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Overall Summative Assessment Results

Group Results:
On the summative assessment, 9 out of 13 students were able to meet the learning targets
for the unit. 4 out of the 13 students did not meet the learning targets. The average score
on the summative assessment was 95.89% for those who completed the assessment,
class-wide the average score was 67%.

Criteria for Proficiency and Breakdown by Learning Target

- The summative assessment was composed of 14 questions.
- Full sentences, that describe students' opinions of the topic as well as including
class work to support opinions, met the learning targets
- Students who had full sentences, that described the student's opinions of the topic,
partially met the learning targets
- Students who only wrote yes or no answers did not meet the learning targets
- Students who participated in the Socratic met the learning targets
- Students who did not participate in the Socratic did not meet the targets

All questions target the learning goals

9 students met all learning targets in their written responses

- 6 students got a 100%
- Students communicated effectively and used evidence to show they are
informed thinkers LT 1, 2 &3
- 1 student got a 90%
- Students communicated effectively on all questions but did not use
evidence to show that they are informed thinkers
- 2 students got an 80%
- Students struggled to communicate effectively for all questions and did not
use evidence to show that they were informed thinkers

- 6 students got a 100%
- 1 student got a 90%
- 4 students got an 80%
Pre-Assessment 1; LT 1 Summative; LT 1

Students were effective communicators, Students were able to communicate their

what the U.S. Flag meant to them opinions effectively. Meets, by using full
Pre-Assessment 1; LT 2 Summative; LT 2

Students did not show that they were Students were able to support their
informed thinkers and used of little evidence opinions with evidence. Meets by using
to support opinions class prested information and resources

Pre-Assessment 1; LT 3 Summative; LT 3

Students did not show understanding Students were unable to connect these
past their own opinion issues to a larger order of thinking, by
Occompomaing their opinion with
disagreeing opinions
Pre-Assessment 2; LT 1 Summative; LT 1

All students present were able to effectively Students were able to communicate their
communicate their opinions and understanding. opinions effectively. Meets, by using full
Percent that didn't meet were absent. sentences.

Pre-Assessment 2; LT 2 Summative; LT 2

Two students used support, such as things that Students were able to support their
Limit one's free speech. opinions with evidence. Meets by using
class prested information and resources
Pre-Assessment 2; LT 3 Summative; LT 3

Two students discussed how some demographics Students were unable to connect these
do not have the same access to free speech under ipast their own opinion.
the First Amendment, these students meet the Occompomaing their opinion with
Target. The rest of the students did not meet this disagreeing opinions
Target. As they did not discuss differing opinions.

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