Reported Speech 2

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The tribesmensurrounded Cliveand pushedhim for-

ward. He startedto run. As they were obviouslyused to
movingthroughthe lungle,they quicklycaughtup with
him and steered him towardsan areawhere it was eas-
youhaveto reada textfollowed
Inthisexercise byfour- ierto walk.
optionmultple questions
choice anddecide whichoption Clivecouldn'tunderstandwherethey were leading
each questjon. \ him. He wasn'tfrightened, but he did feel lost,hot and
. Read lhrough thewhole
il tired.Justwhenhe thoughttherewas no way out,he saw
Fay'sparachutehangingfrom some nearbytrees.

. Lookattftequestions
without "Fay!"he shouted,and he ran towardsthe parachute.
attfiechoices. Faywas sittingon a fallentreewith a tribesmanstand-
. Read through thechoicesforeachqueslion
and ing nextto her.Whenshe stood up to run,the tribesman
choose toyouranswer.
theonethatisclosest triedto stop her.She broke free and ranto Clive,but just
as they got close to each other, they felt the ground
below them give way. They had fallen into quicksand,
The tribesmen held out their spears to them and
pulledthem out. They led the Duffysthroughthe jungle
Skimthroughthe textand thinkof a suitabletitlefor it. untilthey were closeto a clearing wherethey could sig-
Guesswhetherthe followinostatementsare true or nal for help.The Duffysrealisedthat from the beginning
false,then readquicklythro-ughthe textand checkif the natives had only been tryingto helpthem, but when
your guesseswerecorrect. they turnedaroundto thankthem,they were gone.
The Duffys'planewas goingto landsafely.
Clive'sparachutewas caughtin the branchesof a
tree. 1 The Duffys'safetywas uncertainbecause
The tribesmenweretryingto killthe Dufiys. A theyweren'tsuretheycouldlandthe plane.
B theywereflyingoverthe jungle.
C their parachuteshad blown away.
D theywereflyingoverthe Amazonriver.
2 WhenClivelanded,he
The Duffyshad beenflyingtheirtwo-seaterplaneover A was not ableto move.
the Amazon when they started having engine trouble. B heardFaycallinghim.
Theysoon realisedthe planewas goingto crashand had C saw Fay's parachute.
no choice but to try to parachute to safety.They pre- D tried to locateFay.
pared themselvesand jumped. The wind was gusting
and FayDutfy'sparachutequicklydrifted away from her 3 Why did Clivestandstill?
husband's.Clivehopedthey would both land safelyand A He saw somethingstrange.
find each other on the ground, but even that was B He thoughtFaywas coming.
C He knewsomeonewas nearhim.
uncertainas they were headingfor the thick treesof the
D He heardpeopletalking.
Clive'sparachutegot caughtin a tree.He managedto 4 WhenClivetriedto run away,the tribesmen
free himselfand jump to the ground,but he couldn'tsee A surroundedhim.
whereFay had landed.He begancallingher nameas he B arresledhim.
walkedtowardswherehe thoughtshe might be, but the C forcedhim to walk.
junglebecameso thickthathe couldn'tgo on. D guidedhim to a placewithfewertrees.
He heard tree branchessnapping close by and he
5 WhenFaysaw Cliveshe
realisedsomeonewas walkingtowards him. He called
Fay's name again, but there was no answer.He stood A brokedown.
B rantowardshim.
perfectlystill,awarethat someonewaswatchinghim,but
C was unableto move.
he couldn't see who it was. Then he saw them coming D fell intoa pool.
out lrom behindthe trees.A group of tribesmen wearing
hardly any clothes and carrying long wooden spears 6 In the end,the Duffysfelt
came towards him. They spoke in a language Clive A frightened.
couldn't understand,but he assumedthey were talking B helpless.
abouthim. C grateful.
D angry.

