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lesson 4
A Wonderful
World Tomorrow!
message from Herbert W. Armstrong College

the editor Bible

reetings to our correspondence course Correspondence Course
students! We hope you have enjoyed these first
lessons of this 36-lesson course. As you know, lesson 4
we offer the course absolutely free of charge. But we
An international course of biblical understanding published
feel justified in going to the expense of sending it only by the Philadelphia Church of God in cooperation with
to those individuals truly interested in receiving Herbert W. Armstrong College, Edmond, Oklahoma.
this invaluable biblical instruction. That is why
© 1977, 1983, 2005, 2006, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2020
we ask for some effort from you, in the form of taking Philadelphia Church of God for the entire contents
a test that reflects your understanding of the material, of this publication. All rights reserved.
every four lessons. I would strongly encourage you to
make that effort! You have received only a small taste Editor in Chief: Gerald Flurry
Senior Editors: Brian Davis, Stephen Flurry, Joel Hilliker
of the education we are making freely available to you. Managing Editor: Fred Dattolo
Herbert W. Armstrong College, which sponsors this Layout: Aubrey Mercado
course, is here for one reason: to spread God’s hope- Proofreader: Donna Fraser
filled message to this dark world. This message is for Circulation Manager: Calvin Culpepper
the whole of mankind. It produces the opposite of the Worldwide Contact Information
negative fruits you see in Satan’s world. E-mail: cc@hwacollege.org
We are passionately declaring this message as quickly
Phone, U.S. and Canada: 1-800-423-8194
as we can. We want to complete this Work as speedily
Phone, International: 405-285-1060
as possible. We are in THE LAST HOUR! We must
work while we can, BEFORE this world is plunged into Letters:
the Great Tribulation. United States: p.o. Box 3330, Edmond, ok 73083
Canada: p.o. Box 400, Campbellville Ontario L0P 1B0
Most of God’s people, when we were first called, Caribbean: p.o. Box 2237, Chaguanas, Trinidad, w.i.
were so excited and joyful about God’s message that we Britain, Europe, Middle East: p.o. Box 16945,
talked about it to anyone who would listen. We have Henley-in-Arden, b95 8bh, United Kingdom
Africa: Postnet Box 219, Private bag X10010,
received letters from some of you students who are be- Edenvale, 1610, South Africa
coming filled with that same yearning to declare God’s Australia, India and Sri Lanka: P.O. Box 1001,
truth! Anyone who tries this method of “evangelizing” Wollongong DC, N.S.W. 2500, Australia
New Zealand: p.o. Box 6088, Glenview, Hamilton 3246
soon discovers that God is not calling those people yet. Philippines: p.o. Box 52143, Angeles City Post Office,
Sometimes our well-intentioned efforts bring persecu- 2009 Pampanga
tion on ourselves. However, the emotion is good! We Latin America: Attn: Spanish Department, p.o. Box 3700,
Edmond, ok 73083, U.S.
should all be channeling that emotion into
God’s Work. We must yearn and passionately desire to how your enrollment has been paid
Your enrollment is provided free of charge by the Philadelphia
declare God’s message of joy so everyone has a chance Church of God. It is made possible by the voluntary, freely
to repent. We should be so full of joy and excitement given tithes and offerings of the membership of the Church
and others who have elected to support the work of the Church.
for this message that we feel inspired to support it. Those who wish to voluntarily aid and support this worldwide
If people don’t accept our message, Christ will still help Work of God are gladly welcomed as co-workers in this major
many of them to repent when all the Bible prophecies effort to preach and publish the gospel to all nations.

come to pass in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the

Lord. about our cover The sun’s reflection off
the Earth’s surface gives an illusion of peace
We must see that this message is everything to and tranquility. But by taking a closer look,
a dying world! It must be declared now. one can see that strife, disease and war plague
When Mr. Armstrong established Ambassador Col- mankind today. Soon, however, the whole
world will be transformed into a beautiful
lege, he put heavy emphasis on research, writing and paradise even lovelier than hinted at here.
Continued on back cover ›› photo illustration: PhotoSpin
LESSON 4 herbert w. armstrong college bible correspondence course 3

coming utopia—
the wonderful
For ages, men have dreamed of a utopian paradise on Earth. But utopia has eluded
man’s efforts to bring it about. Why? Is utopia really possible? Will we ever have
world peace and prosperity? Here are the surprising answers from your Bible!

ive years after the close of World force—a world government capable of enforcing world-
War ii, Winston Churchill declared in a wide law.”
speech in Copenhagen, “Unless some effec- In 1970, U. Thant, then secretary general of the
tive world supergovernment can be brought United Nations, called for the establishment of a glob-
quickly into action, the proposals for peace al authority with broad powers to deal with worldwide
and human progress are dark and doubtful.” environmental problems. He remarked, “We need
In the early 1960s, noted nuclear physicist Ed- something new—and we need it speedily—a global
ward Teller, who helped develop the hydrogen bomb, authority with the support and agreement of govern-
warned, “We must work for the establishment of ments and of other power interests, which can pull to-
a world authority sustained by moral and physical gether all the piecemeal efforts now being made.”


