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Lung sound


1. Stethoscope
2. alcohol wipe
3. linen to cover patient
4. gloves


..Nurse ..Perform hand hygiene


Disinfect diagram end pieces and earpiece with alcPatien


1. identify patient using two identifiers

2. greet patient
3. explain procedure
4. provide privacy
5. assist patient to lose his clothes or assist him to wear gown
6. if patient has hairy chest ,wet hair and apply pressure on stethoscope

Procedure steps

1. auscultate anterior chest

2. position patient in semi Fowler position
• broncial...on tracheal notch
• bronchovesicular...second intercostal space right left sternum
• vesicular...from apecies under clavical bone to 6 rib by zigzag method
by move from one side to another side then downward and listen full
respiration in each location
• don't place diagram directly to female breast displace breast then listen
directly to chest wall
3. auscultate posterior chest

1. Position patient sitting leaning forward and arms rest comfortably on
2. instruct client to take deep breath deeper than usual form mouth and
stop when feeling dizziness
3. broncovesicular..between scapula para spinal
4. vesicular..from C7 to T10

3. Auscultate laterally From axillary to rib7or8

4. 3breath sound characteristics and its location and note for any abnormality
and identify its characteristics

5. must differentiate between breath sound and noise around caused by (your
breath near diagram or stethoscope tube noise or patient chest hair)

6. assisst patient wear his clothes

7. Remove equipment

8. remove gloves perform hand hygiene

9. documentation


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