2 Look at the words in bold in the text and try

to explainthem.
3 Choosethe correct item.
1 Hiscarhad.......... so he hadit repaired.
A engine B machineC motor D propeller
Hewasn't.......... . Readthe te)don page 16 again,then look at
A sensibleB ignorantC aware D observant the headingsand re-tellthe story in the first
personas if you wereclive.
speaka wordof French.
A hardly B mostly C nearly D mainly Who- Whete- Whathappened- Whothey
Afterhoursof driving,
theyfinally....theirdestination. werc hetpedby - How they were hetped
A arrived B reachedC got D went
. Whai do you think happenedto the Duffys
thatit wasrainingwhensheopenedthe afterthey reachedthe clearing?
A realisedB iaced C decided D understood
Thepubis very.........
to thecinema.
A close B next C beside D nearby 5 Join the words in bracketsto makecompound
adjectivesas in the example:
A staring B looking C seeing D watching e.g. Aftera Luo-houualk in thepouringrain,
to theshin.(two hours)
4 Study the following theory box then fill in
"quite" or "rather"in the sentences. Her..............................
daughter istheprettiest child
Quite (= fairly,to some degree)is used jn The Taylorsreallyenjoyedtheir.............................'s quite warmtoday.ltis holidayin Barbados. (thrceweeks) was quite an enjoyabletilm. Professor Smithers gave a .........................
Quite(= c66p1"1"1y) is usedwithadverbs,some on the harmfuleffectsot sunbathing. (two hours)
verbs and adjectivessuch as: alone, brilliant, Thelocalswimming poolhasgot a .......................
certain,exhausted, horrible,right,sure,true,etc. highdivingboard. (ten teet)
Youarc quite right. Lillieundertook projectfor herart
a .........................
Ratheris used:a) in unJavourable comments. /t's class. (four months,l
rathethottoday.(= ldon't likeit),b) in favourable
commentsmeaning"to an unusualdegree".Ihe
6 Choo"" the correct word.
testwasruther easy.(itwaseasierthanI expected)
and c) withcomparative degreeor withtoo. He's
rcther thinnet's rather too lateto Thephotographer toldeverybody
to ..............
go out Ratheris usedbeforeor aftera/an./t's a he tookthe oicture.'srathera difficultexercise. A laugh B smile C giggle D chuckle