the united nations Baird attends United Nations Security Council ministerial meeting on Iraq
4 herbert w. armstrong college bible correspondence course LESSON 4

The chancellor of Germany from 1969 to 1974, world peace is possible only if all nations were brought
Willy Brandt, said in 1980: “Whether we like it or not, together under a supreme, all-powerful, world-ruling
we are increasingly being confronted with problems government! But the corrupt UN could never bring
which affect humanity as a whole so that, as a result, it about.
the solutions for these problems need to be interna-
tionalized in increasing dimensions. The globaliza- is world government possible?
tion of threats and challenges … requires a manner “World government is still a long way off,” declared
of ‘global internal politics,’ which stretches … even A. F. K. Organski in the book World Politics. “The
beyond national borders.” creation of a world government through the volun-
More recently, the United Nations has sought to tary agreement of existing nations is so unlikely that
establish more global authority. In 1995, the UN we can say flatly that it will never happen” (emphasis
Commission on Global Governance recommended added throughout).
far-reaching changes for the UN including a system Hans J. Morgenthau, in his book Politics Among
of global taxation, a standing UN army, an inter- Nations, asserted: “There is no shirking the conclusion
national criminal court, expanded authority for the that international peace cannot be permanent without
secretary general, and the formation of a world par- a world state, and that a world state cannot be estab-
liament, among other things. Only the court was cre- lished under the present moral, social and political
ated—in 1998. conditions of the world.”
Many voices have been raised calling for a world What a paradox! World leaders realize that man’s
government to be set up to solve mankind’s problems. most urgent need is world government. Yet others
Serious-minded scientists and world leaders know that admit that such a government is a total impossibility
the solution to world ills and the establishment of under present world conditions!

problems of today …

LESSON 4 herbert w. armstrong college bible correspondence course 5

Viewing the history of mankind, anyone can plain- Few today understand that God has allotted man-
ly see that men have utterly failed to bring about world kind 6,000 years in which to rule himself. During this
peace and prosperity. Fear, hatred, disease, poverty, time, God has kept hands off the affairs of men. He
oppression and injustice have been rampant through- has allowed man to pursue the course that seems right
out history. to him (Proverbs 16:25). God has given man the op-
What about it? Is world government impossible—an portunity to prove, by experience, the basic inadequa-
idle pipe dream of unrealistic optimists? Is the idea of a cies of any form of human government.
soon-coming UTOPIA on Earth merely an absurd myth? God is allowing humanity to prove to itself that no
If our only hope lies in the efforts of men, then a human form of government can bring world peace!
utopia is NOT possible, and humanity is doomed! When Jesus Christ returns, He will establish the
government of God on Earth. Obedience to the laws of
god’s world government God will be taught throughout the world, and Christ’s
People today fail to recognize any power other than government will possess the power and the wisdom to
their own that could bring about a literal utopia on enforce His laws. The strong will no longer oppress the
this war-torn, problem-filled Earth. weak—true justice will be received by all.
What great power can, and will, do this? Your Bible shows a literal utopia is ahead! It will be a
God Almighty! He has the power and the wisdom time of spiritual and physical rejuvenation—1,000 years
to make utopia a reality! of boundless peace and prosperity! And with the help
This is the very message God sent Jesus Christ to of this lesson, God has made it possible for you to look
proclaim to the world. It is the “gospel”—the good into the future through His prophecies so you can
news—that Christ will return with the power of God know what that wonderful World Tomorrow will be
to bring us universal peace and prosperity! like!

