Constitution of TSYM - The SISCAD Youth Movement

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Constitution of

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Table of Contents
Article 1 – NAME Page 6
Article 2 – MISSION Page 6
Article 3 – OBJECTIVES Page 6
Article 4 – REGISTERED OFFICE Page 7
Article 5 – MEMBERSHIP Page 7
Article 6 – MANAGEMENT Page 9
Article 11 – THE LOCAL CHAPTERS Page 13
Article 13 – FINANCE AND FUNDING Page 18
Article 15 – INTERPRETATION Page 20

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HAVING ACCEPTED AND AGREED to the preambles of the Constitution of the United
Independents’ Congress of Jamaica, the original Treaty of Chaguaramas establishing the
Caribbean Community, and the Constitution of the Sovereign Independent State of the Caribbean
Diaspora, which state, respectively:
Firstly, from the Preamble of the Constitution of the United Independents’ Congress of Jamaica:
“Throughout the history of humanity, there has been a constant struggle between those who
desire freedom and those who seek to take it away. This epic battle is the basis of all wars, the
various forms of slavery and every political trickery. At its heart is the unquenchable thirst of
some to extract the wealth of others by force or fraud, instead of by trading value for value.
Yet, everyone has a right to be free and a desire to be safe. It is for these pillars of civilization
that we agree to set up a system of governance to protect us from each other within our collective
and from those that are outside of it. The resulting government should then not be a ruler,
dictator or benefactor, but the implementer of objective laws designed to protect our sovereignty
– the right to enjoy our individual life, liberty and property as we see fit without infringing on the
lives, liberty or properties of others.
This speaks to your natural right to self-determination – to determine what is in your best interest
and to pursue the same without infringing on the lives, liberty, or property of others. It says you
are the owner of your own life and must be free to do with it and its products as you see fit, but
you may not use unprovoked force or fraud to take the same from others.
Similarly, no one, no group or government, save your dependents and those with whom you
freely enter into a contract, has a claim on your life, your freedom or your property (except that
you refrain from infringing on theirs). Therefore, any who seeks to deny you this right to own
yourself and the property you earn or inherit are, by nature, the enemy of your sovereignty,
whether they are elected or not.
It is to secure and preserve our individual and collective freedom in a safe, clean and orderly
society, with a strong and truly free market economy - that we, […] have voluntarily joined
together our time, talents and treasure under this Constitution.
It’s time to be free!”
Secondly, from the Preamble of the original Treaty of Chaguaramas creating CARICOM:
“The Governments of the contracting States,
Determined to consolidate and strengthen the bonds which have historically existed among their
Sharing a common determination to fulfil the hopes and aspirations of their peoples for full
employment and improved standards of work and living;

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Conscious that these objectives can most rapidly be attained by the optimum utilisation of
available human and natural resources of the Region; by accelerated, coordinated and sustained
economic development, particularly through the exercise of permanent sovereignty over their
natural resources; by the efficient operation of common services and functional cooperation in
the social, cultural, educational and technological fields; and by a common front in relation to the
external world;
Convinced of the need to elaborate an effective regime by establishing and utilising institutions
designed to enhance the economic, social and cultural development of their peoples…”
Thirdly, from the Preamble of the Constitution of the Sovereign Independent State of the
Caribbean Diaspora:
“Being knowledgeable of the fact that the poverty afflicting the countries and peoples of the
Caribbean is caused by and is proportional to the predatory reaping of the resources of the region
for the benefit of external countries and powers with no comparable benefit for the peoples of the
region, in addition to predatory economic practices where these external countries buy our raw
materials at a cheap price only to resell the manufactured products from our raw materials to us
at exorbitant prices in their currency which we have to buy from them, in addition to the practice
of Caribbean governments overinflating currencies in order to attract foreign investments and
increase their own earnings while driving up the cost of living for Caribbean peoples,
Being cognizant that crime and other social ills stem from the poverty caused by these and other
unfavourable economic practices in addition to unchecked political corruption and public
wastefulness and mismanagement, as well as religious systems that teach us separation of self
from the other and self from nature instead of the unity that was apparent in our original
Afrocentric and Indocentric societies before conquest and colonialism, in addition to a mostly
Eurocentric education system that teaches our students to obey rather than to critique and
innovate, and to work in factories and government agencies for the benefit of national
governments who are pawns to external powers, rather than teaching them to analyse supply and
demand, to invest, to build businesses, opportunities and networks,
Being convinced that the political and economic unification of the Caribbean and the pursuit of
Caribbean-centric goals are the ways to develop the region and make us truly independent and
Being convinced also that the Eurocentric and colonial political, economic and cultural structures
ingrained in our collective societies are barriers to our success and fulfilment,
Desiring the prosperity of the people of the Caribbean region and our strength through
Realizing that the elected governments have not demonstrated the resolve and desire to pursue
Caribbean unification and prosperity, but are more interested in their own personal, partisan and
nationalistic ideals and pursuits,

