H12 H21 Ž 9.
P. Õon Brentano, M. Philippr Physics Letters B 454 (1999) 171–175 173

From Eq. Ž9. one obtains the square of the differ- course the possibility that D E and D G vanish si-
ence of the complex energies Ž ´ 1 y ´ 2 . 2 : multaneously as was discussed above. Eq. Ž13. is a
2 2 crossing anticrossing relation. One finds further that
Ž ´ 1y ´ 2 . s Ž ´ 10 y ´ 20 . the sign of A specifies whether there is energy
2 crossing Ž D E s 0. or width crossing Ž D G s 0. as is
q 4 Ž n y ir2 v . s A y i B Ž 10 .
shown in Eqs. Ž14a. and Ž14b.:
In order to discuss Eq. Ž10. it is useful to consider
the differences of the energies D E and of the widths A ) 0 and B s 0 m D E / 0 and DG s 0 Ž 14a.
D G of the two ‘‘perturbed’’ states and of D E 0 and
D G 0 of the ‘‘unperturbed’’ states. By decomposing A - 0 and B s 0 m D E s 0 and DG / 0 Ž 14b.
Eq. Ž10. into its real part: A and its imaginary part:
yB one obtains Eqs. Ž11a. and Ž11b.: Relation Ž14a. is interesting. It states that for B s 0
2 2 2 2
energy anticrossing implies width crossing. For
Ž D E . y 1r4 Ž DG . s Ž D E 0 . y 1r4 Ž DG 0 . bound states the relation is trivial because the widths
q 4 Ž n 2 y 1r4v 2 . vanish everywhere. The relation is nontrivial for
unbound states, however. Eq. Ž11b. implies that by
sA Ž 11a. varying D E 0 or D G 0 in a sufficiently large range
0 0
Ž D E DG . s Ž D E DG . q 4nv s B Ž 11b. while keeping the other parameters of H constant
These equations are the basis of the following dis- one can make B s 0. Thus in cases where D E 0 or
cussions of the crossing and anticrossing of the D G 0 can be varied in the experiment in a suffi-
levels. One notes that the functional dependence of ciently large range one finds either energy or width
the quantities A and B on the parameters of the crossing. The width crossing relation is a rather
Hamiltonian H of Eqs. Ž2. and Ž6. are given by Eqs. general, somewhat surprising and interesting result.
Ž11a. and Ž11b.. The conditions under which it holds can be realized
To begin the discussion we first consider the full in experiments.
complex energy crossing i.e. the case: ´ 1 s ´ 2 . One Particularly simple and strong results are obtained
finds the Eq. Ž12.: for a special off diagonal interaction for which nv s
0. That is for either a real or a purely imaginary off
´ 1 s ´ 2 m A s 0 and B s 0 Ž 12 . diagonal interaction. One finds:
Eq. Ž12. gives the conditions for full complex energy
crossing. Such crossing is possible in the case of nv s 0 and B s 0 m Ž D E DG . s Ž D E 0DG 0 . s 0
unbound levels also for a nonvanishing interaction Ž 15 .
n y ir2 v / 0. This was noted before w8–12x. The
reason is, that a complex symmetrical 2 = 2 matrix Thus for this special interaction the ‘‘perturbed’’
has more parameters than the real symmetrical 2 = 2 widths or energies will cross at the crossing point of
matrix and these many parameters make it possible the ‘‘unperturbed’’ widths or energies. The question
to fulfil the two relations A s 0 and B s 0 also for a whether the ‘‘perturbed’’ widths or energies cross
non vanishing off diagonal interaction. The complex depends again on the sign of A as is shown in Eqs.
energy crossing has been discussed in great detail by Ž11a. and Ž11b.. One finds Eqs. Ž16a. and Ž16b.:
Mondragon ´ and Hernandez
´ w11x.
We now discuss the partial crossing which is <2 n < ) <1r2 DG 0 < and D E 0 s 0 and v s 0
particularly interesting for the unbound system.
Namely we consider that either the energy difference ´ DG s 0 and and D E / 0 Ž 16a.
D E, or the width difference D G vanish. One finds ED E 0
in both cases that the parameter B must vanish. One
<2 n < - <1r2 DG 0 < and D E 0 s 0 and v s 0
obtains Eq. Ž13.:
B s 0 m Ž D E DG . s 0 m D E s 0 or DG s 0 Ž 13 . EDG
´ D E s 0 and and DG / 0 Ž 16b.
Eq. Ž13. contains the logical ‘‘or’’, which includes of ED E 0
174 P. Õon Brentano, M. Philippr Physics Letters B 454 (1999) 171–175

