Gaskell Chapter 12

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296 | og: Rai ting et 1 Te ot preset ga, 200K, a which ep pessure ofS 5508 of te ol press 117 Ammonia gis sted wo 30°C. AL what al peers the mol action EN te egitim qe aunt equal 0.2 Cala he stad eo ‘halpy change and he sandal enopy change fr th reaction ay od Pian + Nan = Nig 300" 118. By enlisting the ogi Poly) = Poly) + Clap 500K inant of PCI; and PC a gs obtained oa ta presse ‘wth te paral press of Cl 1 at In what ao were PCT, Pty ened oan hs ula gs? 119 Airand hyioge are mine oe ao and ar bese to 1200 K Cal tte th pial press HO; the aio gas at tm esa dt 1 tm presse. Ai conan 21 volume percent Os 11.10 Ore nse of nc of hydoge, one vapor, eH gu ar alowed eet SUTSOOK and P= stn Callie the mole tons of Hy ad Hin the ulin mistore The frperate the changed ota au a which ‘ula the eid a fetes py, Wats tis temperate? Chapter 12 REACTIONS INVOLVING PURE CONDENSED PHASES AND A GASEOUS PHASE 121 INTRODUCTION ‘The tron for glo a on acon st ws diced ie Cater 11-The qnston nwt How he ion Canad er moe as teas prc fhe eon ns cde ef an nvdecon illite cose tt he codes pass eof te ese es {fed compton, Many pea ems carn soe) ge as ta prema ith Ean sone fr pe el as, le, tds Ge Geen of fest ew asim exes ps ‘hic an toate pts stone bot a of tense caiing ts ghen mpc o o wht temper mete Ge cen be el is gc amenpere gen pail poe fbn deo ae Aeconpon of te etoa? Te i uso of nee eb ‘eating of pes de tnd ee oon ine ne "a sch ems, compte pio ee exsist of) hse Pree) sme phase at sable and thas he rye exit a C0, + Os tad el (where Po, Pou) te exit at sable, and Rene th sys exes Ci # On ‘ote euilivi anong wo condense par phases ad ga pas inlet formation of earns and hyeoxdes. For example, tthe temperate tec om MO) + HO) = MOH, ecu wen Gio + Gita + REO Pin = Cerda Je, when AG" = -RTIOK = RTI Poe sia tequila M049 + COay) = MCO Fos + Blow + RT a Reoyn = Frou je, then 2G = HRT Ia = RT In peo Forte resto Main + COxy = MECO% . 17.600 Peouen = F505 x §31aKT ~o a ‘This variations show ia Fig 12.18 the tn wich again divide the gran lt to regions: one is Which MgO,, + COa,y a sabe an one ia whch MgCO,,, * COay a tabi 3 | Cher Rent nig Pa Cnn an Gs Pa : | = Xe . i MeO x) + Oz & wrest Figure 12.1 (0) the verison, with perature, of the oxygen pressure equed for maintenance of the euiivun Cy + Os = 209,00) The vacation, with Temperature, ofthe cto did ress euied for maitensace fhe equi Fu MEO, * COs = ECO ‘Teil Sund Gee ay Cg Tote | 1233 THE VARIATION OF THE STANDARD GIBBS FREE ENERGY CHANGE WITH TEMPERATURE. For ny chemical ection, combination of. (6.1) a (612) hes Gor te resston a fancton of tapes G5 = aM rasp an =a |! seat rasea— | from which itis seen hat he devin from nay baweet AG" and 7 depends ‘the sg and te magi of ey ote eatin, General, hovers, he are ‘ion of BG" with Tis consider at lls: reach of the invicta ‘roduc ofthe ection the mbar capaci, iexpressed, vera ated ange ‘temperature inte foes Hence, forthe ection, apna within he ated range of epee, Ae, = ba + aT + Be? ics equation is © (BE) =se.=ae aor ser whee AH" estar ental change fr the recon Inegaion gies aor be aay = any + aar-s SOT Be «28, here ly an nagraton constant which woul e egal othe stan nty ‘ofthe reaction a0 Koay ifthe analytical expression fo ya fnton of T at “ald down oO KAZ ¢somaly esate y sibtiing a known value of AP} ino a. (128 Forth react, the Gibbs Hela equation is CF) ur. oe img ht (29) 346 | Chap 2: Racin cing i Cd Pa sO Fe het is an nteraton const. ‘ASAG? = “PT In, then By (129) gives Alle 1, dain, aor, ae mete ae tone me cap ‘The auc of fcan be determine i Ki known at sy tempentie Forth estion $44, + Ong) + 2000, Aifig = ~ 3244001 5p = 1383 0K 8G = 22440 + (298 1385) = =2831003 Inte range 298 1 1355 K, pean "26-4 63 % THK 1 the range 29801200 Spenoy) = O34 +26 10°74 snd inthe ange 29810 3000 K pag = 30442 X 10-T = 17 10K sac hat in be temperate range 29810 1200 26 = pea ~ M208 ~ Goa 428 + 186 10° 17 OTK Ts AM = Ady + 287 + 93.310 — 17 x LOT Subsuion of Gy = ~3244001 ges Ady = ~325900 1. Divisig by —7?, Integrating wih respect 7, and mlpying trough by T er {30} = 325900 ~ 4287 Ia F— 93% 10"? ~ 85 x 10T r 2881003 gies 1= 171.7, an ence 80} = ~325900 ~ 4247 a ~ 93 x 10" ~ 085 x 107"! + 17171 @ InPowmn + 2068 ip O08 ~osisinr = 11 x 10% = 2) Tein Sun Gite Fey Camp ih Tgete | ‘The vation of AG, clei fom the experimentally measured variation of ojos wih temperate, can be Stel oan eatin of th fos AG = A+ ermr + cr Fr the oxiaton of Cu 12000, hs es 80° = ~335900 — gare + 2e7r3 “ hit an Be approximated nina frm by 33800 + 141373 ip Ine temperate range 29801200 K. At 30K Es. (an Gi gine espe Urey, 2828, “2861 and =200615, ad at 1200 ge “1697, 1639 ak “ieau. ican be mice hat (12.10) silo te vapor pee eqution,F. (78). celationship betwen the two can be scene alow: Conside he ap rao ofA foe Ao ‘uli occur at he temperate T when Gy = Gig + Ia, te, when : AG’ = -RTIngy = -RTIDK the igi ud th apr have the same moi eat capaciy, hen ac ar , as ar RT ‘Tis istobe compared with (7, which pve Mase te vapor Bese ideal ten, at costa ampere, Hi aden! of ree andthe AHP = Hy ~ y= Hy ~ Hy = ly However rom Bq (615), forthe vapce Sif0.) = $¢— Rlap Mion =~ Sy = Sip ~ Sp + Rinpy = AS + Rly Sub |- Cor