Past Simple

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Grammar * Put the words In the

4 correct order to form

• Past simple (regular and irregular questions based on the
verbs) text In Ex. 3. Answer them.

1 * Write the POlt limp'e form of the verbs . 1 live/France/in/Amelia Earhart/

1 go - ........................... . 9 do - ...................... .
Did Am
2 see- ...... .. ................ .. . 10 eat- .......................... .
I\f \h ddn'/ She lived i'1
3 decide - ................... .. . 11 have- ........................ .
4 give - ......................... . 12 come- ...................... .
2 train/Ame lia/did/a/doctor/as?
5 wear - ........ ................ . 13 live- .. .. .... ... ............... .
6 discover - .................. . 14 say - .......................... .
7 buy - ........................ .. 15 take- ......... ............... ..
3 she/across/Allanlic/fly/1928/
8 drop - ........................ .

* Read Jamie's
2 list Thi.t19,s. tQ <l.Q!
and make go to supermarket - buy eggs, bread, milk .,t 4 disappear/the/ Atlantic/Amelia's
sentences write a letter to pen-friend ~
send an email to the bank ./ plane/did/ over/Ocean?
about what she
did/ didn't do give Mum a caU about Dad's birthday 1
meet Bob at 7. 30 outside the cinema ./
finish Geography project X 5 anyone/did/Amelia/again/see?

1 ... nO mlk
2 ... dn ~ wflte a (eUet tl her pen-rf'1end.

5 to**make
3 Expand the prompts
4 questions, then
5 answer them .
6 ...............................................................................
1 when/you/last visit a castle?
* Put the verbs In brackets into the
3 palt V j "VI ']('15'

2 Where/you/live/when you were
Amelia Ear hart 1) ............... ............... (live) six years old?
in America. She 2) ...................... ..... ..... .
(become) a nurse during the First World War, but
3) ................................ . (stop) nursing when she 3 What/you/eat/for breakfast/this
4) .............................. (visit ) an airfield. At that moment, she morning?
5) ........... ,..................... (decide) to be a pilot. Amelia
6) ................................. (learn) how to fly and, in 1928, she
7) ...... ,...................... (fly) across the Atlantic Ocean on her own. 4 Who/send you a text message/
Amelia 8) ............................. (be) very popular, but in 1937 her yeste rday?
plane 9) ....................... " ...... ". (disa ppear) somewhere over the
Pacific Ocean and no one ever 10) .. ................... (see) her again.


• Prepositions of movement • Grammar Revision

6 Fill in the correct p r eposition of

movement. 7 * Choose the correct answer.
1 What did you ..... for dinner yesterday?
• through • into • up • under A eats B ate C eat
• across • down • along • past
2 Rachel ..... to the cinema last Saturday.
A did go B went C go

3 Jack walked ..... the road .

A under B through C across
4 r ..... what to say!
A didn 't know B not know
1 John left his house 2 He walked C didn't knew
and walked .............. the rive r.
5 Walk ..... the hospital to get to the train
............. the road.
A down B past C along

6 Emma ..... a long letter to her pen-friend .

A w rites B write C wrote

7 ..... that good film on TV last night?

A Do you see 8 Did you saw
3 He went .............. 4 He went ............ .. C Did you see
a fa rm house. the tunnel. 8 Alex went to the park and ..... his friends.
A met B meet C meets

I 9 When ..... ?
A did da Vinci died
C da Vinci died
B did da Vinci die

10 He tripped and fell ..... the stairs.

A into B along C down
5 He walked 6 He ran ............. .
.............. the hill. the other side of 11 We had an amazing time ......
the hill. A ton ight B yesterday C tomorrow

12 They ..... a long time at the museum.

A didn 't spend B didn' t spent
C not spend

** Write sentences about yourself

8 using the expressions in the list.
7 He walked 8 He went ........ ..... . • the day befo re yesterday • in 2007
.............. the his house . • two hours ago • yesterday
bridge. • last weekend • last night

* Read the text below and mark the statements T (true), F (false) or OS (doesn 't say) .

