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Recycling plastic waste materials for building and construction Materials: A


Article in Materials Today Proceedings · April 2022

DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2022.04.226


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2 authors:

Joan Nyika Megersa Olumana Dinka

University of Johannesburg University of Johannesburg


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Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Recycling plastic waste materials for building and construction

Materials: A minireview
Joan Nyika ⇑, Megersa Dinka
University of Johannesburg, Department of Civil Engineering Science, APK Campus 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The production of plastic wastes is a growing environmental problem in the era of industrialization and
Available online xxxx economic growth due to the varied applications of polymeric materials. The wastes, which are mainly
landfilled pollute land and waste resources due to the toxic and resistant to biodegradation nature of
Keywords: their components. Therefore, innovative approaches to channel plastic wastes away from landfills are
Building imperative. In this mini-review, recycling of plastic wastes to materials useful in the building and con-
Construction struction sector as a viable solution to their environmental accumulation was focused on. Using pre-
existent empirical studies, it was established that plastics can be used alone or in combination with other
Plastic waste materials
materials at varied percentage compositions to make various building and construction materials. These
Recycling include bricks, blocks, tiles, asphalt, bitumen, geosynthetics, door panels, insulation materials and cemen-
Sustainability titious composites. These applications are enhancers to environmental sustainability as they reduce the
mining and transport of conventional building and construction materials, which result to atmospheric
pollution. It was noted that there was need to commercialize the applications by advancing to better plas-
tic harvesting technologies and cost-effective recycling approaches for wastes with a variety of plastics.
Assessing the lifecycle of recycling plastic materials for building and construction in addition to devising
regulations to standardize the processes involved was recommended to validate the ability of the
advances to enhance sustainability.
Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Materials, Processing & Characterization.

1. Introduction were produced globally and only 130 million tons of the total were
recycled and landfilled [6]. The rest were littered in our environs or
In modern day era of urbanization and industrialization, gener- in large water bodies resulting to negative environmental effects
ation of solid wastes is on the rise and so is its disposal at landfills such as soil pollution through the release of toxic chemicals, hin-
with limited efforts to reuse or recycle it [1]. Consequently, land- dered groundwater movement and its pollution, marine pollution,
filling costs have risen alongside its large-space consumption and imbalanced water and aquatic life survival and low aesthetic value
ineffectiveness leading to the plastic menace globally [2]. A large of the environmental just to mention a few [7]. The COVID-19 pan-
portion of the solid waste constitutes of plastics whose uses are demic has further exacerbated the situation by encouraging plastic
multiple and diverse and extend to healthcare, packaging, manu- uses to make sanitizer dispensers, masks, gloves and personal pro-
facturing and automotive industries. Annually, more than 300 mil- tective equipment (PPE) kits leading to the ‘pandemic of plastic
lion metric tons of plastic wastes are generated [3] and out of this pollution’ phenomenon [8].
total, only 8% is treated via incineration, 7% is recycled and the rest The indispensable use of plastics in modern day along with lim-
is landfilled [4]. Another study reported that more than 850, 000 ited management mostly through landfilling is creating havoc
tons of plastic waste was not managed scientifically in 2010 and globally [9] and the only viable solution to control their associated
the quantities were expected to rise to about 2.5 million tons by pollution is by reducing disposal while maximizing on reuse and
2020 [5]. In 2012, more than 280 million tons of plastic wastes recycling [8]. Noting that post-consumer plastic is not preferred
today, Da Silva et al. [10] also advocated for innovative decontam-
⇑ Corresponding author. ination of plastics through their recycling to useful materials and
E-mail address: (J. Nyika).
application of upcycling processes. One of the suggested initiatives
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Materials, Processing & Characterization.