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Believing that political power and sovereignty resides in the peoples of the Caribbean, and must
be achieved by the people, and that legitimacy to govern resides with the consent of the people,
Resolving that the collective and individual best interests of the people must never be allowed to
be bought out by any external powers or interests, nor by any internal colonial, immoral
capitalist or terrorist powers or interests, but that strong, transparent accountability, equity and
checks and balances must be maintained,
Resolving also that the peoples of the Caribbean have an inherent right to their lives, persons,
property and liberty, which no individual nor group of persons, whether a recognized
government or other group, may violate,
In light of Article 21 (3) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states, “The will
of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in
periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held
by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures,”
And in light of Article 20 (1) and (2) of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights,
which state, “All peoples have the right to existence. They shall have the unquestionable and
inalienable right to self-determination. They shall freely determine their political status and shall
pursue their economic and social development according to the policy they have freely
chosen” and “Colonized and oppressed peoples shall have the right to free themselves from the
bonds of domination by resorting to any means recognized by the international community,”
And in the spirit of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which
state in its Articles 3 – 5 that, “Indigenous peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue
of that right, they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social
and cultural development,” and that “Indigenous peoples, in exercising their right to self-
determination, have the right to autonomy or self-government in matters relating to their internal
and local affairs, as well as means for financing their autonomous functions,” and furthermore
that, “Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal,
economic, social and cultural institutions, while retaining their rights to participate fully, if they
so choose, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the State,”
We, the peoples of the Caribbean, being the direct children or descendants of the region, do unite
as the Sovereign Independent State of the Caribbean Diaspora (SISCAD) for the achievement of
the unification, development and progress of the Caribbean region and its people, in promotion
of collective responsibility and mutual respect for each individual's right to their life, person,
property and liberty, and in recognition and promotion of the National Liberation & Unification
Party, which, when installed in each Caribbean country, shall bring these ideals to reality.”

WE HEREBY RESOLVE to join together in an association for the promotion, building and
maintenance of a united Caribbean state of independent nations to realize and achieve these aims
and ideals for the sake of our present and future, and to carry out projects in honour of our ideals.

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Article 1 – NAME
The name of the organization shall be The Sovereign Independent State of the Caribbean
Diaspora Youth Movement, hereinafter referred to as The SISCAD Youth Movement, The
Movement, or as TSYM.

Article 2 – MISSION
To promote and create the Sovereign Independent State of the Caribbean Diaspora or SISCAD,
as constituted under the Constitution of the Sovereign Independent State of the Caribbean
Diaspora, and to carry out charitable works and outreach/developmental programmes in the
name of SISCAD.
Article 3 – OBJECTIVES
1. The aims and objects of The SISCAD Youth Movement shall be, among other things:
a) To educate the citizens of the Caribbean and the diaspora about the need for
reform, unification and liberation from colonial policies, and promote the
philosophies, objectives and operations of SISCAD and TSYM;
b) To promote and facilitate social and intellectual upliftment, personal and career
development, financial literacy and empowerment, and civic knowledge and
awareness among Caribbean nationals, especially among young people aged 15-
40 years, in particular;
c) To identify, vet and appoint suitable candidates for steering or acting positions in
a SISCAD acting/interim government or/and legislature until such time that
SISCAD is sufficiently established as per the Constitution of SISCAD;
d) To advocate on behalf of the Caribbean people and diaspora, especially for young
people aged 15-40 years of age, before national governments and relevant
agencies and organizations;
e) To collaborate with governments and international and local organizations for the
welfare and development of the Caribbean people;
f) To build and support TSYM Local Chapters in countries in which Caribbean
nationals and diaspora are found;
g) To assist in promoting, building and supporting NLUPs as defined in the
Constitution of SISCAD in countries of the Caribbean;
h) To plan and execute projects and outreach activities to alleviate the conditions of
young people living below the poverty line.

