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Focus first on a keystone habit (one pattern) to The brain has this amazing ability to find

reprogram the other routines in life. happiness even when the memories of it are
All our life, so far as it has definite form, is but a
mass of habits—William James, 1892 We could short circuit some of our worst
patterns by inserting new cues.
40 percent of the actions people performed each
day weren’t actually decisions, but habits. Craving is what makes cues and rewards work
and at powers the habit loop.
Habits can be changed, if we understand how
they work. First, find a simple and obvious cue. Second,
clearly define the rewards.
A community was a giant collection o habits
occurring among thousands of people that, Habits create neurological cravings.
depending on how they’re influenced, could
result in violence or peace. This is how new habits are created: by putting
together a cue, a routine, and a reward, and
The basal ganglia, in other words, stored habits then cultivating a craving that drives the loop.
even while the rest of the brain went to sleep.
Cravings don’t have complete authority over us.
Chunking – the brain converts a sequence of
actions into an automatic routine. Only when your brain starts expecting the
reward, will it become automatic. The cue, in
Habits, scientists say, emerge because the brain addition to triggering a routine, must also trigger
is constantly looking for ways to save effort. a craving for the reward to come.

Habit: cue → routine → reward Cravings are what drive habits.

When a habit emerges, the brain stops full “Champions don’t do extraordinary things. They
participating in decision making. do ordinary things, but they do them without
thinking, too fast for the other team to react.
Habits never really disappear. They follow the habits they’ve learned.”

Your brain can’t tell the difference between good Golden Rule of Habit Change: You can never
and bad habits. extinguish bad habits. Rather, to change a habit,
you must keep the old cue, and deliver the old
Without habit loops, our brains would shut
reward, but insert a new routine. (You Can’t
down, overwhelmed by the minutiae of daily life.
Extinguish a Bad Habit, You Can Only Change It.)
Habits are often as much as a curse as a benefit.
Habit reversal training → competing response
Habits are surprisingly delicate.
Awareness training – asking patients to describe
what triggers their habitual behavior.
Habits, as much as memory and reason, are at
the root of how we behave.
The truth is, the brain can be reprogrammed. You
just have to be deliberate about it.
Cues can almost be anything. Routines can be
incredibly complex or fantastically simple.
Often, we don’t really understand the cravings
Rewards can range from food or drugs that
driving our behaviors until we look for them.
cause physical sensations to emotional payoffs.
Belief was the ingredient that made a reworked
Habits are powerful, but delicate.
habit loop into a permanent behavior.
Habits emerge without are permission.
If it worked for that guy, I guess it can work for
Even small shifts can end the pattern.
A community creates a belief.
By learning to observe the cues and rewards,
though, we can change the routines.
“It felt good to do something that wasn’t all
about me.”
When people join groups where change seems Individuals have habits; groups have routines.
possible, the potential for that change to occur Routines are the organizational analogue of
becomes more real. habits.

There are simply communities—sometimes of We were basically ceding decision making to a