Rec ing Pe Conese ata Pe “Te constant in B07) thas as the ae Saf + In pad, (7.7becomes Bom tap, nating dhs, tht when he apo sia equim with he iid a thee tue, Meo ae cor 80mg = 0 12.46 ELLINGHAM DIAGRAMS [Bingham* pled he experimentally determined variation of AG" with T othe ‘viation a sulfation of eis fetal an fod tha, pt of he i Solving ln. 1% abd T~" in Ey (129) the cclatonship approximated to sight Ines ower anges of emperatar in whish nochange of inte ozared. The eins ‘olds exes by means fhe simple eqution ace = A+ er aay inch the constant is identifi wit the trperatire independent standard eo lp change othe ection, A an th costa Bs ented withthe negative tie terperaueindepenent standard enoy chang forthe reat, AS "Foe ein of SC ith othe etn eaton Agu) + Oay) = 248.01) ‘shown in Fig. 122, nd Fi. 122 x hnown aap Bingham dagran. From Fa, (GID, the length of he nee ofthe ne wth the T= 0 K axis gives SH and [is ginen by the negtvo te sope of he ie. AS Asa negate quantity he reaction involves the dspperineof + mole fs) the line asa positive soe. [Nor oar = 462K and ths nhs tmp pre oi ser nd oxygen gs 1 a rsa re in eiliviom with pure sold sve oxide. Frm Es (12.6) Ng eer io K= RF In povan ~ Os 462K, ad therefor poy = LIE the temperate ofthe syste AsO pte Ag abd oxygen as am pres ture) dosti oT then, a AG forte oxidation reaction becomes negate. ‘he mel phe bocs unstable relate 1 iver oie and oxen ga a 1 a fresur and onc, spontanenayoxiaed. Theva of Pony clued fom AG}, = In foyer an 8 AG, a negaive at. Poy) © Singin Rody ode Se nui oes Sc ha 22 dalton Figure 122. The Eling ine forthe oxidation of sve. Sin if te tmperte of he ssiem incest fom 462 K 40 Ty, the, a AG" fr th ovation booms ose, he we pase becomes ent elav 0 ‘thermeta nd oxygen gst | tm abd, Reve, spntneosl disciaes APMC, ‘is postive quay. poy i rete than {sm The vale of 4G" for anon: ‘in thas meas oh chemical fi ofthe met for oxy, an th more ‘tgave te vale of At any temper, he re sale the nie Forte enilation reaction Ay, + Oxy) ~ AD 35° = Siow ~ Sus ~ Sty ‘ds georly inthe temperature range in Which A and AO, ae Sl, icon Sera gree than both Sand So, Geese Fig. 615), hen, as ~ 3, ‘Tus the saad emopy changes for oxituion eatin ivaving sali phases ‘ue alos the sre vale, which comesponds wih be dappesrinceof | ol ‘oxygen gas inl a 1 atm peste As the slopes of eines na Eling die ‘rum ate eal o =A" then the iss are ee or spall one anther, 88 le scan Fig 113 ‘307 any tpt te Sum of eel conto aH” hich ‘adependn of Tif ey = 0) a th etry cotta ~TAS (wich ey =O, Son ect emp, Theo cot edn. 123 Wap + Ory = 2600, su |Cage Res ing Ck Pants Ge Pa 4 +O) 2000) ng 24) 2000) S S x i owl is age i o “ ot git of A onthe AG" ee Figure 123. Wosrsin of he ee ‘oneip fo eactons of th 176 2M + Ox = MO forth ag? = ~aerg00 +1687 inthe emer range 29810 1763 K, nt 2Miny + Oxy = 2H, fori Ag" = —169400 + 185673 inthe eerie range 2981 1500 K crt acy of Afr hese two eon re vial equal to oan, tip. 1h i thet he ele sls ofthe exes CoO and Mr wre dete ‘ratty tc les of AA nat, the more gate the vale of AP, tema epee th ue of AG an ence, the more abl the oxide As $0, AS a y(—-) ar Foun) ike mgm Dugan |e 1, a8 AM ex negative quanti, oan iene expel wth acesing ‘enpraie ad at any tempera, decries MY Beomes re nese ‘Consier two oxen ean, the Elinghh lines of which ntsc one notes 28 2A+0,=280 o B40, 0, ® which are shown in Fi. 124. Frm ig. 12-4 iti sen tat Ay mre negative than Aad tat AS, ime eaten AS, Saacton ef ation om reaction) ges B+ 240 = 24+ BO, wy fee which te variation of 40° wih Ti shown ia Fg 125. At temperatures es than Tp A od BO, ae Subl with spel Band AO, anda etpratesghet than the reverse the ase tT A,B, AO, abd BO. cca inthe sandr stats, in euler wah ons another Te tna Tax wth ny le lim) acura the suo compromine Bae enthalpy sad ety const tons. AS AM is gate ing ea 0 Aly AM) dd ASG negate (being given by ASiy ~ AS). the system A + B+ Osha = minimum ently ‘wen toocus a At BO, and asa maximue eopy when occ eB + AO, AT Sigua ~T4ASi and thus AGay ~ 0. Artempenees ethan Tie ‘hpy cntibuion 10 80%, outwegis the entropy conto, sad thu as ‘Nj negating,» BOs these sate Ar emperors high that Ty hee vere isthe cas, ACh i eptve and BAO tee ae seg 23 ty shows hat ifpue A wee tobe sed asa reucig spat rece pre BO, to orm eB and pure AD, then th reduc on would have wo be Conde temperate a6 igure 124 tnenscng Eling nes {oto hypotetical oxidation actions 39 | Chl Rea nig Pe Cake ent Ga a ast 2 owe igure 125 The vsaon of AG° with 7 Tr fee ¥ 240 = 24 + BO, fom Pip 12 iphoto 7. The foregoing dcusion alone tat node compare the Stabile of deren nies the Eling grams must be dawn or oxisoe ‘acs imoling the coptmsion ofthe same ember of aes of oxygen. Te tite of > forthe oxidation reason ths mus be eotgy pe mole of Os € Jules per mole oxygen. ocr to ved having tact the Yale fj fray entation rene tion Rshaoo® ade oniographie cle the Elingam agra Ths cles ‘Sut follows. A ony temperature te sundae ney change for an ondatonructon SCF, given by Eq (126) a RT In Porn, However, from Eq (810), G = G+ RFln FAG seen to be numerically equal he de ‘Seite tthe Gis foe energy of mole of oxygen gas when is presse is ‘Sees fn {at 0 poy tm a the temperate 7. Conse the Yaraton of ‘SG within, (10) Res