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Unit Introduction

Activity One : Match each word with the appropriate picture it refers to.

1 2 3 -Heritage



4 5 6


 Picture One is …………….

 Picture Two is ……………
 Picture Three is …………...
 Picture Four is …………….
 Picture Five is ……………..
 Picture Six is ………………

Activity Two : Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the box above

1. …………. is the history, traditions, practices, etc. of a particular country, society, or

company that exist from the past and continue to be important.
2. …………..are the remains of a building, city, etc., that has been destroyed or that is in
disrepair or a state of decay.
3. ………….. is the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.

Activity Three : Cross the words below to find out the title of our unit.

Flourish E N R A N C I N C N
Nile T U A E E N T A H A
Sumerian I W P I V C I M I I
World G W O H R I I O N T
Egyptian R I E R R E R R E P
History I L I N L A M B S Y
River S N I L E D T U E G
Tigris H I S T O R Y E S E
Euphrates H S I R U O L F S Z
New Y E L L A V A T I O
Listen and Consider

Activity One : Watch the video then answer the questions below
1. What does the video show?
2. How many examples does the video illustrate ? Write them down.
3. When did each of them flourish ?
When did it
begin ?

Activity Two : Watch the video again then say if the sentences below are True/False
Tru Fals
1. The Egyptian civilization is the oldest one. e e
2. Mayan civilization flourished in south America.
3. Mesopotamia is the first civilization that emerged in the human history.
4. Most of the ancient civilizations rose along rivers.

Grammar Explorer I
Had to – Was/Were able to – Used to

 Consider the following sentences and answer the questions :

a. The Sumerians had to import the raw materials necessary for civilized life.
b. The Egyptians were able to mummify their deaths.
c. The Mesopotamians used to domesticate animals.
1. What do we call the words written in bold ?
2. What meaning does each of the items in bold convey ?
3. Give their negatives ?
4. Select the words that can replace each one of them from the list below
Must – have to – were/ was obliged to – need to – had the habit of / to– could – managed to-

A. Had to, were able to, and used to express in this order: obligation/necessity in the
past, ability in the
past, habit in the past (or contrast between present and past realities).
B. The negative of had to, were able to, and used to are in this order: didn’t have
to (absence of obligation),
were unable to, and didn’t use to.

Task one: Rewrite sentence “b” so it means the same as “a”

a:The Phoenicians were obliged to barter their goods with other nations
b:The Phoenicians
a:The Ancient Romans had the habit to enslave warriors in the battlefields
b:The Ancient Romans……………………………………………………………. ………………
a:Ancient Egyptians managed to build sophisticated temples and Pyramids
b:Ancient Egyptians……………………………………………………..
Task two : Add used to, was/were able to or had to to the verbs in brackets to make the text

Before the Sumerians (build) their cities and develop their civilization, they (overcome)
some difficulties. Every year the Euphrates flooded. The Sumerians (control) it. They (do) so
by building huge banks on both sides of the river, so that even at flood time, it could be
contained within its own bed. Away from the river the soil was too dry for farming. The
Sumerians (construct) an irrigation system constituted of canals, reservoirs and dams to control
the distribution of water The Sumerians (import) many raw materials necessary for civilized
life because they were not available in Mesopotamia. The Sumerians had no money. They
(barter) their products, exchanging their own surplus of corn and dates, leather, wool, and pottery
for the goods they needed.

Vocabulary Explorer

 Search for the meaning of the words in the box below. Then classify them in diagram in the

Emerge Flourish

Evolve callapse
Rise originate

Decline spread

Fall to decay to ruins Bloom

Vanish mature

Begin bloom

Expand end Disappear


 Fill in the blanks in the text with the appropriate words from the curved line in task
1 above. Use the right tense.

History shows that civilizations …(1)…, …(2)…, and then …(3)… ,sometimes without
a trace. This is the case of ancient Maya civilization in the new world. The Maya civilization
…(4)… in the Yucatan Peninsula in central America about 200 BC. Later, it …(5)… to
Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize. The Maya civilization …(6)… a form of writing that could
express all types of thought and language. It also …(7)… a highly developed system of
government and of agriculture, as well as an incredibly accurate system for measuring time. It
…(8) … in its classical period between 325‐925 A.D. After that, it gradually …(9)… before it
finally …(10)… in the 15th century, probably because of diseases, or epidemics, or sudden
environmental changes.

Think , pair share

Prepare a short talk about the following topic :

Modern civilization has kept changing at fast pace
Activity one : Classify the following notes in table

Features Customs/Traditions Life style Industry,Crafts


a. Wearing clothes made of wool and leather
b. Celebrate modern marriages
c. Families have few children
d. People wear fashionable outfits
e. People consume fast food, soda…
f. Our grandparents told stories and jokes.
g. Being skillful in handcrafts.
h. Using animals in transport.
i. Didn’t use to put their money in banks.
j. Families meet on several occasions.
k. People didn’t use modern machines in producing.
l. Eating simple meals and drink milk or water.

Activity Two : Use ( used to, was/were able to, had to) to write your talk
Use the following link words : but, however , whereas, in contrast
Example : People used to take the skin of animals as clothes, whereas now they wear casual
clothes …..
Start like this :
A century ago, life was completely different from what is it now.

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