2. In carrying out the above, The Movement shall be empowered to:

a) Raise funds for the promotion and achievement of the objectives;
b) Own, manage, buy, sell and lease land and other assets on behalf of TSYM and

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c) Assume the roles and responsibilities of the government and legislation of
SISCAD and transition into the Sovereign Independent State of the Caribbean
Diaspora at an opportune time;
d) Do any other thing approved by the National Executive Council and ratified by
TSYM Diaspora Parliament or/and Triennial Regional Conference to be
necessary or beneficial for the achievement of the mission and objectives of the
The Registered Office shall be at a location in Jamaica or any other subsequent Caribbean
territory as determined by the Annual General Meeting.
Article 5 – MEMBERSHIP
1. Membership will be open to any Caribbean citizen, or any child (biological or adopted),
grandchild, or spouse of any Caribbean citizen, who is between 16 and 40 years of age,
a) has read and agreed with the Constitution of TSYM and the Constitution of
b) has submitted a copy of his/her birth certificate and national ID;
c) has passed an interview with the Membership Committee and Chapter Executive
of the Local Chapter of the country in which he/she resides;
d) has paid the required membership dues;
e) if, under the age of 18 years, has submitted written permission from his/her
parent(s) to join as a member.

2. Interested persons will fill out an application form, whether printed or online, and submit
with a cover letter to the General Secretary of the Local Chapter. They will then be
directed to read the Constitutions of SISCAD and TSYM and then to sit a brief test based
on the Constitutions. The General Secretary shall pass the application to the Membership
Committee, which will contact the applicant for an interview date as soon as the answers
for the test are received. If the applicant has passed both the test and the interview, they
will subsequently be interviewed by the Chapter Executive and admitted to formal
If, however, an applicant has failed the test, i.e., achieved a grade of less than fifty-five
percent (55%), the Membership Committee will still interview the applicant and set a
date for resit. The passing grade for a resit, however, is sixty percent (60%). If the
applicant passes, they move on to an interview with the Local Executive, but if they fail
to achieve at least 60%, they get two more resits, with the passing grade for the 4th and
final resit being sixty-five percent (65%).

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3. Members shall forfeit membership in TSYM by:
a) being absent from four (4) consecutive meetings without sufficient reason
accepted as valid by the members present;
b) being in arrears for twelve (12) months’ unpaid monthly membership dues or two
(2) years’ unpaid annual membership dues;
c) blatant and continued disregard of TSYM policies, rules and regulations subject
to the ruling of the Chapter Executive or AGM as ratified by the Dispute
Resolution & Disciplinary Committee, or subject to the ruling of the Membership
Committee as ratified by the Dispute Resolution & Disciplinary Committee and
Chapter Executive at the Local Chapter level; and subject to the ruling of the
TSYM Executive Council or Triennial Regional Conference as ratified by the
Dispute Resolution & Disciplinary Committee at the higher levels.
d) continued or extreme misconduct that is defamatory and injurious to the good
name, image and operations of The SISCAD Youth Movement;
e) resigning membership in writing, preferably stating reasons for resignation of

4. Members shall have the following rights:

a) To run for any elected office in TSYM;
b) To vote in TSYM elections or vote on any policy or decision in an AGM or
c) To appeal and make complaint to the Dispute Resolution and Disciplinary
d) To attend and participate in all TSYM meetings, events, projects and initiatives;
e) To apply for membership in any committee or subcommittee of TSYM;
f) To submit recommendations to the AGM, Parliaments and Executive;
g) To propose amendments to the Constitution;
h) To apply for any post in SISCAD in the event that TSYM transits into the
Sovereign Independent State of the Caribbean Diaspora.