decease in the presse of I mole of Sel ps fom Into Pa, As Title ine with lope of Ra Pad ae P< 1 the linea negative slope. ima fr an neath pesare of I rs of ie fom 1 Pat he ation of AG with is tna witha posse lope of Fn thus srs of ie can be rn for given restr changer rom oP an) ‘futon of empertre, Tes ine adatom the pin AG = 0,7 = O38 shown in Fig. 128 Sopenmpostion of Fig 126 with « ypc Eling diagram i ‘own in ig. 127- Io F127 |AvT, SOF, = a= he decree in Gibbs oe esay when oi deena rom [Av Ty SOR, =the enn Gib eer when ois sea fra Taam to 10 "amt Selig om CO MOF On onan (98) kp Pose peso? Pet pas0® Paso? ‘0 m0 ato eon aon 1000100 Figure 126 The variation, with empertue, of he difeence betwee he Gibbs fre ence of | moe fel gs in the sate (P= atm, Tan the Gis een fry of oe of lel gst bese (P= Lam p= 10 atm 47 iil le- 108 am igure 127 The supeimpesion of Elingham ine on Fig. 126. ast | Chr: Ren hing Ctl Pe Ga Pe ALT, AG}, = of = he dee in Gib scarey when o, decreased om Tuam 10am At T. AG = 0, which comesponds tno change of po, fom 1 atm, Tas Posty = 1m ‘The Posen tomogrephi eal is ths ade ote Elingham diagram along the ightnd edge and slong the bouom edge. THe vale of Poy fr any tnea-metal oe alts ead fh raph ath al om he cle which {scolar withthe point AG” 0,7 = O,and 803.7 = T "The actions (and i) shan Fg 124can be examine wag tbe Pon omogrpic sel, Fg. 124 ie oprdaced with «nomograpie oxjaen peo ‘ale Fig. 128- Alay temperate lower than Ty ste ee that oy leg. foreaction i tT. , and an oxy ‘nciphore ae negli ool at ar temperate Pat which Pon = Pou Fig. 128 shows that his unique temperate is Tp the temperate which the Elling ies tence ope acter 125 THE EFFECT OF PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS In the previous ston twa sated th he vraton ofS with empertur can ‘be approximated by a staight Hine only over ranges of temperature in which 20 ‘shange of ps fa eactanto roduc occurs. Hoveve 8th eal a lah- Temperature phase (eg the gd pase) exceeds that of lw-tnpeatue se ‘Ge he solid pas) by the nent heat ofthe pase change, nd sy tee {py ofthe hghertomperatue phase excods hut of the lowertempertue pe, ‘hen an ow” ccs an Eling ine ae empertt of ase change areata of prodt of he ection. ‘Cone teraction Aas + Oxy = ADs foc which the AA” is be andr enthalpy change and Ss the standard entropy shnge At Tithe ming empersre oA the chang of phase Aorta ‘osc for which be standard enapy change (he teat eat of meng i A, {adhe eresponding change in enpy AS. Thus ote eacton Ag + Oxy) = AO tne stand cnapy changes a4 ~ at and ie Sadar eaeopy change AS" = AS AS AME and AS, arepoive antes (mel an ender Process, the AH" — i lager negative quantity than AP” and AS" [BS i rer agave gusty thai AS" Conequety the Eling ine for ‘heidi of lig Ao frm sald AO, hs reer slope han the corespod ing lin forthe oidtion of ak A, andthe ne contin an “bow spars” at Tray Tis is shown in Fig 1290, The tne des aot conan a isco 3, a Foe Gy = Gay Ifthe mehing temper fhe xe, Tao 6 omer an he ‘ig tmperte of the metal he, tT oe cage ase AO aj-4AOan occur, for which the snd entalpy end entropy changes are, respectively, ‘30, ad So Thus For te reaction uy + Oxy = AO the stan enapy change ie AP + Ato, the Sad entropy change is [AS ASE ny bl of which are ens thn th coresponding guutites AA” and {Af his ae the lingam ine fr oidaton afte sls malo proce he Tus oxide ha lower slag tap the Hin fer oxidation ofthe slid meal 10 the sold onde, an hss shown in Fig. 129, the Elingham ne has an elbow owners a Tyra If Tua = Tage the Elgar ie 28 bow in Fi. 1210 and Toy > Tayo the he eas shown in Fig 12.108 (Copper i ttl ich melt at Lover temperature tha it lowest oxide (ca0, Fe stands Gib res ener change fo the oxidation of slid copper © form so aprous onde inthe range of epee 298K Tc AG’ = 334900 — 1427 Ia T+ 20773 o and, forthe axon of iid copper wo foun sll cops xe in he range of {epee Ie 01503 Kit AG? = 300800 — 42TIe T+ 285379 ® Tm TnAOz Figure 129° (6) Theft of meng ofthe meal oe he Elaphe fr oid tin of he met () The fee of mating ofthe metal axe on he Eling ine forth oxidation of be metal ‘eeteceuweTetemsine |S “w @ Tma Taadp 7 Tap Tima Figure 12:10 station of thee of pas changes of the reactants td re oe of ereaction on he Eling ie fer he reaction ‘These Hes, whic re daa ia Fig 12.10, mere 1356 K, wih i hus tb meng temperate oppor AG, ~ AG, gies AG = 51800 ~ 38371 forte pase change Ay) = 40a forthe ing of 1 mole of Cu, Gq, = 12970 98873 from wich Azo. = 12970 sd ASie. = 958K ‘Thus a Teeth Hope ofthe Elingh ie fre xiao f Cu press by ose. [AS FeCl tila tower temperature than theming temperate of Fe, tbe Eiagham diagram forthe chloraton of Fe atoms “lhows wa te eng tempers o Fea at he boing temperate of FeCl, or Feu + Chy = PCa AG? = 346300 26srin + 212973 ww in te ange 298K Tac For Fay + Chy) = FeChy AG" = 286400 + 63.687 o S| Chi Re ig Pa Cn ean Gu Pa cn a TT) serps, igure 111 The Hingham ie fr he xin of compe. Interinge Tac, 0 Tan anit Fay, 4 Chy = Felay, Ag = “10800 + isin ~ 375.73 » inthe range T 18Tae Lies i), ad () ae shown in Fig 12.12, which shows hat Tape, = 969K 208 Tac, = D9BK for Fey) -> Bea, AG ~ AG ves 9900 + 1268F aT 149073 es 49.131K 969 K 4 humoa 2 Betta’ serene. Figure 1212 The Eliagham pram forthe erin of ton, x ersinly Tames 968 ‘Tost difeeac in slope been ies i ed) 3 969 Ki 49.151 a the Alferene beten th tngedalntercept othe spe of thet ine 909 Afar _ 4785 Sere - 913K sour coum catty ae tn, = ORO + 8a 84r3 scr Atay» -1 [220800] mac = ars esos 36 ws “Tus te change in slope between ies Gy) andy) a 1298 Kis 97.46 JK, and the liferensteween te tangential intercepts is 126.500. 