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Captain Smoker


Combat Reflexes:


● Matter Control 4 points: (smoke) Basic Attack d12+1

○ The character can manipulate a particular type of matter chosen from the
Power Types on page 21. The range of the power is 12”, and its Strength
for pushing, binding, lifting, basic attacks and the like is equal to d10 plus
a die type per additional level in matter control. Use the Superhuman
Strength Table (page 11) to figure out how much weight can be
manipulated. Shape: The character can shape as much matter as his
power can lift in a round as an action. Component and nonsolid
shapes—such as a sculpture of metal parts or a Barrier of sand (see
below)—may be maintained at the cost of concentration (–1 to all other
actions), but collapse the moment the super moves out of range or drops
concentration. Solid, altered matter retains its new form normally. Created
matter that is not maintained consciously begins to dissolve immediately.
Barrier: If used as a cage or barrier, the material has a Toughness of 10
plus an additional point per additional level in matter control. It doesn’t
matter if the Barrier is made of glass or feathers or stone—its Toughness
is a reflection of the controller’s power with it rather than material strength.
● Flight - 8 points: Peace 24
○ Your super can fly. The more points put into the power, the faster he can
move. Climb is 0, but can be improved (see below). The number listed
under Attack Penalty is the modifier foes suffer when trying to attack the
flier when he’s moving at this speed. Surprise attacks against the
character when he’s at rest suffer no such penalties. These penalties are
relative and only work in one direction. Faster characters ignore the
penalties of everyone of equal speed or below. Slower characters use the
difference between their penalty and their target (so a hero at Pace 48 has
a –6 penalty to hit a foe moving at Super Sonic Speed rather than the
standard –8). Flight does not stack with penalties from other powers (use
only the highest if a character has more than one power-based attack

● Altered Form - 7 point:
○ The hero has a morphable body of a particular type of energy or matter, chosen
from the Power Types (page 21). This is his normal, full-time state—take
Requires Activation if he’s normally human and must shift into his altered form.
The hero can stretch or contort his body into basic shapes, raising or lowering his
effective Size by 3. This isn’t actual mass, however, so he doesn’t gain or lose
Toughness. Altered heroes have no vital organs (or they’re very resistant,
protected, or hidden). Called shots have no effect on them. They also take only
half damage from falling or collisions, both of which can only Incapacitate—not
kill them.
■ Reach (+1/Level): The super can stretch his limbs, granting +1 Reach per
level in this Modifier. 3 point
■ Viscous (+1): The morpher can flatten, ooze, or otherwise push herself
through all but hermetically sealed openings. The amount of time this
takes is up to the Game Master, the diameter of the opening, and the
material the character is composed of
● Attack, Melee 11 points: Attack 1d8+5d6 AP 2
○ Your character has a powerful melee attack that applies to one Fighting roll per
round. Each level adds +1d6 to unarmed attack damage, to a maximum of +5d6.
A fighter with a d8 Strength, for example, causes d8+1d6 unarmed damage with
one level in this ability. The power does not stack with hand weapons. Attacks
can switch between lethal and nonlethal freely.
■ •Armor Piercing (+1): Every point put into this Modifier gives the attack an
AP value of 2, allowing it to bypass that many points of armor.

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