l'm afraidSylvieis ........................ too tallto become

Hermothertoldherto stop...............
a balletdancer.
A ialking B speakingC saying D telling
He has been living in Francefor five years, so he "Stopit,John!Don'tyouknowit'srudeto ...........
s p e a k sF r e n c h. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .w
. .e
. .l.l.. oeoole?"
He was ..................... an interestingspeakerand A look B oeer C stare D see
held his listeners'attentionfor a longtime.
4 It is ..................... cold today.We'd betterstayin.
5 Sheranthe race........... fastbut stillfinishedsecond.
wantto wakeGrandpa.
o She must havedone well in the audi-
A whisperingBshoutingCscreaming D crying
tion as she was giventhe part. Atterdinnerthe elderlycouplewentfor a leisurely
Jamesis .........shorterthan his brother. ..............
A run B march C stroll D sprint
{Jtr]]iiJ Stories
6 Everybody............ to the door when they realised 4 I didn't like any of the films Mark Hodge has
there was a fire in the restaurant. directed, - it'sterrificl
buthislatestoneis .....,.......
A floated B rushed C wandered D burst 5 Janicesaysthat if you eatcheesebeforeyou go to
bed,you'llhavenightmares, butI don'tbelieve that.
li -, -1.: t,Lr'::tlr. i It'sjust.................
r i C... Olio,i,r: r . . .; . 1O t
9l-ci".'" rii'lii :1 ri ;ri:t!:L!:ar.cttraie l :i.
tS ?P,-EF{.-,'I.IIT:ON
ON LI}Tii:iSrl- 3
as i crept into the house i knew id probablyget into trou-
irill in the co|rect orepositioras.
ble suddenlythe living-roomdoor flew open whereon
earth have you been shouted my mother its after mid-
1 | prefertravellingby train ............ takingthe bus in
nightsorrymum i saidwe justgot talkingand i forgotthe the morningbecauselalways get -......... the office
time well ive beenworriedsick she saidyou could have muchearlier.
ai least phoned to say youd be late with that she lett the 2 Wendy had looked at severalflats and tinallydecid-
roomand closedthe door with a sigh i slowlymademy ed .......... the two-bedroom one.Herhusbandis very
way upstairsto bed p l e a s e d, . . . . . . .h. .e rd e c i s i o n .
3 Ever since I arrived..........Madridto study I have
beenthinking.........joiningthe library,but I haven't
. . cJ . : :! l'-.1'
4 W h e n e v eJr a c k i ei s f a r a w a y . . . . . . . . . .h.e. r c h i l d r e n ,
1 Whenlfirstarrived.......Romelwas unsure,
she can't help worrying............ whetherthey are
to get to my hotel,but luckilya policemangaveme
5 M r D a k i ni s a n e x a m p | e . . . . . . . . .a. . .g. o o d t e a c h e r ;
2 Danielfell firsttime he met
wheneverhis pupilsask ............. help,he sitsdown
her,and now he is married.......her.
and explainsthingsto them untilthey understand.
3 Helenput the blame .......her brotherfor breaking
6 He boasts being the best athlete in the
the teapoteven though she had done it, which is
Yesterdayas I was goingto work .......... {oot,a taxi
4 Jack was not thereto meet me when I arrived.......
drovepastme and Sallywas sitting.........the back.
VictoriaStation,and it that he
We arrived............. Parison a cold wintermorning,
mighthaveforgottenI was coming.
feelingunsure............. whetherwe had chosenthe
5 Aftersittingin trafficfor two hoursyesterdayI was so
rightplaceto spendour honeymoon.
f e d u p . . . . . . .b e i n gd e l a y e dt h a t l d e c i d e d t o t u r n
" D o n ' t p u t t h e b | a m e . . . . . . . . . .m
. . .e ! l t ' s s o t y p i c a l
aroundand head .......home. you neverto admitbeingwrong."
6 Chrisblamedthe otherfootballplayers.......losing
1 0 Billwas so fed up ............. hisjob that he decidedto
the game.
find a moreinteresting one.
7 Theywereso bored .......the film thatthey decided
to leavethe cinema.
I Lastweek I was .......the trainto Birmingham when I
Say is used in Directspeechas well as in
realisedthat I had left my briefcaseat home.
Reportedspeechwhen it is not followed by the
personthe words were spokento. e.g. "l am
{h C,nesr rll:rer.i,,:ariinil.)1'the idiorl!:; risrt:d tlaeil tircd,"he sa,d (Directspeech)) He said(that)
.'il:l ir trre q;r1;slr,:1oir. he wasthed.(Reportedspeech)
Tell is used in Reportedspeechwhen it is fol-
io t;tttie a llirit r;.'cr";on,rr.:rlre ir,jz;e.'t'"cii,,
i,.':;: lowed by the personthe words were spokento.
lrir,r<,oirJ.r;o1. ir ri:ji|rer:f.rtoi'r. jaii J{.!/ft;
e.g. "l am tired,"he saidto me. (Direct speech) t
He told me he was tired. (Reported speech)
It's ........................ w i t h D a v i d- h e ' s
alwayslate tor our meetings. Expressions used with say; good morning,
MissBlacktold Joe thatshe was tiredof hearinghis something,one's prayers,a few words, so, no
....... about his missing home- more,elc.
work. Expressions used with terr.'the truth, a lie, a
3 lt was a mostfrightening experiencebut, .................. story, one from another,the difference,sb one's
the piloteventually
.................., madean emergency name,sb a secret,sb the way, etc.
landinoin the desert.