385 | Caper Rtn ning Re Colca Gs is 126 THE OXIDES OF CARBON Carbon farms we gens oxides, CO sd COs, seg 0 Cin Ons" COs, o {or which AG, = ~394,100 ~ 0847 J and 2+ Ory) = 20 focwhich My = ~223400 ~ 17537 1,Cominton fection (a Gi ges 2004y + Os, = 200s i) for which AGip = 236%) ~ AGiy = ~864800 + 173627 1-Tae Bagh tae. For teastions and ae ined Fig, 1213, which it eso “Tei for ection (tas poste soe (2 oles of gs poe fom 3 moles fg AS = ~17362 0, ‘Tein for reston has vieally 0 lope (mele fg posed from ole fg. AS, = OK), ‘Tein for reaton (i) has segue slope (2 males of gas peace from moe fps. 885) = 78310. Comer he aio Coes Cn) = 200, for whlch er = AGiy ~ SG» 170700 ~ 17457. 363 (705°C) the emperatar st which he Eling ies fr eatin 6) ‘ect one aot Ath operate, CO an COs tn sand sate, bch 1 in esr, in agli wit sol prphe. and te ol peste oe System 2 am. As eacton quilts ae normally conse for pens uader tol posure ams insite wcll he epee at wich CO ad (COncachatapessuc of Suman oui with wold Cmdr of Le Cele principe cates water this terperae fe ihe owe th 978 K. For reaction (vk Mpg = O= “RT in ky = RT In Pee) es STR KK, = land hence my," wo = VaNd Pan = 2a be psu a Be ssi i dca Tse tb Ky i Independent oF ress, a thos in tl to uni ro cones great an th agi hi ‘Wud the CO ser ash) preicad bj Le Chalets pimipla As ‘f= + 190.7003 secon (i) endtbrmia ha, rom Le Ca ine as.adetease in tempers ifthe ei in that ition ich stds the C+ CO. se Ths. iis requed dates the ress these fiom 200 1am, and at he sane ine matin py = Pe he eget Oe system must be decesed, The empertre rogue fr feo = fo, = isle ‘ted as lows. For rencton@) ce Gy = ~ 394,100 - asers 2 : é “ae Figure 1213 The Fling gram for sessed ies, the peso th COs which prodaced at a,x deceased 103 am, hee, forthechange of tae OMT = tm) + CONT he dca in its ee eeray i AG. = RT In 0.5, an eee forthe etn Coes One tan * CO san Mina = AGH, + Sy o 304100 ~ O84r + RTIn0S1 a o |—ccpucoptan i Coy i76 1 copies ae. iS amy 26005-1000.) 200079) ‘Figure 12.18 Theft of varying the pressures he prods bt ofthe reae- fe Guy Ong amy = COxgind ign Ong wrinee Hog ence sone i Fle wo con?” ‘Tin is bin en the Eig diagram by siting the ln fo econ @) locke abut its pon of tereton wah he T= O ans util th etapa 7 the vertical separation betwen lie (i) and ine (i) ¢ RT In OS. Tis stated ‘nig. 12.14 Sirs the Eig ine for teat, Way + Ongretany = 2009-25 win is bine a the sem of Aig aC fo te change of te 2CO(T P= Lam) + 2C04rP = 05 am) 3G. = —223400 17537 + 2RTINOSS “Tis ines bein By rotting the ie for ection (i) locke boat its pit of Intersection withthe T= O ais wil a any temperate, the vera separ ‘between line Gand le () 247 nO, (Combination fects (vad (ges Gop + COagasns = 200, an ip focwhich ‘Thus, CO; and CO, cach 05 atm pressure ein quam wih solid Ca that temperate at which AGip~ O, Lea the temperate of intreton ofthe nes (iad (opin Fig. 12-14 Ge poi. ‘The wmperase at which CO (0.25 am) and CO, (00.75 stm) arene sium with sol Cis obaied ina sia manners terete of ine vied ‘locvise ut at sts ben displaced a verti distance RT 75a tine routed clockwise wil tJ, hasbeen paced a vera ditnce 27 in 025, Ths ishe polt bin i 12.14 Sil he post in Fg 12 4 thetemperatse A which CO at 0.75 am peessure and CO; af 0.2 am pres are nei ‘sith slid. Fora mixture of CO and COp a | am pressure ie quia wat ‘old Ce variation of percet CO by volume a the as ws epee shows inFig 1213 Fg 1218 eloes the polnsa 8c dante daw lag 1214 ig. 1215 shows tht, at tmgrses lest han GO K, de egies is inal CO a tm ress ad temperate higher tae 140 K, the ei "um ga is italy CO atau pesue Thos points ae, respec be pois ‘sande in Fig 12-16. Thos in ig. 12-14 te ara, with epee fe D8 foe ene change for oxidation of slid Co peoduce a CO-CO, mitre a am ‘reser wich in equa with solid C ven by ie (up tothe point ‘ony he ine aed ad then bythe ie beyond he pointe [A any temperate. the CO-COs mire in egos with C ete an cpa oxygen pressure athe equibam 2C0 + 0; = 200, Gj = ~S64800 + TR@OTI = rn) eee rye igure 1218 The variation, with temperate, of the compestin othe CO-CO, ‘pm in eqlibtm wi slid rapt Pag = Tm Ths 564800, 17362 |, ee 22) InPoumn = ~s3iaar* a3ia Wiis equine that sold carbo be sed a acing agent to reduce meta oe Mos atte tmperstne thn oj it (12.12) mas be han poy fo ‘he equim MO, = MO, Ge Se. 127. ‘The Equllbeium 2C0 + 0: = 2C0, ‘The Eling ine forth above ection i shown in Fig 12.16 he ee. Be tng the vc, with terperatue, of he sadn Gis ie energy of fomatn, ‘NG hs lino te eat whisk produces CO | st peso CO at new and Osa a presse. The eet of podicng the COy a a pe. fore te the atm (rom CO sod Ox ach 1 i) te otaton of te Eling. amines out ie pin clockwise if P< I stm ad saticockwie if Pa. Fr the given vale of Phe otaon esac ht foe he epee he ‘eric displcemeat of ess 27 in PA seri of lines, rating fem pon an thas be dawn orient pressures af CO, produ ra CO and Oy chs Beata 7 sui Figure 12.16 laseation ofthe fet ofthe ro eyo in 4 COs-CO gas imine onthe temperate at which the equliium M+ CO; = MO COs 1am. i 12.16shows orf hes is, fr CO, pitt 10s, for 0, pc a 10am, xo, pad 0.1 a cr 0, pods S110" am: Th gcse tr ae, with ape ots poesia ng CO- CO gs ates ing agente te metal is MO, flows: Te Elaphe fre eaion MPO; = MOs wn in Fig Ia Tsai rate enperseT, whch se emg ste at which he andr eer chang for extn oo i 8, = 0 = = RT in (22 sayar,=e~ -eru() Peo Attemperutues higher tha 7, 2 CO-CO; mitre of ooPoo,~ 1 racing with rerpst to MO, anda empertres lower than 7 ti iting wid expec the ‘etal MI i roquled tht « CO-CO, mate be made ein with espe! 1 "MO, at engeraue lower thes T, tha the ao Pay Peo Mate acess 8 366 | Caper: Rom ig ie Coed Peas Ge ‘ale greater han unity. The Elingham ie fr be reaction M + © = MO> iter sect the incu atthe temperate and Titus th teperatue at wich hee Mo; + 2CO{1 aim) = M + 2C0¥0.1 asm) © inacequliium, ie, 30,017, = AG + 2871801 But by eition 86) = 0 = -2erie(F) + aero “Tus (ology 10st Ty and hence, by decreasing he temperate frm , 19 T, the COICO, ato mast Re nreased rom 19 10m ero aan Faton fuliom, Simiity oT, tbe equibeium COICO, ratio i 10, at 7 the quam {COICO rao, an 7, the egitiom ror O01. Ts «COMO, no phic sae can bead tte lingam gram and for ry reaction Mo, + 200 = M+ 260, ‘he guibiam COICO, ati at any temper Tis en of the aomograhi ale ‘tl point whichis clear wih he point Cad he ot AG}, 7 =. forthe Siloa M + O;~ MO; This scl is denn i 218 ig, 2.15 gone by eng ofthe exis COXCO, tin fr th scion © +0; = COs upto the pot ia Fig. 1214, then th COICO, ato slong. the ie abcd, and ly the COICO, ration forthe ection 2C + O; = 200 be yond he pein Tan eactlysinilar mane he Hi/,0 nomographic sae i ade Fig 12.13by content effert of he aan of te pea of HO on the reaction iri 2H + 0: = 21,0 ne equity Hs) rao a te temperate or te esct0n MO, + 24 = ts rad ff he HL.0 scale a the poi which x clot withthe pits Hand ‘AG, T = Tor the reaction M + O; = MO; M280 gtd Rep of lie ne Seman Oogea | ME 12.7 GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF EQUILIBRIA IN THE. SYSTEM METAL-CARBON-OXYGEN ‘The main een fr graphical repeseution of eau ia a system ae (the snout ef iforaton provided abd (2) clay and bth hse conser are ‘epenent on th coos core or se inthe gap epesentation As the ‘ompraphic sale forthe ato COCO, in Fi. 12.13 sows tht the range of ne fstofvaloes of polo, 10" o 10, tis comenien to peeset fs aio on 8 logarmi scl Pap 1217, which asst cordates lg (Peo) an. ep ‘sata comeieot meted of clea peeseaton of reaction eld the c= toa-oxjaen and cutoo-o4ygeo-etl tens. From Ei) or 200jy + Oxy) = 26a Figure 12.17 ‘The reltonsipbetneen the pail posieof oxygen in CO; (CO gas mire ad tempera. The kenneth varion, wi epee, ote compostion of the gs whic sin eqlibeium with graphite at aim peste ‘he ines AB and CD represent, espasively th equa + COs = FeO CO and Co + C0, = CoO + CO, 366 | Cape 2: Rati ining he Cente Pa Ge Pe mt ssn re we(3) = hem + : *F\ peo) ~ 298 * 3x 3303 x gaa” 2X20 x ase nd for any given value af po, hs gives the variation of he given oxygen esa hog (2c pa) and temperate The oxyze sobs ia tbe age 10" 10 sm are dow asa fonction fog (PoP and Tin Fig 12.17 "The egulitiem C49 * Cm = 2005, se howertinit on th COCO mish ia hie ype, j= 170 ~ 14573 = -a in) ‘nd dus, tal peste of stm, when ey = 1 Peo. selon of which gives 7 2ts- VEER 2 feo _24r= VEE cul Peo” Vara ‘The aloe of p/P gen By (i) thems otanable vale st thee perature onset made tos CO al CO at Pa = 1am) in Poof lower than th ven Es), eaton wil pcp wl, herby te ‘al isinceased os unis alu oui for equilibrium with cata ee rate The variation of Yeo/Pealycrse, ih tmperstae cow ‘role ie in Fig 12.17. The vara ofthe cireapoding minimum ales cf Po, ih emperanc aFi 1217 ven bye nenectons of he ogg a uli ach ae MO + CO= M+ COs a realy be ese on plas sachs Fig. 12.17. Far example, for FeO + CO y = Fey + COayp phil pment ute nese Can Ongen | 7 AG" = ~22.800 + 242671 andthe vartion of he euro rao COCO wih empertue is en by (=) 2230 26 vet Te nn "SS x 8STF TSS AST “Tis aio eaves the ie AB in Fig. 12.17 ands ayes, sate of ‘ches above ine AB oiling with spect Fe, and sat low AB ae {etic wih esto FeO. The vats of Poses Mh PTE [Prey theinteneton he oxygen sbas wi ine 4 The temperate a ‘ich A ntenets he earon depos ne the ani epee wich ‘old FeO can be reduced to oid Fe by gropite, and iste wenger a ‘hich Fe FO, Cay aa the CO-CO sos at 1 am pressure oes in ‘Solberg at wich Pomecoens = Pour, ‘Th ine CD in Fig. 12.17 represents the rin of 1g (o/c) wih for te equitiom C04) + CO) = Cay) + Cay — tor» -as00+ 1091 ~ = conan (acco ” Ee Ea As the cui estat K forthe ection MO +C0=M + C0, Ingieaby e/Peomrsenonaplto0g feo /Peou ra) UTisaplotflog SIT Fig 12.18 shows te information given in Bi 217 as such pot Wath e- ‘ecto the mount ofnformiton which canbe bai roma raph epee ‘hnofequiitesinasyrem, ig 1218s beter epesenaion han isig 1217. cn the slope of agent an gulitria ine a the empertre Teste vale of AUPE If ey =O Ke nea faction of 17 Ts he ope ofthe ine AB ing. 2 Theale SAP forthe reaction FO + CO = Fe Oban the Spe feline CD eq -AHR forthe reaction CoO + CO = Co + CO Also tees ofthe