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Describe the day in the life of an inanimate household object

INANIMATE OBJECT – is not alive eg fridge / microwave / oven / lamp/ computer /

Aim is to make interesting writing.

How? By taking the point of view that you are the object. What tasks are you expected to do? How
do these make you feel? What is your day like, boring - dull, exciting, scary? How do the people that
use you interact with you?

When we `describe’ our aim is to get the reader to see, express emotion, smell, feel the texture of
the things we are writing about, so make sure these are in your descriptions.

How many paragraphs?

As many as needed to give a detailed interesting account of this inanimate household object.

Fyi : You are expected to spend at least 30 mins on writing, the main objective is that your work
clearly and interestingly writes about this subject and for you to feel happy about your end result.

Remember paragraphs: in creative writing, are used for each new part of your description. (you
could do this .. in morning, afternoon, night ie what happens to this items during these time frames)

Below is an example only

IE fridge . I'm abruptly awoken at 6 am, when grumpy old man gruffly walks into my room, pulls open
my door to remove the milk I have been working all night to keep cool. I’ve finally recovered when
the sweetly singing woman, known as mum, putters around my room. She too opens me up to grab
that ever popular bottle of milk. Oh no! Here come those mini versions, slamming my doors, leaving
me open again. It takes all my effort to keep the temperature down. Finally I hear them leave. Their
hustle and bustle is replaced by peace and quiet.

Next paragraph lunch or dinner. They all arrive home

Final paragraph, they leave for bed. What do you the fridge do during the night, how do you feel?

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