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1. Quality Improvement Initiative

A quality improvement initiative that can greatly enhance the clinic in the prison is the

implementation of a comprehensive triage system. This initiative would prioritize patients based

on the severity of their conditions, ensuring that those with urgent medical needs receive

immediate attention while optimizing the utilization of nursing staff and resources. To begin,

specialized triage training would be provided to the nursing staff, enhancing their skills in

identifying and prioritizing patients (Moore et al). Standardized triage assessment tools tailored

to the inmate population would be developed and utilized, considering the unique healthcare

needs and risks associated with incarcerated individuals. Clear protocols would be established

for different triage categories, guiding nurses in making timely decisions and actions based on

the severity of patients' conditions.

2. Feedback for Peer

The post provides a clear and comprehensive outline for the executive summary on

nurse-to-patient ratios and their impact on patient outcomes. It covers the key aspects that should

be addressed in the summary, including the research overview, current state of nurse-to-patient

ratios, and recommendations for improvement. This structure allows for a well-organized and

informative summary.
Last Name 2

To further enhance your feedback, consider providing specific examples or statistics to

support your points. For instance, you could mention specific studies that have investigated the

relationship between nurse-to-patient ratios and patient outcomes, or provide data on staffing

levels in hospitals and the impact on patient care. Additionally, it might be beneficial to include a

brief discussion on the potential financial implications of improving nurse-to-patient ratios. This

could address concerns about budgetary constraints and provide insights into the cost-

effectiveness of investing in adequate staffing levels.

Last Name 3

Work Cited

Moore, Linda Weaver, Cynthia Sublett, and Cathy Leahy. "Nurse managers’ insights regarding

their role highlight the need for practice changes." Applied nursing research 30 (2016):


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