tangential hopes, othe ines esses fey ae ca ith he it~ Onis giveth coresponding valves of ASP forte reacons. rom Ea. (3) he hope of any oxygen soba equals ~ AHR forthe reseton2C0 +O, = 200s, tnt thonygen sobre in Fg 12.18 ar pal ines, 3S | Chap 2: Rn aig Cod da Gon Fase 1 F 'es\9e0/c0) wre! Figure 12.18 Fig, 1217 epradusd st og (Pe/Peo) 96 UE 128 SUMMARY 1. The fit that (1) pur spcies ocuing a conden phae cers augue sand vapor pes atte temperte Ta (2) the dependence of the Gib fe enyy of scons phase on reste at low pes) smelly Sal fatt convenient dfinon of the stn sat of pvies euing "condensed phases. Tis tandard Sais sip the pre pees in stable condensed sat the temperate 7 sing thi san sat he ele enn rata nein pare dese pasa ss nb pe. For example, forthe xin a pre meta tots pr sche ‘ie oie the equ const is gen bY pare hae Poe Be ‘nie pial pesare of oxygen equa equi eween ema, ‘vie a the gs pase a he trp 7 This reser ach ht G+ G3, + AT Poin ~ Go, Nenetat anges | 307 1 acy = erin = -arin(=) = Foon 2 Determination ofthe ulin sine of chemi reato stm res sowie ofthe arto, with engerati te tanderd Cis ee ey ‘hunger the ection. This laonsip canbe obaied fam themnacheris dna, e, tom + knowledge of be aha enbaly and cory cases Sg temperate (oly Affn and AS) an he alos, wi ger {ure ofthe const presse molar bea capes of he reactant products, rian be detemied fom knowledge ofthe vain, wth tempera, of ‘he gaiom cosa fore scion. Forth oxo of ae met os ute oie experimental measurement of the Yan of per th ee ure ges ihe aration of 30° ith epee Ce PAnaa/eTen ae aT IF AH and 35 ee independent of temperate (if cy = On Kis ance fancion of, 3 The ing of be vrai of 80 with 71 ne produces be soled Eig tm ne forth resto an a plo A vs ao a Engh ram. Elina ines plot on single dara or Sis of simi re fons, efor the formation of oxi, sles ety provi a comenent ‘eyecnton ofthe elas fhe compounds Te aon Poy ‘elgg sees To hn gr ire. etre derminton of Pours BePeoia St PalPuanr) fo pectvely, the equi 21°F Gy = 2M, + COn'™ MO™S CO, and Meio =MO+ i 129 NUMERICAL EXAMPLES Example 1 CCompar the reine eticiencies oH and CO seducing ages for metal oides, FerCO = 190; = 00s, 0%, =H0 Gy ~ 207500 + s58579 » “The aes of A and AS” fortes wo reasons case Eling nes it ‘epectat 127K. 15 shown ia Fig 1213, with AG being more egtvethan 4G temperatures higher than 1125 Kan AGjy ing moe negate than AO ae Petes lover tan 1128 K. Ti nies that Hy the moe efficient cing ‘seta higher tempertices an tat CO i the or feat elung get at m2m2400 + 86817 o snd forth, + 0, 2) | Chap Rest ig Pe Cnn ae Ps omer temperate. Coser the rfacton of CoD by cach Hy sn CO st 1673 K sada Far C20, = Cay) + HO Gt) = 4253900 ~ 71887 iy Combination of AG and AG ives Gi, = —48500 + 1496r1 w fee CxO + C0 = Co + CO and combination of AG ad AG eves Gt, = ~12500— Irasr3 o fer 000 + Ng = Co + H,0, Te postive ae of AS case AG, w became Io egsive wih ceasing perature ad the negative vate of AS aes ‘AG, t become tes mega ih Inveaing temperate. AL TST K Sat ae a eS sia x 16, “Ts it 1673 Kis pats hough columa of C20, whi ogg enough at ‘ston sulin seed efor the gs eaves he cola, che estion of Hy (hich scone before alum i reached 19.720. = 098, an ths 1 reo Hi egued to rdace 095 males of CO. [AIGTS KAGhy = ~2340 J and thas , Kao chs theft f CO which consumed y he ection eon a 1673 K ‘efor equim seabed 540040 = 0845, Thus | mole of CO is egued toads 0843 moles of CO. "ACETBK, AG, = ~27.3843, which hes nthe ration of Hs coos 43.S44.S = 0978 and mol of Hy ees 0974 mole of C0. ‘ATE, AG, =35,440 hich ges w= t-(2) “Thus the fnton of CO comma iy 152153 ~ 0952 and I me of CO reduces (0982 moles of CoO. Tus Hite more fet redoing gett higher temper are and CO ithe more efoto lover temperature, an decreasing th entire a which the eduction reaction is conded creas the eens of NumetalBunpis |) Example 2 ‘Consider th resin of sai 280 by CO oem Za vapor nd CO, scoring 0 a0 + COhy = 245) + Cn o For 280 p = Zay) + 70%) ‘3Ojy = 460,200 ~ 19873 tn 0¢ Oy) + WOng)= COs Ata, ~ ~202400 + s68173 ww Summing Ay and AG gives 0% = 197800 Lars ‘The eqlibcium ils tes composts Za, and) al wo phases (a solid snc asa ts fom he phase le, as C+2-p2342-203 egrets of fed However, tbe sochiometi requirement that Po = Peo, eS ‘one ofthe degre freedom ad tus tb cgi ted whose emperstre anda pressure we ed Cau composon othe ps pase a 950 nd P= lan A129 Gi) = 177800 ~ 1112 x 1225) = 41,8003 =H1.800_) « goygy Peer Ranson =o (Garcia) "00 = From the sochomery, po, = Po, adhe al pressure Ps P= pep + P+ Pe, om ‘hus with P= 1, poo = I~ 2p ore «2 o ich has he solo oy = 0118 atm. Therefore peo, = 0.13 am and Pes @x0113) = 0778atm ALP = Isms ete acon ofthe species ine gi al hai ever, ‘ase condensation ofthe ine vapor a! 1223 K? Condensation sie when the Pr {presse of Zn reaches the vale of the strat ap peso ged in at 1205 K. The sates vapor press of igi zn igen by =18250 T Piao em) = 125sinr + 2179 S| Capa Res ning Conk Pea Gan Pas lc gives py = 149m at 123 K- Therefore Las? Prax ich ashe soliton P= 138 sam. THs pon = eg = 149 atm an peo, = 138 7% 1a) = 15am. the pia of condensation of ie he ole rations of the species inte gas phe ae Xa, = Xoo, = 149/138 = ODL abd Ney = 1838 ri Clue te compost ofthe gas phase if the tata presse