5. Members shall have the following responsibilities:

a) To pay their monthly/annual membership fees;
b) To regularly attend and actively participate in TSYM meetings, projects and
c) To honour and keep TSYM policies, rules and regulations;
d) To respect The Movement, its members, and its chain of command, and preserve
TSYM’s good name and image in the public sphere;
e) To challenge and seek to correct instances of corruption, maladministration, and
misrepresentation through the proper channels;
f) To promote and embody the principles of SISCAD and SISCAD NLUPs (taken
from the Manifesto of the United Independents’ Congress of Jamaica) in their
daily lives/interactions.
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Article 6 – MANAGEMENT
The affairs of TSYM shall be managed by:
1. Triennial Regional Conference
2. The Executive Council of The SISCAD Youth Movement (TSYM Executive Council)
3. Diaspora Parliament of The SISCAD Youth Movement (TSYM Diaspora Parliament)
4. Regional Executive
5. Local Chapters
5. a) Annual General Meetings
5. b) Chapter Executive
5. c) Local Junior Parliament
1. Every three years, all the elected Chapter Executives of national Local Chapters and all
members of the Local Junior Parliaments of each country within a particular Region shall
meet with the Vice President General of that particular region in Triennial Regional
Conferences co-chaired by their Vice President General and the Chairman of TSYM
Diaspora Parliament to discuss the business of the regions and make plans and

2. Triennial Regional Conferences shall be the highest decision-making body of The

SISCAD Youth Movement. It shall be the role of TSYM Diaspora Parliament to
correlate, organize and interpret the rulings and deliberations of the Triennial Regional
Conferences for execution by the TSYM Executive Council so that there are no
discrepancies in executing the directives of the Triennial Regional Conferences and the
motions and deliberations of the elected representatives of the members.

3. Triennial Regional Conferences shall be empowered to examine and discuss all

submissions put before them for discussion, and shall be empowered to give directives to
the TSYM Executive Council, subject to interpretation and refinement by the Diaspora
Parliament of The SISCAD Youth Movement (TSYM Diaspora Parliament).
1. The Executive Council shall be responsible for carrying out the policies and mandates of
the Triennial Regional Conference and managing the affairs of TSYM outside of
Triennial Regional Conference under the oversight of the Diaspora Parliament.

2. The officers of the TSYM Executive Council shall comprise:

a) The President General
b) The Vice Presidents General

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b) i. Vice President General for North America
b) ii. Vice President General for Central America and the Caribbean
b) iii. Vice President General for South America
b) iv. Vice President General for Europe
b) v. Vice President General for Africa
b) vi. Vice President General for Asia
b) vii. Vice President General for Oceania and the Pacific
b) viii. Vice President General for the Treasury
c) The Secretary General

3. The Executive Council shall meet once monthly or bimonthly, or as often as is needed for
carrying out the work of The SISCAD Youth Movement.

4. The term of office of the Executive Council shall be four years.

5. The offices, roles and functions of each member of the Executive Council shall include:

a) The President General, who shall, inter alia:

i. Chair meetings of the Executive Council, possessing both an original and
casting vote in the case of a tie;
ii. Chair meetings of the Upper House of the TSYM Diaspora Parliament,
possessing a vote only in the case of a tie, having no vote otherwise;
iii. Monitor the work of the Executive Council, ensuring that the mandates,
decisions and directives of the Triennial Regional Conferences and
Executive Council, and the deliberated accepted recommendations of the
TSYM Diaspora Parliament are carried out;
iv. Present plans of action before the Executive Council for the efficient
administration and operation of the Executive Council and all organs,
committees and bodies of TSYM;
v. Be a signatory to documents, communications and accounts of TSYM;
vi. Speak on the behalf of TSYM in all forums

b) The Vice President Generals for regions, who shall, inter alia:
i. Vote amongst themselves for an Acting President General to carry out the
roles and functions of the President General in the absence or incapacity of
the President General;
ii. Participate in meetings of the Executive Council;
iii. Meet trimonthly with Presidents and General Secretaries of TSYM Local
Chapters in their regions in order to coordinate the work of TSYM in the
region and ensure efficiency of the Local Chapters under their jurisdiction;
 The Vice President General of the Treasury shall meet
bimonthly/trimonthly with all Treasurers of Chapter Executives on
a regional basis.

