Group Savings and Investment Club Constitution

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Group Name Savings and Investment Club Constitution

Article I: Name and Purpose

1. Name:The official name of this organization shall be "[Your Group Name] Savings and
Investment Club.

2. Purpose: The primary purpose of the Club is to encourage and facilitate savings among its
members for future investments, financial education, and wealth-building opportunities.

Article II: Membership

1. Eligibility:
● Membership is open to St.Stephen Njumbi Academy class of 2015.
● A member should be an active communicator in the group and also participate in all
group activities.

2. Rights and Responsibilities:All members have the right to participate in Club activities, voice
opinions, and vote on decisions. Members are also responsible for contributing regularly to the
Club's savings pool.

3. Termination of Membership: A member may be removed from the Club for ;

● Delay of contributions for 2 months.
● Failure to attend at least one monthly meeting with no reasonable explanation.

Article III: Meetings

1. Regular Meetings: The Club shall hold regular meetings twice a month (one virtual and one
physical meeting) to discuss financial goals, investment opportunities, and other related matters.

2. Special Meetings:Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or upon the request of
a third of the Club's members.

Article IV: Leadership and Officers

1. Leadership:The Club shall have the following leadership roles:

- Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Chief Whip

2. Elections: Leaders shall be elected by a majority vote of the members and shall serve a term
of six months.
3. Duties: Each leader shall have specific duties and responsibilities as outlined in the Club's

Article V: Finances

1. Dues: Members are required to contribute ksh.400 every month to the Club's savings pool.

2. Expenses:All expenses related to Club activities and investments shall be approved by a

majority vote of the members.

3. Financial Records: The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of all financial transactions and
report on the Club's financial status at each meeting.

Article VI: Investments

1. Investment Decisions: Investment opportunities shall be discussed and decided upon by a

majority vote of the members.

2. Risk Management: The Club shall establish guidelines for risk management and
diversification of investments to minimize potential losses.

Article VII: Amendments

1. Amendments: This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the


Article VIII: Dissolution

1. Dissolution: In the event of the Club's dissolution, any remaining funds shall be distributed
equally among the active members.

Article IX: Bylaws

1. Bylaws: The Club may establish and amend bylaws to further define its operations and


● Attendance of meetings is mandatory to all members ,apologies should be sent to the
chairperson one day before the day of the meeting.
● A fine of ksh.50 should be paid to the treasurer in cases where a member is late by
more than 20 minutes for a meeting with no prior communication.
● A fine of ksh.100 should be paid to the treasurer in cases where a member doesn’t show
up for meetings.
● There should be effective communication from all the members.

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