6 herbert w. armstrong college bible correspondence course LESSON 4

utopia at last! Him (Leviticus 26; Deuteronomy 28). The Bible shows
The Bible tells us that under the leadership of Jesus they disobeyed and were PUNISHED. In the Millennium,
Christ, God’s government will produce a utopian the descendants of ancient Israel will obey God, and
paradise on Earth. Beginning with the descendants therefore will receive these tremendous blessings!
of the children of Jacob, and using them as a model 6. The Middle East is now a relatively barren region.
and example, God will rebuild and bless all nations! Prophecies show, however, that after Christ returns it
Let’s study this exciting truth. will undergo the most dramatic change of any land.
1. In the Bible, what does God specifically say re- Will the waste places become fertile, and will beauti-
garding the descendants of Jacob? Isaiah 27:6; Eze- ful forests spread in the Millennium? Isaiah 41:14-20;
kiel 36:8-11; Zechariah 8:7-8. 35:1-2, 7.
comment: After His return, Jesus Christ will comment: Can you imagine such a fabulous scene?
lead the descendants of ancient Israel out of captiv- Deserts becoming green, fertile gardens of trees and
ity among the nations and into their ancient dwelling shrubs, with bubbling springs and brooks; mountains
place where they will be resettled. brought low and made inhabitable.
2. Will the devastated cities be rebuilt? Amos 9:14- Forests interspersed with cultivated fields will also
15; Ezekiel 36:33-35. (Be sure to read all of chapter cause the climate to become more healthful and in-
36. Notice that when this regathering and rebuilding vigorating.
occurs, Israel will never again practice heathen ways or Lumber, becoming scarce today due to man’s ex-
be removed and sent into captivity again.) Will there ploitation, will again increase as the population in-
be happiness in these cities? Jeremiah 33:10-14; Zecha- creases, making it possible for all to have beautiful
riah 8:4-5. homes and furniture.
comment: Today’s vast pollution-laden, overpopu- 7. Will God transform “Zion” and the surround-
lated metropolises are rampant with every kind of evil. ing area into a place resembling the garden of Eden?
These conditions will not exist in tomorrow’s cities. Cit- Isaiah 51:3.
ies in the Millennium will be decentralized. They will comment: Zion is a hill within the city of Jerusa-
be small enough to promote healthy, happy family life, lem. It is the original area of the city—called the “city
yet large enough for a proper balance between industry of David.” Since it will be the location of the capital
and those essentials that promote joyous living. city, “Zion” here represents the entire land of all the
3. Will Christ make Jerusalem the capital of the tribes of Israel.
Earth—the world headquarters of His government?
Zechariah 8:3; Jeremiah 3:17. Will it be an example to all nations to be blessed
the entire world? Isaiah 62:1-2, 7. Prophecies show that the rest of the Earth will share
comment: Being near the geographical center of in the great prosperity Christ will bring to Jerusalem
the land surface of the Earth, Jerusalem is the ideal and the descendants of Jacob. The whole Earth will
focal point for world government. It will be rebuilt to undergo remarkable changes.
unsurpassed splendor and magnificence! It will be- 1. Will all nations become submissive and obedient
come the future MODEL CITY—the standard for cities to Christ? Isaiah 2:1-3.
throughout the World Tomorrow. 2. Since the Gentiles will obey Christ in the Millen-
4. Will the descendants of ancient Israel dwell in nium, will they belong to Him—be His subjects and
safety in their own land? Ezekiel 28:25-26. Will there servants? Romans 6:16.
be world peace? Isaiah 2:1-4; Micah 4:1-4. 3. Will the Gentiles therefore become Abraham’s
5. Will God cause the laws of nature to function “children,” spiritually speaking? Galatians 3:29. And what
for the benefit of His people? Deuteronomy 28:12; was promised to Abraham’s physical descendants? Read
Isaiah 41:18. both Leviticus 26:1-13 and Deuteronomy 28:1-14.
comment: God originally promised to bestow great comment: Ancient Israel was never able to claim all
blessings upon the Israelites if they would only obey the blessings of Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26 for
LESSON 4 herbert w. armstrong college bible correspondence course 7