How Miui slowed down the sun

According to Maori legend. in ancien! times. the !-un moved quick ly across the sky. People
were very unhappy because the days were too shan and they couldn '{ get all their work
One day. a young Maori fisherman called Mau; decided he wanted to make
the sun travel more slowly. He and his brothers made some ropes oul
of flax. Then they travelled lowards the east to where the sun rises.
After J 2 days. they arrived at the edge of a huge. red-hot pit where the
sun was sleeping. They hid behind some rocks. When the sun began to
risc, the)' threw their ropes over him. "Aaaarrrhhh!" the sun roared in
anger. "What are you doingT "From now on you will travel slowly
across the sky!" Mwi ordered the sun. The sun refused and tried to
get free. Bul Maui wou ldn 't let him go. "What aboul just some of the
time?" said sun. MfuJi thought. "OK Sun. If you promise 10 go
slowly for six months of the year, I will release you:' Then sun
promised ". and that's the slory of why we have longer days in summer.

1 Maui and his brothers were fishermen.

2 Maui put the ropes on the sun while the sun was asleep.
3 Maui was angry when the sun refused to travel slowly.

** Read again and answer the

questions. Listening
1 Why were people not happy? * \".' Listen to Adam talking to his
3 mum about what he and his friends
2 Who was Maui? did at the weekend. Match the people
to the activities.
3 Where did Maui go to trap the sun?
People Activities
4 Where did Maui and his brothers hide from IIClAmy A swim in the pool
the sun? []IJ Paul B stay home
[ID Alex C study at the library
5 How did Maui and his brothers trap the sun?
ffiJ Kate D walk the dog
[IT] Jordan E tidy the flat
6 What did Maui want the sun to do? F order a takeaway
G cook breakfast
7 What arrangement did Maui make with the H play tennis

8 Why did the Sun agree?

Vocabulary 6 *Use the phrases from Ex. S to

* Complete the text w ith the w o rds

4 below.
complete the sentences.

1 The Giant's Causeway is a ............. .............

. .................. on the Irish coast .
• fought • ran back • enemy • once
2 People say it's a really ..... .. ..................... ... .
• before • terrified • pow erfu l • w hile
of myth and legend .
3 There was a .................... ,,'," .. ....... ........... .
~andthe millions of years ago.
4 The .... ..................... ............... formed in to
One-eyed Giant strange six-sided shapes.
1) .............. .............. .. there was a Greek hero,
5 The shapes ..... ...... .... .... ...... ................ and
Odysseus. He 2) ...... ...................... aga inst the peop le can walk on them.
Trojans and then wa nted to sa il ho me to t he
island of Ithaca. On the way, he and his me n
landed on the island of the Cyclops. The
* Fill In: surface, legend, huge, result,
cools, cross.
Cyclops were 3) ............................... one-eyed
gia nts and they ate men! 1 When lava .................. , the ....... ........ ..... .. .
One of t he m trapped Odysseus and h is becomes hard enough to walk on.
4) .............. .............. men in a cave. Every day, 2 When Benandonner saw Finn MacCool
the one-eyed g ian t ate two of them. One night, dressed in babies' clothes, he imag ined the
5) .................... ............... the giant was asleep, .......... ..... size of the father and was afraid.
Odysseus put a huge piece of wood into the 3 The giants wanted to ........... ....... the sea
eye of his 6) .............. ......... .... ... ...... The giant between Ireland and Scotland.
co uldn 't see and 4 The ........ ....... ... of Finn MacCool is wel l·
Odys.seus and his men known in Ireland.
7) .......... .. .... .. .. .... .. 5 Scientists say the Causeway is a ... ............. .
to their ship. of something that happened a long time ago.
Odysseus had many
more adve nture s Dictation
8) ................... ..
he finally arrived
... * '..' Liste n and complete the story.
home ten lon g
yea rs later. Hercu les was a grea t hero in Greek
mythOlogy. The story says that he was a very

5 * Match the words to make phrases. 1) ................................ man.

