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Running head: ANALYSIS

Vietnam War

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Vietnam War


The war being covered is the Vietnam War, which took place from 1955 to 1975. Its

causes can be attributed to several factors. North Vietnam's aim to unify the country under

communist rule, the fear of communist expansion in Southeast Asia, and the United States'

policy of containment during the Cold War all played significant roles (Hedden, 2023). These

causes laid the foundation for the conflict between North Vietnam, backed by its communist

allies, and South Vietnam, supported by the United States and its anti-communist allies. The

ideological and geopolitical tensions between communism and capitalism, as well as the quest

for national unity, fueled the prolonged and devastating war.


The Vietnam War witnessed a tumultuous course marked by major battles, crucial leader

decisions, and significant events. Notable battles included the Battle of Dien Bien Phu (1954),

where the Viet Minh defeated French forces, and the Tet Offensive (1968), a large-scale

offensive by North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces. Leader decisions, such as President

Lyndon B. Johnson's escalation of American involvement and President Richard Nixon's policy

of Vietnamization, shaped the war's direction (Schultz, 2018). The turning point for victory or

defeat is often identified as the Tet Offensive, as it exposed the gap between official statements

and the reality of the war, eroding public support in the United States.


The home front response to the Vietnam War was diverse and posed numerous

challenges and opportunities for American society. While some individuals supported the war, a

significant segment of the population actively protested against it. The anti-war movement

gained momentum, driven by factors such as the draft, media coverage of the brutality in the

war, and disillusionment with the government's handling of the conflict (Schultz, 2018). The war

created challenges, including rising casualties, racial tensions, and debates over the fairness of

the draft system. However, it also provided opportunities for civic engagement, political

activism, and the pursuit of social change within the society.


The outcomes of the Vietnam War had a profound impact on various levels. Ultimately,

the war ended with the fall of Saigon in 1975, leading to the reunification of Vietnam under

communist rule. The war's significant changes and results included a reassessment of American

foreign policy and military strategies. The conflict deeply affected American society, eroding

trust in the government and prompting significant shifts in public opinion regarding military

interventions in the different regions of the world (Schultz, 2018). It also influenced subsequent

conflicts, such as shaping the approach to future military interventions and impacting

international relations by altering global power dynamics.



Hedden, K. (2023). Week 7 Lecture. Personal Collection of K. Hedden, Grand Canyon

University, Phoenix, AZ

Schultz, K. (2018). HIST 5 (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth.

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