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CEHDRA2 Problem Set 2 on Uniform Flow (Part A)

Problem 1:

A rectangular channel 5m wide carries a discharge of 100 m3/s at normal depth. The
channel is running on a slope of 0.005 m/m and has a Manning n value of 0.035.
Determine the normal depth for this situation.

Problem 2:

A trapezoidal channel is to be designed to carry a discharge of 100 m 3/s at a normal depth

of 2m. Geotechnical considerations require that the channel side slopes be no steeper
than 2H/1V and the channel must be laid on a slope of 0.001 m/m. The estimated
roughness coefficient is 0.035. What must be the bottom width of the channel to
accomplish this purpose?

Problem 3:

Determine the uniform depth yo, area A, and wetted perimeter P for the following

a. Trapezoidal channel, m1 =2.5m, m2 =3.5m, b = 4.5m, Q = 35m3/s, n = 0.015, So =

b. Circular channel, d = 2.1m, Q = 4.25m3/s, n = 0.012, So = 0.001
c. Rectangular channel, b = 7.5m, Q = 33m3/s, n = 0.020, So = 0.0004

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