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The Crispy Sock Killer!

Written by Oliver Calman

The Girls Camp was the event of the year at Northwood High. Just before
summer, the girls would round off the year at some lakeside cabins,
toasting marshmallows, drinking liquor stolen from their parents, and
telling each other scary stories over the fire.

This year would be different. When they arrived at the camp they were
given the worst possible news; the camp was double booked! Those
geeks from the AV club booked out one of the cabins at the site and
were busy building some kind of aerial so they could talk to other nerds
on the radio. Best they just steer clear of them, there’s no point letting
them ruin the girls trip.

The girls settled in and started their usual routine, getting ready for the
big bonfire that night. By the time darkness had set the bonfire was lit,
the girls sat around it with marshmallows on sticks.
They watched on with horror, as they sat around the fire. They were
joined by Seth, who appeared from the darkness to ask “Where’s my
hug?”. With crunchy footsteps he slowly approached, and so the girls

…and so for the Crispy Sock Killer… the hunt had begun.
The Crispy Sock Killer!
Table Setup: Place the cabin in the centre of table section D, and place a large
amount of woodland terrain in the other sections.

Points of Interest: Randomly place 2 point in sections B, C, and D at least 3 inches

apart. These will represent the panty stash stolen by Seth.

Number of Turns 14

Special Rules: When interacting with a point of interest, roll on the following table to
work out what you’ve uncovered:
1-4: Twigs and leaves
5-10: One of Seths crispy socks
10-14: The panty stash
15-20: Roll on the items table

Do not roll for Visage, use the Seth themed killer instead.
Seth is not a playable character in this scenario, and his miniature should be used as
the killer.

Lights: None

Objective: Recover the panty stash and exit the table via any of the table edges in
section A. At least 2 characters must exit the table in order to win

Themed Killer Seth

Special visage: The Nerd of Northwoods.
His sweaty brow, high waisted pants, crispy socks and BO are enough to scare off
Combat skill 14

Attack 1: “Nerd scent”. Ranged attack, Causes 2 wounds and 1 terror point. Any addi-
tional friendly models within 1 inch also take 1 wound.
Attack 2: “Where’s my hug?” If in base to base contact only. Causes 3 wounds and 2
terror points.

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