Hercules was 2) ....................................... He
was very 3) .................................... He killed
CID volcanic a together many beasts and won many battles. He was
[ID bo iling b eruption also 4) ................................ .
[I[J wonder c place Hercules was th e only hero to become a god.
~ mysterious d lava He was a 5) ................................ .
[ID fit e of nature


Vocabulary Everyday English

1 * Do th e crorrssword. * Replace the phrases with phrases

3 from the list ,
' I I I I 1 I
I' • Which actors are in the film?
I' I • What's the plot?
I- I-
• It's a shame I missed it.
I' I I I' I I I • It wasn't great. • That's too bad.
19 10
I- 1 I I I I I 1 Not so good ............................................. .
2 I'm sorry about that. ............................... ..
3 What's it about? ...................................... ..
I- I" I I I I I 4 It's a pity I didn't watch it. ....................... ..
I- 5 Who stars in it? ........................................ .
2 a family
that is in power for several
* Complete the dialogue with the
4 correct Item.
4 a huge stone construction that has a square
base and four sloping triangular sides • Who stars in it • It sounds great
6 a period of conflict between countries • Really? What's it about
7 a building to worship a god or gods e.g. in • How was your weekend
ancient Greece • What were the special effects like
8 made of rock
A: 1) ................................................... ........ ?
10 the scientific study of the un ive rse and the
B: Not too bad. I watched a film on Saturday
objects in it
called Avatar. It was brilliant.
11 the art of designing bUildings
A: 2) .......................................... ................ ?
12 a long period of time without rain
B: It's a science fiction film about another
Down planet.
1 a society in which people have their own A: Sounds interesting. 3) ............................ ?
organisation and culture B: They were amazing. Everything looked real.
3 a very sad event A: 4) ....... ... ..................... ... ............... ......... ,
5 person who rules or governs (e.g. a king! B: Sam Worthington plays lake Sully and Zoe
prime minister) Saldana plays a princess.
9 a life-like representation of a person/animal A: 5) ...................................................... !
ele. carved from stone/wood ete
** You are discussing a film you
2 * Choose the corred preposition. 5 watched last night. Write a dialogue.
1 He gets o n/in well with his relatives. Use the dialogue in Ex. 4 as a model.
2 She's good of/ at drawing.
3 The shops are full of/ with people.
4 The dynasty was about/ around for 100 years.
5 Is Peru in/at southern America?


Writing * Read again and underline all the
phrases that show the sequence of
• events e.g. In 14S2, as a child.
* * Read the text and complete the
notes In the fact file about this person. * * Look at the fact file about Marie
Curie. Use the phrases in the list to
write sentences about her, as In the
rdo da Vinci example.
Leonardo da Vinci was an artist.
sculptor, arch itect and • on 7th November, 1867 • As a child
inventor. He drew early • In 1891 • When she was 30 • In 1903
designs for many of the • 8 years later • at th e age of 66
things we use today. He was
born in 1452 and as a child -1 FACT FILE
he lived in Vinci, a small Name: Marie Curie
town near Florence, Italy.
WherelWhen born : Warsaw, 7th November, 1867
When he was 14, he started working for a local artist.
Early years : very good at Mathematics and Physics,
He was clever and creative. so people soon began to
1891 - went to study at Sorbonne University in Paris
ask him to paint for them. In 1482, he moved from
Achievements : 1898 - discovered polonium and
Florence because he wanted to work for the Duke of
Milan. During this time. he continued to paint and he radium, 1903 - won Nobel Prize in Physics, 1911 -
also designed buildings and weapons. won Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Leonardo moved back to Florence in 1500 and painted later years: 1906 - first woman professor at the
the Mono Usa, the most famous painting in the world . Sorbonne University, Paris, promoted X-ray
At the age of 65. Leonardo went to live in (Iaux, machines during First World War
France. He died there three years later, in 1519. WhereIWhen died: Savoy, France, 4th July, 1934
To this day, people go to see Leonardo da Vinci's .- ~..I
amazing work in museums and galleries all around the Morie Curie wns born on '01 November, 1867. ...... .
. ......................................................................... .
......... .... ... ........... ..... .•.. ............... .......... ..... ... ..... .