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iv. Meet triennially collectively with all members of Chapter Executives and
Local Junior Parliaments in the region within Triennial Regional

c) The Vice President General for the Treasury, who shall, inter alia, in addition to
the foregoing as is applicable:
i. Create a four-year budget and two-year budgetary breakdowns for the
approval of the Executive Council and subsequent approval of the
Diaspora Parliament;
ii. Advise the Executive Council and Diaspora Parliament on all financial
iii. Maintain accurate and complete records of all receipts, income and
iv. Present a report on expenditure and income, and all transactions of TSYM
before the Executive Council, Diaspora Parliament and Triennial Regional
v. Approve all expenditures and financial transactions of The SISCAD
Youth Movement;
vi. Be a signatory to the accounts of The Movement.

d) The Secretary General, who shall, inter alia:

i. Monitor and supervise the operations and administration of the Executive
ii. Arrange and schedule meetings of the Executive Council in consultation
with the President General;
iii. Prepare minutes for meetings of the Executive Council;
iv. Consult with General Secretaries of Chapter Executives of Local Chapters
on a regional basis, as well as with the Vice Presidents General for updates
on operations in the various regions and countries;
v. Communicate on behalf of the Executive Council as directed by the
Executive Council or President General;
vi. Be a signatory to documents and accounts of TSYM;
vii. Appoint an Assistant Secretary General, for subsequent approval by the
Executive Council, to head and appoint the Secretariat, under the direction
of the Secretary General, and assist with the work of the Executive
Council and TSYM.
1. The Diaspora Parliament of The SISCAD Youth Movement shall be comprised of an
Upper House and a Lower House.

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a) The Upper House of TSYM Diaspora Parliament shall consist of all the Presidents
of the national Local Chapters. Its term shall be two years.
b) The Lower House of TSYM Diaspora Parliament shall consist of the collective
five (5) members elected by each Local Junior Parliament. Its term shall be four

2. The Upper House of the Diaspora Parliament of The SISCAD Youth Movement (TSYM
Diaspora Parliament) shall be responsible for reviewing policies and recommendations
passed in the Lower House before they can be assented to by the President General of
TSYM and voting on/giving assent to budgets, policies and plans of action passed by the
Executive Council and Lower House.

3. The Lower House of TSYM Diaspora Parliament shall be responsible for:

a) Discussing and voting on policies, recommendation, and proposed legislations for
the benefit, development and progress of the Caribbean peoples and diaspora;
b) Monitoring the work of TSYM Executive Council and making recommendations;
c) Electing from amongst themselves the Chairman and Secretary of the Parliament;
d) Electing from amongst themselves the Vice Presidents General and Secretary
General of TSYM Executive Council;
e) Either electing from amongst themselves the President General of TSYM or
granting the mandate to the Vice Presidents General to elect one amongst
themselves to become President General;
f) Considering matters put before it by the Local Junior Parliaments and the
Executive Council;
g) Approving the budget presented by the Vice President of the Treasury after the
approval of the Executive Council;
h) Making recommendations to transnational, regional and international
organizations and agencies in respect of the Caribbean people as a whole, or
Caribbean youth in particular, as to their welfare, protection, and development.
1. The regions (North America, Central America and the Caribbean, South America, Africa,
Europe, Asia, and Oceania/the Pacific) shall be under the management and purview of
their respective Vice Presidents General.

2. Each Vice President General shall meet quarterly (every three months) with all the
Presidents and General Secretaries of national Local Chapters in their region with the
view to increase efficiency in operations, share best practices and solve common regional
problems and concerns for the Caribbean people.

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3. Vice Presidents General and the Chairman of TSYM Diaspora Parliament shall meet with
all the members of the Local Junior Parliaments and Chapter Executives in countries
within their regions every three years. Each Vice President General shall co-chair these
Triennial Regional Conferences with the Chairman or a Deputy Chairman of TSYM
Diaspora Parliament.
1. The Local Chapter in each country shall be the arm of The SISCAD Youth Movement
operating on a national level within states. The affairs of each national Local Chapter
shall be managed by an Annual General Meeting (AGM) of all paying members in good
standing, and outside of AGMs, by a Chapter Executive, which shall be held accountable
by a Local Junior Parliament.