any great length of time because the people were not
faithful in their obedience to God. But with Christ
ruling in the Millennium, all nations will be obedi-
ent and therefore will also partake of the tremendous
blessings originally promised to the tribes of Israel.
language, liberty
and super abundance
One of the major barriers to mutual understanding and
cooperation between peoples has been the language
barrier. When men cannot understand one another,
they can’t freely exchange ideas, philosophies, concepts
or opinions. Misunderstandings often lead to conflict.
Can you imagine what a world of one language
would be like? Think what an almost unbelievable step
forward it would be if all peoples everywhere spoke,
today’s language barrier Numerous languages
read and wrote the same language!
spoken at the United Nations must be carefully translated to
If the language barrier were removed and every-
prevent serious misunderstanding between nations.
one became totally literate—with minds capable of
grasping the same thoughts, capable of thinking in
the same terms, capable of understanding each other vinced that it is. God is now allowing man to learn
fully—think of how much more quickly huge changes by experience how difficult man’s own ways really are!
for good could be effected. 3. Some nations and intellectual movements are
1. Will God give all the world one pure language against private ownership of property. Communists
so all can serve and worship Him with one accord? and socialists are particularly against it, partly because
Zephaniah 3:9. men have abused it. Does God think private owner-
comment: Man was once bound together by a com- ship of property is wrong? Micah 4:4; Isaiah 62:8-9.
mon tongue. But he used his knowledge for evil—for comment: People will own their property in the
an attempt to begin the very civilization that would have Millennium. They will be liberated from governments
ended by destroying itself! (see Genesis 11). When that deprive them of the righteous rewards of their
God divided the languages at the tower of Babel, He own toil! And God will not allow private ownership
was merely forestalling that eventual time of world chaos to be abused.
which now threatens the annihilation of humanity! 4. What about health in tomorrow’s world? Will
In the Millennium, with Christ as the supreme, all- God also liberate man from sickness and disease? Isa-
powerful Ruler, this danger will be eliminated. And iah 33:24; 35:3-6; 58:8; Jeremiah 30:17.
so Jesus Christ will usher in an era of total literacy and comment: Education about true health and the mi-
total education by giving the world one pure language! raculous healing of all sickness will mean radiant
2. There will be a tremendous amount of recon- HEALTH for everyone!
struction to be done in the Millennium. But how hard 5. The agricultural wealth of a nation is generally
will this work seem after people are delivered from the the greatest physical asset it can possess. Today, most
suffering, sorrow and hard bondage of today’s evil of the Earth is unproductive—less than 12 percent of
world? Isaiah 11:10; 14:3. Will submission to Christ the land surface is actually tillable. There are many des-
and His laws bring the blessing of liberty and rest to erts, mountainous regions and wildernesses. The exact
the minds and bodies of mankind? Matthew 11:28-30. opposite will be true in the utopia of tomorrow as God
comment: God will make life enjoyable, comfort- blesses the entire world! Will He cause the rains to fall
able and satisfying for people in the Millennium—as at the right time? Ezekiel 34:26-27; Isaiah 30:23.
long as they continue to obey His laws. comment: Farmers have had to gamble with the
God’s way of life truly is the way of LIBERTY— weather throughout the centuries. About the most
the way of freedom from the drudgery and toil of thrilling news they could hear is that their work would
the ways of this world. But mankind today is not con- always be successful—as long as they obey God.
a foretaste of tomorrow!
Only a small fraction of this world’s
inhabitants enjoy the abundance of
blessings pictured on these pages. The
Bible reveals that these blessings will
become commonplace worldwide in
the World Tomorrow!


10 herbert w. armstrong college bible correspondence course LESSON 4

made low Some of the mountainous regions of the Earth will be made low in
the World Tomorrow, providing much-needed agricultural land for the masses.

6. Will there be great rejoicing over the abundance river also give life to the barren places through which
of crops God will bestow in the wonderful World To- it flows? Verse 12.
morrow? Jeremiah 31:12. Will there actually be a super- comment: The Dead Sea, about 1,360 feet below
abundance of food? Amos 9:13. sea level, is the lowest spot on Earth. Look at any map
of this area and notice that the Jordan River empties
the great river into the northern extremity of the Dead Sea. Even
1. What will happen when the feet of the returning though the Dead Sea has no outlet, the water level is
Christ touch the Mount of Olives? Zechariah 14:4. gradually subsiding due to evaporation and increasing
2. Will the great valley thus formed become the amounts siphoned off from the Jordan River for agri-
channel of a mighty river which will arise in Jerusa- cultural and other reasons.
lem? Verse 8. Will one half of this mighty river flow The water in this sea is so heavily laden with salt and
eastward toward the Dead Sea (“former sea”), and the other minerals that no plant or marine life can survive
other half flow westward toward the Mediterranean in it. But when this new river—the river of “living wa-
Sea (“hinder sea”)? Same verse. ters”—begins to empty into the Dead Sea, its waters
3. Is the eastern channel of this river—in which “liv- will rise until they overflow southward through the
ing waters” flow into the Dead Sea—the same as the desert. The overflow will probably carry into the Gulf
river described in Ezekiel 47:1-12? Does verse 8 show of Aqaba. Everywhere along the overflow area (except
that when the fresh or “healing” water from this life- for certain salt swamps and marshes which shall be
giving river begins to flow into the Dead Sea, it will formed—verse 11) plant and fish life will multiply.
then be able to support life, thus being “healed”? Will 4. Does this river of “living waters” proceed
it contain a great multitude of fish? Verse 9. Will this from the spot where God’s temple will stand—from
LESSON 4 herbert w. armstrong college bible correspondence course 11

