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American Inside Out Evolution Upper intermediate

Unit 10 Test
Answer Key
a) staring at
b) glanced at
c) gazing at
d) notice
e) eyeing

(5 points)

a) placement
b) aggressive
c) brand
d) designer
e) brainwashed

(5 points)

a) My best friend, who I met in Spain, is now living in the USA.
b) He said we hadn’t met before, which was very strange. I know we met at a meeting last month.
c) (no commas necessary)
d) The ring, which was made in 1766, is worth a lot of money. The other ring is worthless.

(4 points)

a) I made myself a large breakfast, which is unusual.
b) My aunt, who comes from Puerto Rico, is visiting us next month.
c) Where they live is famous for olive oil.
d) He’s bringing Jean, who I like very much, to the party.
e) Did you have time to finish the report that you were working on all week?
f) She gave me a CD for my birthday, which I didn’t like at all. I didn’t want presents.
g) My car, which was very cheap, has broken down already.
h) I lost my wallet, which I had filled with money just hours before.

(8 points)

a) What I really like doing on Sundays is staying in bed.
b) The thing I can’t stand about him is his total lack of sensitivity.
c) The person I’d most like to have dinner with is Leonardo DiCaprio.
d) What really annoys me are people who smoke in public places.
e) It’s the cold I hate about winter.

American Inside Out Evolution Upper Intermediate Unit 10 Test Answer Key
Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2018
(5 points)

a) It isn’t Claire I don’t like, it’s Frank.
b) What I don’t understand is why he’s always late.
c) The thing I most dislike is the fact that he never apologizes.

(3 points)

1) absolutely
2) stiff
3) extremely
4) absolute
5) complete

(5 points)

a) T
b) F
c) T
d) F
e) T

(5 points)

a) The thing that annoys me most about driving is other drivers!
b) What I’d really like to do tonight is watch a movie.
c) The thing I love most about weekends is sleeping in on Sundays.
d) What I really can’t stand is the way politicians talk.
e) The subject I found most difficult in school was math.

(5 points)

1) c
2) a
3) c
4) b
5) a

(5 points)

American Inside Out Evolution Upper Intermediate Unit 10 Test Answer Key
Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2018

Track 22:

a) The thing that annoys me most about driving is other drivers!

b) What I’d really like to do tonight is watch a movie.
c) The thing I love most about weekends is sleeping in on Sundays.
d) What I really can’t stand is the way politicians talk.
e) The subject I found most difficult in school was math.

Track 23:

Newsreader: You’re listening to Radio Dallas. And here is today’s news.

New rules are to be introduced which will ban celebrities from advertising junk food to children. The
proposals, which were announced yesterday, are part of the government’s strategy to reduce the number of
overweight children in the USA. The measures will target advertising of products high in sugar, salt, and
fat, such as chips and sugary drinks, during children’s TV shows. It would also ban product placement in
movies. The aim is to cut advertising for food and drinks which is seen by children by 50%.

But some critics have rejected the plans, saying that they are not enough. They are arguing that the ban
should be extended to cover advertising during all TV programs to 9:00 p.m., which are watched by
millions of children. Health-food campaigners have accused the government of giving in to pressure from
major food producers, and of delaying the ban. They have suggested a more aggressive strategy, which
would ban advertising for all food in programs intended for children under nine. This would also cover
advertising for healthy food.

TV companies will lose valuable revenue from advertising if the measures are put into place. It is thought
that children’s TV channels will be hardest hit, and some of them have warned that investment in new
programs might be affected.

The trial begins today of the two sisters accused of stealing ...

American Inside Out Evolution Upper Intermediate Unit 10 Test Answer Key
Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2018

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