Please cite this article as: J. Nyika and M. Dinka, Recycling plastic waste materials for building and construction Materials: A minireview, Materials Today:
J. Nyika and M. Dinka Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

is by recycling plastic waste materials to make building and con- troscopy, infrared, fluorescence, flootation and elctrostatics [1].
struction materials. A number of studies have hailed the advance Through shredding and grinding, plastic wastes are degraded dur-
due to its positive contribution towards sustainable environmental ing mechanical recycling [13]. The method is however not prefer-
management through reduced disposal of waste at landfill and able if the mixture of wastes is complex and instead, incineration
water bodies as well as the valorization of such waste materials is preferred [14]. During chemical recycling of plastic wastes, they
[1,7,8,10,11]. Through the recycling of these plastics, marine life are metabolized into monomers or smaller chains and chemically
will be conserved and energy consumption for the manufacture modified to convert them to virgin raw materials used to make
of new plastics along with landfilling space to dispose such wastes new products. Thermal processes work by heating plastic wastes
will be saved [1]. This mini-review therefore focuses on various at high temperatures to melt them and using the resultant mould
plastics recycled to make construction and building materials, to remanufacture new products. Fig. 1 summarizes the processes
the resultant products of recycling, the progress in this initiative involved in the recycling of plastics.
and future prospect of recycling plastics towards such uses. The
significance of the study is to advocate for recycling of plastic
3. Types of plastic wastes used in making building and
wastes towards eco-friendly management of such wastes and in
construction materials and their uses
controlling the negative environmental effects resulting from their
pollution. The motivation of the study is from the inevitable nature
3.1. Types of recyclable plastic wastes
in plastic use and plastic waste generation despite the aforemen-
tioned effects of the wastes on land and water resources. The study
Although plastics are largely categorized as thermosets and
also seeks to inform regulators and participants of plastic waste
thermoplastics based on the ability to be remolded to their original
recycling initiatives of the considerations to make to enhance the
form following heat exposure [11], some hard plastics waste cate-
success of such undertakings.
gories have been channeled for recycling. These include polyvinyl
chloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene
2. Processes involved in recycling plastics terephthalate (PET) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) [1]
among others. In a comparative study by Eriksen and Astrup [15]
Recycling of plastics involves many processes including collect- to evaluate the recyclability potentials of the plastic wastes, it
ing the wastes from the point of production or disposal, sorting, was established that their characteristics influence such advances.
compressing, crushing and pelletizing them to raw materials. In terms of sorting, PVC was the easiest to sort while PET was the
These procedures are followed by their thermal, chemical or lowest. The reprocessing capacity of PET, PS, HDPE and PP was very
mechanical processing to final product. For this reason, the recy- high compared to PVC while the recycling potential of PET was the
cling of plastic waste is intricate and less preferred compared to lowest compared to PP, HDPE and PS. The specific characteristics of
other materials such as aluminium, glass, ceramics and paper recyclable plastic wastes and their applications are as shown in
[12]. Chemical, thermal or mechanical recycling of plastic wastes Table 1 [7,11].
begins with their automated sorting using techniques such as spec-
3.2. Plastic wastes recycled for building and construction materials

Plastic wastes can be used in the manufacture of building and

construction materials. Kamaruddin et al. [7] noted that such
advances are greener options to manage the waste. In this context,
various uses of plastic wastes in the building and construction sec-
tor are discussed based on existent empirical studies. Additionally,
the specific plastic wastes and their processing is highlighted.

3.2.1. Plastic wastes in manufacture of Blocks, tiles and bricks

A variety of plastic wastes have been used in the manufacture of
bricks, tiles and blocks. The plastics are used with other building
materials such foundry sand, recycled glass, clayey sand, construc-
tion and demolition waste at different ratios to reinforce the
Fig. 1. Processes involved in the recycling of plastics [1] strength of the final product [8]. The plastics can also be used

Table 1
The characteristics of recyclable plastics and general applications of their wastes [7,11]

Plastic Type Properties Application of Plastics’ Waste

PVC Elastic, transparent and flexible Factory floors
PS Glossy, transparent, stiff and brittle Manufacture of hangers, pegs, coat hangers and insulation materials
PP Flexible and hard Manufacture of crates and bins. Used as aggregates in asphalt mixtures
PET Fiber-like, transparent solid Making rain jackets, carpet fibers, soft packaging and wrapping items. They are used as
fibers in cement-based composites.
HDPE Colored and sometimes white plastics Making soap bottles, bins and crates. Components for chairs and tables
Low DPE Mostly white, flexible and soft Making of wrappers, cling films and nursery bags for growing seedlings. Used in making
blocks and bricks.
Polyethylene (PE) Tough, translucent, water proof, semi-rigid and Manufacture of cling film wrappers
chemical resistance
Polyamides (PA) Nylons Packaging and wrapping items.
Polymethyl Transparent, durable, chemical resistant and Manufacture of shampoos bottles, bins and crates.
methacrylate with high UV light

J. Nyika and M. Dinka Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2
Plastic wastes used in making bricks, blocks and tiles, their percentage composition and the role they serve.

Plastic Waste Added Materials Role of the Plastic Waste Plastic Content (%) Reference
PET Foundry sand Aggregate 20–40% [16]
Recycled glass 20–40% [16]
Cement and clayey sand 0–7% [17]
PET and HDPE Clay Additives 0–20% [18]
LDPE Sand Aggregate – [19]
PP Fly ash and river sand 20–30% [20]
PP and PET Bitumen and quarry dust 65–80% [21]
PS and polycarbonate (PC) Regular cement, ash and sand 0–10% [22]
Nylon, PE and PET Stone crush, river sand and red soil – [23]
PE Fly ash 40–45% [24]
HDPE and PE Sand Waste plastic to sand ratio (1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6) [25]
LDPE, HDPE and PET Stone dirt – [26]
HDPE Sand 30–80% [27]
PET bottles – Substitute – [28]
PET Sand Alternate – [29]
HDPE and PET Earth clay Additive – [18]

exclusively to make various building materials. In this context, the enhanced the service life cycle in addition to improving the volu-
plastic wastes serve as aggregates, additives, binders, modifiers or metric and mechanical characteristics of the resultant mixtures
sand and cement alternatives or substitutes [8]. Using a number of during road construction [30].
analyses such as the thermal conductivity, tensile, durability, bulk
density and soundness tests among others, the quality of the pro- 3.2.3. Plastic wastes in making cementitious composites
duct is compared with the ordinary products that do not have plas- As aggregates and binders, plastic wastes are components of
tic waste contents. A general observation is that addition of plastics cementitious composites when mixed with other waste materials
in the construction of bricks, tiles and blocks results to higher com- [1]. The materials include rice husk ash, silica fume, recycled con-
pressive strength and reduced thermal conductivity, which makes crete and fly ash. Mechanically recycled plastics mixed with these
them suitable building and construction materials [11]. Bricks pro- materials have high stability and hardness making them suitable
duced using plastic wastes were found to be durable and strong raw materials of cementitious composites. The end products
making it a suitable method to channel such wastes rather than include bricks, blocks, tiles and road construction materials such
disposal [1]. Table 2 summarizes some of the plastic wastes used as fillers and bitumen. In using plastic wastes as fillers and aggre-
in making bricks, blocks and tiles, materials they are used along gates, the chemical composition of such wastes is of no significance
with and the role they serve. since hydration processes are not altered. Examples of plastics
used in making cementitious composites include resins, PLA, PVC,
3.2.2. Use of plastic wastes for road construction material PS, PET, HDPE, PP and LDPE where they serve two roles [43]. They
In road construction, different types of plastic wastes are used can replace natural aggregates or reinforce concrete through their
to make concrete and serve as total or partial substitutes of aggre- fibers. The methodology of making the cementitious composites is
gate. They are also used in making fillers, asphalt and modified common and involves replacing natural fine and coarse aggregates
bitumen [1,11]. This use of plastic wastes is more common in sub- with many plastic layers of equivalent volume and weight, a proce-
base and base construction of pavements where such wastes dure known as direct volume replacement [44]. The advantage in
improve their bearing capacity, stiffness and shear [8]. These plas- using plastic wastes as cementitious composites is in reduced
tic wastes, the role they serve in road construction and the per- demand to mine natural aggregates and reduction of deadweight
centages in the mixtures are shown in Table 3. Although the due to the lightweight of such wastes [36]. However, in such com-
plastic wastes produce acceptable performance during road con- posites, plastic wastes are impurities that tend to weaken the
structions in their resilient modulus, stiffness and bearing capacity, strength of concrete [45]. Awoyera and Adesina [1] discuss the
their physical characteristics such as smooth surface lowers this effects of using plastic wastes as cementitious composites in
capacity compared to conventional road construction materials details. Some of the aspects evaluated are the changes in slump,
[1]. The plastic wastes have improved road surface quality and air content, permeability, durability, mechanical and compressive