2. The Chapter Executive shall be comprised of the following:

a) Chairman
b) The President
c) County Vice Presidents
d) Immediate Past President
e) The General Secretary
f) The Treasurer
g) The Deputy Secretary/Treasurer
h) The Public Relations Officer

3. The tenure of the Chapter Executive shall be two years.

4. Prospective members of the Chapter Executive (except for the Chairman, whom shall be
elected by the Local Junior Parliament) shall be nominated and elected from amongst the
members of TSYM who are in good standing, and be voted in by the members in good

5. The Chapter Executive shall be responsible to:

a) Meet monthly or as often as is necessary to discuss and carry out the business of
the Chapter Executive;
b) Plan and execute national projects in the name of TSYM and SISCAD;
c) Interview and vet applicants for membership who have been shortlisted by the
Membership Committee;
d) Consider all recommendations and motions put before it.

6. The duties and responsibilities of the members of the Chapter Executive shall be, among
other things:

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a) Chairman:
i. Chair all meetings of the Chapter Executive, AGMs, and meetings of the
Local Junior Parliament;
ii. Advise the President;
iii. Utilize a tie-breaking vote in the event of a tie, possessing no vote
iv. Be an ex officio member of all committees and subcommittees.

b) President:
i. Be the Chief Executive Officer of the Local Chapter;
ii. Chair AGMs and meetings of the Chapter Executive in the absence of the
Chairman and General Secretary;
iii. Supervise the Chapter Executive in their roles and duties;
iv. Ensure the mandates of TSYM Executive Council, Chapter Executive
Meetings and Annual General Meetings are carried out;
v. Present plans of action and policies for approval and execution by the
Chapter Executive;
vi. Be a co-signatory to the TSYM Local Chapter accounts and transactions;
vii. Be an ex officio member of all committees and subcommittees;
viii. Speak on behalf of the Local Chapter in all forums.

c) County Vice Presidents:

i. Assist the President in his/her duties as directed by him/her;
ii. Vote amongst themselves for the Vice President who shall act as President
in the absence or incapacity of the President;
iii. Develop and support TSYM Clubs/Subchapters within their counties
(Geographical boundaries of counties shall be determined by the Chapter
Executive if they have not already been established by the country’s
government or tradition);
iv. Meet monthly or bi-monthly with Club Leaders/Subchapter Leaders and
annually with all members within County;
v. Assume duties and portfolios assigned by the President.

d) Immediate Past President:

i. Chair AGMs and Chapter Executive meetings in the absence of the
Chairman, General Secretary and President for no longer than a tenure of
one year;
ii. With the Chairman, advise the President for no longer than a tenure of
twelve months;
iii. Assist the Public Relations Officer in his/her duties for no longer than a
tenure of twelve months;
iv. Carry out any other duties or portfolios assigned by the President for no
longer than a period of twelve months.

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e) General Secretary:
i. In consultation with the Chairman and President, prepare agendas for
meetings of the Chapter Executive and disseminate agendas and minutes
of last meeting at least five (5) days before meeting with reminders
twenty-four (24) hours before meeting;
ii. In consultation with the Chairman and President, prepare agendas for
meetings of the Annual General Meeting and disseminate agendas and
minutes of last meeting at least three months (or 90 days) before meeting,
allowing for members to submit items for consideration, with reminders
one month (or 30 days), 5 days and 24 hours before meeting;
iii. Record minutes of meetings and publish rough drafts of minutes to
Chapter Executive within eight (8) days of meeting for review and
iv. Chair meetings of the Chapter Executive and the AGM in the absence of
the Chairman or initiate the vote for another acting Chairman;
v. Be a co-signatory to TSYM accounts and transactions;
vi. Approve all communications with external persons and organizations;
vii. Liaise with Secretaries and Club Leaders/Subchapter Leaders of all TSYM
viii. Be an ex officio member of all committees and subcommittees;
ix. Manage the daily operations of the Local Chapter.

f) Treasurer:
i. Chair or co-chair the Finance Committee;
ii. Create a two-year budget for approval of the Chapter Executive and the
Local Junior Parliament;
iii. Maintain complete and accurate financial records of the Local Chapter;
iv. Present accurate reports of income and expenditure to meetings of the
Chapter Executive, Local Junior Parliament and Annual General
v. Approve all financial transactions of the Local Chapter;
vi. Be a signatory to all accounts and transactions of the Local Chapter;
vii. Liaise with, train and monitor the Treasurers of all TSYM

g) Deputy Secretary Treasurer:

i. Assist the General Secretary and Treasurer in their duties as needed or
ii. Deputize for the General Secretary and Treasurer in their absence or

h) Public Relations Officer:

