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The passage highlights the instructor's teaching philosophy and approach, emphasizing active student

participation and engagement. Here's a summary:

The teacher's teaching philosophy centers on the idea that students learn best when actively involved in
their education. This involvement leads to a deeper understanding of the material, a sense of ownership
in the learning process, and overall enjoyment for both students and the teacher. The instructor aims to
create challenging, interesting, and relevant courses, fostering stimulating and participative learning
environments. The belief is that active and interactive learning is crucial, and the exchange of shared
experiences and knowledge enhances the educational experience.

Remaining open-minded and questioning concepts presented in class is considered essential for creating
a dynamic information exchange. The instructor values feedback from students, viewing them as
customers, and actively seeks and acts upon feedback to continuously improve the classroom
experience. The passage concludes by emphasizing the instructor's commitment to making adjustments
based on student feedback for ongoing course enhancements.

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