__ --.f FACT FILE ...........................................................................

.................................................... ....... ................
Name: ................................................................
WhereIWhen born: ............. .. ... .......................... ...... .............. ........................................ ....... ....... .
Early years: .. ......................•................. ....................... ... .. .. ...

Achievements: * * Use the fact file and your

sentences In Ex. 3 to write a biography
of Marie Curie. Use the biography in
Ex. 1 as a model.
later years:
Para 1: nam e, where/when born
Para 2: early years
Where/When died: Para 3: achievements, later years, date/
place she died
Para 4: your feeling s, comments

Vocabulary * * Find ten words related to
3 celebrations .

* Match the words from column A
1 with the words from column B to form p A R A 0 E F C Y
F E S T V A L 0 E
1 I I carnival a temple
21 I traditional b music W E 0 p Q T Y A M S
31 I street c feast S M S C N E E
0 U
41 I fireworks d costumes
R F H L 0 U 0 K N
si I ancient e parades
61 I live f display K 0 P B N M J B E T
71 I gigantic 9 time S A 0 A N C E 0 T s
181 I fantastic h masks

* Read the text and fill in the gaps

4 with the words/ phrases from the list.
* Use the phrases from Ex. 1 In the
7. correct form to complete the • alive • feast • costumes • funny
sente nce s. • icing

1 Many people wear

...... for some celebrations in their country.
2 Mardi Gras in New Orleans is a huge
celebration with many .............................. .
Last week, I celebrated
my 161h birthday. All
3 Every year people prepare a(n) ................. .
the guests wore silly
.............................. for the Monkey Festival.
I) ............................. ! 11
4 We watched a fantastic ........................... ..
was so
....... ....................... on New Year's Eve.
2) ..............................., After
5 We listened to .......................................... .
everyone arrived we
at the festival.
hada 3) ........................ We
6 We danced and had fun all night at the
hod chicken, burgers and
party. We had a ....................................... .
sausages. Mum made a huge
7 Every year in Lopburi, the Monkey Festival
birthday cake for me. It had my name on
takes place at a(n) ................................... ..
it in 4) .......................................... Everyone sang
Happy Birthday and Ihen Ihe party really
8 People wear beautiful .............................. ..
came 5) .................................................. It wos
.............................................................. at
one of the happiest doys of my life'
the Notting Hill Carnival.


5 * Use the verbs In the list In the * Choose the c:orrect feeling
7 to complete the sentenc:es. A, B or C
correct form to complete the
1 She was very ....... after a long day of travelling.
• prepare • climb • take • celebrate A ti red B sad C happy
• come • try • pull • listen 2 I was ....... when 1 found out I passed all my
1 We ................ .......... to some amazmg exams.
bands at the carnival last week. A thri lled B disappointed C sad
2 A monkey ....................... onto my shoulder 3 My brother was ....... when his friend didn't
at the festival and ..................... my hair. come to the party.
3 My grandma ................... , ...... delicious A happy B disappointed
food for ou r New Year's Eve party. C ti red
4 Every year, the whole town ........................ . 4 I was so ....... when my parents got me a
alive during the spring festival. dog as a present.
Si .......................... lots of photos of the A sad B tired C happy
parade at the carnival.
5 The chi ld ren were ....... to see a bird in the
6 My m um .......................... her birthday two
days ago.
A surprised B bored C disappointed
7 I .......................... some interesting street
food at the festival. It was very tasty!

8 * Choose the c:orrect word.

• , The party was very bored / boring.

* Look at the clues and complete the
6 crossword with the appropriate
It was a very tired / tiring day yesterday.
You look surprised / surprising.
adjective. 4 Ann was disappointed / disappointing
when she failed her exams.
5 It was an excited / exciting ride.