' I S h ed e c i d e dt o . . . . . . . . . . , . . . "l'm in a hurrybecausemy bus is leavingin 10 min-

t h et r u t h .
2 He usedto ............. his childrena storyeverynight.
3 H e . . . . . . . . .g.o. o dm o r n i n ga s h e c a m ei n t ot h e o f f i c e .
"l saw Stevea monthago,"Jamessaid.
. .e. t h a ls h ew a sg o i n gt o b e l a t e .
4 H e l e n. . . . . . . . . . .m
5 The littleboy ............. his prayersand wentto bed. :sr,"
*rlii"iti",n";;" ;l;;;;;;" ;iJ.'
6 TheVare twinstit's hardto fromthe other.
"Jasonis havinga birthdaypady at his house

"You'll never believewhat happenedyesterdayl"

this/these that/those "Helenhas beenrevisinglor her examsall day,"l\4rs
now Jacobssaidto me.
nexlyear/month.etc. "l'll be flyingto Romeat this time tomorrow,"Paula
yesterday saidto us.
a monthago
"Sallywas workinghard in the lab yesterday,"
saidto me.
To report a questionwe use:a) ask + question
word (where,why, who, etc.) when the direct
questionbeginswitha questionword,b) ask + ifl
whetherwhenthe directquestionbeginswith an
auxiliaryverb (have,do. can,etc.).
PresentSimpfe.' PastSimple "Hedrivesto work,"she
In reoortedouestionswe useaffirmative
PresentContinuous+ Past Continuous"Heis dtivino Pronouns,timewords,etc.changeas in statements.
10wor&" she said.

Past Simpfe i Past Perfect "He droveto work," she

said. "Whichbook did you buy? He asked her which book
Past Simpre does not change in t me crauses. he askedher. shehad bought.
"Canyou give me a lift?" She asked him if he could
Past Continuous+ Past PerfectContinuous'He was sheaskedhim. give her a lift.
drivingto work," she said.

Past Continuousdoes not change in time clauses.

FutureSimpfe+ would + bare infinitive "Hewilldrive "Whowas at the partylastnight?"Cindyaskedme.

to u/or& shesaid.
"Areyou goingto the cinematomorrow?"his moth-
Future Continuous + would + continuous oresent
intinitive "He wi be drivingto work," she said. er askedhim.

"Whenwillthe packagebe delivered?"

she askedus.
PresentPerfectt PastPerfect'He hasdrivento wotk."
shesaid. "Whereis the building?"he askedme.

Present Perfect Continuous r Past Perfect ";;;;; |;;ii;;i;; si;;;ii:;;;;;;;J;;

Continuous "He has been driving to wor( " she said.
"Areyou flyingto Parisnextweek?"he askedTom.
Unit3 Stories

. To report commandsor requestswe use te//, 16 Report the following sentences.

ordeLask,beg,etc.followedby a to-inJinitive.
1 "l wish I couldgo skiingthisweekend,"said

"Tokyois oneof the mostoverpopulated

"Stop making so much Mum asked us to stop theworld,"saidJohn.
noise,"Mum saidto us. makingso muchnoise.
"Please,pleasedont give Shebeggeclmenot to give
him the money," she said 3 "lt'stimeyoufoundyourself
a job,Burt!"saidAnn.
him themoney.
to me-
4 "Jois considering
15 Totn the followine into Reported speech. 5 "Waterfreezesat 0"C,"theteachersaid.
1 "Turnoff the TV.Tom."his mothersaid.