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i. Chair the Public Relations and Projects Committee;
ii. Speak on behalf of the TSYM Local Chapter on all forums;
iii. Create a two-year public relations and outreach programme for the
approval of the Chapter Executive;
iv. Manage the image and marketing of the Local Chapter and its activities in
the public sphere;
v. Maintain networks, goodwill and open communication between the Local
Chapter and traditional and social media, and with all beneficial
organizations and persons;
vi. Sit on Fundraising Committee and assist with fundraising initiatives;
vii. Liaise and collaborate with Chapter Executives of Local Chapters in other
countries to help them build, establish and promote their Chapter.

7. There shall be a Local Junior Parliament that shall:

a) Examine the work of the Chapter Executive and the executives of TSM
Clubs/Subchapters and make recommendations;
b) Meet and discuss national issues and concerns, deliberate on solutions and make
recommendations to the country’s central government and legislature, to the
TSYM Chapter Executive, and to the TSYM Diaspora Parliament;
c) Elect five (5) members among their number to sit on the TSYM Diaspora
d) Elect the Chairman of the Local Junior Parliament (who shall also chair the
Chapter Executive) and Deputy Chairman from amongst themselves;
e) Appoint a qualified individual as Parliamentary Secretary, who shall handle the
administrative affairs of the Local Junior Parliament.

8. Prospective members of the Local Junior Parliament shall be nominated from among the
membership of the Local Chapter, vetted and shortlisted by the Chapter Executive, and
elected by the constituents in their constituency. Voting may be conducted online. Voters
need not be members of TSYM, but must be citizens of that country living in that
constituency and be of at least 15 years of age.

9. Each constituency shall be the same as the electoral constituency for that country’s
general elections, but shall return (vote in) two representatives for the Local Junior

10. The Local Junior Parliament shall meet bi-monthly (every other month) or as often as is
needed to carry out the business of the Local Junior Parliament.

11. The tenure of the Local Junior Parliament shall be three years.

12. The following shall be the Standing Committees of each Local Chapter, and shall be
elected from among the members:

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a) Membership Committee
b) Dispute Resolution and Disciplinary Committee
c) Finance Committee (or Finance and Fundraising Committee)
d) Public Relations and Projects Committee

13. TSYM By-Laws shall determine the functions, composition and structure of the standing
committees that are not provided for in this constitution.
1. There shall be a Dispute Resolution and Disciplinary Committee in every Local Chapter
that shall be responsible for maintaining cordial relations and good order within the Local

2. The Dispute Resolution and Disciplinary Committee shall comprise the President, two
Vice Presidents, the General Secretary, and four regular members of the Local Chapter
either elected by an AGM, or elected by the Chapter Executive and confirmed by the
Local Junior Parliament and AGM.

3. The Dispute Resolution and Disciplinary Committee shall elect a Chairman from among
the members, which shall not be the Chairman, President or General Secretary of the
Local Chapter.

4. The Dispute Resolution and Disciplinary Committee shall make its decisions and rulings
by a two-thirds vote of all members voting. If a two-thirds vote for a motion cannot be
achieved, the Committee shall call for the members to elect nine other provisional
members of the Local Chapter to the Dispute Resolution and Disciplinary Committee.
This expanded DRDC shall make its ruling by simple majority vote, and its rulings be
examined and affirmed by the Local Junior Parliament or a subcommittee of the
Parliament called for that purpose.

5. Deliberations and rulings of the Dispute Resolution and Disciplinary Committee may be
appealed subsequently to the Local Junior Parliament, the Local Chapter AGM, and
finally, to a Regional Dispute Hearing comprised of all the elected Chairmen of Dispute
Resolution and Disciplinary Committees within a Region chaired by the Vice President
for that region.

6. If any member of the Dispute Resolution and Disciplinary Committee is a party to a

dispute or to a disciplinary hearing or investigation, that party will not be allowed to sit
on the Committee for the hearing or other proceedings of the Committee.