is increas 0 150 tm at 123 K, Te sytem om coms tee pases od the elim bs nso degre of fredom. Condensation oft zn eins he stoichiometric oquemet Po» = Pon Bt pase equim between igi ine and icv sora 1225 K ques hth pi press of ice the strated ale of L39 nT Kou rave = 00164 = 149% Peo Kase = 00164 om P= 130= 149 + Boo + Peo, wi _Siatanoos sotin of) an il 685 Po = 1469 at a pen, = 1.81 ‘stn. Th mole actos of ho pees nthe pas phate ae thar X, = 12150 = (01, Xoo = L6VI30 ~ O01, aod Koo ~ 146.7150 = 098 Consider, now, te recon of Za0 by grep to form zine vapor, CO and co, scoring Lay) + Cans = Zao) + CO, oy a0 yp + Gy = Hany, + CO wo Fer2€ + 0,=200, iy = —28400 ~ 175305 ® snd for +0, = 005 AGiy = ~394100 ~ Osan oo Combination of Gy and “gives Gt) = 348500 — 285.973 foe Za0 + C= Zn + CO nd combination of 246%, snd AG aes Gi = $2600 ~ 39687 fee 2040 + C= 220 + CO» Memetot agin | on ‘The equlcum involves tee componets and ee pues (240, srepite, anda ga pase) and tus, acoding 1 the las le, bs to deren of freedom, Howeve. a soichiomerie ZnO is tbe oly Source of oxygen snd ici the gus use one of the dees a feed ud bythe quer tha gual meters ‘fois of Za and O ocar isthe gas pase Alera 20 hat dst Peston, he stem canbe conse ob he quasi inary Z90-C a which cate The phate le ier one dere of feed tothe Tha, xing ome (1) the temperature, 2) the tl prese, 3) pay () Pon 98) Pn, es the eglid- Hum. Deena he eget state at 123 ALI2ZBK, AGiaam x = ~ 850 and has — sh at Ghee = 960 aume = 09 (sii) = 001 rem, ad ‘erent t/t = ins a ea oe Bai Bete mo morte ay Sen a a i gt ro hn = 108 = snd sini a i hes (oo nn = 0018 a Simulnsous slaton af Es, (x) an (av) ses poo = 1.023 st 50d poo, = (0016 atm and.) gies pn = 1.025 + (2 0016) = 1.058 a The tak esur a which he gules xi at 223 Kets 1058+ 1023 > 0016 = Pose am, ‘Consider now he were at which the total resect. Resin Bs (A and (a wneud empertre a arabe pes no(=22) ‘x subtitatng for SOR 988 Pee (te) (282, °(Garaer Jes sias, Geo + 2Pco}Pc0 id) S| Ce Recs nahin Pa Cn Paes Gn na Kone em ) = rao, cx ning op a : rar cn( 22) ag (288) «ng ero, 0 ae oo - oe a ‘has py = 0489 + (2 0007) = 0.505 am, and he to press is 0.489 + Example3 uring the clarion of NO in ecto OD Kit eed 90% conver son fhe chlorine gas be achive ing ingle pss hough the ecto, Cale Ite the required toa a5 presse ‘cc Wy + Cha = Nag + Oa fox which AG} = ~15 4903. Ths anc 20 (S50) ‘rom he soehomeay ofthe rescton, 10 # Cag = Meee + Hay moles before eation 1 moet aerreation Smciat toes | 8 For 90 conenion of be Cx = 09. and dhs ne, = Oo, = O45, andy = (058. InaCl-O, mitre athe pressure th part pee of horn alo pave on Riven onser amt no, = Sp = asta Po Te nf _ cosisry® _ 4960 pen auRee ~ which ashe solo P= 0393 am, Knee Example 4 ‘What steels sat f 2 CO-CO,-H,-#.0 gas mitre produced by mit ing COs and Hy nthe molar 1 a 1000 a alps a? "The action which cure C0, + y= C0 + #0 o _Asthe molar to of COs 10 Hh inal interes 1: and P= 1 tm then = {ore ection eas, po, = po, ~ 0. tm. From he soir of he esti, stan ime rng the ection. eo, = Py, a Poo * Pun Atlan | Peabo, Ko « ‘The total press Pm Foo, Boo P+ Pmt eae Peo, = Pe, 20 Peo = Paw ten 20 * ow Pao =05 — Py, and Peo = Pa Sto f chin shes Ko SO an. 3 | Caper Renton aig Cee eas GP ‘he sn oe ees fh eas he 6 TTA ae aoe see Postar sano its) = w= 2 hich has the sltion py, 028 atm. Thus, tection ebm, P= he, © 028. ad uo ™ Peo = 022 8m Coase ta segura gsis cote at ty resend 1000 ‘gi veel of cons volume. What happens if sone CaO paced nthe ee? (0, + $00) = Cn, + 20g ww 04+ #0, = CM * 60, + p= C400 tent "Sir oon fog Sing SO"= “$8659 = 36171 frCa 2 = CC, 3O"= ~11200 = 24r4 eC + 05 30, Soe o9r1 feu = ca + 40, a 80° = Mam + 488379 x 300 = 0 +8 Si, = -2890 «wor sa sand ke, ero) a Roo “Thu tbe CA0 wero et with te CO neg mth = 39. oem Ga ond COm te to Os in te mite woe Namely aT {es than 209% 10°F am, As the patil pressure of CO inthe a it 028, eston(i) dos not oct Consider the posse formation of CHOH), scaring © reaction Gv), AG) = 117,600 14ST an tht SG ae = 2707 ad ox “Thus the pressure of water vapor que fr equim beawees C30, CuOH)., td water vp t1000 Kis DUST = 20 ah A the acl peste of mae rin the yee! 022 au, eatin (i) dos nat once ‘Conierthe posible formation of CACO, secon to esto): Gy, = ~168400-+ 14473 “Ths, SG, nx = ~24.400J and ence Koa ox = W882 Pom « foreaiirim erween C20, CaCO, apd CO st 1000 K, poo mt be 1/1882 0.058 am. Te acta paial pressure of CO i th es pantr than 053. ‘nd tus the CO, reacts withthe CaO to foem CaCO, Conse that an exces of (C20 added the vena 0 hat some CaO remains tert foration of CxCOs ‘us dened te para presae of CO: inthe vessel 0 0.053 am, Now clelte ‘hen equi seo the ps “The removal of CO rom the gs as to effects) he ess exer by the inthe conmaot volume i denen and 2) the elite of reaction (is ‘Shine othe et However, allo the hog in the vessel ocuing a Hy ora $0 remsios inthe cnstantvlume gs phase, the sum py, + yo i changed by ce sit inthe equlcum. Also, fom the stichometry of reacon (, Poo ™ Po dating he shit Ths, ene equi sate Pho ORS X03 = Pad “This slain ppg ~ 0.1 ha he new elem Su uo = Peo = 0113 am y= 0387 am | co, * 0053 tm P= 06¢6xm Kvn = 0618 = 28 | Chaya Ret ig eC hens Ge Pe What happens om if pit inode othe pte? Hence gage Gap + COay = 