2 "Please,pleasehelp me," the womansaidto Peler. The follorving modals change as follows in
Reported speech:
3 "Don'ttalkto strangers,"
herfathersaidto her.
may + might (possibility\lcould
4 "Takeoff vourshoes."Mothersaidto us. mission)
must + had to (obligation)
5 "Pickup your books,"Sandrasaidto her son. must + must (deductionlpossibilu)
needn't + didn't needto/didn'thaveto
(presentreference); wouldn't
havelo (tuturcreference)
The verb tense does not change in Reported can t could (prcsentreference)i
speech in the following situations: would be ableto (tuturereter-
mustn't { mustn't
verbis in anypresemor should t should
whentheintroductory the
i"i"rt-'r"".". e'g' "l've always.enioyed
."rce anOquletot thecountryside"' 17 Turn the following sentencesinto Reported
In" .rtt that she has always speech without using any special introducto-
oeaceand quietot thecountryside' past' ry verbs.
in unreal
i"i"n tn" re;ortedsentenceis "OKchil-
,VO"2/3or wishese'g' "You mustn't miss the staff meeting,"the director
"""in,"^"'" Fathersaidto
li"n, ',=,,t"-tou '"ent to bed!" said.
we wentto
J"l i"ti", tori '" thatit wastime
sentence describesa nar- Kevin,"
wnentnereported or
ur"i onuno."non,a law or "Thelettermayarrivetomorrowmorning,Gary,"
exoressesdutyor a generaltruth'
li|ao iut", the
air.pollution"' Martinsaid.
".n. ""u"" thattactory
i"Ln", suii Theleachersaid "Youneedn'twaterthe plantsnow,Jane,"said
fumescauseait Pollution- Susan.
iGr-eec"i" ol ancienthistoryandtra-
" "ountry tourists The
Oitio",;,n" guide said to ihe is a 5 "Theymusthaveknownaboutthemeeting,"
t",o i-he tourists thal Greece Robert
countryot ancienthistoryand


18 Report the following sentences using the 2O this shorl text into Direct speech.
introductory verbs below.
Mark,Carly,Simonand myselfwereJree-camping on a
Lllft:(lnt, su!gr'\1.rlcnt',olJt'r, n'.lirst,trgtlt, uli,itr,
hillsidelast was my first time camping,so I
asked Marknervouslywhetherhe had everslept in a tent
"No,I won'tcometo France before.He answeredthat he had, but that it had been a
long time ago, when he was campingon a beach in
Roy. Jamaica.ThenCarlycomplainedthat she couldn'tsleep
becausethe ground was too hard. Simon otferedto give
"You ought to see a doctor about your eyes,"Sid her his camping mattress,which Carly politelyaccepted.
saidto his mother.
2l Read the model below and a) fill in the gaps
"lfyoumisstraining with only one word, b) say whether the story
team!"saidthecoachto Bob. includes "flashback narration" and c) re-tell
the eventsof the story in chronological
"Sorryfor not phoningto confirmyour flight, l\ilr order.
Jones,"said the secretary.
She couldn't believe her
"Shallwe takea longwalk alongthe riverside?" eyeswhenshe looked
said Mary. 1 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . t. h
. .e. .m i r r o r .
Therewas not 2) .........
singlescar on her lace
"lt wasn'tme who spiltcofieeon the tablecloth,"
and she looked exactly
t h e s a m e3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
she had beJorethe terri-
7 "l'llcarrythebagforyou,"saidBeth. ble fire.
It had been almost
I "Yes,thatpaintingis lovely,"saidErica. two years since she
hadbeenwokenup in
l9 Chung. the fbllowing dialogues into by the thick smoke
Reported speech using suitable introductory that4) ...........
verbs and the exnressions below. memoriesof the rest ot the night were confused.She
couldrememberlittleuo to the aMul momentwhenshe
utt.l, al(l.i tr! ll ttLl, ltt,crllni tt i ttg l ltt l. ltr t:l tt regained consciousnessin the hospital, and 5)
il'ttl on lo:a) lhtl sight of her reflectionin the window.
In the painfulmonthsthatfollowed,Tracy6) ............
a "l'll be going to the post office, lvlary," James said.
to endurethe hurtfulstares and whispersof strangers
"Do you need anything?"
when they saw the horri{icscars on her face. She had
"Yes,couldyou pleaseposta letterfor
all ol 7) ................
me? I've been meaningto do so
shooktheirheadsandtoldhertherewas8) ...............
myselfbut I neverseemto havethe
theycoulddo. However,on the dayshemet Dr Martin
andhe saidhe waswillingto performsurgery9) ..........
h e r f a c e , s h e c r i e d 1 0 ) . . . , . . . . . .j .o. y. .
b "ArevouOK,Grandma?" Denise The six seoarateooerationshad taken over twelve
monthsto completeand 11) .............. wasthreeweeks
"Ohdear,I teelverydizzy.I forgot
afterthe final one 12) .........-...... Dr Madininvitedher
to take mv medication this morn-
into his officeso that he 13) .................. removethe
ing, darling. What am I
bandages.A broad smile spread across her face as
going to do?" Grandma
she silentlylooked at the results.At last, she was star-
ing 14) ........... the prettyface with the upturnednose
"lt's alright,don't worry.
and green eyes that she had become convincedshe
Just lie on the bed and restfor a while,l'll go and get
1 5 ). . . . . . . . . . . . .n
. .e. .v. e rs e ea g a i n .
it for vou at once." Denisesaid.