Christ’s very throne? Verse 1, and latter part of verse the office of King and to receive the Kingdom? Did
12; Joel 3:18, last part. Is the Holy Spirit compared to He go to Caesar at Rome? Did He go to the people to
“living waters”? John 4:10; 7:37-39. Then isn’t this river have them induct Him into office? Verse 12. Who only
clearly a physical counterpart of God’s Holy Spirit? has the authority to make Jesus the “King of kings”?
comment: The Holy Spirit, like the physical river, Romans 13:1.
will go forth from Jerusalem and will “heal” the men- comment: Jesus was showing His disciples He
tal and spiritual problems of mankind! would have to ascend to His Father in heaven (the “far
Clearly, the World Tomorrow will be a utopian par- country” in the parable of Luke 19) to receive authority
adise of peace, prosperity and beauty! All nations will to rule the nations.
share in the great blessings of God. The whole world 2. After Jesus ascended to heaven and had been
will be at peace. During that millennial age, most of there for approximately 60 years, He appeared in a vi-
the Earth’s land surface will be cultivable. Beautiful sion to the Apostle John. Was there a crown on Jesus’s
forests, agricultural areas, fish-filled lakes and streams head when John saw Him? Revelation 1:12-18.
will be found all over the world—with no more barren 3. But will Jesus have been crowned by the time He
tundras, polluted rivers, ravaged landscapes, hostile returns? Revelation 14:14. What scripture propheti-
deserts or waste places. cally describes Jesus’s actual receiving of the Kingdom
But how will such a world be ushered in? Exactly which He went to heaven to obtain? Daniel 7:13-14.
how will such vast changes come about? comment: Here is depicted the actual coronation of
Let’s see what the Bible has to say about the way Jesus Christ. The “Ancient of days” is the heavenly Fa-
utopia will come, and who will be involved. Believe ther. The title “Father” was not used because Jesus had
it or not, you can have a part in bringing about that not yet been begotten as a human being when Daniel
wonderful World Tomorrow! saw this vision.
Notice also that “one like the Son” appeared before
the coronation of the “Ancient of days” to receive the Kingdom. The
tomorrow’s king
Consider for a moment what the angelic messenger coronation Queen Elizabeth ii of England was
said to Mary, the mother of Jesus: “[T]hou shalt con- coronated in an elaborate ceremony. Jesus Christ will
ceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt have been coronated in heaven as “King of kings” before
call his name Jesus. He shall be great … and the Lord He returns.
God shall give unto him the throne of his father

David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob
for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end”
(Luke 1:31-33).
Notice also the account in John 18:37: “Pilate there-
fore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus an-
swered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I
born, and for this cause came I into the world ….”
Jesus was born to rule and reign as King over all
nations. Nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus qualified to be-
come this world’s ruler by conquering Satan the devil
(Matthew 4:1-11). But He did not remove and replace
Satan then. He was not crowned King while a human
being (John 18:36). He was crucified! Jesus was not
to assume the responsibilities of His new office as
world ruler at that time.
When Jesus’s disciples thought the Kingdom of
God would be set up in their day, He gave them a par-
able to explain when He would begin ruling the world.
1. According to this parable in Luke 19:11-27, where
did Jesus go after His death and resurrection to obtain
12 herbert w. armstrong college bible correspondence course LESSON 4

Logos, or “Word” (John 1:1), was like the Son of man. absolute authority. He will rule with power, not hesi-
He was not yet born as a son, but since He would later tating to use it when necessary! A world that has been
become a son of man, He was, in Daniel’s day, “like deceived and influenced by an invisible devil (Revela-
the Son of man”—the Jesus who was to be born of a tion 12:9) must be ruled rigidly until it learns the posi-
human mother. tive fruits of living God’s way!
Jesus Christ will be in absolute control of the Earth,
crowned ‘king of kings’ but He will rule with perfect justice and mercy, having
1. How many great crowns will Jesus have? Revela- once been human Himself (Hebrews 2:9-10; 4:15). He
tion 14:14. But what about the “many crowns” men- will at first literally have to force men to be happy! He
tioned in Revelation 19:12? will impose His merciful rule on rebellious mankind
comment: Jesus will have only one great golden and bring the world compulsory joy!
crown. That crown will designate Him as Supreme 2. How will Christ deal with those nations that re-
King over all nations—over all the world. The proper fuse to come to Jerusalem to worship God the way He
translation of Revelation 19:12 is: “And on his head commands? Zechariah 14:16-19.
are many diadems.” A diadem is a small crown or head- comment: Although God will rule with power and
band signifying royal office. The smaller crowns or di- authority, He does not intend to “cram His religion”
adems symbolize the lesser royal offices Jesus will hold. down the throats of people. He will not force anyone to
2. What will Christ’s official title be when He re- accept His truth in the sense of spiritual conversion—
turns? Verse 16. But who are these other “kings”? Let’s repentance, baptism, etc.
understand. God is not a stern, cruel monster as some agnos-
3. Are Christians also to receive everlasting crowns— tics have falsely implied. God wants man to always be
if they overcome? 1 Corinthians 9:25. Will those who really happy! But God knows that the only way to last-
qualify in this life rule over the nations as kings with ing happiness is obedience to His laws!
Christ? Revelation 2:26-27; 3:21; 5:10; 20:4; Daniel Gradually, as men obey God’s laws, they will wake
7:22, 27. up to the wisdom and justice of God’s rule and will
4. When do the “saints”—Christians—receive the submit gladly to His authority, and a “rod of iron” will
reward of offices of rulership? Compare Revelation no longer be necessary.
11:15, 18; 22:12 with Isaiah 40:10.
comment: Jesus went to heaven to be crowned by the reeducation in the millennium
Father, but one of the reasons Jesus will return to Earth Speaking about the millennial rule of Christ, the Bible
is to bring rewards of rulership to His resurrected saints! declares: “[T]he earth shall be full of the knowledge of
5. What did Christ say would be the reward of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11:9).
those who manage wisely the abilities God has given During the Millennium, God will teach mankind
them now? Luke 19:16-19. the laws that produce happiness. He will give each indi-
6. Will the resurrected saints also be priests? Revela- vidual the choice, after learning His laws and seeing the
tion 5:10; 20:4, 6. happiness they produce, of whether to obey God’s laws
comment: Resurrected Christians will be kings and or not. The vast majority of mankind will see God’s way
priests, and will judge among the peoples of the Earth is truly best and will voluntarily choose to obey Him.
during the Millennium. But before men can really choose, they must clearly
see the alternatives. They must be reeducated so they
perfect, powerful government can see through old prejudices and discern true values.
Christ’s government will begin at Jerusalem, where Education will play a vitally important role in the
His headquarters will be located (Jeremiah 3:17). As Millennium. A cbs News/New York Times poll con-
His rule spreads over the whole Earth, all rebellious ducted in November 2004 asked Americans: “What
nations will be brought into line. do you think is the most important problem facing
1. How will Christ have to begin His rule on Earth? this country today?” Only 2 percent said education.
Revelation 19:15. Notice the words “rod of iron.” But in the World Tomorrow, education will receive
comment: At His return, Christ will have to power- TOP PRIORITY!
fully subdue the world and force mankind to submit Exactly why is education so important? Let’s under-
to His rule. He will use a “rod of iron,” symbolizing stand.
LESSON 4 herbert w. armstrong college bible correspondence course 13