just one other person—who make change process that occurred without actually thinking.
believable. But to other agencies, where change was in the
air, good organizational habits were creating
Change occurs among other people. It seems real success.
when we can see it in other people’s eyes.
Typically, people who exercise start eating better
Belief is easier when it occurs within a and becoming more productive at work. For
community. many people, exercise is a keystone habit that
triggers wide spread change.
A habit cannot be eradicated—it must, instead,
be replaced. Habits are most malleable when the Identifying keystone habits is tricky.
Golden Rule of habit is applied: if we keep the
same cue and the same reward, a new routine Keystone habits offer what is known within
can be inserted. For a habit to stay changed, academic literature as “small wins.”
people must believe change is possible. And most
often, that belief only emerges with the help of a All elite performers are obsessives.
Small wins are a steady application of a small
Attacking the behaviors we think of as addictions advantage. Once a small win has been
by modifying the habits surrounding them has accomplished, forces are set in motion that favor
been shown, in clinical studies, to be one of the another small win.
most effective modes of treatment.
Small wins do not combine in a neat, linear,
Genuine change requires work and self- serial form, with each step being a demonstrable
understanding of the cravings driving behaviors. step closer to some predetermined goal. More
Changing any habit requires determination. common is the circumstance where small wins
are scattered…like miniature experiments that
By attacking one habit and then watching the test implicit theories about resistance and
changes ripple through the organization. opportunity and uncover both resources and
barriers that were invisible before the situation
You can’t order people to change. That’s not how was stirred up.
the brain works. Start by focusing on one thing. If
I could start disrupting the habits around one Keystone habits encourage change by creating
thing, it would spread throughout the entire structures that help other habits to flourish.
Piling on so much change at once made it
Some habits have the power to start a chain impossible for any of it to stick.
The final way that keystone habits encourage
Keystone habits can influence how people work, widespread change: by creating cultures where
eat, play, live, spend, and communicate. It starts new values become ingrained.
a process that, over time, transforms everything.
Not sharing an opportunity to learn is a cardinal
Keystone habits: success doesn’t depend on sin.
getting every single thing right, but instead relies
on identifying a few key priorities and fashioning Cultures grow out of the keystone habits in every
them into powerful levers. organization, whether leaders are aware of them
or not.
The habits that matter the most are the ones
that, when they start to shift, dislodge and “grit” – the tendency to work “strenuously
remake other patterns. toward challenges, maintaining effort and
interest over the years despite failure, adversity,
Lists are how he organized his life. and plateaus in progress.
Keystone habits transform us by creating cultures following orders, their willpower muscles get
that make clear the values that, in the heat of a tired much faster.
difficult decision or a moment of uncertainty, we
might otherwise forget. Sense of agency – a feeling that they are in
control, that they have genuine decision-making
Willpower – the all-important habit. It is the authority.
single most important keystone habit for
individual success. People want to be in control of their lives.

Highly self-disciplined adolescents outperformed Just as choosing the right keystone habits can
their impulsive peers on every academic- create amazing change, the wrong ones can
performance variable. create disasters.

Sometimes, it looks like people with great self- Much of firm behavior is best understood as a
control aren’t working hard—but that’s because reflection of general habits and strategic
they’ve made it automatic. Their willpower orientations coming from the firm’s past.
occurs without them having to think about it.
Firms are guided by long-held organizational
Willpower is a learnable skill, something that can habits, patterns that often emerge from
be taught the same way kids learn to so math thousands of employees’ independent decisions.
and say “thank you.”
Routines provide the hundreds of unwritten rules
Willpower isn’t just a skill. It’s a muscle, like the that companies need to operate. But among the
muscles in your arms or legs, and it gets tired as most important benefits of routines is that they
it works harder, so there’s less power left over for create truces between potentially warring groups
other things. or individuals within an organization.

Once willpower became stronger, it touched Companies aren’t families. They’re battlefields in
everything. a civil war.

And once you’ve gotten into that willpower Routines—habits—that create truces that allow
groove, your brain is practiced at helping you everyone to set aside their rivalries long enough
focus on a goal. to get a day’s work done.

If someone has trouble with self-discipline at Truces are only durable when they create real
work, they’re probably also going to have trouble justice. If a truce is unbalanced—if the peace
attending a program designed to strengthen isn’t real—then the routines often fail when they
their self-discipline after work. are needed the most.

Turn discipline into an organizational habit. For an organization to work, leaders must
cultivate habits that both create a real and
Inflection points – when they knew their pain— balanced peace and, paradoxically, make it
and thus the temptation to quit—would be the absolutely clear who’s in charge.
Sometimes, a truce can create dangers that
How willpower becomes a habit: by choosing a outweigh any peace.
certain behavior ahead of time, and then
following that routine when an inflection point Crises, are so valuable, in fact, that sometimes
arrives. it’s worth stirring up a sense of looming
catastrophe rather than letting it die down.
“And I genuinely believe that if you tell people
that they have what it takes to succeed, they’ll Good leaders seize crises to remake
prove you right.” organizational habits.