by describingthe atmosphere.
b) by usingDirectspeech. She gazedat the long whjtedress,thinkingthat
c) by describinga person. her lifewouldchangetomorrow.Shesmiledat the
o.) by usingDirectspeechto express thoughtthat the beautifulsitkweddinggown had
people'scomments. belongedto her grandmother.Her own mother'
e) by describingpeople'sfeelingsand had got marriedin it, and she felt proud to be
emotions. wearingit on her weddingday as well.Shewiped
0 by creatingmysteryor suspense. a tear from her eye, thinkjngthat somedayshe
might even watch her own daughterwalk down
the aislein it.

Oncethe firewaslit,theyall sataroundit in silence,

eachone wonderingwhentheywouldbe rescued.
Nobody wanted to say anything, but everybody
knewthatduringtheirescapefromthe boatthey,d
left behindall lheirfood and water."l hooe some-
bodycomessoon,"said Maria.
It was a beautifulclearday when Brian,phillippa,.
Tom and Ruthset off on theircampingtrip.They i
were all bursting with excitementas Brian drove .,
his fathels jeep otf the main roadto join the nar- : He told his friendsthatthe vet saidthe youngfox
row track which led throughthe torest. was going to be fjne. What's more, he had
i promjsedto relurnthe animalto the forestwhen it
recovered.Relievedto hearthe good news,they
all sal around the campfireto enjoy what they
thoughtwould be a peacefulevening.Litfledid
they knowthat a pairof red shinyeyeswas peer-
1 ing at them throughthe trees. _....,*, I
Susanhad met Markthree years beforeat college. _ . , .
t At first she had found him quite unpleasantand
t generallyavoidedhim. Shethoughthe was rather
1 arrogantand vain. The fact that he was a famous
I film star and very attractiveas well, left her quite
indifierent.First impressionscan be deceptive
though,and she soonchangedher opinionof him.
"Yes,it was me who ate the lastpieceof the cake,,'
the boy said.
a d m i t t e d T h eb o y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l.h. .e. . . . .
last piece of cake.
"lt's likethe Gardenol Eden!"said Dave,looking "l'll neverlieto you againl"he saidto his mother.
throughhisbinoculars. The islandwasbeautiful, promised He............,..............,.....h . .i.s. . . .
tropicalparadisesurroundedby goldenbeaches motheragain.
and a clearbluesea.Brightlycolouredbirdsflew "Whynottakethetrainto the towncentre?"shesaid.
from one palm tree to another."Wouldn'tit be a s u g g e s t e ds h e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t .o. .t .h,e. . . . . .
great idea to hire a boat and go acrossto explore town centre,
it?"Alexsuggested. "Stayawayfrom that dangerousman!" l\4other said
to us.
warned l \ , 4 o t h .e.r. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .f .r.o. m
5 Thewomanaskedmethetime. ERROR CORRECTION
what "Couldyoutell.................................
thewomanasked. 24 Cross out the unnecessary words in the sen-
6 "Have the childrenalreadygone to bed?" Father tences below. If a sentence is correct put a
sard. tick (/).
it Fatherasked
goneto bed. 1 Heaskedmewhere ft | putthepapers.
"Wouldyou likeanotherdrink?"she saidio him. 2 Sheaskedto herdaughter to cutherhair.
