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Assignment II

Q Student (RollNo, Name, Father_ Name, Branch)

Book (ISBN, Title, Author, Publisher)
Issue (RollNo, ISBN, Date-of Issue)
Write the following queries in SQL and relational algebra:
I. List roll number and name of all students of the branch
III. List title of all books and their authors issued to a student
IV. List title of all books issued on or before December 1, 2020.
V. List all books published by publisher
Q Introduce SQL (Structured Query Language). What are the characteristics of SQL that make it a popular
language for working with relational databases?

Q What is Aggregate Function in SQL? Write SQL query for different Aggregate Function.

Q Consider the following relational DATABASE. Give an expression in SQL foreach following
queries Underline records are Primary Key
Employee( person_name , street , city)
Works(person_name, Company_name ,salary)
Company(Company_name , city)
Manages( person_name, manager_name)
i). Finds the names of all employees who works for the ABC bank
ii). Finds the name of all employees who live in the same city and on thesame
street as do their managers
iii). Find the name street address and cities of residence of all employees who
work for ABC bank and earn more than 10,000 per annum
iv). Find the name of all employee who earn more than every employee of XYZ
v). Give all Employees of corporation ABC a 10% salary raise
vi). Delete all tuples in the works relation for employees of ABC
vii). Find the name of all employees in this DATABASE who live in the same
city as the company for which they work
Q Provide an overview of the key operations in Relational Algebra. How do selection, projection,
union, and join operations work in the context of relational databases?
Q Explore SQL joins and their various types (e.g., INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN). When and
why would you use each type of join in SQL queries?

Q Describe axioms in detail. What is the role of these rules indatabase development
Q What is Functional Dependency? Explain the procedure of calculating the Canonical Cover of a given
Functional Dependency Set with suitable example.

Q What is the purpose of Normalization? Explain 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF with suitable example? 19

Submit before 16th December, 2023

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