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Number:________________ Name:_______________________________________________

Electrical Machines, exam 1, January 3, 2020 (2h30min)

Question 1: Consider in Figure 1 the magnetic circuit of a permanent magnet (PM) synchronous machine made
by a former master student for the Formula Student electric racing car. The machine length is 80 mm.
The stator and rotor are made by laminated silicon steel alloy (shaded areas in Figures 1(a) and (b)). The
stator has 24 air slots where three stator windings named A, B and C are distributed, as shown in Fig. 1(a). Each
winding has a total number of N = 40 turns.
The rotor is divided in 8 parts, containing 8 permanent magnets inserted and magnetized alternately
(indicated in Fig.1 by an arrow). Both stator and rotor have 4 pole pairs. The permanent magnets’ magnetization
curve is defined as: 𝐵𝑚 = (𝜇0 𝜇𝑟𝑚 )𝐻𝑚 + 𝐵𝑟 , with 𝐵𝑟 equal to 1.2 T and 𝜇𝑟𝑚 ≅ 1. Considering that the machine was
designed to operate in the linear region of BH curve of the silicon steel, its magnetic permeability stays constant
and equal to 8000𝜇0 .

a) b)
Fig. 1 – Synchronous machine: a) magnetic circuit and b) zoom of magnetic circuit.

a) b)
Fig. 2 – a) Indication of the origin of the stator mechanical angle  and its reference positive direction. b) B() distribution,
where B is the radial magnetic flux density along the air-gap.

With a null stator current, Is = 0, determine:

a) Using Fig. 2(a), sketch the distribution of the magnetic flux density inside the machine. (1.0 val)
b) Copy Fig. 2(b) to your answering book and sketch the evolution of the magnetic flux density B along the air
gap. (1.0 val)
c) Use fig.2b) to compute the maximum value of the magnetic flux density Bmax in the airgap. (1.0 val)
d) With the rotor flux aligned with phase A axis, as shown in Fig. 1a) and b), calculate the linkage magnetic flux
of phase A. (1.0 val)
Number:________________ Name:_______________________________________________

e) Estimate the rms value of induced voltage in phase A for rotor speed of 12.000 rpm. Indicate the assumptions you
considered. (1.5 val)
f) Identify in Fig. 1(a) one set of possible d-q axis of the synchronous machine. Determine the electrical and the
mechanical angle between them. (1.0 val)

Proposed solution:




π/2 π 3π/2 2π θ


Apply the Ampère law in one close path of the magnetic flux, as shown in the figure:
Number:________________ Name:_______________________________________________
Number:________________ Name:_______________________________________________

d) Coil A divides spatially into 8 equal parts:

𝛹𝐴 = 𝛹𝐴1 + 𝛹𝐴2 + 𝛹𝐴3 + 𝛹𝐴4 + 𝛹𝐴5 + 𝛹𝐴6 + 𝛹𝐴7 + 𝛹𝐴8 = 8𝛹𝐴1

 A = 8 Nturns  Be  Se = 0.51Wb
40 1.334 35 mm80 mm

A ΨA1 Crossing in the front
ΨA8 of the machine
Crossing in the back
ΨA2 of the machine


𝑈𝐴 = 𝑗𝜔𝛹𝐴 = 𝑗2𝜋𝑓𝑒 𝛹𝐴 , 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑒 = 𝑛𝑝𝑝 𝑓𝑟

With npp = 4 and fr=12000rpm/60 = 200Hz, 𝑈𝐴 = 2.57𝑘𝑉 → 𝑈𝐴 𝑒𝑓 = = 1.82𝑘𝑉




Electrical angle = 90º

Mechanical angle = Electrical angle / npp = 90º/4 = 22,5º
Number:________________ Name:_______________________________________________

Question 2: True or False. Consider a copper coil. If the fill factor and the current density are kept constants, how can
we minimize the copper losses? (1.0 val)
___F__ a) Increase the wire cross-section;
___F__ b) Decrease the number of turns;
___T__ c) Decrease the copper temperature;
___F__ d) Increase the number of parallel conductors;

Question 3: True or False. Consider a magnetic core with an airgap and with a copper coil with a neglectable resistance.
For an imposed sinusoidal voltage of 230 V, when increasing the airgap length: (1.0 val)
___T__ a) The magnetic flux density in the coil remains the same;
___F__ b) The magnetic flux leakage decreases;
___T__ c) The coil current increases;
___T__ d) The magnetic flux density in the airgap decreases;

Question 4: The ratio between the increment of flux linkage and the increment of the current in a coil decreases as the
magnetic core becomes more saturated. (1.0 val)
True X False ▢

Question 5: What is the meaning of “DC” in electrical systems: (1.0 val)

▢ a) District Capital;
▢ b) Direct Charge;
▢ c) Disney Chanel;
X d) Direct Current;
▢ e) Number 600 in roman numerals;
Number:________________ Name:_______________________________________________

Question 6: A hydraulic pump is directly driven by an induction motor to pump water to a tank that is located 67 m
above. The motor is grid connected (low voltage electrical grid) and the total motor/pump inertia is 0.03 kgm2.
The pump must be capable to supply a minimum value of 55 m3 of water per hour. To supply this flow, pump must
have a speed of 690 r.p.m. However, the pump can take higher speeds but they are limited to 900 r.p.m. It has an average
efficiency of 81% when between that speed interval. Assumptions:
• Pump flow 𝑑 is proportional to its speed;
• Initially, one admits that the nominal slip 𝑠𝑁 value remains constant even for torque values differet from the
nominal one.
Known values:
 = 1000 kg/m 3
g = 9.81 m/s2
h = 67 m

g Electric grid:
h U = 400 V
f = 50 Hz
N Motor:
sN = 4.5 %
M P cos(  ) N = 0.84
 N = 92 %