* * Now write sentenc:es about

, I feel disappointed when

2 I feel surprised when ................................ .

3 I feel bored when ..................................... .
4 I feel happy when .................................... ..


Grammar 3 * Look at the picture.
Form questions, then
• Past continuous answer them.

1 * Tom took this photo last week . Look at the

picture and put the verbs In brackets into the past

1 the family /celebrate the girl's

This is 0 picture of my famity at the town carnival last
t: 'Vert!
week. The sun 1) ............................................. (shine) and everyone
2) ..................................................... (hovel a fantastic t ime. My mum
2 they/eat the cake?
3) ..............."............................. (watch) the parade. The people on
.................................. ............
the floats 4) .......................................... (wear) amazing costumes!
My little brothers 5) ................................................... (play) with their 3 they/smile?
balloons and they 6) ... ".............................................. (weor) funny
masks! Dad 7l .,........................ ,.. ,"' ................ ,. (eat) some delicious
street food. I 8) """ ...... "....................... "............ (take) the photo!
4 the girl/sit on a chai r?
............................... ... ............
....................................... .......

2 * The Adams family were preparing for a fancy S she/open her presents?
dress party yesterday afternoon at 4:00. Use the ..............................................
words to write sentences about what each person ..............................................
was doing, as in the example. 6 her brother/sit next to her?
, Mary/ blow up balloons X (bake a cake)
Mar I' rnr 1 t') '11 S oke
2 Dad/clean the kitchen X (clean the bathroom)
... .. ' ................................................................................
4 ** Answer the questions.
3 Mum / prepare the food X (do the shopping) What were you do ing:
...................................................................................... 1 yesterday morning at 9:00?
4 John/wash the windows X (organise the music) ..............................................
... ............. ............................ . ........... .. .. .. ......... . . .. ........... ............................................. .
5 Grandma and Granddad/make masks X (make John's 2 last Saturday at 5:00?
costume) ................... ...........................
.......•............................................................................. . ............................................. .

• Past simple vs • Grammar Revision

7 * Choose the correct answer.

past continuous

5 ** Put the verbs In brackets Into the

1 ... they watching the parade this afternoon?
past simple or the past continuous.
A Was B Did C Were
• A: We 1) ....................................... (have)
2 What at 9:00 last night?
a picn ic in the park on Sunday when it
A were you doing B you were doing
2) ................................... ........ (start)
C did you do
raining heavily.
B: What a sha mel What 3) ... .. . ...... .. . 3 Tom ..... reading at 3:00 today.
...... ............... ............... ....... (you / do) ? A didn't B wasn 't C weren't
A: We quickly 4) ..................................... .
4 I ... .. some amazing costumes at the carnival.
(p ut) everything in the ca r and 5) ...... .
A wa s seeing B saw C were seeing
.......................................... (go) ho me.
5 Grace and Sammy ..... all night at the party.
• A: What tim e 6) ................... .................. . A dancing B was dancing
................... (you/ arrive) at the party? C were dancing
B: At about 9:00. Everyone 7) ................. .
6 ..... slee ping when I called you yesterday?
..................................... _ (dance) and
A Was you B Were you C You were
8) ...................................... (eat) when
I 9) ................................... (get) there. 7 Mark sat down and ... .. to the band.
A listened B was listening
• A: What 10) ............................... ...... ........
C were listening
.............. (Tom and Sue/ do) wh ile yo u
11 ) .... .......................... .......... .... ..... ... . 8 ..... to th e food festival last week?
(speak) to me on the phone? A Were you going B You went
B: They 12) .. .......... ........... .................. .... . C Did you go
(watch) TV 9 My parents were sitting in the ga rden

6 ** Com plete the sentences with your

while we ..... a DVO.
A was watching B were watChing
own Ideas. Use the past simple and / or
C watched
t he past continuous.
10 ..... her costum e for the parade this
1 I was cooking in the kitchen when
afternoon? Yes, she was.
A Was Sa lly ma king B Did Sally make
2 Andy was eating a sandwich wh ile Paul .....
C Sally was making