Table 3
Plastic wastes used in road construction and the role they serve.

Plastic Waste Role of the Plastic Waste Plastic Content (%) Reference
PET Replacement of sand 1–10% [31]
Fine aggregate 0–50% [32]
HDPE Aggregate 0–10% [33]
Shredded plastic bags 0–5% [34]
PP Coarse aggregate 0–2% [35]
Fine plastic waste Partial substitute for aggregate 0–12.5% [36]
Recycled plastic aggregate Substitute 25, 50, 77 and 100% [37]
LDPE Partial substitute to sand 0–50% [38]
Thermoset plastic waste Modifier – [39]
Electronic plastic waste Aggregate 0–30% [40]
PE Binder 5–11% [8]
PET, HDPE, LDPE Component of asphalt – [41]
HDPE Component of subbase and base – [42]

J. Nyika and M. Dinka Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 4
Plastics used in making of cementitious composites and their replacement ratio.

Plastic Waste Used Material Made Type and Quantity of Replacement Ratio Reference
PET and PS Concrete Sand 10–20% by volume [46]
PET Mortar Fine aggregates 30–70% by volume [47]
LDPE Lightweight concrete Fine aggregates 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 % by volume [48]
PET and PC Mortar Fine aggregates 3, 10, 20 and 50 % by volume [49]
HDPE and PET Concrete Fine aggregates 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 % by volume [50]
PVC Mortar Sand, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% [51]
Plastic waste mixture Concrete Fine aggregate 10% by weight [52]
PP Lightweight concrete Sand 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 % by weight [53]
HDPE Plastic cement Sand 15–80 % by volume [54]
LDPE Concrete Fine aggregates 0.4–1 % total weight [55]