tomorrow’s education today Students at Herbert W. Armstrong College receive godly
education with the vision of the future in mind. AC is but a small foretaste of what colleges will be like
in the World Tomorrow. “Education With Vision,” the college’s motto, is what AC is all about.

1. What kind of knowledge is most lacking in the do with a “way of life.” Many believe education should
world today? Is it spiritual knowledge? Hosea 4:6. teach you only how to earn a living, but not how to
What is the tragic result of this dearth of spiritual live! Not so at Herbert W. Armstrong College. Here
knowledge? Same verse. students are also taught “education with vision” from
2. Is the world’s lack of spiritual knowledge and un- the FOUNDATION of knowledge—the Bible!
derstanding like a veil that hides the mind from God’s 2. Do we have a written record that the true apostolic
truth? Isaiah 25:7. Church preached God’s “way”? Acts 18:25-26; 19:9, 23.
3. Who is fundamentally responsible for deceiving Does the world approve of God’s “way”? Acts 24:14.
the whole world? Revelation 12:9. Does he teach lies? comment: God’s way of life is based upon the bed-
John 8:44. Will the devil be allowed to deceive the na- rock of God’s truth, but God’s truth has been totally
tions when Christ commences to reeducate the world? rejected by this world. The Bible has been completely
Revelation 20:1-3. disregarded by modern education!
4. Has the devil deceived the nations largely by 3. The world is fast approaching a smashing climax
means of false religion—including false religions which will shock people into a realization that something
that PROFESS Christ, but deny Him by their works? is radically wrong with our modern way of life. What will
2 Corinthians 11:13-15; Titus 1:16. people then acknowledge? Jeremiah 16:19. Would they de-
sire to learn another way if their present way were better?
what is true education? comment: The people of this world have inherited
1. What is truth? John 17:17. What will God’s truth many lies from birth—profitless ideas that have been
do for people in the World Tomorrow? John 8:31-32. funneled into their unquestioning minds. As adults,
comment: A common but false concept in the they continue accepting fallacies learned in childhood,
world today is that education should have nothing to and build their lives around biases and prejudices.
14 herbert w. armstrong college bible correspondence course LESSON 4