offered She...................... 3 He complainedthat the serviceat the shop was
drink. at/vful.
"Don't forget to post the letters,"Fionasaid to Mike. Merrylaskedfromherhusbandto pickup the chil-
reminded Fiona................... drenon hiswayhome.
the letters. He suggestedthai we should go to a different
B. Complete the sentencesusing the words
Anna told to me that she would be late for the
in bold.
7 He saidthathe hadworkedthereyearsbefore.
8 Shedeniedol takingthe moneyfromthedrawer.
l've neverthought oJgoing to Hawaiion holiday.
occurred lt never................. to Hawaii
on holiday.
I don't think he ever recoveredJromthat terrible
I don'tthink he . Some common adiectives endin-y.e.g.grass -
that terrible
shock. grassy, rock- rocky, etc.
"Yes,it was me who brokethe window,"the boy . Mostadvelbsarelormedby adding -ly orallyto
said. adjectives.
e.g.clear - clearly, - {rantically,
frantic etc.
admitted Theboy............... . Presenl participlese.g.boring andpastpanici-
thewindow. plese.g.bored canbeused asadieclives. Present
Shesucceeded in finishing
theworkon time. participlesdescribe whator howsomebody or
managed She................................................the something is andpastparticiples describe how
workon time. 0eo0lefeel.
Theystartedhang-gliding lastyear.
took They.....................................|astyear.
Thefirstthingshe did whenshe got into her room
wasto puton herslippers. 25 Completethe following text with the correct
soon As ........................ derivativeof the word in bold. The first one
herroomsheput on herslippers. has beendone as an example.
"Let'sgo fishingthisweekend,"shesaid. The eveningbefore,Joyce had argued(0) ..rer bly...
suggestedshe .....................................
weekend. (tenible) with her childrenas she had arrivedhometo
"l muststayherefor at leastanotherhour,"he said. findthehouseextremely (1) ..............
clearerhead,shewasfeeling(2) ....... .. (guiD aboutit
leastanotherhour. andwastryingto thinkof waysto makeit up to them.She
Theyenjoyedthewalkeventhoughit rained. decidedto cook a lovelymealas a specialtreat.When
despite Theyenjoyed thewalk .......................
shearrivedhome,shefoundit (3) ............. (mess) as
it rained. usual, but didn't say anythingand went upstairsto
1 0 "l'm sorrythat I causedyou such inconvenience,"change.Whenshe camebackdown halfan hourlater,
shesaidto us. shestoppedin (4) ........... (betiel.fhe livingroomwas
apologisedShe...................... (5) ..............
(surprise) tidyandthe kitchen(6) .............
suchinconvenience- (spolress)clean.'Whatdo you think?"she heardfrom
1 1 I'msurethatit wasJameswhotook my sunglasses. behindher,andturnedto seeher husbandand children
must James................. lookingat herwith(7) (beam)smileson their
my sungrasses. laces."Wethoughtyou'dbe (8) ... .. .. ...(please)to see
12 We'llleavewithouthimiJhe doesn'tarriveon time. that!"theysaid."Whydon'twe allgo outto dinneP"her
unless We'llleavewithouthim........................husbandsuggested ....(enthusiastic).
(9) ............. She
on time. lookedatthem(10)............ (loving)andtheyallsetout!

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