strength following the use of such wastes. Table 4 show some stud- struction materials such as tensile strength [67], bonding
ies where plastics are used to make cementitious composites and capacity [68] and capillary rise resistance [53] compared to natural
the replacement ratio of the additives. materials. In some studies, the plastics are impurities that reduce
the thermal conductivity [53] and compressive strength [68] of
3.2.4. Other uses of plastic waste in building and construction resultant composites resulting to reduced durability and low-
Plastic wastes have been used as substitutes for wood, in mak- quality products. Therefore, the findings on plastic wastes in build-
ing door panels, insulation materials and in walling for various ing and construction materials with regard to durability present
building and construction applications. Recycled commingled plas- mixed results. The life cycle assessment of plastic wastes compared
tics can be sawn, cut and nailed just as wood are durable in various to conventional building materials shows that the former has
wood like applications such as fencing, making benches, boat docks advantages of cost effectiveness. This suggestion could be as a
and in railroad tying [56,57]. Plastic waste powder or pellets can be result of reduced transportation, energy, landfill disposal and man-
combined with wood flour or cellulose fiber to make thermo- ufacture of new materials costs that make plastic waste recycling
formable wood-plastic matrix used in making eco-friendly door economical compared to use of ordinary material [1,10]. The
panels [58]. The studies are rare and the impact of the waste plas- involved processes in recycling the wastes should be evaluated
tics in the wood composites is not well understood [59]. Plastic for a cost-benefit analysis compared to processing or ordinary
wastes such as expanded PS can be incorporated in construction building and construction materials as Lamba et al. [8] suggested.
processes to make greener insulation materials [41]. The procedure Such life cycle costing could reduce costs affiliated with collection
involves the processes shown in Fig. 1 where plastic waste is and sorting of plastic wastes that make the recycling process
sorted, cleaned and undergoes physical and thermo-chemical pro- expensive [10].
cessing to produce the insulation material [60]. Other materials
such as waste PVC and sawdust can be added onto PS to make 5. Future prospects on plastic waste use in building and
the insulation materials. Using such wastes reduces the cost of construction
such insulation materials in addition to protecting the environ-
ment by reducing their manufacture [19]. However, the use of such Evidently, this mini-review shows that the applications of plas-
plastic wastes for insulation is limited due to its low density and tic wastes in the construction and building sectors are many and
high combustible and flammable characteristics. By heating, mold- their advantages to contributing to a green economy too. Use of
ing and pressing recycled plastics to form blocks, such waste can plastic wastes will lower the cost of building materials, reduce
replace conventional wooden and bricked walls with plastics walls costs affiliated to its management, reduce energy costs if used for
used in partitioning houses [61]. The procedure to make the wall insulation, valorize the materials that are deemed to be wastes
partitions is as discussed in the making of bricks and cementitious and reduce costs affiliated to mining and transporting conventional
composites in previous sections of this review. In soil reinforce- building materials [1]. Apart from the financial affiliated benefits,
ment, plastic wastes have been used to make geogrids and geocells the use of plastics in the construction and building sector will
among other geosynthetics with significant strength and at low reduce pollution and emission of greenhouse gases during mining,
costs [62]. PET bottles for instance, have been used as a drainage transporting and manufacture of conventional building materials
medium for geotextile filters [63]. [11]. Such advances have been hailed to be part of green engineer-
ing by Jassim [73] whose aim is to reduce negative environmental
4. Durability and costs of plastic wastes for building and impacts while maximizing societal and economic benefits through
construction materials enhanced eco-efficiency. Although the use of plastic wastes for
construction and building materials has numerous benefits, its
The use of plastic wastes in the building and construction sector large-scale application is limited due to a number of challenges.
has been hailed owing to the ability of the materials to replace nat- The harvesting and sorting processes prior to recycling are tedious
ural ones, reduce manufacture and ultimately protect the environ- especially if the waste has varying plastic composition and is from
ment from pollution [1,7,48-53]. Advantages affiliated with plastic different waste streams. Plastic waste application is not suitable
wastes such as lightweight, waterproof, high strength and ease in for applications with modulus of elasticity and high toughness par-
molding make it a suitable and durable material for building and ticularly if it is of low density. Plastic wastes have poor bonding
construction materials [6,8,11]. However, adding plastic wastes due to their low surface energy especially when used to make com-
while making various building and construction products is affili- posites and as such, resultant products have weak mechanical
ated with some property changes compared to conventional mate- properties. To this end, it is imperative to for future studies to con-
rials [10]. Using PET to make asphalt was associated with increased duct research and understand both the short and long-term perfor-
fracture resistance compared to ordinary asphalt [64]. The mance of recycled plastics and increase their application in the
mechanical properties of base and subbase [65] and mortar [66] building and construction sector [30]. Lamba et al. [8] agreed on
improved on addition of plastics wastes hence improved durabil- the need to explore the merits and demerits of using plastic waste
ity. Plastics also improve durability aspects of building and con- for commercial production of building and construction materials
J. Nyika and M. Dinka Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

using qualitative and quantitative approaches for a cost-benefit Acknowledgements

analysis of such advances. Recycling some plastic wastes to con-
struction and building materials requires advanced technology, The authors are grateful to the University of Johannesburg for
which is expensive [10]. Conducting research on innovative the research facilitation to enable completion of this manuscript.
approaches to curtail costly technologies and enhance the large-
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