In Eqs. Ž16a. and Ž16b. all quantities of the ‘‘per- one can calculate the difference of the widths: D G t s
turbed’’ system as e.g. D E, D G , treated as functions Ž G1tg y G 2tg .t as a function of the parameters D E 0
of the parameter D E0 are to be taken at the value and n . D G is directly related to the difference of
D E 0 s 0. One can also obtain corresponding rela- the amplitudes a 2 and b 2 of the expansion of the
tions for a variation of the parameter D G 0 . The ‘‘perturbed’’ states into the ‘‘unperturbed’’ states
derivatives ED ErED E 0 and EDGrED E 0 in Eqs. Ž16a. which is given in Eq. Ž18.:
and Ž16b. are obtained from Eqs. Ž11a. and Ž11b. by
keeping all parameters Ž D G 0 , n , v . constant except
c 1 s ac 10 q bc 20 , c 2 s ybc 10 q ac 20 Ž 18 .
D E0 .The relation Ž16a. implies that for a sufficiently
large real interaction with <2 n < ) <1r2 D G 0 < the
three quantities D E 0 , D G and EDGrED E 0 will One finds DG t s Ž a 2 y b 2 .. This shows the origin
vanish jointly wheras D E does not vanish for of width crossing. Namely the amplitudes a 2 and
D E 0 s 0. b 2 cross at the parameter value D E 0 s 0.
Eq. Ž16b. gives the conditions for a joint vanish- This model gives an intuitive explanation for
ing of the three quantities D E0 , D E and EDGrED E 0 width crossing in terms of a complete mixing of the
whereas D G does not vanish for D E 0 s 0. One two states. This model is valid of course only for
notes that Eq. Ž16a. is well known for boundstates. It very small widths, when perturbation theory applies.
shows that the difference of the energies Ž D E . s Ž E1 We do not know a similarly intuitive explanation for
y E2 . of the two states has an extremal value at the energy crossing.
crossing point of the ‘‘unperturbed’’ energies Ž D E 0 Summing up the anticrossing relation for the ener-
s 0.. gies in a system of two bound states is extended to
It should be stressed that the joint crossing of the crossing–anticrossing relations for the energies and
three quantities is found for purely real or imaginary widths of a system of two unbound states. Since the
interactions. For a general complex interaction the energies of the unbound states are complex numbers
three quantities will not vanish jointly in general. there is a rich physical scenario for crossing and
It is useful to derive the width crossing relation anticrossing of the real or imaginary parts of the
directly in a simple model. The electromagnetic de- complex energies.
cay of a system of two interacting bound states c 1 A particularly interesting result is that in a system
and c 2 to the groundstate cg is considered in of two unbound states with an off diagonal interac-
perturbation theory. The system is described by the tion there is a value of the difference of the real
Hamiltonian of Eq. Ž6. with v s 0 and vanishing ‘‘unperturbed’’ energies D E0 for which the ‘‘per-
‘‘unperturbed’’ widths: G 01 s G 20 s 0. One assumes turbed’’ energies or the ‘‘perturbed’’ widths cross.
that the two states c 1 , c 2 decay by electromagnetic An even stronger result is obtained for a sufficiently
E2-transitions to the ‘‘unperturbed’’ groundstate strong real interaction. For such an interaction one
< cg0 : s < cg :. Thus one obtains the transition decay finds that the three quantities D E 0 , D G and ED Er
widths G 1t and G 2t in perturbation theory by Eq. ED E 0 will vanish jointly.
Ž17.: This is a rather general result because the condi-
tions for which it holds are rather weak and can be
realized in experiments.
G 1tg s <² cg0 < E2 < c 1 :< 2 a2 , G 2tg s <² cg0 < E2 < c 2 :< 2 a2 Finally we give an experimental example for
Ž 17 . which the scenario of joint ‘‘unperturbed’’ energy
crossing: D E 0 s 0 and ‘‘perturbed’’ width crossing:
D G s 0 is at least approximately fullfilled. This ex-
where a is a constant. We use the same relations ample is the famous doublet of I p s 2q T s 0 and
also for the unperturbed case. One assumes in this T s 1 resonances in 8 Be. These resonances were
model for simplicity that in the ‘‘unperturbed’’ sys- studied both in experiment and in analysis in great
tem H 0 there is only one nonvanishing transition detail, e.g. by Hinterberger et.al. w16x. They have
width G 1tg0 / 0, G 2tg0 s 0. With these assumptions become one of the most completely studied exam-
P. Õon Brentano, M. Philippr Physics Letters B 454 (1999) 171–175 175

ples of resonance doublets in nuclear physics Žsee Acknowledgements

also references in w16x.. We follow here an analysis
w17x which used the same form of the S-matrix as is We thank Dr. G. Pascovici for many discussions.
used in the present paper.
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w18x L.M. Barkov et. al., Nucl. Phys. B 256 Ž1985. 365 and
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