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The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services,

or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network

Primary Zone : Primary zone is the read write copy of zone, this mean that if this zone answers the
query then it is an authoritative answer. There should be only one copy of this zone in network.

Secondary Zone : It draws the copy down from primary zone and this copy goes only in one
direction. This zone has read only copy of the zone

Conditional Forwarders: Condition forwarders is the feature of windows server 2003/2008 and it
speed up the DNS Name resolution process by sending the specific quires to specific DNS server
which have the name resolution for these quires

Zone Transfer: A Zone Transfer is the term used to refer to the process by which the contents of a
DNS Zone file are copied from a primary DNS server to a secondary DNS server. Zone Transfers are
always initiated by the secondary DNS server. The primary DNS server simply answers the request for
a Zone Transfer.

Delegating zones : DNS provides the option of dividing up the namespace into one or more zones,
which can then be stored, distributed, and replicated to other DNS servers.

NS Record : These records indicate which name servers are authoritative for the zone / domain. NS
Records are primarily used if you want to break your domain into subdomains. Subdomains indicate
you are delegating a portion of a domain name to a different group of name servers, thus creating NS
records to point the name of the subdomain to different name servers.

SOA : A start of authority (SOA) record is information stored in a domain name

system (DNS) zoneabout that zone and about other DNS records. A DNS zone is the part of
a domain for which an individual DNS server is responsible. Each zone contains a single SOA record.

The SOA record stores information about the name of the server that supplied the data for the zone;
the administrator of the zone; the current version of the data file; the number of seconds a secondary
name server should wait before checking for updates; the number of seconds a secondary name
server should wait before retrying a failed zone transfer; the maximum number of seconds that a
secondary name server can use data before it must either be refreshed or expire; and a default
number of seconds for the time-to-live file on resource records.

DNS A record :The A record, also known as a hostrecord or a DNS host, is a record in your
domain's DNS zone file that makes the connection between your domain and its matching IP
address. With the progress of hosting services now website owners can control the DNS host for their
domains, i.e. they can set an A record to point their domains and hostnames to a static IP address
of their choice.
Glue Records : Delegation and glue records are records that you add to a zone in order to delegate
a subdomain into a separate zone. A delegation is an NS record in the parent zone that lists the
name server authoritative for the delegated zone. A glue record is an A record for the name server
authoritative for the delegated zone.

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