3 At 4pm yesterday, Kate was ...................... . 11 Stuart was taking photos at the party .....
.............................. when ...................... .. everyo ne else was dancing .
A then B while C so
4 Sam and lane ........................................... , 12 ..... at 3:00 this afternoon?
then th ey .... .......... .................................. . A Were your parents sleeping
5 last Friday, Am anda B Did your parents sleep
C You r parents were sleeping

Skills 2 ** Read again and choose the correct answers.
Reading 1 What happened in 19401
* Read the t ext and fill In A Wait Disney made his second animated film.
B Pinocchio turned into a real boy.
th e gaps with the words .
e P;nocchio became the second best animated film .
• turns • later • come
• about • and • this • in 2 Who made the wooden toy?
A Geppetto B Pinocchio e Wait Disney

3 Why did Geppetto want Pinocchio to be a real person?

A He wanted his own child.
B He wanted to show what a good toymaker he was.
e He wanted to be friends with him.
In 1940, Wait Disney
produced his second
4 What was Pinocchio's cha racter like in the film?
A sad B naughty C happy
animated film. Pinocchio.
5 What did the giant whale do to Geppetto?
The film is I) ................ .
A It saved him.
a toymaker, Geppetto, B It turned him into a boy.
who makes a e It swallowed him.
wooden puppet and
6 What happened at the end of the film?
names him Pinocchio.
A Geppetto got his wish.
Geppetto wanted Pinocchio B Pinocchio got into more trouble.
to come alive 2) ................ . e The fairy turned Pinocchio into a toy.
be his son. 3) ................ .
the story, ex beautiful blue Listening
fairy makes Geppetto's
wish 4) ................. true.
* '
: :) Listen to lames t a lking to a friend about a
3 festival h e w e nt to with his friends. What did each
The fairy tells Pinocchio person do at th e fe stival ? For questions 1-5, write
that to be a real boy he must be a lette r (A-H) next t o each person. You will hear
good. Pinocchio finds 5) ................ . the conversation twice.
hard and gets into a lot of trouble.
People Activities
Pinocchio tells ex lot of lies, so his
nose becomes longer and longer.
11I Lilly A dance
12 lake B paint their face
6) ................. , Geppetto has an
13 Charlotte C listen to bands
adventure when a giant whale 14 Dylan D watch a fireworks display
swallows him. Pinocchio saves him Is James E watch a street parade
and the blue fairy 7) ................. F eat a traditional meal
Pinocchio into a real boy. G wear a traditional costume
H go on a roller coaster


* Use the pictures to do the puzzle and find the missing words.


~2 6
r , m
p c
r 4

, 3

~ r
u n e u

s * Fill In: breath, rides, gues ts, speed, Dictation

haun ted, exhausted.
** ':: Listen and complete the gaps.
1 We didn't stop all weekend. I was .............. .
by the endl last week, we Went to the
2 I was so scared in the haunted house. I held
1) ........................... in Venice Italy It
my ................................. most of the time! wa, 2) , .
................................... . The
3 Mickey Mouse was greeting the ................. . Whole city 3)
at Disneyland. People Wore 4)············· .................... .
4 [loved the feeling of .................................. . and carnival ma~~~:·;~~~~ .. :~~·········· .. ·
on the roller coaster. ~ ........... . the streets
....................... In
5 We went on all the .................................... .
I took 6) ..................................... In .
at the theme pa rk. the evening, We watched .
6 He was too scared to go into the ................ .
7) ..................................... We Were
.................. house. all 8) ........... ....................•.....