2005, oi mst be estblsba Gt = 170700 — 17457 wr), ‘Tha, foo, ~ 00S atm i rau for the C40-CACO,-CO,equriem, the Ths AG sme = 360030 (0579 x 005)! ~ 0259 am ‘west the C-CO-CO, eile. Asin, allo be hydrogen emai athe fe, p+ Pwo = OS a and 0289 5 ~ pa) Kossaon = 061 535, ich bas the solution py, ~ 0.489 sm Taste newly egiliated gas mix, ‘ich snow in equim with CaO, CACO, apie x = 0490 Pogo = 0051 am pc = 0289 Peo, = 0053 st Consider ow tht the gage Is adds Before the CxO, Le, that graphite Js aded 0 the orga gas mist ia Wich Poo ~ pyo = DO22 atm aad = Peo ~ 0.28 aim cotind inthe gd vessel a [000K Toe cq (0) ‘2 ubled which request the vale of peo po, i te sie as change conform wth Ko pan = 1519 = BS Before any reaction he pari rss of CO in ga mine 0.2 at, ich forte C-CO-CO,equlitrum, would requte pep, = (0.2)/579 = O0S1 am (chs owe tan he vale ecu inthe gs mitre). othe extn Feo, ‘f 0.28 csublshment of te -CO-CO,equlium would equi peo = (579 * 10.25)" = 06865 sm (wich iger tha he ale occing in the gas iu), Nae | a ‘Thus rection (vi) mst proced fom let right andthe gas pase equim (mas ait rom it ef al smtsooay Poesy ana PBMC Pe, Poo, Asbefor, pg + Po = 0 am, andthe four condion (eure fr detemian. ono th also the for paral pete) roti from consideration of ‘ype and yaopen mol tlanes. The ection of pape wi CO, fort CO oes nt change th ober of mls oxygen inthe as phase Inthe rials tare, CO¥, = Ian thas qual mambers of les of onygen a ydropen soca inthe gas phase, The numberof oes of oxyen in the Inco, + Reo + ug andthe number of mes of hye is 081s ‘Tus inthe gas mint, 2ho, + Reo + Ro 2tyo +2 faa +h 1c + neo = hm + E0 ‘Under codons of consuat volume and emperaue, an thas 1 Peo. + Feo Pu + Pm hic, combination ith ives P= 95 ~ Pua 1266920 * Boo ~ OS sebsittion of which it Eg, gies (= 126698 ~ peso CTa6tp Eo + poo 5) x OED 8 Pho + 336 + LA2ipcy — 2018 oa a. (id athe slton peo = 081 wm, and hs the ne equim at is Peo = 0541 am eo, = O18 = 081200 Pro = 0088 a Now ad exces CaO othe system. The puta pressure of CO; inte as eo, = 0.185 sm) enter than th alae of 0053 stm age er equim, [eeneen C30, C2Cy and CO; a: 1000 K Thus the COs vac wih the CaO to ‘oom CxCO) ul bxeby th paral presi of CO, has tee decreased othe guia value of 033 aim, and te gas pase eullbnm sis in ode to ‘nin he -CO-CO, eguiibum Tas te new euiiia, Poo, = 0053 sam and poo = (1.59 x 008)!" = ‘ko Kuss ~ 0618 ich, with p+ po = 0 am, ves py = 0489 atm and po = 51 am, Ths the new cio sis P= 049 am Pe ~ 001 am Poo = 0289 a Peo, = 0053 am P= 088m ich, ncessaly sth sme stat tht rode by noticing he CuO ele the gape PROBLEMS 124 To what tempersue must MyCOs be ested in an stnosphere containing 3 pial presi of CO; of 10am to cus ecompestion ofthe crtonat? nna ns na ns ne no Using te standard Gis fe energies of formation of NiO from slid NI nt Tu eal the meting veep, oar heat of meing, nd the mbar etopy of mating of eke, Cale the temperate at which re Ag.O dsompses to Ag metal and (0; gs when ested in (1) pe oxygen a Tm press and (2) na serine the matimam peseire of water apo in wet hydrogens 1 ‘esse io which chromiom can he aed wihoat oxidation oxcorng st [SON Is theosdnton of Cry water vapor exeerme crenata? ‘Aix of spon ga and arog gs at 1am wl pressures pssod rot ateaton ese! contin sss hid Soa id Soy at 43% Ar Has exam heen tes Reten the gas pas nthe igs pss inthe ese? ‘end FeO ae i eglteium wth gs mitre of eamposion 718% CO- 282% CO, at 127 K. Which of thet sod phases bape if the con ion of th ee eld const and the temperate of he spt is de ‘ceed? (Catal the vor ress of Mg xed at 140°C bythe syste in which ‘teractonsutiun MgO + Su) = 2Meyp + MESIO4 fscunblaes. ‘One ra of CO i place in an evacuated rgd vest of volume Iter t ‘oom peat, eh ym is esed Caloulte (1)the highest ge ‘tue at wich the CaCO, pase present, (2) he pes in he Yes 1000 the presente vessel a 1500 K. The molecular Weight of Caco is 10. Cale the al presare (3, + Pye, + Po) eer by epliratal CoO sad 038041 1223 ‘gu mitral containing 99% CO, 04% COS, and 9.5% ine co stuns (y volume) s psd ver sponge ona 1000 K to remove slur by he allowing eatin: 05, + Fey = COly + Fey (1) Asumiog tthe fn a isin egitim with ean eS calculate the pecelgeof slur emoved frm he gs by reaction withthe sponge irom: (2) Cane he aril prestre of Sth fn a [An Ar-HLO gas mint of Pp ~ 09a Pang ~ 1a) 9 pasa ver {old CaF, aa esa of wih C0 form cco Cafu + HiOy = CHO, + 2HF 9 “The econ proceeds to equim and sod CaO and sold CaF re mut aly immisete Whon te gus fot measied a 298K ad am pres ‘are ve th sample te per mint, he measure ates of weight se ‘ofthe arp ae 268 10°" and 4.30% 10" grams per hours 900 and S| Cay: Rea nig Cnn eG Pa 1100 K, espetvely. Use these dato cle he variation of AG fer the shove acon with espera. The tome weight (0 16,F = 19,and Ca = 4008 1212 Magnes (Fe09 seduodt sponge on (Fs) na coniaous es op rain a 800K sing methane at (CH) the reducing gent. The pases ‘ston pode ving the east aol press of | sm amie of (C0, CO» Hand 1.0 witha elie methane conte. The iss at ei ‘um wih he Fe-Fe0, mitre in he ecto. Cale the contin of methane aes of ethane used pe malo Fe produced 1213 Thace ution forthe oxidation of Mg acsording © Mg + Da = MeDin AG" = ~

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