Skill-Based CV

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Skill-Based CV

Jay Blythe,

Personal Profile
Currently an Environmental undergraduate student at the University of Plymouth in which I have had an
introduction to some of the fundamental concepts of areas of environmental science, such as an introduction
to the properties and behaviour of key pollutants of environmental concern as well as investigating how we
approach environmental management, ecological economics and environmental law. The course also has field
work and laboratory elements such as our most recent trip across Plymouth to measure and analyse PM 2.5
pollutants at 6 different sites. Experience on a campsite has developed my interpersonal skills as well as
carrying out sustainable energy and waste management on site.

University of Plymouth, BSc (Hons) Environmental Science

- This course has included topics in the first year such as the physical environment, The biosphere,
Environmental pollution, Environmental management, Sustainability science and Global
environmental challenges.
- There is a large majority of the course, which is field based research and data collection, this has
expanded on core elements of practical work such as observing and recording data as well as sample
collection, instrument use and analysis techniques. In our most recent field work we measured and
analysed the PM 2.5 concentrations in Plymouth city centre using a handheld air quality meter.
- Laboratory work is also a large part of the course where we have identified different plant species and
trees as well as measuring the carbon capture potential of different tree species.

Significant modules
- Environmental pollution; introduction to the properties and behaviour of key pollutants of
environmental concern. In this module we completed fieldwork which involved measuring and
analysing the PM 2.5 concentrations in Plymouth city centre using a handheld air quality meter.
- Sustainability science: investigated some of the fundamental concepts of sustainability as well as basic
training in field skills and laboratory investigation where we studied terrestrial, aquatic sustainability
and sustainability in action. This involved the fundamentals of tree identification, as well as trying out
water quality measuring equipment.
- Environmental Management and Protection; introduction to how we approach environmental
management as well as ecological economics and environmental law.

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