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Flunecny is a very important part of a students literacy development.

This is because if a student

is unable to read fluently, they are unable to comprehend with the same exent of there peer that is

able to read fluently. When a student is unable to read fluently they are reading to read, but they

are able to understand what to text is saying therefore they are not comprehneding. As we talked

about in class if you give a student a textbook, mostly just read to read and not reciprocate what

they are reading so with that being said. You want the student to be able to read fluently because

with that they can understand what they are reading The best practice I feel like in fluency

instruction is coral reading. The first time I’ve seen this in the only time I’ve ever seen this in a

classroom was one we did it with Dr. Wirtz. I found the strategy to be very useful as it allows

you as a teacher to model for the students exactly how you want them to read. Also it really gives

you as a teacher a way to use explicit instruction on how you want them to read fluently so, for

example when you’re reading a text, you can show them how you want them to pace, to show

expression, to to show when you need to pause when they hit a punctuation. It’s just alao more, it

can be visual and it’s conceptional at the same time as we talked about before. Students reading

fluency when reading directly affects their comprehension skills so for me the way that it

reflected my assignment was while we were reading is that I would pause and ask the student

questions. I want her to think there is more going on so that she work on trying to comprehend

the text, and think about comprehending what the text is truly saying if I asked her. Another way

that we worked on comprehension in the assessment was that I would work with the student on

how to pace, and if there was a word she read incorrectly I would have her reread the sentence to

properly comprehend.

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