When Christ rescues the world from annihilation, Revelation 5:10 are to be “priests” as well as kings, and
people will acknowledge their ignorance—their lack the true function of a priest is to teach (Malachi 2:7).
of sound education. This confession of error is actually When God intervenes in human affairs, it will not
the first step toward repentance! be left up to the people to vote in their own rulers
4. What does repentance really involve? Isaiah 55:6-9. or choose their own teachers. In the World Tomorrow
Isn’t it clearly turning from the wrong way one has been God will appoint His resurrected saints to be the rulers
living? Verse 7. and educators. They will teach the people all of God’s
comment: Repentance clearly involves the forsaking laws and statutes, which are the way to peace, prosper-
of all wrong concepts about life we have always taken ity and happiness!
for granted without proof, and turning to God’s truth 5. Will the resurrected saints be able to appear to
and His way of life! humans at will? Isaiah 30:20. What will they do?
5. Will reeducation in the Millennium necessarily Verse 21.
remold man’s methods of doing business? 2 Corinthi- comment: In the World Tomorrow, those now
ans 8:21. Will it remold the social order? 1 Peter 4:3-4. qualifying to rule under Christ will be ever present
And all other phases of life in general? 1 Corinthians and ever ready to speak or act, both to teach and to
10:31. nip in the bud potential criminal action.
Because they will be composed of spirit, they will be
god’s system for reeducation able to come and go as necessary and to pass through
The evils in the world today can be laid at the doorstep walls or simply disappear, just as Christ was able to do
of false education. Our great universities have failed after His resurrection (John 20:19, 25-27; Luke 24:31).
to teach the truth because God has been thrown out of
the classroom! This system of education obviously needs results of universal education
to be changed. But what kind of system will replace it? 1. Will people come to see eye to eye as they learn of
1. In addition to ruling as supreme King over all God and His way? Isaiah 52:7-8. Will the whole world
the nations, will Christ also be the supreme educator? come to know His truth? Habakkuk 2:14; Isaiah 11:9;
Isaiah 2:3; Psalm 25:8-10. Jeremiah 31:34. Will even those who grumbled against
comment: Christ will unite these two functions in God learn His truth? Isaiah 29:24.
Himself. How plain that in God’s pattern for world 2. Will the Egyptians “know the Lord” in that day?
rule, religion and government will not be separate in Isaiah 19:21. How will the Egyptians, as well as all
the World Tomorrow! other people, come to really know God? Isaiah 55:6-7;
2. Under Christ, who will rule over the modern 1 John 2:3-4. Will Ethiopia also seek to gain the benefits
descendants of Jacob? Jeremiah 30:7-9. What did Jer- of an obedient relationship with Christ? Psalm 68:31.
emiah mean by “raise up”? 1 Corinthians 6:14. Will comment: The nations near Israel spoken of in the
David be a prince over Israel? Ezekiel 34:23-24. Bible are types of all nations in the World Tomorrow.
comment: David will be resurrected to rule over All the nations of the world will learn that true Chris-
the physical descendants of ancient Israel. His office tianity really pays!
will include the responsibility of teaching the people 3. Upon what conditions has God always promised to
the laws of God. shower great material prosperity? Deuteronomy 28:1-2.
3. Will the 12 apostles each be placed over one of the comment: Obedience to God’s laws is what will
12 tribes of Israel? Matthew 19:28. Will each apostle have produce universal prosperity, peace and happiness in
a throne? Luke 22:29-30. Will they then teach the indi- the World Tomorrow! Isn’t it plain that the basis of
vidual tribes of Israel God’s truth? Matthew 28:19-20. right education is the knowledge of God and His laws?
comment: The apostles preached the gospel to as
many as they could reach almost 2,000 years ago, and New Natures
God’s Church is preaching it to as many as possible in 1. Will God change the natures of animals in the
the nations today (Revelation 10:11). But the entire Earth Millennium? Isaiah 11:6-8; Hosea 2:18. Will all crea-
will hear God’s truth proclaimed during the Millennium! tures be peaceful? Ezekiel 34:25.
4. Who else will rule and teach in the World To- 2. In the Bible God speaks of the heart of man as
morrow? Revelation 2:26; 5:10. being symbolic of his mind. What is man’s heart—his
comment: The resurrected Christians mentioned in mind—really like today? Jeremiah 17:9. Is man’s mind
LESSON 4 herbert w. armstrong college bible correspondence course 15

naturally submissive to God and His law? Romans 8:7.

