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Cambridge High School

First Semester 2023 / 2024

IDU Formative Assessment

Student’s name: ____________________ MYP Year Three

Grade /Section: 8 (All sections) Teacher’s name: Audrey Ghareeb, Mia

Migbel, Hala Husari, Bahira

This formative will assess the students’ understanding in:

Criterion A:
 analyse disciplinary knowledge
 evaluate interdisciplinary perspectives
Criterion B:
 create a product that communicates a purposeful interdisciplinary
 justify how their product communicates interdisciplinary understanding.
Criterion C:
 discuss the development of their own interdisciplinary learning
 discuss how new interdisciplinary understanding enables action
Bi. Create a product that communicates purposeful interdisciplinary understanding
Role (R): Imagine you are a Social Media Influencer with a passion for making a positive
impact in your community. Your mission is to raise awareness about the importance of short
and long-term responses to natural disasters.
Audience (A): Your audience is the local community. You aim to educate and engage them in
understanding the significance of preparedness and recovery efforts.
Format (F): Create a social media Page on a platform of your choice (Instagram, Facebook,
Twitter (X), etc.) dedicated to sharing information and tips about natural disaster responses.
Answer the following question to be able to complete the task:
Topic (T):
Introduction: Write an introduction post explaining the purpose of your social media page
and the importance of being prepared for natural disasters.
Short-Term Tips: Create engaging posts that highlight simple and effective short-term
response tips. This could include graphics, infographics, or short videos that showcase what
to do during a disaster.
Long-Term Strategies: Share information about long-term strategies and initiatives that
communities can adopt to recover and become more resilient after a natural disaster. This
might involve creating posts about community projects, sustainable practices, or resilience-
building efforts.
Call to Action: End your posts with a call to action, encouraging your followers to share the
information and actively participate in local preparedness activities.
 Note: You should create a logo for each post resembling its content.
Use the Graphic Organizer below to organize your thoughts:

Bii. Justify how their product communicates purposeful interdisciplinary

In any format, reflect on your work by answering the questions:

 What knowledge from individuals and societies and Design is evident in my posts?

 In what specific ways do my posts combine knowledge from both subjects to

communicate interdisciplinary understanding?

Reflection questions addressing A i.ii and C i.ii:

Ai. Analyzing disciplinary knowledge

 What specific elements of disciplinary knowledge from individuals and societies and
Design are valuable in understanding this topic, issue, concepts, and statement of

Aii. Evaluating interdisciplinary perspectives

 Strengths:
What specific knowledge, understanding, and skills from each subject were most impactful?

 Limitations:
What could be limitations in combining these particular subjects?

Objective/Criterion C: Reflecting

Ci. Discuss the development of your own interdisciplinary understanding

 What was my thinking process as I tried to combine the disciplinary knowledge into a
synthesized understanding? (For ex: Did some aspects of each subject stay separate?
Did some things seem to blend together?)

Cii. Discuss how new interdisciplinary understanding enable action

 What are some things I learned that caused me to think differently about the world?
(people, animals, the environment)

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