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From: Kyla Anderson

To: Content Director

Date: 11/20/2023
Subject Line: Braiding Tutorial

Dear Content director,

I have conducted a usability test with a tutorial on how to braid hair. The feedback I have
received was positive and informative, with comments such as “very easy to follow” and
“perfect for beginners”. I also received positive feedback on the picture demonstrations that I
provided and was told that they were immensely helpful. Some criticism followed by the
usability test were as listed:
 More detail on the width of the sections, and how wide they should be.
With these changes in place, I will conduct another test in the hope of limiting the previous
issues present.

Kyla Anderson
Date: 10/23/2023
To: Content creator
From: Kyla Anderson
Subject: Braiding Tutorial
Reference: In response to your instruction packet

Hello everyone, I am writing in regards of finalizing the usability test on how to braid hair. The
initial usability test took place on October 3rd, 2023, where three different participants would put
our instructions to the test. With the feedback received I was able to make changes and critique
my instructions to further improve them.
There was a plethora of positive feedback from the instructions when put to the test, with little
criticism. The majority of the positive feedback I received was on the images that were provided,
as I was told “the images helped a lot”, and “the images were really easy to follow”. Although,
on the other hand, I was told that I could have been more specific on how much hair should be
added to each section, given more detail on the width and little details as so.
The results from users using the instructions were all positive. Everyone seemed to have a clear
understanding of the steps and had relatively no complaints. I found that the images were the
most successful aspect of the instructions, as I received note that they were the most helpful
sttribution when completing the tutorial.
In conclusion, the usability test was modified to add more details, and the outcomes of the
instructions were very positive. The more simplistic and straight to the point they were, the better
the outcomes were.

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