3. What does God say He will add to the minds
of people in the Millennium to change the basic at-
titude of man? Ezekiel 36:26-27; Jeremiah 31:33.
comment: As God is going to change the lion’s in-
born desire for flesh food to an appetite for vegetation
and is going to give peaceful natures to all other crea-
tures, so He will make a truly marvelous and miracu-
lous change in man’s hostile mind. This change in the
mind will be brought about by repentance and the re-
ceiving of God’s Holy Spirit! This is what will actually
make the wonderful World Tomorrow a literal utopia!
By a miracle, God will place His very own nature
of outgoing love within mankind (Romans 5:5). True
love will thus be manifested in human beings through
the Holy Spirit of God. People will then love their fel-
low men and strive to make them happy!
It would require a thick book to begin to describe
the wonderful conditions that will finally prevail on
Earth when the hearts of men are humbled and con- No one in that wonderful World Tomorrow will
verted by the Holy Spirit—given the very nature of be deceived, as the vast majority of mankind is today!
God! (2 Peter 1:4). As a supplement to this lesson, we There will be no devil around to lead people astray. All
would like to offer Herbert W. Armstrong’s inspiring will know the TRUTH! There will be no more religious
booklet on the subject, The Wonderful World Tomor- confusion. Eyes will be opened to God’s revealed truth.
row–What It Will Be Like. Humans will become teachable. People will start liv-
ing God’s way—the way of outgoing concern for oth-
god’s way best after all! ers—the way of true values—the way of peace, of
Do you grasp the significance of what you have stud- happiness, of well-being, of joy!
ied in your Bible with this lesson? God prophesied long Crime, sickness, disease and suffering will be gone.
ago of a time when He would cause this Earth’s inhab- Poverty and ignorance will be banished. Smiles will
itants to possess tremendous abundance. It is then that illuminate human faces—countenances will radiate
the world will wake up to a great truth—that God’s with sparkling joy! Wild animals will be tame. Air
way is best after all! pollution, water pollution, soil pollution will be no
The time is almost here when “[T]he Lord of hosts more. There will be crystal-pure water to drink; clean,
[shall] make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast crisp, pure air to breathe; rich fertile soil producing
of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow …. And full-flavored foods where deserts once existed; and fan-
he will destroy in this mountain the face of the cover- tastic beauty in flowers, shrubs, trees.
ing cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over The millennial world will be filled with happy peo-
all nations”—their spiritual blindness (Isaiah 25:6-7). ple guided, helped, protected and ruled by Christ and
God will soon halt this world’s mad plunge toward the saints. And all human beings will be called by God
nuclear cosmocide. He will send Jesus Christ to inter- to inherit everlasting life in supreme happiness and
vene in world affairs and put down all rebellion. Then thrilling joy!
He and His saints will begin teaching the nations What a fabulous world that will be!
God’s truth and His laws—His ways that bring bless- Although a utopian paradise is indeed impossible by
ings, prosperity, peace and happiness. the hands of men—none of this world’s governments
The utopian paradise mankind has always longed for can bring us true peace, prosperity and abundance—
will finally be ushered in. Men will at long last wake your Bible shows the great GOD of heaven and
up! They will finally see through the veil of prejudices, Earth can and WILL PRODUCE utopia on Earth
which have prevented them from following the way … SOON!
that would bring them all of their true desires. May God speed that glorious day!
message from the editor
›› Continued from page 2
public speaking. The students were not there just Surely we must believe that God is also offended. But
to learn the message. They were also taught how our people don’t care. We have descended into a kind of
to deliver it, both in this age and in the Millennium. spiritual madness. Only the worst kind of punishment
At Armstrong College, our students are taught how can ever awaken us. The Great Tribulation is going to be
to write and speak like kings and priests. We have a the worst suffering ever. The punishment fits the crime.
message that must be communicated to all humanity! Never was there a greater need to awaken!
Receiving God’s message is just half of the responsi- The magnitude of the opportunity offered by our un-
bility. The second part is communicating it. And what paralleled technology makes our nations’ failure to take
a communication job! This message must be deliv- advantage of it incomparably disastrous. The whole
ered to every person ever born! Now is the time to world suffers mightily because of that failure. Never
be a witness for God. That is the purpose of this Work. has there been a greater need for God’s message of hope.
We declare God’s message on television and radio; in We must give this world the only message that really
magazines, books and booklets; and via the Internet— matters. We will show them how to use the media.
any means by which we can deliver it in a quality way. The Philadelphia Church of God owns 170 acres and
Today, the mass media revolve around sports and en- many buildings. What is it all for? We are getting ready
tertainment—including vile music and pornography. It’s to help Christ rule this world and the universe!
all about making money, regardless of any damage to our God has blessed us mightily. Now He wants to fire
people. And it is inspired by the god of this world (2 Cor- our imaginations to see what a marvelous, mind-stagger-
inthians 4:4). Humanity is receiving the wrong message. ing future this world has. We have the greatest, most
America and Britain have the best technology in the complete message God has ever given to declare!
world. We are better equipped than any nation has ever We must never lose this awesome vision of love! Then
been to deliver a message, but our message to the world we must be a witness for God to this world. This is what
is dominated by the worst pornographic filth humanity the world so desperately needs.
has ever seen! It is America’s number one worldwide
business! Depraved music is our number two export!
Years ago when the Soviet Union was strong, the
Japanese were asked who they feared most. They an- additional reading
swered that they feared Russia most militarily, but they for this lesson
feared America most culturally. (If only we could see
ourselves as others see us.) And they had good cause for
that fear. Today the Japanese are saturated with Ameri-
ca’s vile culture. Our culture is destroying us and other
nations morally and spiritually.
The world is full of violence and ready to ex-
plode into nuclear warfare. Yet America’s stron-
gest messages to the world are the filthiest,
most Satan-inspired trash ever seen and heard!
At the same time, we ignore the Creator God who
prophesies throughout His Word that He punishes for
The above literature is related to the subject of this
such despicable sins. Even the most violent terrorists can lesson and is highly recommended reading.
see and are offended by our unparalleled immorality.

to request the free liter ature in north america, call:

Or write to the address listed on the inside front cover.

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