When people are asked to do something that Most of us turn to the right after entering a
takes self-control, if they think they are doing it store.
for personal reasons—if they feel like it’s a choice
Consumers sometimes act like creatures of habit,
or something they enjoy because it helps
automatically repeating past behavior with little
someone else—it’s much less taxing. If they feel
regard to current goals.
like they have no autonomy, if they’re just
The habits are unique to each person. On a playground, peer pressure is dangerous. In
adult life, it’s how business gets done and
People’s buying habits are likely to change when communities self-organize.
they go through a major life event.
For an idea to grow beyond a community, it must
Our brains crave familiarity in music because become self-propelling. And the surest way to
familiarity is how we manage to hear without achieve that is to give people new habits that
becoming distracted by all the sound. Listening help them figure out where to go on their own.
habits allow us to unconsciously separate
important noises from those that can be ignored. He who lives by the sword shall perish by the
By dressing something new in old clothes, and
making the unfamiliar seem familiar. You follow what exists in your head, because
you’re not capable of making a choice.
To market a new habit, you must understand
how to make the novel seem familiar. In general, sleepwalkers will not do things that
are dangerous to themselves or others. Even
Social habits are why some initiatives become asleep, there’s an instinct to avoid peril.
world changing movements, while others fail to
ignite. A brain experiencing a brain terror look very
similar to a brain following a habit.
A social movement starts because of the social
habits of friendship and the strong ties between Automatic behaviors so ingrained in our
close acquaintances. It rows because of the neurology that can almost occur with the almost
habits of a community, and the weak ties that no input from the higher regions of the brain.
hold neighborhoods and cans together and it
endures because a movement’s leaders give People with gambling problems got a mental
participants new habits that create a fresh sense high from the near misses—which is probably
of identity and a feeling of ownership. why they gamble for so much longer than
everyone else; because the near miss triggers
Most of us have friends that are like us. Our those habits that prompt them to put down
deepest relationships tend to be with people who another bet.
look like us, earn about the same amount of
money, and come from similar backgrounds. Some thinkers hold that it is by nature that
people become good, others that it is by habit,
There’s a natural instinct embedded in and others that it is by instruction. (Aristotle,
friendship, a sympathy that makes us willing to Nicomachean Ethics)
fight for someone we like when they are treated
unjustly. The behaviors that occur unthinkingly are the
evidence of our truest selves. So just as a piece of
Social habits of friendship – the natural land has to be prepared beforehand if it is to
inclination to help someone we respect. nourish the seed, so the mind of the pupil has to
be prepared in its habits if it is to enjoy and
The power of weak ties – social peer pressure. dislike the right things.

Weak ties – links that connect people who have We can choose our habits, once we know how.
acquaintances in common, who share
membership in social networks, but aren’t Every habit, no matter its complexity, is
directly connected by the strong ties of friendship malleable.
To modify a habit, you must first decide to
Weak-tie acquaintances were often more change it.
important than strong-tie friends because weak
ties give us access to social networks where we Once you know a habit exists, you have the
don’t otherwise belong. responsibility to change it.

Peer pressure – social habits that encourage …believing that he had control over himself and
people to conform to group expectations. his destiny, that he could become better, that he
had the free will to change.
My first act of free will shall be to believe in free A habit is a formula our brain automatically
will. follows: when I see a cue, I will do a routine to
get a reward.
The will to believe is the most important
ingredient in creating belief in change. One of
the most important methods for creating belief
was habits. Habits, are what allows us to do a
thing with difficulty the first time, but soon do it
more and more easily, and finally, with sufficient
practice, do it semi-mechanically, or with hardly
any consciousness at all.

If you believe you can change—if you make it a

habit—the change becomes real.

The real power of habit: the insight that your

habits are what you choose them to be.

The water is habits, the unthinking choices and

invisible decisions that surround us every day—
and which, just by looking at them, become
visible again.

You now know how to redirect the path. You now

have the power to swim.

The problem is that there isn’t one formula for

changing habits. There are thousands.

The framework: identify the routine; experiment

with rewards; isolate the cue; and have a plan.

Routine – the behavior you want to change.

Rewards – satisfy cravings.

Most cravings are obvious in retrospect, but

incredibly hard to see when we are under they

Test different hypotheses to determine which

craving is driving your routine.

Writing – forces a momentary awareness of

what you are thinking or feeling. Your scribbled
words will trigger a wave of recollection.

Make a list of a few elements you would focus


Friendship cues triggered a habit to please the


Identify categories of behaviors ahead of time to

scrutinize on order to see patterns.

Location; time; emotional state; other people;

and immediate preceding action

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