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Grade- Kindergarten

2. Theme- Story Telling

3. Objectives

a. Students will be able to draw a picture of something they love using the materials

the teacher has provided

b. Students will be able to tell a story with fluency and confidence using the picture

they create.

4. Standards

a. LA.K.SL.1 With prompting and support, participate with peers and adults in

structured discussions and routines about Kindergarten topics and texts.

b. FA 2.2.1.b Create artworks that express unique student interpretation.

5. Engagement

a. I will read the book “What I Like Most” by Mary Murphy

6. Body

a. Brainstorming

i. After we have finished reading the book, we will brainstorm as a class the

things that we like most

ii. I will write them on the board as reference and to help continuing making

connections between verbal words and written words

b. Transition

i. I will explain what their project is going to be by showing them what I

have created

ii. I will present my picture that I have drawn of me eating ice cream

iii. I will them tell the story of why I like ice cream

1. “I drew me eating ice cream because ice cream is one of my

favorite things. I like ice cream because my grandpa and I have a

very special bond over it. We have the same birthday, so every

year on our birthday, we go and get ice cream together. Also, any

time we are at a family reunion together, we like to sneak away

and get some ice cream, just the two of us. I have so much fun on

my ice cream dates with my grandpa. Now, every time I eat ice

cream, I get to think of the fun times I have had with my grandpa.

Which is why it is one of my favorite things.”

iv. After I have explained what their project is, they will all start their own


c. Drawing
i. The students will use the materials I have provided for them to draw the

object, memory, place, etc that they have chosen

ii. I will give them 10-15 minutes to complete this part of the project

d. Story

i. Once time is up, we will start sharing our stories

ii. Each person in the class will have the opportunity to showcase their

wonderful creations and explain their stories to the whole class

7. Materials

a. Paper

b. Drawing utensils

i. Crayons, markers, colored pencils, pens, etc

8. Modifications/ Accommodations

a. Student with ADHD

i. During the story reading, I will have them sitting towards the back so they

can have freedom to move around without distracting the class

ii. I will do the same thing when the class is sharing their own stories

b. ELL student

i. If a translator is needed to tell the story, then that is perfectly fine

ii. I will have them tell their story in English to the best of their ability and

they can get help where they need help

iii. If they are not comfortable telling their story in English to the class

because of the language barrier, they can have the opportunity to present it

to me in private

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