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7. If any member of the TSYM Executive Council or the TSYM Diaspora Parliament is
accused of wrongdoing or corruption or any other disciplinary infraction, all the
Chairmen of Dispute Resolution Committees within the regions shall gather and select
one from amongst their midst to be Provisional Dispute High Chairs. The Provisional
Dispute High Chairs (one elected per region) shall then elect one amongst themselves to
be the Provisional Dispute Chief High Chair. The Provisional Dispute Chief High Chair
shall convene, investigate and try the case in three Regional Dispute Hearings in three
regions (one in each region), and then present the findings before the elected Provisional
High Chairs, who shall make a ruling for impeachment, retention, or any other measure
deemed fit and proper. This ruling shall be final, and the Provisional Dispute High Chairs
and Chief High Chair shall demit this office after the ruling is made.
1. The Movement shall be financed through the following:
a) Monthly membership fees paid to the Local Chapters;
b) Annual Chapter Membership fees paid to the Executive Council;
c) Fundraising initiatives and business enterprises approved by the Executive
Council and Diaspora Parliament at the global TSYM level, or approved by the
Finance Committee, Chapter Executive, and Local Junior Parliament at the local
d) Grants and donations from credible and worthy individuals, foundations and
funding agencies

2. The Triennial Regional Conference or the Executive Council with the ratification of
Triennial Regional Conference shall determine the Chapter Membership annual fees. The
Local Chapter AGM shall decide the monthly membership fees for individuals at the
local level.

3. All amount of monies received via membership fees, fundraising proceeds, business
ventures, grants and sponsorships shall only be used for the carrying out of the aims and
objectives of TSYM.

4. Members of the TSYM Executive Council, Diaspora Parliament and Chapter Executive
may receive stipend with the approval of the Diaspora Parliament and Triennial Regional
Conference or the AGM, as is applicable, only so far as administrative and operational
costs of running The SISCAD Youth Movement will allow. No officer nor member shall
be entitled to a salary, nor shall receive stipend if the good order and operations of The
Movement will be compromised.

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5. Signatories to cheques, accounts and transactions at the global TSYM level shall be the
President General, Vice President General of the Treasury and the Secretary General. The
signatures of any two shall be required to conduct business.

6. Signatories to cheques, accounts and transactions at the Local Chapter level shall be the
Chairman, President, General Secretary, Treasurer and Deputy Secretary Treasurer. The
signatures of any two or three (subject to the decision of the Chapter’s AGM) shall be
required to conduct business.
1. This Constitution shall be amended by a simple majority vote in the TSYM Executive
Council, and affirmed by a simple majority vote in both houses of the Diaspora
Parliament, and a simple majority vote in a referendum voted on by all the members of
TSYM present and voting.

2. This Constitution may also be amended by resolution of a Local Chapter’s AGM if

approved by simple majority vote of that country’s Local Junior Parliament, then in turn
approved by a simple majority the TSYM Diaspora Parliament. In this case, the
Executive Council shall call a referendum for all members of TSYM to vote on the
amendment. A simple majority of those members voting shall effect an amendment.

3. TSYM may only be dissolved by a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Council,
followed by a simple majority vote in the Lower House of the Diaspora Parliament, a
two-thirds majority vote in the Upper House of the Diaspora Parliament and a simple
majority vote in a referendum voted on by all the members of TSYM present and voting,
subject to the following:

a) The reason(s) for the dissolution shall be clearly stated and recorded.
b) The Executive Council shall retain office until all the business and legal
proceedings of TSYM have been completed for its dissolution.
c) Any funds or property of TSYM remaining after it is dissolved shall be donated to
any charity or any organization with similar aims and objectives to TSYM.

4. The SISCAD Youth Movement may also be dissolved as directed by Triennial Regional
Conference, in which case, the Executive Council shall call a referendum for all members
of TSYM to vote on the dissolution. A simple majority of those members voting shall
effect a dissolution.

5. TSYM may also be dissolved in the event that the Sovereign Independent State of the
Caribbean Diaspora is brought into being, unless the government of SISCAD directs

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In any instance where the meaning of any clause is unclear, or on any issue where ambiguity in
the Constitution exists, the Executive Council shall be the authority.

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