Hydraulic pump:
N max = 900 r.p.m.
 P = 81 %
Fig. 3 – Set-up with the induction motor driving a hydraulic pump, pumping water to a tank

a) Which number of pole pairs p will be the most convenient for the induction motor? (Possible values for p:
1, 2, 3 or 4) You must justify your answer. (1.0 val)
b) Following your previous choice, what will be the pump flow value? What will be the total efficiency of the
pump drive system? (1.0 val)
c) Which nominal power the motor that you will select must have? (Normalized possible values: 7.5 kW, 15
kW, 22 kW or 37 kW) Justify your answer. (1.0 val)
d) Taking into account your previous choices and operating according it, which motor current will be expected
by you? Considering that the motor is grid connected, compute the active and reactive energy requested
from the grid to store the water in the tank during 1h. (1.0 val)
e) Consider now that a DC motor with independent excitation replaced the induction machine because some
photovoltaic panels are to be installed. The DC motor has the following nameplate data:
Ua = 440 V, Ia = 41 A, Ra= 1.81 Ω, Uexc = 150 V, Rexc = 45 Ω, PN=15 kW, 𝑁𝑁 =700 rpm.
1. For the rated conditions, compute the electromotive force constant, Kϕ, and the motor efficiency.
(1.0 val)
2. For Ua = 440V, to have the same water pump power (same water flow and rotor speed), the
excitation current of the DC machine needs to be increased (i.e. the constant Kϕ). Obtain the
analytical expression for the new Kϕ. (1.0 val)
Number:________________ Name:_______________________________________________

Proposed solution:

As stated on problem statement, one admits that the nominal slip 𝑠𝑁 value remains constant even for torque values
differet from the nominal one. Therefore, the possible speeds for the induction machine are:

 955 rpm, n pp = 3
60 f 
 r = (1− s )  = (1− s ) = 716.25 rpm, n pp = 4
n pp 
 573 rpm, n pp = 5

The pump speed must be in between 690 to 900 rpm. Therefore, the only possible solution is, 𝑛𝑝𝑝 = 4, 𝛺𝑟 =

The water flow is related linearly with the pump speed. For 55m3/h the pump speed is 690rpm.
Therefore, the water flow can be expressed as:

55m3 / h
Q = k r  k = = 0.08

As the induction motor is coupled mechanically with pump, they both share the same speed: 𝛺𝑟 = 716.25𝑟𝑝𝑚. For
this speed the water flow is: Q=k*716.25=57.1m3/h.

The global efficiency of the system is given by:

 system =motor pump = 74.5%


The power delivered from the pump to the water is given by:

dE dm  1000 
E pump = mgh  P = = gh = ghQ =  57.1 9.8 67 =10424W
dt dt  3600 
Q must beconverted in kg / s

With the pump efficiency is possible to compute the power delivered from the induction motor to the pump:

Pmotor = =12.87kW
 pump

Therefore, from the possible rated power values, the one best fit is 15kW.


12.87 kW 1h
Pel = 3  400 I  cos ( N ) = =14kW P = Pel =14kW  Ea =  Pa dt = Pa t =14kWh
I = 24 A 1h

Q = Pel tan ( N ) = 9kVAr  Er =  Qdt = Qa t = 9kVArh

Number:________________ Name:_______________________________________________

Number:________________ Name:_______________________________________________

Question 7: A 3-phase 2-pole induction motor is rated 190 V, 60 Hz, it is connected in Y, and has Rr = 6.6 , Rs =
3.1 , XM = 190 , Xlr = 10  , and Xls = 3 .
1. Calculate the motor starting torque, starting current and starting power factor under rated voltage. (1.5
2. What will be the current and power factor if no load is connected to the shaft? (1.0 val)
3. Suppose the motor operating from a variable speed variable frequency inverter at a speed of 1910rpm,
under a constant V/f command and with a developed torque equal to 0.8 Nm. What are the voltage and
frequency values imposed by the inverter? (1.0 val)

Proposed solution:
At starting 𝑠 = 1:
𝐼𝑠̅ = √3 ∘
= 7.06𝑒 𝑗(−54.5 ) A
{[3.1 + 3𝑗] + (190𝑗 ∥ [6.6 + 10𝑗])}
190𝑗 ∘
𝐼𝑟̅ = 𝐼𝑠̅ [ ] = 6.7𝑒 𝑗(−52.6 ) A
6.6 + 10𝑗 + 190𝑗
The electrical power available to be converted to mechanical power is given by:
𝑃𝑒𝑙 = 𝑃𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 = 3𝑅𝑟 ( 𝑠
) |𝐼𝑟̅ |2 = 𝑇𝑒𝑙 𝜔𝑟 .
𝜔𝑠 −𝜔𝑟 −𝜔𝑟 𝜔
Remembering that 𝑠 = 𝜔𝑠
= 𝜔 , and that 𝜔𝑟 = 𝑝
(1 − 𝑠), results in:

1 1
𝑇𝑒𝑙 = 3𝑝𝑅𝑟 |𝐼𝑟̅ |2 , hence 𝑇𝑒𝑙_𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡 = 3𝑝𝑅𝑟 |𝐼𝑟̅ |2 ≅ 2.36 Nm
𝜔𝑠 𝜔

Starting power factor stays: cos (54.5∘ ) ≅ 0.58. The angle

2) Under no load the speed is near the synchronous one. Hence, 𝑠 ≈ 0:

𝐼𝑠̅ = √3 ∘
= 0.57𝑒 𝑗(−89.1 ) A
{[3.1 + 3𝑗] + (190𝑗)}

Power factor: cos (89.1) ≅ 0.016

CANCELED (1 point for all)

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