Vocabulary Everyday English

1 * Choose the correct words. * Complete the dialogue with the

correct Item.
1 The town carnival takes place I part every
• That's OK • Have you been waiting
year in July.
long • I'd better go • I'm really sorry
2 All the winners I competitors in the
pumpkin regatta make a boat out of a tall / A: Hi Charlotte, I'm sorry I'm late. 1) ........... .
giant pumpkin. ........................... ,.,., ...... ,.,.,.,., .............. ". 7,
3 The people of Dinant, Belgium, organise I B: No, not long, So, are you ready to play
arrange a funny boat race I ride every year. squash?
4 Mike won a gift / prize in the poetry A: Actually, I can't play squash today.
competition at the festival. B: Oh no! Why not?
5 loe is putting up celebrations I decorations A: My parents just called me to say I have to
for tonight's party. babysit my little brother this afternoon,
6 Everyone at the Bathtub Regatta gets water I ~..
wet. B: 3) . .. .... .. .. .. .. ... . ... .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. ... . .. ... .. .. .... .
A: I'm free tomorrow afternoon though. Why

2 * 00 the crossword. don't we play squash then?

8: Sure!
A: Great. Well, 4) ......................... ............... .
Have a good afternoon,
B: Thanks, You too!

4 * * Write a new dialogue using the

Ideas below.

~ 0 o
1 2
Greet B I Apologise
for being late. Ask
-~..... Greet A / Reply. Ask
A if they are ready
how long they have to play football.
4 been waiting.

s Say you can't. .......----.~ Ask why not.

Give reason (e.g. not K .. Accept A's apology.
finished your essay
yet). Apologise.
.- ;' Suggest another day ...' .. Agree
to play football.

Say you'd better go, .. .. Thank A. Wish A

Wish B a good day. the same.


Writing * Match the pictures (1 -4) below with
the events (a-d) of a story.

* Read the story and put the events
(A-F) In the order they happened (1-6) .

] ] One day last summer, my two best friends and J set out
on a day trip to a theme park. We were alt really excited
as we sat on the bus. We wanted to try the park's
amazing new roller coaster!

] ] We soon arrived at the park and found the new ride. 11

was very fast, but it was great fun! Then, suddenly, at the
very lop, the roller coaster stopped I We waited for about
haH an hour, but the ride didn't start again !
a Th e boat was moving up and down. / My
brother fell out of the boat.
]J We waited and waited, for one hour, then tor two hours.
b Last Sunday, my dad and I took my little
Some people were shouting and crying now. Then ,
suddenly. we heard fire engines. Firefighters put huge
brother to the park to go boating on the lake.
ladders up to the roller coaster and started climbing upl c My dad dived in and saved my brother. / The
The firefighters helped us all to climb out of the roller pa rk keeper told us a local story about a
coaster and down a ladderl lt was very scary! monster fish that lives in the lake.
(!] After, on the ground, we all felt very shocked and we d We got in the boat and started rowing. /
were shaking! After a while, Dan said "Come on, no one Something started hitting the bottom of the
is hurt, let's enjoy our day!" After that, we watched a boat.
parade and we went on a fantastic boat ride, but we
Setting the scene
didn't go on any more scary rides!
In the fi rst pa rag raph of your story, include details
that set the scene e.g. where &. when the story
[A[] We w aited for a long time. happened, who was there, feelings, the weather ete.
Firefighte rs rescued us with big ladde rs.
The rol ler coaste r stopped.
* Underline the phrases/ sentences in
the story In Ex. 1 that set the scene.
[Q[] We enjoyed the rest of our day.
[IT] We set out on a day trip to a theme park. ** Complete the notes below about
[II] We arrived at the pa rk and went on the the story In Ex. 4 , then write a first
new ride. paragraph for It.
* Use your answers in Ex. 1 to write a Where:
short summary of the story. Use first,
then, next, after that. How felt: happy, excited about boating j
* Which paragraph (1-4) tells us: what
** Use the events in Ex. 4, your first
paragraph from Ex. 6 and the plan to
happened in the end? 0 -
where/ when the
write your story. Think of a title for it.
story happened? 0 -
what the main event
Para 1: set the scene
was?0 - what happened before the main
Para 2: say what happened before the main event
event?0 - ho w the writer felt about what Para 3: describe the main event
happened? 0 Para 4: describe ending/feelings



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